from typing import Union, List, Tuple, Iterator, Any
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout
from nonebot import require
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from os import path
task = "receiving"
task_file = "receiving_pictures"
mysql = require("botdb").MySQLdbMethods()
readfile = require("readfile").ReadFile("data", "class_system")
class Image:
def __init__(self, data):
self.name = data.get("file").split(".")[0]
self.url = data.get("url")
class SaveImage:
def __init__(self, class_name: str, file_name: str = None):
self.class_name = class_name
self.image_path = path.join(class_name, "images", "tasks_file")
self.file_name = file_name
def join(self, img: Union[Image, str]) -> str:
return path.join(readfile.path, self.image_path, f"{img if isinstance(img, str) else img.name}.jpg")
def for_in_name(self, images: List[Union[Image, str]]) -> Iterator[str]:
for img in images:
yield self.join(img)
async def save(self, images: List[Image]):
for img in images:
async with self.session.get(img.url) as res:
await readfile.write(
path.join(self.image_path, f"{self.file_name or img.name}.jpg"),
await res.read(), mode="wb")
def remove(self, image: Union[str, Image]):
f"{image if isinstance(image, str) else image.name}.jpg"
async def __aenter__(self):
self.session = ClientSession(timeout=ClientTimeout(total=10 * 60))
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
await self.session.close()
# 查询任务
class SelectTasks:
def __init__(self, class_name: str, index: int = None):
self.class_name = class_name
self.index = index
self.index_err = False
def __await__(self):
return self._init().__await__()
async def get_tasks(self) -> DataFrame:
await mysql.execute(f"select * from {task} where class_name=%s", [self.class_name])
return mysql.form()
async def select_user_in_task(self, series: Union[Series, int]) -> DataFrame:
if isinstance(series, int):
series = self[series]
await mysql.execute(f"select * from {task_file} where create_time=%s and class_name=%s and title=%s",
[str(series["create_time"]), self.class_name, series["title"]])
return mysql.form()
async def select_user_not_in_task(self, users: Union[list, set]) -> DataFrame:
await mysql.execute(f"select * from user_info where 班级=%s and qq not in({','.join(['%s'] * len(users))})",
[self.class_name, *users])
return mysql.form()
async def set_task(self, index: int = None) -> List[DataFrame]:
task_user: List[DataFrame] = [await self.select_user_in_task(series) for i, series in self
if i == index or index is None]
if index is None:
self.tasks['completed'] = [f"(提交{i.shape[0]}人)" for i in task_user]
elif index in self:
self.tasks.loc[index, 'completed'] = f"(提交{task_user[0].shape[0]}人)"
self.index_err = True
return task_user
async def _init(self):
self.tasks: DataFrame = await self.get_tasks()
self.length = self.tasks.shape[0]
self.task_user = await self.set_task(self.index)
return self
def submitted(user: DataFrame) -> str:
if user.shape[0]:
return "已提交\n" + ("\n".join([f"{v['user_name']} | {str(v['push_time']).split('.')[0]}"
for i, v in user.iterrows()]))
return "咦,文件呢?怎么还没人提交呀!"
def not_submitted(user: DataFrame) -> str:
if user.shape[0]:
return "未提交\n" + (" ".join(user['姓名']))
return "咦,所有人都交了哎!"
async def text_one(self):
return await self.text().__anext__()
async def text(self):
if self.index_err:
yield f"咦,我怎么不知道有{self.index + 1}号???"
if self.length:
if self.index is None:
yield "\n".join(
[f"{i + 1}.{v['title']}{v['completed']} \n "
f"发起时间:{v['create_time'].date()}" for i, v in self])
yield self.submitted(self.task_user[0])
user = await self.select_user_not_in_task(list(self.task_user[0]["user_id"]))
yield self.not_submitted(user)
yield "干什么呀!你们班还没添加任务呢!"
