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<view class='box'>
<block wx:if="{{!hasUserInfo&&isLoading}}">
<view class='header'>
<view class="userinfo-avatar">
<open-data type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data>
<view class='content'>
<button class='bottom' type='primary' wx:if="{{canIUse}}"open-type="getUserInfo"
<text wx:else>请升级微信版本使用1.3.0或以上的基础库</text>
<view wx:else >
<view class='header'>
<view class="userinfo-avatar">
<open-data type="userAvatarUrl"></open-data>
</view >
<view class='head'>
<view class='center' type='primary' bindtap="bindViewTap">确认登录</view>
<view class='right' type='primary' bindtap="bindViewTap1">取消登录</view>