# milkSpider selenium + redis + 分布式 + xpath + etree + 可视化 任务:爬取京东网站上在售的各类牛奶品类的商品名称,简介,价格相关,评论区相关。并给出相应的价格波动趋势,精选好评,用python的可视化展示。计划任务自动爬取。 ## TODO - [x] 初始化 selenium 框架,编写好相应的爬取规则,初步实现小规模爬取内容 - [x] 从历史价格网页爬取历史价格 - [x] 加入Redis分布式设计 - [x] 数据可视化 - [ ] 预计两种模式(终端交互):随机或取评价数为索引目标,给出取出的item的具体信息,例如价格趋势 - [ ] 选择目录,友好的选择交互体验 - [ ] 选择抽取item模式(热评就列出前五条,随机就随机取一条) - [ ] python打包exe,需要图形化界面? ## project ### 项目目录 > Selesium > > > downloader.py 下载器,即爬取内容 > > > > middlewares.py 配置分布式,线程,redis相关内容 > > > > pipelines.py 处理得到的数据,存储到相应文件 > > > > milkSpider.py 主文件,配置爬取设置,自动化等 > > > > historyPrice.py 爬取历史价格 > > > > view.py 读取并解析数据,配置可视化内容 > > > > settings.py 主要配置文件 ## 安装,初始化 ### GIT ```powershell # 安装git winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget ## 或者官网下载 https://git-scm.com/download/win # 在powershell中使用 vim $PROFILE ## 修改相应的位置为 GITPATH = ~/Git/cmd/git.exe ## SetAlias git $GITPATH git init git remote add origin https://bdgit.educoder.net/mf942lkca/milkSpider.git git pull https://bdgit.educoder.net/mf942lkca/milkSpider.git git remote -v # 查看远程仓库信息 touch .gitignore # 创建忽略上传控制文件 git add *.py # 添加要push的本地内容到一个本地临时仓库 git commit -m "update" # 先添加一个commit git push -u origin master # push, 出错就 -f(注意会造成不可回避的损失) ``` ### selenium 配置下载器,利用selenium模拟浏览器正常浏览行为 安装 ```powershell # 安装selenium pip3 install selenium # 查看配置信息 pip how selenium ``` 调用 ```python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options from lxml import etree def getsource(url): init = Options() init.add_argument('--no-sandbox') init.add_argument('--headless') init.add_argument('--disable-gpu') init.add_argument("disable-cache") init.add_argument('disable-infobars') init.add_argument('log-level=3') # INFO = 0 WARNING = 1 LOG_ERROR = 2 LOG_FATAL = 3 default is 0 init.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches",['enable-automation','enable-logging']) driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options = init) driver.implicitly_wait(10) driver.get(url) response = etree.HTML(driver.page_source) response = etree.tostring(response, encoding = "utf-8", pretty_print = True, method = "html") response = response.decode('utf-8') driver.close() return response ``` 一些备忘录 ```python text = """this is test content;这是测试内容。""" html1 = etree.HTML(text) # html1 = etree.fromstring(text) # 同HTML() # 方法1 使用html.unescape() res = etree.tostring(html1) print(html.unescape(res.decode('utf-8'))) # 方法2 使用uft-8编码 res = etree.tostring(html1,encoding="utf-8") # 这种方法对标签用的中文属性无效 print(res.decode('utf-8')) # 方法1 使用open读取文档做字符串处理 with open('test.html') as f: html1 = etree.HTML(f.read()) # 之后代码同 处理字符串 的两种方法 # 方法2 parse读取文档时指定编码方式 html1 = etree.parse('test.html',etree.HTMLParser(encoding='utf-8')) # 这里要指定正确(与所读取文档相应的编码)的编码方式,不然后面会出现乱码 # 之后代码同 处理字符串 的两种方法 ``` 请求头,cookie等 ```python # 访问 https://httpbin.org/get?show_env=1 可以返回当前浏览器的请求信息 options.add_argument('lang=zh_CN.UTF-8') # 贴一个用json模块保存cookies def getCookies(): with open('cookies.json', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fd: listCookies = json.loads(fd.read()) for cookie in listCookies: cookies = { 'domain': cookie['domain'], 'httpOnly': cookie['httpOnly'], 'name':cookie['name'], 'path':'/', 'secure': cookie['secure'], 'value':cookie['value'], } print(cookies) def saveCookies(driver): jsonCookies = json.dumps(driver.get_cookies()) with open('cookies.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd: fd.write(jsonCookies) ``` ChromeDriver 下载 [ChromeDriver](https://chromedriver.chromium.org/home) 放到当前目录就行(如果是放在 python 根目录可以不用在实例化 selenium 时指定chromedriver 路径) ### Matplotlib [python数据可视化,MatLab开源替代方案](https://www.runoob.com/numpy/numpy-matplotlib.html) 用pip管理器安装`pip install matplotlib` ```python # 使用方法 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt x = np.arange(1,11) y = 2 * x + 5 plt.title("Matplotlib demo") plt.xlabel("x axis caption") plt.ylabel("y axis caption") plt.plot(x,y) plt.show() ``` 切换字体 ```python from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib def getFont(): # 列出可用的字体 font = sorted([f.name for f in matplotlib.font_manager.fontManager.ttflist]) for i in font: