#method 1 ## install steps ``` wget https://www.musl-libc.org/releases/musl-1.1.21.tar.gz tar zxf musl-1.1.21.tar.gz cd musl-1.1.21/ ./configure --prefix=/home/rcore/env/musl-install make && make install cd /home/rcore/env/musl-install/bin ln -s musl-gcc x86_64-linux-musl-gcc ``` # method 2 ## step 1: build musl-gcc with gcc-6.4+musl-1.1.21 ``` git clone https://github.com/richfelker/musl-cross-make.git cp config.mak.dist config.mak # add two line in config.mak TARGET = x86_64-linux-musl OUTPUT = /usr/local make && sudo make install ``` ## step 2: remove ubuntu musl* packages ``` sudo apt remove musl* ``` ## step 3: use x86_64-linux-musl-gcc to rebuild sfsimg ``` # change rcore_plus/user/biscuit/CMakeLists.txt LINE:35 set(PREFIX x86_64-linux-musl-) cd usr && make clean && make sfsimg arch=x86_64 cd ../kernel && make run arch=x86_64 ``` ## final test ``` # in qemu biscuit/ls ##should work now ```