import as mut import copy import gc import unittest import numpy as np from pydrake.common import FindResourceOrThrow from pydrake.common.test_utilities.deprecation import catch_drake_warnings from pydrake.common.test_utilities.pickle_compare import assert_pickle from pydrake.common.value import AbstractValue, Value from pydrake.geometry import FrameId from pydrake.geometry.render import ( ClippingRange, ColorRenderCamera, DepthRange, DepthRenderCamera, RenderCameraCore, ) from pydrake.lcm import DrakeLcm from pydrake.math import ( RigidTransform, RollPitchYaw, ) from pydrake.multibody.plant import ( AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph, ) from import ( DiagramBuilder, InputPort, OutputPort, ) from import LcmBuses, _Serializer_ from drake import ( lcmt_image, lcmt_image_array, ) # Shorthand aliases, to reduce verbosity. pt = mut.PixelType pf = mut.PixelFormat # Available image / pixel types. pixel_types = [ pt.kRgba8U, pt.kDepth16U, pt.kDepth32F, pt.kLabel16I, ] # Convenience aliases. image_type_aliases = [ mut.ImageRgba8U, mut.ImageDepth16U, mut.ImageDepth32F, mut.ImageLabel16I, ] class TestSensors(unittest.TestCase): def test_image_traits(self): # Ensure that we test all available enums. self.assertSetEqual( set(pixel_types), set(mut.PixelType.__members__.values())) # Test instantiations of ImageTraits<>. t = mut.ImageTraits[pt.kRgba8U] self.assertEqual(t.kNumChannels, 4) self.assertEqual(t.ChannelType, np.uint8) self.assertEqual(t.kPixelFormat, pf.kRgba) t = mut.ImageTraits[pt.kDepth16U] self.assertEqual(t.kNumChannels, 1) self.assertEqual(t.ChannelType, np.uint16) self.assertEqual(t.kPixelFormat, pf.kDepth) t = mut.ImageTraits[pt.kDepth32F] self.assertEqual(t.kNumChannels, 1) self.assertEqual(t.ChannelType, np.float32) self.assertEqual(t.kPixelFormat, pf.kDepth) t = mut.ImageTraits[pt.kLabel16I] self.assertEqual(t.kNumChannels, 1) self.assertEqual(t.ChannelType, np.int16) self.assertEqual(t.kPixelFormat, pf.kLabel) def test_image_types(self): # Test instantiations of Image<>. for pixel_type, image_type_alias in ( zip(pixel_types, image_type_aliases)): ImageT = mut.Image[pixel_type] self.assertEqual(ImageT.Traits, mut.ImageTraits[pixel_type]) self.assertEqual(ImageT, image_type_alias) ImageT() w = 640 h = 480 nc = ImageT.Traits.kNumChannels image = ImageT(width=w, height=h) self.assertEqual(image.width(), w) self.assertEqual(image.height(), h) self.assertEqual(image.size(), h * w * nc) # N.B. Since `shape` is a custom-Python extension, it's defined as # a property (not a function). self.assertEqual(image.shape, (h, w, nc)) self.assertEqual(, image.shape) self.assertEqual(, ImageT.Traits.ChannelType) w //= 2 h //= 2 # WARNING: Resizing an image with an existing reference to # `` will cause `` + `image.mutable_data` to be # invalid. image.resize(w, h) self.assertEqual(image.shape, (h, w, nc)) def test_image_data(self): # Test data mapping. for pixel_type in pixel_types: # Use a trivial size for ease of debugging. w = 8 h = 6 channel_default = 1 ImageT = mut.Image[pixel_type] image = ImageT(w, h, channel_default) nc = ImageT.Traits.kNumChannels # Test default initialization. self.assertEqual(, 0)[0], channel_default) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, channel_default)) # Test pixel / channel mutation and access., 0)[0] = 2 # - Also test named arguments. self.assertEqual(, y=0)[0], 2) bad_coords = [ # Bad X (-1, 0, 0), (100, 0, 0), # Bad Y (0, -1, 0), (0, 100, 0), # Bad Channel (0, 0, -100), (0, 0, 100), ] for x, y, c in bad_coords: try:, y)[c] self.assertTrue(False) except SystemExit: pass except IndexError: pass # Test numpy views, access and mutation. image.mutable_data[:] = 3 self.assertEqual(, 0)[0], 3) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(, 3)) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(image.mutable_data, 3)) # Ensure that each dimension of the image array is unique. self.assertEqual(len(set(image.shape)), 3) # Ensure indices match as expected. Fill each channel at each pixel # with unique values, and ensure that pixel / channels map # appropriately. data = image.mutable_data data[:] = np.arange(0, image.size()).reshape(image.shape) for iw in range(w): for ih in range(h): self.assertTrue( np.allclose(data[ih, iw, :],, ih))) # Ensure that keep alive works by using temporary objects. def check_keep_alive(): image = ImageT(w, h, channel_default) return (, image.mutable_data) data, mutable_data = check_keep_alive() gc.collect() np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, channel_default) np.testing.assert_array_equal(mutable_data, channel_default) def