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#include "max_align.h"
#include <thread>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "libutil.h"
void *
std::thread::vrun_wrapper(void *opaque)
vrun *r = (vrun*)opaque;
try {
} catch (...) {
// XXX terminate
die("uncaught exception in thread");
delete r;
return nullptr;
std::thread::thread(vrun *r)
pthread_t thread;
if (pthread_create(&thread, nullptr, vrun_wrapper, r) != 0)
// XXX Throw system_error
die("pthread_create failed");
id_ = id(thread);
if (joinable())
// XXX terminate
die("~thread for joinable thread");
std::thread::operator=(std::thread&& x) noexcept
if (joinable())
// XXX terminate
die("operator= for joinable thread");
id_ = x.id_;
x.id_ = id();
return *this;
if (get_id() == id())
// XXX Throw system_error(no_such_process)
die("attempt to join invalid thread");
if (!joinable())
// XXX Throw system_error(invalid_argument)
die("attempt to join un-joinable thread");
if (get_id() == std::this_thread::get_id())
// XXX Throw system_error(resource_deadlock_would_occur)
die("attempt to join self");
if (pthread_join(id_.thread_, nullptr) != 0)
die("pthread_join failed");
id_ = id();
std::thread::id::__get_this_thread_id() noexcept
return id(pthread_self());