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//! Thread std-like interface
//! Based on Processor.
//! Used in the kernel.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! // Define a support implementation struct
//! pub struct ThreadSupportImpl;
//! // Impl `ThreadSupport` trait
//! impl ThreadSupport for ThreadSupportImpl { ... }
//! // Export the full struct as `thread`.
//! #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
//! pub type thread = ThreadMod<ThreadSupportImpl>;
//! ```
//! ```
//! // Use it just like `std::thread`
//! use thread;
//! let t = thread::current();
//! // But the other struct is not available ...
//! let t: thread::Thread; // ERROR!
//! ```
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::collections::BTreeMap;
use core::any::Any;
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::ptr;
use core::time::Duration;
use core::ops::DerefMut;
use processor::*;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
/// All dependencies for thread mod.
pub trait ThreadSupport {
type Context: Context;
type Scheduler: Scheduler;
type ProcessorGuard: DerefMut<Target=Processor_<Self::Context, Self::Scheduler>>;
fn processor() -> Self::ProcessorGuard;
/// Root structure served as thread mod
pub struct ThreadMod<S: ThreadSupport> {
mark: PhantomData<S>
impl<S: ThreadSupport> ThreadMod<S> {
/// Gets a handle to the thread that invokes it.
pub fn current() -> Thread<S> {
Thread {
pid: S::processor().current_pid(),
mark: PhantomData,
/// Puts the current thread to sleep for the specified amount of time.
pub fn sleep(dur: Duration) {
let time = dur_to_ticks(dur);
info!("sleep: {:?} ticks", time);
let mut processor = S::processor();
let pid = processor.current_pid();
processor.sleep(pid, time);
fn dur_to_ticks(dur: Duration) -> usize {
return dur.as_secs() as usize * 100 + dur.subsec_nanos() as usize / 10_000_000;
/// Spawns a new thread, returning a JoinHandle for it.
pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<S, T>
F: Send + 'static + FnOnce() -> T,
T: Send + 'static,
let f = Box::into_raw(Box::new(f));
let pid = S::processor().add(Context::new_kernel(kernel_thread_entry::<S, F, T>, f as usize));
return JoinHandle {
thread: Thread { pid, mark: PhantomData },
mark: PhantomData,
extern fn kernel_thread_entry<S, F, T>(f: usize) -> !
S: ThreadSupport,
F: Send + 'static + FnOnce() -> T,
T: Send + 'static,
let f = unsafe { Box::from_raw(f as *mut F) };
let ret = Box::new(f());
// unsafe { LocalKey::<usize>::get_map() }.clear();
let mut processor = S::processor();
let pid = processor.current_pid();
processor.exit(pid, Box::into_raw(ret) as usize);
/// Cooperatively gives up a timeslice to the OS scheduler.
pub fn yield_now() {
let mut processor = S::processor();
/// Blocks unless or until the current thread's token is made available.
pub fn park() {
let mut processor = S::processor();
let pid = processor.current_pid();
/// A handle to a thread.
pub struct Thread<S: ThreadSupport> {
pid: usize,
mark: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S: ThreadSupport> Thread<S> {
/// Atomically makes the handle's token available if it is not already.
pub fn unpark(&self) {
let mut processor = S::processor();
/// Gets the thread's unique identifier.
pub fn id(&self) -> usize {
/// An owned permission to join on a thread (block on its termination).
pub struct JoinHandle<S: ThreadSupport, T> {
thread: Thread<S>,
mark: PhantomData<T>,
impl<S: ThreadSupport, T> JoinHandle<S, T> {
/// Extracts a handle to the underlying thread.
pub fn thread(&self) -> &Thread<S> {
/// Waits for the associated thread to finish.
pub fn join(self) -> Result<T, ()> {
let mut processor = S::processor();
match processor.current_wait_for( {
WaitResult::Ok(_, exit_code) => unsafe {
Ok(*Box::from_raw(exit_code as *mut T))
WaitResult::NotExist => Err(()),
//pub struct LocalKey<T: 'static> {
// init: fn() -> T,
//impl<T: 'static> LocalKey<T> {
// pub fn with<F, R>(&'static self, f: F) -> R
// where F: FnOnce(&T) -> R
// {
// let map = unsafe { Self::get_map() };
// let key = self as *const _ as usize;
// if !map.contains_key(&key) {
// map.insert(key, Box::new((self.init)()));
// }
// let value = map.get(&key).unwrap().downcast_ref::<T>().expect("type error");
// f(value)
// }
// pub const fn new(init: fn() -> T) -> Self {
// LocalKey { init }
// }
// /// Get `BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>>` at the current kernel stack bottom
// /// The stack must be aligned with 0x8000
// unsafe fn get_map() -> &'static mut BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>> {
// const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x8000;
// let stack_var = 0usize;
// let ptr = (&stack_var as *const _ as usize) / STACK_SIZE * STACK_SIZE;
// let map = unsafe { &mut *(ptr as *mut Option<BTreeMap<usize, Box<Any>>>) };
// if map.is_none() {
// *map = Some(BTreeMap::new());
// }
// map.as_mut().unwrap()
// }
//pub mod test {
// use thread;
// use core::cell::RefCell;
// use core::time::Duration;
// pub fn unpack() {
// let parked_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
// println!("Parking thread");
// thread::park();
// println!("Thread unparked");
// 5
// });
// // Let some time pass for the thread to be spawned.
// thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(2));
// println!("Unpark the thread");
// parked_thread.thread().unpark();
// let ret = parked_thread.join().unwrap();
// assert_eq!(ret, 5);
// }
// pub fn local_key() {
// static FOO: thread::LocalKey<RefCell<usize>> = thread::LocalKey::new(|| RefCell::new(1));
// FOO.with(|f| {
// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
// *f.borrow_mut() = 2;
// });
// // each thread starts out with the initial value of 1
// thread::spawn(move || {
// FOO.with(|f| {
// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 1);
// *f.borrow_mut() = 3;
// });
// }).join();
// // we retain our original value of 2 despite the child thread
// FOO.with(|f| {
// assert_eq!(*f.borrow(), 2);
// });
// println!("local key success");
// }