test_camera_config(self): mut.CameraConfig() config = mut.CameraConfig( width=124, focal=mut.CameraConfig.FocalLength(x=10, y=20)) self.assertEqual(config.width, 124) self.assertIn("width", repr(config)) copy.copy(config) self.assertEqual(config.focal_x(), 10) self.assertEqual(config.focal_y(), 20) config.principal_point() (color, depth) = config.MakeCameras() self.assertIsInstance(color, ColorRenderCamera) self.assertIsInstance(depth, DepthRenderCamera) fov = mut.CameraConfig.FovDegrees(x=10, y=20) self.assertIn("x=10", repr(fov)) copy.copy(fov) focal = mut.CameraConfig.FocalLength(x=10, y=20) self.assertIn("x=10", repr(focal)) copy.copy(focal) builder = DiagramBuilder() plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.0) system_count = len(builder.GetSystems()) lcm = DrakeLcm() mut.ApplyCameraConfig(config=config, plant=plant, builder=builder, scene_graph=scene_graph, lcm=lcm) # Systems have been added. self.assertGreater(len(builder.GetSystems()), system_count) def test_camera_config_lcm_buses(self): builder = DiagramBuilder() plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.0) system_count = len(builder.GetSystems()) # We'll call the Apply function using lcm_buses= instead of lcm=. lcm_buses = LcmBuses() lcm_buses.Add("fancy", DrakeLcm()) config = mut.CameraConfig(lcm_bus="fancy") mut.ApplyCameraConfig(config=config, builder=builder, lcm_buses=lcm_buses) # Check that systems were added. self.assertGreater(len(builder.GetSystems()), system_count) def test_camera_info(self): width = 640 height = 480 fov_y = np.pi / 4 focal_y = height / 2 / np.tan(fov_y / 2) focal_x = focal_y center_x = width / 2 - 0.5 center_y = height / 2 - 0.5 intrinsic_matrix = np.array([ [focal_x, 0, center_x], [0, focal_y, center_y], [0, 0, 1]]) infos = [ mut.CameraInfo(width=width, height=height, fov_y=fov_y), mut.CameraInfo( width=width, height=height, intrinsic_matrix=intrinsic_matrix), mut.CameraInfo( width=width, height=height, focal_x=focal_x, focal_y=focal_y, center_x=center_x, center_y=center_y), ] for info in infos: self.assertEqual(info.width(), width) self.assertEqual(info.height(), height) self.assertEqual(info.focal_x(), focal_x) self.assertEqual(info.focal_y(), focal_y) self.assertEqual(info.center_x(), center_x) self.assertEqual(info.center_y(), center_y) self.assertIsInstance(info.fov_x(), float) self.assertIsInstance(info.fov_y(), float) self.assertTrue( (info.intrinsic_matrix() == intrinsic_matrix).all()) assert_pickle(self, info, mut.CameraInfo.intrinsic_matrix) def _check_input(self, value): self.assertIsInstance(value, InputPort) def _check_output(self, value): self.assertIsInstance(value, OutputPort) def test_image_to_lcm_image_array_basic(self): """Tests the nominal constructor.""" dut = mut.ImageToLcmImageArrayT( color_frame_name="color", depth_frame_name="depth", label_frame_name="label", do_compress=False) for port in ( dut.color_image_input_port(), dut.depth_image_input_port(), dut.label_image_input_port()): self._check_input(port) for port in ( dut.image_array_t_msg_output_port(),): self._check_output(port) def test_image_to_lcm_image_array_custom(self): """Tests the custom constructor and runtime functionality.""" # Declare ports using the custom constructor. dut = mut.ImageToLcmImageArrayT(do_compress=False) for pixel_type in pixel_types: name = str(pixel_type) dut.DeclareImageInputPort[pixel_type](name=name) # Populate the input images. context = dut.CreateDefaultContext() for pixel_type in pixel_types: name = str(pixel_type) port = dut.GetInputPort(name) self._check_input(port) image = mut.Image[pixel_type](width=1, height=1) port.FixValue(context, image) # Compute the C++ message as a Value. output = dut.AllocateOutput() dut.CalcOutput(context, output) cxx_message = output.get_data(0) # We can't access that C++ message from Python (messages are not bound # into the Value[] template class), so to inspect it we'll need to # serialize down into raw bytes and then back into a Python message. serializer = _Serializer_[lcmt_image_array]() message = lcmt_image_array.decode(serializer.Serialize(cxx_message)) # Inspect the message for correctness. self.assertEqual(message.num_images, len(pixel_types)) for i, image in enumerate(message.images): pixel_type = pixel_types[i] with self.subTest(pixel_type=pixel_type): self.assertEqual(image.width, 1) self.assertEqual(image.height, 1) expected_format = { pt.kRgba8U: lcmt_image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA, pt.kDepth16U: lcmt_image.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH, pt.kDepth32F: lcmt_image.