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452 lines
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use alloc::{boxed::Box, collections::BTreeMap, string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec, sync::Weak};
use core::fmt;
use log::*;
use spin::{Mutex, RwLock};
use xmas_elf::{ElfFile, header, program::{Flags, Type}};
use rcore_memory::PAGE_SIZE;
use rcore_thread::Tid;
use rcore_fs::vfs::FileType;
use core::str;
use crate::arch::interrupt::{Context, TrapFrame};
use crate::memory::{ByFrame, GlobalFrameAlloc, KernelStack, MemoryAttr, MemorySet};
use crate::fs::{FileHandle, OpenOptions, INodeExt, FOLLOW_MAX_DEPTH};
use crate::sync::Condvar;
use crate::net::{SocketWrapper, SOCKETS};
use super::abi::{self, ProcInitInfo};
// TODO: avoid pub
pub struct Thread {
pub context: Context,
pub kstack: KernelStack,
/// Kernel performs futex wake when thread exits.
/// Ref: []
pub clear_child_tid: usize,
pub proc: Arc<Mutex<Process>>,
pub enum FileLike {
impl fmt::Debug for FileLike {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
FileLike::File(_) => write!(f, "File"),
FileLike::Socket(wrapper) => {
write!(f, "{:?}", wrapper)
/// Pid type
/// For strong type separation
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Pid(Option<usize>);
impl Pid {
pub fn uninitialized() -> Self {
/// Return if it was uninitialized before this call
/// When returning true, it usually means this is the first thread
pub fn set_if_uninitialized(&mut self, tid: Tid) -> bool {
if self.0 == None {
self.0 = Some(tid as usize);
} else {
pub fn get(&self) -> usize {
/// Return whether this pid represents the init process
pub fn is_init(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == Some(0)
impl fmt::Display for Pid {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.0 {
Some(pid) => write!(f, "{}", pid),
None => write!(f, "None"),
pub struct Process {
// resources
pub vm: MemorySet,
pub files: BTreeMap<usize, FileLike>,
pub cwd: String,
futexes: BTreeMap<usize, Arc<Condvar>>,
// relationship
pub pid: Pid, // i.e. tgid, usually the tid of first thread
pub parent: Option<Arc<Mutex<Process>>>,
pub children: Vec<Weak<Mutex<Process>>>,
pub threads: Vec<Tid>, // threads in the same process
// for waiting child
pub child_exit: Arc<Condvar>, // notified when the a child process is going to terminate
pub child_exit_code: BTreeMap<usize, usize>, // child process store its exit code here
/// Records the mapping between pid and Process struct.
lazy_static! {
pub static ref PROCESSES: RwLock<BTreeMap<usize, Weak<Mutex<Process>>>> = RwLock::new(BTreeMap::new());
/// Let `rcore_thread` can switch between our `Thread`
impl rcore_thread::Context for Thread {
unsafe fn switch_to(&mut self, target: &mut rcore_thread::Context) {
use core::mem::transmute;
let (target, _): (&mut Thread, *const ()) = transmute(target);
self.context.switch(&mut target.context);
fn set_tid(&mut self, tid: Tid) {
// set pid=tid if unspecified
let mut proc = self.proc.lock();
if {
// first thread in the process
// link to its ppid
if let Some(parent) = &proc.parent {
let mut parent = parent.lock();
// add it to threads
PROCESSES.write().insert(, Arc::downgrade(&self.proc));
impl Thread {
/// Make a struct for the init thread
/// TODO: remove this, we only need `Context::null()`
pub unsafe fn new_init() -> Box<Thread> {
Box::new(Thread {
context: Context::null(),
kstack: KernelStack::new(),
clear_child_tid: 0,
proc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Process {
vm: MemorySet::new(),
files: BTreeMap::default(),
cwd: String::from("/"),
futexes: BTreeMap::default(),
pid: Pid::uninitialized(),
parent: None,
children: Vec::new(),
threads: Vec::new(),
child_exit: Arc::new(Condvar::new()),
child_exit_code: BTreeMap::new(),
/// Make a new kernel thread starting from `entry` with `arg`
pub fn new_kernel(entry: extern fn(usize) -> !, arg: usize) -> Box<Thread> {
let vm = MemorySet::new();
let kstack = KernelStack::new();
Box::new(Thread {
context: unsafe { Context::new_kernel_thread(entry, arg,, vm.token()) },
clear_child_tid: 0,
// TODO: kernel thread should not have a process
proc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Process {
files: BTreeMap::default(),
cwd: String::from("/"),
futexes: BTreeMap::default(),
pid: Pid::uninitialized(),
parent: None,
children: Vec::new(),
threads: Vec::new(),
child_exit: Arc::new(Condvar::new()),
child_exit_code: BTreeMap::new()
/// Make a new user process from ELF `data`
pub fn new_user<'a, Iter>(data: &[u8], args: Iter) -> Box<Thread>
where Iter: Iterator<Item=&'a str>
// Parse elf
let elf = ElfFile::new(data).expect("failed to read elf");
let is32 = match elf.header.pt2 {
