/// @file /// This is a sample unit test whose purpose is to provide a binary for /// test/drake_cc_googletest_main_test.py to run, in order to assess the /// correctness of command-line flag handling. That python file contains the /// majority of the meaningful unit test logic. #include #include #include "drake/common/text_logging.h" // We expect the invoking shell to set this to 1.0 via the command-line. // (If it doesn't, the unit test will fail.) DEFINE_double(magic_number, 0.0, "Magic number"); namespace drake { namespace { GTEST_TEST(GtestMainTest, BasicTest) { drake::log()->debug("Cross your fingers for the magic_number {}", 1.0); EXPECT_EQ(FLAGS_magic_number, 1.0); } } // namespace } // namespace drake