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH, pt.kLabel16I: lcmt_image.PIXEL_FORMAT_LABEL, }[pixel_type] self.assertEqual(image.pixel_format, expected_format) def test_lcm_image_array_to_images_basic(self): """Tests all API calls as well as runtime functionality.""" dut = mut.LcmImageArrayToImages() for port in ( dut.image_array_t_input_port(),): self._check_input(port) for port in ( dut.color_image_output_port(), dut.depth_image_output_port()): self._check_output(port) # Create a one-pixel lcmt_image message. image_message = lcmt_image() image_message.pixel_format = lcmt_image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA image_message.channel_type = lcmt_image.CHANNEL_TYPE_UINT8 image_message.width = 1 image_message.height = 1 image_message.row_stride = 4 image_message.size = 4 = [0] * 4 # Wrap the single image message into an image_array message. array_message = lcmt_image_array() array_message.num_images = 1 array_message.images = [image_message] # Copy the message into the Context. This is a bit tricky because the # input port is Value which is not bound into # the Value[] class template, so we need to encode/decode to get there. context = dut.CreateDefaultContext() serializer = _Serializer_[lcmt_image_array]() cxx_message = serializer.CreateDefaultValue() serializer.Deserialize(array_message.encode(), cxx_message) dut.image_array_t_input_port().FixValue(context, cxx_message) # Extract the message's color image using the dut. image = dut.color_image_output_port().Eval(context) self.assertEqual(image.width(), 1) self.assertEqual(image.height(), 1) def test_rgbd_sensor(self): def check_ports(system): self.assertIsInstance(system.query_object_input_port(), InputPort) self.assertIsInstance(system.color_image_output_port(), OutputPort) self.assertIsInstance(system.depth_image_32F_output_port(), OutputPort) self.assertIsInstance(system.depth_image_16U_output_port(), OutputPort) self.assertIsInstance(system.label_image_output_port(), OutputPort) self.assertIsInstance(system.body_pose_in_world_output_port(), OutputPort) # Use HDTV size. width = 1280 height = 720 # There are *two* variants of the constructor for each camera # representation: one with color and depth explicitly specified and one # with only depth. We enumerate all four here. def construct(parent_id, X_PB): color_camera = ColorRenderCamera( RenderCameraCore( "renderer", mut.CameraInfo(width, height, np.pi/6), ClippingRange(0.1, 6.0), RigidTransform() ), False) depth_camera = DepthRenderCamera(color_camera.core(), DepthRange(0.1, 5.5)) return mut.RgbdSensor(parent_id=parent_id, X_PB=X_PB, color_camera=color_camera, depth_camera=depth_camera) def construct_single(parent_id, X_PB): depth_camera = DepthRenderCamera( RenderCameraCore( "renderer", mut.CameraInfo(width, height, np.pi/6), ClippingRange(0.1, 6.0), RigidTransform() ), DepthRange(0.1, 5.5)) return mut.RgbdSensor(parent_id=parent_id, X_PB=X_PB, depth_camera=depth_camera) # Put it at the origin. X_WB = RigidTransform() # This id would fail if we tried to render; no such id exists. parent_id = FrameId.get_new_id() def check_info(camera_info): self.assertIsInstance(camera_info, mut.CameraInfo) self.assertEqual(camera_info.width(), width) self.assertEqual(camera_info.height(), height) for constructor in [construct, construct_single]: sensor = constructor(parent_id, X_WB) check_info(sensor.color_camera_info()) check_info(sensor.depth_camera_info()) self.assertIsInstance(sensor.X_BC(), RigidTransform) self.assertIsInstance(sensor.X_BD(), RigidTransform) self.assertEqual(sensor.parent_frame_id(), parent_id) check_ports(sensor) # Test discrete camera. We'll simply use the last sensor constructed. period = mut.RgbdSensorDiscrete.kDefaultPeriod discrete = mut.RgbdSensorDiscrete( sensor=sensor, period=period, render_label_image=True) self.assertTrue(discrete.sensor() is sensor) self.assertEqual(discrete.period(), period) check_ports(discrete) # That we can access the state as images. context = discrete.CreateDefaultContext() values = context.get_abstract_state() self.assertIsInstance(values.get_value(0), Value[mut.ImageRgba8U]) self.assertIsInstance(values.get_value(1), Value[mut.ImageDepth32F]) self.assertIsInstance(values.get_value(2), Value[mut.ImageDepth16U]) self.assertIsInstance(values.get_value(3), Value[mut.ImageLabel16I]) def test_image_writer(self): writer = mut.ImageWriter() writer.DeclareImageInputPort( pixel_type=mut.PixelType.kRgba8U, port_name="color", file_name_format="/tmp/{port_name}-{time_usec}", publish_period=0.125, start_time=0.0)