header::HeaderPt2::Header32(_) => true,
header::HeaderPt2::Header64(_) => false,
match elf.header.pt2.type_().as_type() {
header::Type::Executable => {
// #[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
// panic!("ELF is not shared object");
header::Type::SharedObject => {},
_ => panic!("ELF is not executable or shared object"),
if let Some(interp) = elf.program_iter().filter(|ph| ph.get_type() == Ok(Type::Interp)).next() {
let offset = interp.offset() as usize;
let size = interp.file_size() as usize - 1; // skip last '\0'
if offset + size < data.len() {
if let Ok(loader_path) = str::from_utf8(&data[offset..(offset+size)]) {
// assuming absolute path
if let Ok(inode) = crate::fs::ROOT_INODE.lookup_follow(&loader_path[1..], FOLLOW_MAX_DEPTH) {
if let Ok(buf) = inode.read_as_vec() {
debug!("using loader {}", &loader_path);
// Elf loader should not have INTERP
// No infinite loop
let mut new_args: Vec<&str> = args.collect();
new_args.insert(0, loader_path);
return Thread::new_user(buf.as_slice(), new_args.into_iter());
} else {
warn!("loader specified as {} but failed to read", &loader_path);
} else {
warn!("loader specified as {} but not found", &loader_path);
} else {
warn!("loader specified but not found");
} else {
warn!("loader specified but invalid");
// Make page table
let (mut vm, entry_addr) = memory_set_from(&elf);
// User stack
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_mmu"))]
let mut ustack_top = {
let (ustack_buttom, ustack_top) = match is32 {
vm.push(ustack_buttom, ustack_top, MemoryAttr::default().user(), ByFrame::new(GlobalFrameAlloc), "user_stack");
#[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
let mut ustack_top = vm.push(USER_STACK_SIZE).as_ptr() as usize + USER_STACK_SIZE;
let init_info = ProcInitInfo {
args:|s| String::from(s)).collect(),
envs: BTreeMap::new(),
auxv: {
let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
if let Some(phdr) = elf.program_iter()
.find(|ph| ph.get_type() == Ok(Type::Phdr)) {
// if phdr exists in program header, use it
map.insert(abi::AT_PHDR, phdr.virtual_addr() as usize);
} else if let Some(elf_addr) = elf.program_iter().find(|ph| ph.get_type() == Ok(Type::Load) && ph.offset() == 0) {
// otherwise, check if elf is loaded from the beginning, then phdr can be inferred.
map.insert(abi::AT_PHDR, elf_addr.virtual_addr() as usize + elf.header.pt2.ph_offset() as usize);
} else {
warn!("new_user: no phdr found, tls might not work");
map.insert(abi::AT_PHENT, elf.header.pt2.ph_entry_size() as usize);
map.insert(abi::AT_PHNUM, elf.header.pt2.ph_count() as usize);
map.insert(abi::AT_PAGESZ, PAGE_SIZE);
unsafe {
vm.with(|| { ustack_top = init_info.push_at(ustack_top) });
trace!("{:#x?}", vm);
let kstack = KernelStack::new();
let mut files = BTreeMap::new();
files.insert(0, FileLike::File(FileHandle::new(crate::fs::STDIN.clone(), OpenOptions { read: true, write: false, append: false })));
files.insert(1, FileLike::File(FileHandle::new(crate::fs::STDOUT.clone(), OpenOptions { read: false, write: true, append: false })));
files.insert(2, FileLike::File(FileHandle::new(crate::fs::STDOUT.clone(), OpenOptions { read: false, write: true, append: false })));
Box::new(Thread {
context: unsafe {
entry_addr, ustack_top,, is32, vm.token())
clear_child_tid: 0,
proc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Process {
cwd: String::from("/"),
futexes: BTreeMap::default(),
pid: Pid::uninitialized(),
parent: None,
children: Vec::new(),
threads: Vec::new(),
child_exit: Arc::new(Condvar::new()),
child_exit_code: BTreeMap::new()
/// Fork a new process from current one
pub fn fork(&self, tf: &TrapFrame) -> Box<Thread> {
// Clone memory set, make a new page table
let vm = self.proc.lock().vm.clone();
let files = self.proc.lock().files.clone();
let cwd = self.proc.lock().cwd.clone();
let parent = Some(self.proc.clone());
debug!("fork: finish clone MemorySet");
// MMU: copy data to the new space
// NoMMU: coping data has been done in `vm.clone()`
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_mmu"))]
for area in vm.iter() {
let data = Vec::<u8>::from(unsafe { area.as_slice() });
unsafe { vm.with(|| {
}) }
debug!("fork: temporary copy data!");
let kstack = KernelStack::new();
let mut sockets = SOCKETS.lock();
for (_fd, file) in files.iter() {
if let FileLike::Socket(wrapper) = file {
Box::new(Thread {
context: unsafe { Context::new_fork(tf,, vm.token()) },
clear_child_tid: 0,
proc: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Process {
futexes: BTreeMap::default(),
pid: Pid::uninitialized(),
children: Vec::new(),
threads: Vec::new(),
child_exit: Arc::new(Condvar::new()),
child_exit_code: BTreeMap::new()
/// Create a new thread in the same process.
