Improve LocalKey

WangRunji 7 years ago
parent 8ff40ea1dd
commit 7151c67c2a

@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ pub extern "C" fn rust_main(multiboot_information_address: usize) -> ! {
unsafe { arch::interrupt::enable(); }
// thread::test::local_key();
// thread::test::unpack();
// sync::test::philosopher_using_mutex();
// sync::test::philosopher_using_monitor();

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
let f = unsafe { Box::from_raw(f as *mut F) };
let ret = Box::new(f());
unsafe { LocalKey::<usize>::get_map() }.clear();
let mut processor = PROCESSOR.try().unwrap().lock();
let pid = processor.current_pid();
processor.exit(pid, Box::into_raw(ret) as usize);
@ -121,28 +122,28 @@ impl<T> JoinHandle<T> {
pub struct LocalKey<T: 'static + Default> {
pub struct LocalKey<T: 'static> {
init: fn() -> T,
impl<T: 'static + Default> LocalKey<T> {
impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
where F: FnOnce(&T) -> R
let (map, key) = self.get_map_key();
let map = unsafe { Self::get_map() };
let key = self as *const _ as usize;
if !map.contains_key(&key) {
map.insert(key, Box::new((self.init)()));
let value = map.get(&key).unwrap().downcast_ref::<T>().expect("type error");
pub const fn new() -> Self {
LocalKey { init: Self::_init }
pub const fn new(init: fn() -> T) -> Self {
LocalKey { init }
fn _init() -> T { T::default() }
/// A `BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>>` at kernel stack bottom
/// Get `BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>>` at the current kernel stack bottom
/// The stack must be aligned with 0x8000
fn get_map_key(&self) -> (&mut BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>>, usize) {
unsafe fn get_map() -> &'static mut BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>> {
const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x8000;
let stack_var = 0usize;
let ptr = (&stack_var as *const _ as usize) / STACK_SIZE * STACK_SIZE;
@ -150,9 +151,7 @@ impl<T: 'static + Default> LocalKey<T> {
if map.is_none() {
*map = Some(BTreeMap::new());
let map = map.as_mut().unwrap();
let key = self as *const _ as usize;
(map, key)
@ -180,17 +179,17 @@ pub mod test {
pub fn local_key() {
static FOO: thread::LocalKey<RefCell<usize>> = thread::LocalKey::new();
static FOO: thread::LocalKey<RefCell<usize>> = thread::LocalKey::new(|| RefCell::new(1));
FOO.with(|f| {
assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 0);
assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
*f.borrow_mut() = 2;
// each thread starts out with the initial value of 1
thread::spawn(move || {
FOO.with(|f| {
assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 0);
assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
*f.borrow_mut() = 3;
