//! Shared memory & Copy-on-write extension for page table
//! 实现共享内存和写时复制机制。
//! ## 使用说明
//! 在原页表的基础上套一层:CowExt::new(origin_page_table)
//! 在PageFault时,调用`page_fault_handler()`,如返回true,说明发生了COW,否则再进行其他处理。
//! ## 实现概述
//! 我们为页表项定义一个新的状态:共享态。
//! 使用页表项中2bit,分别表示:只读共享,可写共享。
//! 在这一状态下,对于CPU而言它是存在+只读的,可以通过不同的页表对该页进行读操作。
//! 当进行写操作时,会触发PageFault。如果此页实际是只读的,则正常抛出异常。
//! 否则如果实际是可写的,此时再新分配一个物理页,复制数据,将页表项指向该页,并置为存在+可写。
//! 对于同一个物理页,允许同时存在读引用和写引用,为此我们需要维护二者的引用计数。
//! 当PageFault时,如果读引用为0,写引用为1,则直接标记可写。
use super::paging::*;
use super::*;
use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
use core::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
/// Wrapper for page table, supporting shared map & copy-on-write
pub struct CowExt<T: PageTable> {
page_table: T,
rc_map: FrameRcMap,
impl<T: PageTable> CowExt<T> {
pub fn new(page_table: T) -> Self {
CowExt {
rc_map: FrameRcMap::default(),
pub fn map_to_shared(&mut self, addr: VirtAddr, target: PhysAddr, writable: bool) {
let entry = self.page_table.map(addr, target);
let frame = target / PAGE_SIZE;
match writable {
true => self.rc_map.write_increase(&frame),
false => self.rc_map.read_increase(&frame),
pub fn unmap_shared(&mut self, addr: VirtAddr) {
let entry = self.page_table.get_entry(addr);
let frame = entry.target() / PAGE_SIZE;
if entry.readonly_shared() {
} else if entry.writable_shared() {
/// This function must be called whenever PageFault happens.
/// Return whether copy-on-write happens.
pub fn page_fault_handler(&mut self, addr: VirtAddr, alloc_frame: impl FnOnce() -> PhysAddr) -> bool {
let entry = self.page_table.get_entry(addr);
if !entry.readonly_shared() && !entry.writable_shared() {
return false;
let frame = entry.target() / PAGE_SIZE;
if self.rc_map.read_count(&frame) == 0 && self.rc_map.write_count(&frame) == 1 {
return true;
use core::mem::uninitialized;
let mut temp_data: [u8; PAGE_SIZE] = unsafe { uninitialized() };
self.map(addr, alloc_frame());
impl<T: PageTable> Deref for CowExt<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &<Self as Deref>::Target {
impl<T: PageTable> DerefMut for CowExt<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut <Self as Deref>::Target {
&mut self.page_table
/// A map contains reference count for shared frame
/// It will lazily construct the `BTreeMap`, to avoid heap alloc when heap is unavailable.
struct FrameRcMap(Option<BTreeMap<Frame, (u16, u16)>>);
type Frame = usize;
impl FrameRcMap {
fn read_count(&mut self, frame: &Frame) -> u16 {
self.map().get(frame).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).0
fn write_count(&mut self, frame: &Frame) -> u16 {
self.map().get(frame).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).1
fn read_increase(&mut self, frame: &Frame) {
let (r, w) = self.map().get(&frame).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).clone();
self.map().insert(frame.clone(), (r + 1, w));
fn read_decrease(&mut self, frame: &Frame) {
self.map().get_mut(frame).unwrap().0 -= 1;
fn write_increase(&mut self, frame: &Frame) {
let (r, w) = self.map().get(&frame).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).clone();
self.map().insert(frame.clone(), (r, w + 1));
fn write_decrease(&mut self, frame: &Frame) {
self.map().get_mut(frame).unwrap().1 -= 1;
fn map(&mut self) -> &mut BTreeMap<Frame, (u16, u16)> {
if self.0.is_none() {
self.0 = Some(BTreeMap::new());
pub mod test {
use super::*;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
fn test() {
let mut pt = CowExt::new(MockPageTable::new());
let pt0 = unsafe { &mut *(&mut pt as *mut CowExt<MockPageTable>) };
struct FrameAlloc(usize);
impl FrameAlloc {
fn alloc(&mut self) -> PhysAddr {
let pa = self.0 * PAGE_SIZE;
self.0 += 1;
let mut alloc = FrameAlloc(4);
pt.page_table.set_handler(Box::new(move |_, addr: VirtAddr| {
pt0.page_fault_handler(addr, || alloc.alloc());
test_with(&mut pt);
pub fn test_with(pt: &mut CowExt<impl PageTable>) {
let target = 0x0;
let frame = 0x0;
pt.map(0x1000, target);
pt.write(0x1000, 1);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x1000), 1);
pt.map_to_shared(0x1000, target, true);
pt.map_to_shared(0x2000, target, true);
pt.map_to_shared(0x3000, target, false);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.read_count(&frame), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.write_count(&frame), 2);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x1000), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x2000), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x3000), 1);
pt.write(0x1000, 2);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.read_count(&frame), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.write_count(&frame), 1);
assert_ne!(pt.get_entry(0x1000).target(), target);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x1000), 2);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x2000), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x3000), 1);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.read_count(&frame), 0);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.write_count(&frame), 1);
// assert!(!pt.get_entry(0x3000).present());
pt.write(0x2000, 3);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.read_count(&frame), 0);
assert_eq!(pt.rc_map.write_count(&frame), 0);
assert_eq!(pt.get_entry(0x2000).target(), target,
"The last write reference should not allocate new frame.");
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x1000), 2);
assert_eq!(pt.read(0x2000), 3);