package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) load( "@drake//tools/skylark:drake_py.bzl", "drake_py_binary", "drake_py_library", ) load( ":defs.bzl", "DEFAULT_TEST_TAGS", "enumerate_filegroup", ) load("//tools/lint:lint.bzl", "add_lint_tests") exports_files([ # For use by @drake//geometry:meshcat. "favicon.ico", ]) drake_py_library( name = "defs", srcs = [""], data = [ ":header_and_footer_images", ":header_and_footer_images.txt", ], visibility = ["//doc:__subpackages__"], deps = [ "@bazel_tools//tools/python/runfiles", ], ) # For maximum browser compatibility these should be at the root of the # generated website and should not be renamed. filegroup( name = "favicon", srcs = [ # Manual resizing and padding of "assets/drake-dragon.png" to # 192x192px. "android-chrome.png", # Manual resizing and padding of "assets/drake-dragon.png" to # 180x180px. "apple-touch-icon.png", # Minimal configuration for Microsoft browsers. Versions of Edge prior # to the change to WebKit always request a file named # "browserconfig.xml" whether or not an alternative is specified in the # HTML. "browserconfig.xml", # Apple Safari always requests a file named "favicon.ico" whether or # not an alternative favicon is specified in the HTML. # Manual resizing and padding of "assets/drake-dragon.png" to 32x32px # and conversion to ICO format. "favicon.ico", # Manual resizing and padding of "assets/drake-dragon.png" to 32x32px. "favicon.png", # Mask icon for Safari pinned tabs. # Manual removal of colors and layers from "assets/drake-dragon.svg" # and transformation to a 0 0 16 16 view box. "mask-icon.svg", # Site manifest primarily for Android and Chrome. # "site.webmanifest", ], ) filegroup( name = "header_and_footer_images", srcs = [ "images/drake-logo.svg", "images/drake-logo-white.svg", "third_party/images/GitHub-Mark-64px.png", "third_party/images/GitHub-Mark-Light-64px.png", ], ) enumerate_filegroup( name = "header_and_footer_images.txt", data = [":header_and_footer_images"], ) filegroup( name = "pages_input", srcs = [ "_config.yml", "_release-notes/index.html", "images/drake-dragon.png", "images/drake-logo.svg", "images/drake-logo-white.svg", "images/jenkins_bot_reviewable_comment.png", "", "sample_vimrc", ] + glob([ "_includes/*.html", "_includes/*.md", "_layouts/*.html", "_pages/*.md", "_release-notes/*.md", "assets/**/*.css", "assets/**/*.js", "third_party/**/*", ]), data = [ ":favicon", ], ) enumerate_filegroup( name = "pages_input.txt", data = [":pages_input"], ) drake_py_binary( name = "pages", srcs = [""], add_test_rule = 1, data = [ ":pages_input", ":pages_input.txt", ], test_rule_args = ["--out_dir="], test_rule_tags = DEFAULT_TEST_TAGS, deps = [ ":defs", ], ) drake_py_binary( name = "build", srcs = [""], add_test_rule = 1, data = [ ":pages", "//doc/doxygen_cxx:build", "//doc/pydrake:build", "//doc/styleguide:build", ], test_rule_args = [ "--out_dir=", # Only generate some modules, so that the test provides quick feedback. "--quick", "drake/math", "pages", "pydrake.math", "sitemap", "styleguide", ], test_rule_tags = DEFAULT_TEST_TAGS, deps = [ ":defs", "@bazel_tools//tools/python/runfiles", ], ) # This rule is used by our CI scripts as a single point of entry to ensure that # all of our manually-tagged documentation tests pass. test_suite( name = "manual_tests", tags = ["manual"], tests = [ ":build_test", ":pages_test", "//doc/doxygen_cxx:build_test", "//doc/pydrake:build_test", "//doc/styleguide:build_test", ], ) add_lint_tests()