//! Syscalls for file system
use core::mem::size_of;
use rcore_fs::vfs::Timespec;
use smoltcp::socket::*;
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::memory::MemorySet;
use crate::sync::Condvar;
use crate::drivers::{NET_DRIVERS, SOCKET_ACTIVITY};
use super::*;
use super::net::*;
pub fn sys_read(fd: usize, base: *mut u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("read: fd: {}, base: {:?}, len: {:#x}", fd, base, len);
let mut proc = process();
proc.memory_set.check_mut_array(base, len)?;
match proc.files.get(&fd) {
Some(FileLike::File(_)) => sys_read_file(&mut proc, fd, base, len),
Some(FileLike::Socket(_)) => sys_read_socket(&mut proc, fd, base, len),
None => Err(SysError::EINVAL)
pub fn sys_write(fd: usize, base: *const u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("write: fd: {}, base: {:?}, len: {:#x}", fd, base, len);
let mut proc = process();
proc.memory_set.check_array(base, len)?;
match proc.files.get(&fd) {
Some(FileLike::File(_)) => sys_write_file(&mut proc, fd, base, len),
Some(FileLike::Socket(_)) => sys_write_socket(&mut proc, fd, base, len),
None => Err(SysError::EINVAL)
pub fn sys_read_file(proc: &mut Process, fd: usize, base: *mut u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(base, len) };
let len = proc.get_file(fd)?.read(slice)?;
Ok(len as isize)
pub fn sys_write_file(proc: &mut Process, fd: usize, base: *const u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(base, len) };
let len = proc.get_file(fd)?.write(slice)?;
Ok(len as isize)
pub fn sys_poll(ufds: *mut PollFd, nfds: usize, timeout_msecs: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("poll: ufds: {:?}, nfds: {}, timeout_msecs: {:#x}", ufds, nfds, timeout_msecs);
let mut proc = process();
proc.memory_set.check_mut_array(ufds, nfds)?;
let polls = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ufds, nfds) };
for poll in polls.iter() {
if proc.files.get(&(poll.fd as usize)).is_none() {
return Err(SysError::EINVAL);
let begin_time_ms = crate::trap::uptime_msec();
loop {
use PollEvents as PE;
let mut proc = process();
let mut events = 0;
for poll in polls.iter_mut() {
poll.revents = PE::NONE;
match proc.files.get(&(poll.fd as usize)) {
Some(FileLike::File(_)) => {
// FIXME: assume it is stdin for now
if poll.events.contains(PE::IN) && STDIN.can_read() {
poll.revents = poll.revents | PE::IN;
events = events + 1;
Some(FileLike::Socket(wrapper)) => {
let (input, output, err) = poll_socket(&wrapper);
if err {
poll.revents = poll.revents | PE::HUP;
events = events + 1;
if input && poll.events.contains(PE::IN) {
poll.revents = poll.revents | PE::IN;
events = events + 1;
if output && poll.events.contains(PE::IN) {
poll.revents = poll.revents | PE::IN;
events = events + 1;
None => {
poll.revents = poll.revents | PE::ERR;
events = events + 1;
if events > 0 {
return Ok(events as isize);
let current_time_ms = crate::trap::uptime_msec();
if timeout_msecs < (1 << 31) && current_time_ms - begin_time_ms > timeout_msecs {
return Ok(0);
Condvar::wait_any(&[&STDIN.pushed, &(*SOCKET_ACTIVITY)]);
const FD_PER_ITEM: usize = 8 * size_of::<u32>();
const MAX_FDSET_SIZE: usize = 1024 / FD_PER_ITEM;
struct FdSet {
addr: *mut u32,
nfds: usize,
saved: [u32; MAX_FDSET_SIZE]
impl FdSet {
/// Initialize a `FdSet` from pointer and number of fds
/// Check if the array is large enough
fn new(proc: &Process, addr: *mut u32, nfds: usize) -> Result<FdSet, SysError> {
let mut saved = [0u32; MAX_FDSET_SIZE];
if addr as usize != 0 {
let len = (nfds + FD_PER_ITEM - 1) / FD_PER_ITEM;
proc.memory_set.check_mut_array(addr, len)?;
