Signed-off-by: WangRunji <>toolchain_update
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
// Interface for inter-processor interrupt.
// This module wraps inter-processor interrupt into a broadcast-calling style.
use crate::consts::KERNEL_OFFSET;
use crate::sync::{Semaphore, SpinLock as Mutex};
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
use apic::{LocalApic, XApic, LAPIC_ADDR};
use lazy_static::*;
use rcore_memory::Page;
use x86_64::instructions::tlb;
use x86_64::VirtAddr;
struct IPIInvoke<'a, A>(&'a (Fn(&A) -> ()), &'a A);
lazy_static! {
static ref IPI_INVOKE_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(());
pub trait InvokeEventHandle {
fn call(&self);
struct InvokeEvent<A: 'static> {
function: fn(&A) -> (),
argument: Arc<A>,
done_semaphore: Arc<Semaphore>,
impl<A> InvokeEventHandle for InvokeEvent<A> {
fn call(&self) {
let arg_ref = self.argument.as_ref();
pub type IPIEventItem = Box<InvokeEventHandle>;
// TODO: something fishy is going on here...
// In fact, the argument lives as long as the Arc.
fn create_item<A: 'static>(f: fn(&A) -> (), arg: &Arc<A>, sem: &Arc<Semaphore>) -> IPIEventItem {
Box::new(InvokeEvent {
function: f,
argument: arg.clone(),
done_semaphore: sem.clone(),
unsafe fn get_apic() -> XApic {
let mut lapic = unsafe { XApic::new(KERNEL_OFFSET + LAPIC_ADDR) };
pub fn invoke_on_allcpu<A: 'static>(f: fn(&A) -> (), arg: A, wait: bool) {
// Step 1: initialize
use super::interrupt::consts::IPIFuncCall;
let mut apic = unsafe { get_apic() };
let sem = Arc::new(Semaphore::new(0));
let arcarg = Arc::new(arg);
let mut cpu_count = 0;
// Step 2: invoke
super::gdt::Cpu::foreach(|cpu| {
let id = cpu.get_id();
cpu_count += 1;
cpu.notify_event(create_item(f, &arcarg, &sem));
apic.send_ipi(id as u8, IPIFuncCall);
if wait {
for _ in 0..cpu_count {
// Examples of such cases.
pub fn tlb_shootdown(tuple: &(usize, usize)) {
// debug!("CPU {}: remote tlb flush {:x?}", super::cpu::id(), tuple);
let (start_addr, end_addr) = *tuple;
for p in Page::range_of(start_addr, end_addr) {
tlb::flush(VirtAddr::new(p.start_address() as u64));
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