WangRunji 7 years ago
parent cbe7affc5d
commit 30a569d889

@ -1,54 +1,46 @@
# RustOS
## Port to RISCV (WIP)
[Project Wiki](http://os.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/oscourse/csproject2018/group05)
### Environment
[Dockerfile](./riscv-env/Dockerfile) (Can not build directly. Just for reference)
Available on DockerHub: `wangrunji0408/riscv-rust`
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/wangrunji0408/RustOS.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/wangrunji0408/RustOS)
### How to run
git clone https://github.com/wangrunji0408/RustOS.git --recursive
cd RustOS
# Pull docker image and enter docker interactive shell
make docker_riscv
# Inside docker ...
cd kernel
# Patch the atomic mod of core lib
make patch-core
make run
Rust port for uCore OS, supporting x86_64 and riscv32i.
## Summary
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/wangrunji0408/RustOS.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/wangrunji0408/RustOS)
This is a project of THU Operating System (2018 Spring) && Comprehensive Experiment of Computer System (2018 Summer).
A project of THU OS2018 spring.
Project wiki (internal access only): [OS](http://os.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/oscourse/OS2018spring/projects/g11), [CECS](http://os.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/oscourse/csproject2018/group05)
[Project Wiki](http://os.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/oscourse/OS2018spring/projects/g11)
Reports (in Chinese): [MidReport](./docs/MidReport.md), [FinalReport](./docs/FinalReport.md), [RISCV port note](./docs/RISCV.md)
The goal is to write a mini OS in Rust with multicore supporting.
The initial goal is to write a mini OS in Rust with multi-core support. More specifically, it would start from the post of the [Writing an OS in Rust](http://os.phil-opp.com) series, then reimplement [xv6-x86_64](https://github.com/jserv/xv6-x86_64) in Rust style.
It will start from the post of the [Writing an OS in Rust](http://os.phil-opp.com) series. Then reimplement [xv6-x86_64](https://github.com/jserv/xv6-x86_64) in Rust style.
In fact, it's more complicated than we expected to write an OS starting from scratch. So by the end of OS course, we only finished rewriting [ucore_os_lab](https://github.com/chyyuu/ucore_os_lab), without multi-core support. Then as a part of [CECS project](https://github.com/riscv-and-rust-and-decaf), we ported it from x86_64 to RISCV32I, and made it work on our FPGA CPU.
## Building
You need to have `nasm`, `grub-mkrescue`, `xorriso`, `qemu`, a nightly Rust compiler, and `xargo` installed. Then you can run it using `make run`.
### Environment
* Rust toolchain at nightly-2018-08-03
* `cargo-xbuild`
* `QEMU` >= 2.12.0
* riscv32
* RISCV64 GNU toolchain
* x86_64
* `nasm`
* `grub-mkrescue`
* `xorriso`
A docker image is available and recommanded. Read [this](docker/README.md) for details.
### How to run
git clone https://github.com/wangrunji0408/RustOS.git --recursive
cd RustOS/kernel
make run arch=riscv32|x86_64
# For FPGA:
# make run arch=riscv32 board=1
## License