def __str__(self):
return self.text()
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Any, Series]]:
return iter(self.tasks.iterrows())
def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> Union[Series, None]:
if 0 <= item < self.length:
return self.tasks.loc[item]
return None
def __contains__(self, index: int):
return index is not None and 0 <= index < self.length
def __bool__(self):
return not (not self.length or self.index_err)
# 添加任务
class AddTask(SelectTasks):
def __init__(self, title: str, user_id: int, class_name: str, jop: str):
self.jop = jop # 发起人所担任职务
self.title = title # 发起的标题
self.user_id = user_id # 发起人的id
self.class_name = class_name # 发起的班级
async def repeat_task(self, tasks: DataFrame = None):
if not tasks:
tasks = await self.get_tasks()
return self.title not in list(tasks["title"])
async def add_task(self):
await mysql.execute_commit(f"insert into {task} (title,initiate,type,class_name) value (%s,%s,%s,%s)",
[self.title, self.user_id, "image", self.class_name])
async def __aenter__(self):
if await self.repeat_task():
await self.add_task()
return f"“{self.title}”创建成功 ^_^"
return "歪,你有个还有一个一模一样的任务呢!能不能先删掉那个重复的 >_<!!"
async def __aexit__(self, *args):
# 提交任务
class PushTaskFile(SelectTasks):
def __call__(self, user_name: str, user_id: int, index: int):
self.user_name = user_name
self.user_id = user_id
self.index = index
return self
def is_exists(self) -> Union[bool, str]:
task_user = self.task_user[0] if len(self.task_user) == 1 else self.task_user[self.index]
user_id = list(task_user["user_id"])
if self.user_id in user_id:
return task_user["file_name"][user_id.index(self.user_id)]
return False
async def file_exists(image: Image) -> bool:
await mysql.execute(f"select file_name from {task_file} where file_name=%s", [image.name])
return bool(list(mysql.form()["file_name"]))
async def insert(self, file_name: str, index: int = None):
_task = self[index or self.index]
await mysql.execute_commit(f"insert into {task_file} (title,user_id,user_name,class_name,file_name,create_time)"
"value (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",
[_task['title'], self.user_id, self.user_name,
self.class_name, file_name, str(_task['create_time']).split(".")[0]])
async def delete(self, index: int = None):
index = index or self.index
await mysql.execute_commit(f"delete from {task_file} where class_name=%s and title=%s and user_id=%s",
[self.class_name, self[index]['title'], self.user_id])
async def save(self, image: Image):
async with SaveImage(self.class_name) as res:
file = self.is_exists()
if file:
await self.delete()
await res.save([image])
await self.insert(image.name)
return "提交成功! ^_^"
# 导出任务
class ExportTask(SelectTasks):
def __call__(self, index: int):
:参数 index:
:返回: ExportTask
self.index = index
self.task_user = self.task_user[0] if len(self.task_user) == 1 else self.task_user[index]
return self
def zip(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
文件路径 文件名称
file = SaveImage(self.class_name)
file_name = f"{self.class_name}{self[self.index]['title']}.zip"
file_path = path.join(readfile.path, self.class_name, file_name)
with ZipFile(file_path, "w", ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file:
for i, img in self.task_user.iterrows():
# 文件名以用户名称+qq组成
zip_file.write(file.join(img["file_name"]), f"{img['user_name']}{img['user_id']}.jpg")
return file_path, file_name
# 删除任务
class DeleteTask(SelectTasks):
def __call__(self, index: int):
:参数 index:
:返回: DeleteTask
self.index = index
self.task_user = self.task_user[0] if len(self.task_user) == 1 else self.task_user[index]
return self
async def delete_table(self) -> str:
title = self[self.index]["title"]
await mysql.execute_commit(f"delete from {task_file} where class_name=%s and title=%s",
[self.class_name, title])
await mysql.execute_commit(f"delete from {task} where class_name=%s and title=%s",
[self.class_name, title])
return title
def delete_file(self):
file = SaveImage(self.class_name)
for i, img in self.task_user.iterrows():
async def delete(self):
title = await self.delete_table()
return f"“{title}”删除成功!"