pub fn clone(&self, tf: &TrapFrame, stack_top: usize, tls: usize, clear_child_tid: usize) -> Box<Thread> {
let kstack = KernelStack::new();
let token = self.proc.lock().vm.token();
Box::new(Thread {
context: unsafe { Context::new_clone(tf, stack_top,, token, tls) },
proc: self.proc.clone(),
impl Process {
pub fn get_free_fd(&self) -> usize {
(0..).find(|i| !self.files.contains_key(i)).unwrap()
pub fn get_futex(&mut self, uaddr: usize) -> Arc<Condvar> {
if !self.futexes.contains_key(&uaddr) {
self.futexes.insert(uaddr, Arc::new(Condvar::new()));
pub fn clone_for_exec(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.files = other.files.clone();
self.cwd = other.cwd.clone();
| =;
self.parent = other.parent.clone();
self.threads = other.threads.clone();
/// Generate a MemorySet according to the ELF file.
/// Also return the real entry point address.
fn memory_set_from(elf: &ElfFile<'_>) -> (MemorySet, usize) {
debug!("creating MemorySet from ELF");
let mut ms = MemorySet::new();
let entry = elf.header.pt2.entry_point() as usize;
// [NoMMU] Get total memory size and alloc space
let va_begin = elf.program_iter()
.filter(|ph| ph.get_type() == Ok(Type::Load))
.map(|ph| ph.virtual_addr()).min().unwrap() as usize;
let va_end = elf.program_iter()
.filter(|ph| ph.get_type() == Ok(Type::Load))
.map(|ph| ph.virtual_addr() + ph.mem_size()).max().unwrap() as usize;
let va_size = va_end - va_begin;
#[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
let target = ms.push(va_size);
#[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
{ entry = entry - va_begin + target.as_ptr() as usize; }
#[cfg(feature = "board_k210")]
{ entry += 0x40000000; }
for ph in elf.program_iter() {
if ph.get_type() != Ok(Type::Load) {
let virt_addr = ph.virtual_addr() as usize;
let offset = ph.offset() as usize;
let file_size = ph.file_size() as usize;
let mem_size = ph.mem_size() as usize;
// Get target slice
#[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
let target = &mut target[virt_addr - va_begin..virt_addr - va_begin + mem_size];
#[cfg(feature = "no_mmu")]
debug!("area @ {:?}, size = {:#x}", target.as_ptr(), mem_size);
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_mmu"))]
let target = {
ms.push(virt_addr, virt_addr + mem_size, ph.flags().to_attr(), ByFrame::new(GlobalFrameAlloc), "");
unsafe { ::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(virt_addr as *mut u8, mem_size) }
// Copy data
unsafe {
ms.with(|| {
if file_size != 0 {
target[..file_size].copy_from_slice(&elf.input[offset..offset + file_size]);
target[file_size..].iter_mut().for_each(|x| *x = 0);
(ms, entry)
trait ToMemoryAttr {
fn to_attr(&self) -> MemoryAttr;
impl ToMemoryAttr for Flags {
fn to_attr(&self) -> MemoryAttr {
let mut flags = MemoryAttr::default().user();
// FIXME: handle readonly
if self.is_execute() { flags = flags.execute(); }