# rCore-user
User programs for [rCore OS](https://github.com/wangrunji0408/RustOS).
Now it has 3 parts:
* `ucore`: C-lang, from the original [ucore_os_lab](https://github.com/chyyuu/ucore_os_plus)
* `biscuit`: C/C++, from [Biscuit](https://github.com/mit-pdos/biscuit), based on a `musl` instead of original `litc`.
* `rust`: Simple no_std Rust programs.
## Build
To build biscuit programs, install musl toolchain first:
# for ARCH linux
$ sudo pacman -Syu musl # archlinux
# for macOS
$ brew install FileSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
# for ubuntu 16.04, we should build gcc-musl for newest musl-1.1.21
# please see build-gcc-musl.md
$ make {ucore,biscuit,rust,all} arch={i386,x86_64,riscv32,riscv64,aarch64}
Output to `build/$(arch)`
## Notice
* The syscall ids have been set compatible with [Linux64](https://syscalls64.paolostivanin.com).
* So the ucore part can not run on the original ucore.