use core::fmt; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::{self, Level, LevelFilter, Log, Metadata, Record}; use crate::sync::SpinNoIrqLock as Mutex; use crate::util::color::ConsoleColor; lazy_static! { static ref LOG_LOCK: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); } pub fn init() { static LOGGER: SimpleLogger = SimpleLogger; log::set_logger(&LOGGER).unwrap(); log::set_max_level(match option_env!("LOG") { Some("error") => LevelFilter::Error, Some("warn") => LevelFilter::Warn, Some("info") => LevelFilter::Info, Some("debug") => LevelFilter::Debug, Some("trace") => LevelFilter::Trace, _ => LevelFilter::Off, }); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! print { ($($arg:tt)*) => ({ $crate::logging::print(format_args!($($arg)*)); }); } #[macro_export] macro_rules! println { ($fmt:expr) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"))); ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"), $($arg)*)); } /// Add escape sequence to print with color in Linux console macro_rules! with_color { ($args: ident, $color: ident) => {{ let code = $color.to_console_code(); format_args!("\u{1B}[{}m{}\u{1B}[0m", code as u8, $args) }}; } fn print_in_color(args: fmt::Arguments, color: ConsoleColor) { use crate::arch::io; let _guard = LOG_LOCK.lock(); io::putfmt(with_color!(args, color)); } pub fn print(args: fmt::Arguments) { use crate::arch::io; let _guard = LOG_LOCK.lock(); io::putfmt(args); } struct SimpleLogger; impl Log for SimpleLogger { fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &Metadata) -> bool { true } fn log(&self, record: &Record) { static DISABLED_TARGET: &[&str] = &[]; if self.enabled(record.metadata()) && !DISABLED_TARGET.contains(& { // let target =; // let begin = target.as_bytes().iter().rposition(|&c| c == b':').map(|i| i + 1).unwrap_or(0); print_in_color( format_args!("[{:>5}] {}\n", record.level(), record.args()), ConsoleColor::from(record.level()), ); } } fn flush(&self) {} } impl From for ConsoleColor { fn from(level: Level) -> Self { match level { Level::Error => ConsoleColor::Red, Level::Warn => ConsoleColor::BrightYellow, Level::Info => ConsoleColor::Blue, Level::Debug => ConsoleColor::Green, Level::Trace => ConsoleColor::BrightBlack, } } }