if len > MAX_FDSET_SIZE {
return Err(SysError::EINVAL);
let slice = unsafe {slice::from_raw_parts_mut(addr, len)};
// save the fdset, and clear it
for i in 0..len {
saved[i] = slice[i];
slice[i] = 0;
Ok(FdSet {
/// Try to set fd in `FdSet`
/// Return true when `FdSet` is valid, and false when `FdSet` is bad (i.e. null pointer)
/// Fd should be less than nfds
fn set(&mut self, fd: usize) -> bool {
if self.addr as usize != 0 {
assert!(fd < self.nfds);
unsafe {
*self.addr.add(fd / 8 / size_of::<u32>()) |= 1 << (fd % (8 * size_of::<u32>()));
} else {
/// Check to see fd is see in original `FdSet`
/// Fd should be less than nfds
fn is_set(&mut self, fd: usize) -> bool {
assert!(fd < self.nfds);
self.saved[fd / 8 / size_of::<u32>()] & (1 << (fd % (8 * size_of::<u32>()))) != 0
pub fn sys_select(nfds: usize, read: *mut u32, write: *mut u32, err: *mut u32, timeout: *const TimeVal) -> SysResult {
info!("select: nfds: {}, read: {:?}, write: {:?}, err: {:?}, timeout: {:?}", nfds, read, write, err, timeout);
let mut proc = process();
let mut read_fds = FdSet::new(&proc, read, nfds)?;
let mut write_fds = FdSet::new(&proc, write, nfds)?;
let mut err_fds = FdSet::new(&proc, err, nfds)?;
let timeout_msecs = if timeout as usize != 0 {
unsafe { *timeout }.to_msec()
} else {
// infinity
1 << 31
let begin_time_ms = crate::trap::uptime_msec();
loop {
let mut proc = process();
let mut events = 0;
for (fd, file) in proc.files.iter() {
if *fd < nfds {
match file {
FileLike::File(_) => {
// FIXME: assume it is stdin for now
if STDIN.can_read() {
if read_fds.is_set(*fd){
events = events + 1;
FileLike::Socket(wrapper) => {
let (input, output, err) = poll_socket(&wrapper);
if err && err_fds.is_set(*fd){
events = events + 1;
if input && read_fds.is_set(*fd){
events = events + 1;
if output && write_fds.is_set(*fd){
events = events + 1;
if events > 0 {
return Ok(events as isize);
let current_time_ms = crate::trap::uptime_msec();
if timeout_msecs < (1 << 31) && current_time_ms - begin_time_ms > timeout_msecs as usize {
return Ok(0);
Condvar::wait_any(&[&STDIN.pushed, &(*SOCKET_ACTIVITY)]);
pub fn sys_readv(fd: usize, iov_ptr: *const IoVec, iov_count: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("readv: fd: {}, iov: {:?}, count: {}", fd, iov_ptr, iov_count);
let mut proc = process();
let mut iovs = IoVecs::check_and_new(iov_ptr, iov_count, &proc.memory_set, true)?;
// read all data to a buf
let file = proc.get_file(fd)?;
let mut buf = iovs.new_buf(true);
let len = file.read(buf.as_mut_slice())?;
// copy data to user
Ok(len as isize)
pub fn sys_writev(fd: usize, iov_ptr: *const IoVec, iov_count: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("writev: fd: {}, iov: {:?}, count: {}", fd, iov_ptr, iov_count);
let mut proc = process();
let iovs = IoVecs::check_and_new(iov_ptr, iov_count, &proc.memory_set, false)?;
let file = proc.get_file(fd)?;
let buf = iovs.read_all_to_vec();
let len = file.write(buf.as_slice())?;
Ok(len as isize)
pub fn sys_open(path: *const u8, flags: usize, mode: usize) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
let flags = OpenFlags::from_bits_truncate(flags);
info!("open: path: {:?}, flags: {:?}, mode: {:#o}", path, flags, mode);
let inode =
if flags.contains(OpenFlags::CREATE) {
let (dir_path, file_name) = split_path(&path);
let dir_inode = proc.lookup_inode(dir_path)?;
match dir_inode.find(file_name) {
Ok(file_inode) => {
if flags.contains(OpenFlags::EXCLUSIVE) {
return Err(SysError::EEXIST);
Err(FsError::EntryNotFound) => {
dir_inode.create(file_name, FileType::File, mode as u32)?