print(i) # getFont() plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] ``` ### Requests 经典老碟 ```python import requests headers = { "User-Agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586"} url = "" session = requests.Session() res = session.get(url, headers = headers) # print(res.request.headers) res.encoding = res.apparent_encoding # 'utf-8' print(res.text) ``` ### 正则表达式 ```python # 完全匹配浮点数 reg = [-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]* ``` ### 线程 多线程,手动版 ```python import threading import time threadlines = 16 # 默认调用16个线程,不要超过20 flag = 1 # 判断主线程 def printTime(name): print("name", time.ctime()) delay(4) print("name", time.ctime()) threads = [] for thread in range(threadlines): name = "thread " + str(thread) athread = printTime(name) athread.start() threads.append(athread) for thread in threads: # 加入阻塞,在子线程没完全结束前,保证主线程不断 thread.join() ``` 线程锁 ```python import threading import time threadLock = threading.Lock() threadlines = 16 # 默认调用16个线程,不要超过20 flag = 1 # 判断主线程 def printTime(name): print("name", time.ctime()) delay(4) print("newname", time.ctime()) newtime = str(time.ctime()) threadLock.acquire() # 获得对txt文件的锁(独享操作权限) write2txt(newname) threadLock.release() # 释放锁(把独享权限让出) def write2txt(name): with open('test.txt', 'a+', encoding = 'utf-8') as fd: fd.write(name) threads = [] for thread in range(4): name = "thread " + str(thread) athread = printTime(name) athread.start() threads.append(athread) for thread in threads: # 加入阻塞,在子线程没完全结束前,保证主线程不断 thread.join() ``` 线程池,建议用 ```python from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import time def printTime(name): print("name", time.ctime()) delay(4) print("newname", time.ctime()) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = 10) as thread: for count in range(10): name = "thread" + str(count) task = thread.submit(printTime, (name)) # 传入函数和对应需要的参数 print(task.done()) # 查看该线程是否完成,bool print(task.result()) # 返回上面 printTime 函数的返回值 ``` ### Redis ```python # 安装 redis 模块 ## pip install redis # 实例对象 redisconn = redis.Redis(host = '', port = '6379', password = 'x', db = 0) # redis 取出的结果默认是字节,我们可以设定 decode_responses=True 改成字符串 ``` ## 备注 - 没有历史查询 在没有使用线程之前,完整跑完五个种类共(30 x 10 x 5 = 1500)条数据,用时365s 使用线程数为5的情况下,完整跑完五个种类共 1500条数据,用时130s 使用线程数为16的情况下,完整跑完五个种类共 1500条数据,用时80s - 加了历史查询 在不使用线程池的情况下,完整跑完 1500条数据,用时很久 在使用线程池的情况下,完整跑完 1500条数据,用时544秒 ## 参考链接 1,[selenium+python自动化100-centos上搭建selenium启动chrome浏览器headless无界面模式](https://www.cnblogs.com/yoyoketang/p/11582012.html) 2,[解决:'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH问题](https://www.cnblogs.com/Neeo/articles/13949854.html) 3,[Python selenium-chrome禁用打印日志输出](https://blog.csdn.net/wm9028/article/details/107536929) 4,[Python将list逐行读入到csv文件中](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41068770/article/details/103145660) 5,[Git中使用.gitignore忽略文件的推送](https://blog.csdn.net/lk142500/article/details/82869018) 6,[python 3 实现定义跨模块的全局变量和使用](https://codeantenna.com/a/9YbdOKrrSJ) 7,[Python 多线程](https://www.runoob.com/python/python-multithreading.html) 8,[Python redis 使用介绍](https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/python-redis-intro.html) 9,[python + redis 实现 分布式队列任务](https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1697383) 10,[深入理解Python线程中join()函数](https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2019-03/157795.htm) 11,[如何理解Python装饰器?- 知乎](https://www.zhihu.com/question/26930016/answer/360300235) 12,[【自动化】selenium设置请求头](https://www.jianshu.com/p/419eb4e00963) 13,[python selenium 保存cookie 读取cookie](https://blog.csdn.net/fox64194167/article/details/80542717) 14,[Selenium:添加Cookie的方法](https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1616175) 15,[requests库使用方法汇总笔记](https://wenku.baidu.com/view/fa71322401020740be1e650e52ea551810a6c928.html) 16,[爬虫:常见的HTTP错误代码及错误原因](https://blog.csdn.net/Smart_look/article/details/109967222) 17,[Python字符串操作之字符串分割与组合](https://blog.csdn.net/seetheworld518/article/details/47346527) 18,[python线程池](https://www.cnblogs.com/liyuanhong/p/15767817.html) 19,[python matplotlib坐标轴设置的方法](https://www.csdn.net/tags/NtzaUgxsOTQ2NjgtYmxvZwO0O0OO0O0O.html) 20,