@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
# Examples:
# make run Run in debug
# make run int=1 Run with interrupt info by QEMU
# make run mode=release Run in release
# make doc Generate docs
# make asm Open the deassemble file of the last build
# make clean Clean
arch ?= x86_64
kernel := build/kernel-$(arch).bin
iso := build/os-$(arch).iso
target ?= $(arch)-blog_os
rust_os := target/$(target)/debug/librust_ucore.a
mode ?= debug
rust_os := target/$(target)/$(mode)/librust_ucore.a
boot_src := src/arch/$(arch)/boot
linker_script := $(boot_src)/linker.ld
@ -37,6 +46,12 @@ ifdef int
qemu_opts := $(qemu_opts) -d int
build_args := --target $(target) --features "$(features)"
ifeq ($(mode), release)
build_args := $(build_args) --release
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
uname := Win32
@ -54,7 +69,7 @@ ld := $(prefix)ld
objdump := $(prefix)objdump
cc := $(prefix)gcc
.PHONY: all clean run iso kernel build debug_asm doc
.PHONY: all clean run iso kernel build asm doc
all: $(kernel)
@ -74,7 +89,7 @@ iso: $(iso)
build: iso
@$(objdump) -dS $(kernel) | less
$(iso): $(kernel) $(grub_cfg)
@ -89,7 +104,7 @@ $(kernel): kernel $(rust_os) $(assembly_object_files) $(linker_script)
$(assembly_object_files) $(rust_os)
@RUST_TARGET_PATH=$(shell pwd) CC=$(cc) xargo build --target $(target) --features "$(features)"
@RUSTFLAGS=-g RUST_TARGET_PATH=$(shell pwd) CC=$(cc) xargo build $(build_args)
# compile assembly files
build/arch/$(arch)/boot/%.o: $(boot_src)/%.asm