Err(e) => return Err(SysError::from(e)),
} else {
// TODO: remove "stdin:" "stdout:"
match path.as_str() {
"stdin:" => crate::fs::STDIN.clone() as Arc<INode>,
"stdout:" => crate::fs::STDOUT.clone() as Arc<INode>,
_ => proc.lookup_inode(&path)?,
let fd = proc.get_free_inode();
let file = FileHandle::new(inode, flags.to_options());
proc.files.insert(fd, FileLike::File(file));
Ok(fd as isize)
pub fn sys_close(fd: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("close: fd: {:?}", fd);
let mut proc = process();
sys_close_internal(&mut proc, fd)
fn sys_close_internal(proc: &mut Process, fd: usize) -> SysResult {
match proc.files.remove(&fd) {
Some(FileLike::File(_)) => Ok(0),
Some(FileLike::Socket(wrapper)) => sys_close_socket(proc, fd, wrapper.handle),
None => Err(SysError::EINVAL),
pub fn sys_getcwd(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("getcwd: buf: {:?}, len: {:#x}", buf, len);
let mut proc = process();
proc.memory_set.check_mut_array(buf, len)?;
if proc.cwd.len() + 1 > len {
return Err(SysError::ERANGE);
unsafe {
util::write_cstr(buf, &proc.cwd)
pub fn sys_stat(path: *const u8, stat_ptr: *mut Stat) -> SysResult {
warn!("stat is partial implemented as lstat");
sys_lstat(path, stat_ptr)
pub fn sys_fstat(fd: usize, stat_ptr: *mut Stat) -> SysResult {
info!("fstat: fd: {}", fd);
let mut proc = process();
let file = proc.get_file(fd)?;
let stat = Stat::from(file.metadata()?);
// TODO: handle symlink
unsafe { stat_ptr.write(stat); }
pub fn sys_lstat(path: *const u8, stat_ptr: *mut Stat) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
info!("lstat: path: {}", path);
let inode = proc.lookup_inode(&path)?;
let stat = Stat::from(inode.metadata()?);
unsafe { stat_ptr.write(stat); }
pub fn sys_lseek(fd: usize, offset: i64, whence: u8) -> SysResult {
let pos = match whence {
SEEK_SET => SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64),
SEEK_END => SeekFrom::End(offset),
SEEK_CUR => SeekFrom::Current(offset),
_ => return Err(SysError::EINVAL),
info!("lseek: fd: {}, pos: {:?}", fd, pos);
let mut proc = process();
let file = proc.get_file(fd)?;
let offset = file.seek(pos)?;
Ok(offset as isize)
pub fn sys_fsync(fd: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("fsync: fd: {}", fd);
pub fn sys_fdatasync(fd: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("fdatasync: fd: {}", fd);
pub fn sys_truncate(path: *const u8, len: usize) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
info!("truncate: path: {:?}, len: {}", path, len);
pub fn sys_ftruncate(fd: usize, len: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("ftruncate: fd: {}, len: {}", fd, len);
process().get_file(fd)?.set_len(len as u64)?;
pub fn sys_getdents64(fd: usize, buf: *mut LinuxDirent64, buf_size: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("getdents64: fd: {}, ptr: {:?}, buf_size: {}", fd, buf, buf_size);
let mut proc = process();
proc.memory_set.check_mut_array(buf as *mut u8, buf_size)?;
let file = proc.get_file(fd)?;
let info = file.metadata()?;
if info.type_ != FileType::Dir {
return Err(SysError::ENOTDIR);
let mut writer = unsafe { DirentBufWriter::new(buf, buf_size) };
loop {
let name = match file.read_entry() {
Err(FsError::EntryNotFound) => break,
r => r,
// TODO: get ino from dirent
let ok = writer.try_write(0, 0, &name);
if !ok { break; }
Ok(writer.written_size as isize)
pub fn sys_dup2(fd1: usize, fd2: usize) -> SysResult {
info!("dup2: {} {}", fd1, fd2);
let mut proc = process();
if proc.files.contains_key(&fd2) {
// close fd2 first if it is opened
sys_close_internal(&mut proc, fd2)?;
match proc.files.get(&fd1) {
Some(FileLike::File(file)) => {
let new_file = FileLike::File(file.clone());
proc.files.insert(fd2, new_file);
Ok(fd2 as isize)
Some(FileLike::Socket(wrapper)) => {
let new_wrapper = wrapper.clone();
sys_dup2_socket(&mut proc, new_wrapper, fd2)
None => Err(SysError::EINVAL)
pub fn sys_chdir(path: *const u8) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
info!("chdir: path: {:?}", path);
let inode = proc.lookup_inode(&path)?;
let info = inode.metadata()?;
if info.type_ != FileType::Dir {
return Err(SysError::ENOTDIR);
// FIXME: calculate absolute path of new cwd
proc.cwd += &path;
pub fn sys_rename(oldpath: *const u8, newpath: *const u8) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let oldpath = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(oldpath)? };
let newpath = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(newpath)? };
info!("rename: oldpath: {:?}, newpath: {:?}", oldpath, newpath);
let (old_dir_path, old_file_name) = split_path(&oldpath);
let (new_dir_path, new_file_name) = split_path(&newpath);
let old_dir_inode = proc.lookup_inode(old_dir_path)?;
let new_dir_inode = proc.lookup_inode(new_dir_path)?;
// TODO: merge `rename` and `move` in VFS
if Arc::ptr_eq(&old_dir_inode, &new_dir_inode) {
old_dir_inode.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name)?;
} else {
old_dir_inode.move_(old_file_name, &new_dir_inode, new_file_name)?;
pub fn sys_mkdir(path: *const u8, mode: usize) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
// TODO: check pathname
info!("mkdir: path: {:?}, mode: {:#o}", path, mode);
let (dir_path, file_name) = split_path(&path);
let inode = proc.lookup_inode(dir_path)?;
if inode.find(file_name).is_ok() {
return Err(SysError::EEXIST);
inode.create(file_name, FileType::Dir, mode as u32)?;
pub fn sys_link(oldpath: *const u8, newpath: *const u8) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let oldpath = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(oldpath)? };
let newpath = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(newpath)? };
info!("link: oldpath: {:?}, newpath: {:?}", oldpath, newpath);
let (new_dir_path, new_file_name) = split_path(&newpath);
let inode = proc.lookup_inode(&oldpath)?;
let new_dir_inode = proc.lookup_inode(new_dir_path)?;
new_dir_inode.link(new_file_name, &inode)?;
pub fn sys_unlink(path: *const u8) -> SysResult {
let mut proc = process();
let path = unsafe { proc.memory_set.check_and_clone_cstr(path)? };
info!("unlink: path: {:?}", path);
let (dir_path, file_name) = split_path(&path);
let dir_inode = proc.lookup_inode(dir_path)?;
impl Process {
fn get_file(&mut self, fd: usize) -> Result<&mut FileHandle, SysError> {
self.files.get_mut(&fd).ok_or(SysError::EBADF).and_then(|f| {
match f {
FileLike::File(file) => Ok(file),
_ => Err(SysError::EBADF)
fn lookup_inode(&self, path: &str) -> Result<Arc<INode>, SysError> {
if path.len() > 0 && path.as_bytes()[0] == b'/' {
// absolute path
let abs_path = path.split_at(1).1; // skip start '/'
let inode = ROOT_INODE.lookup(abs_path)?;
} else {
// relative path
let cwd = self.cwd.split_at(1).1; // skip start '/'
let inode = ROOT_INODE.lookup(cwd)?.lookup(path)?;
/// Split a `path` str to `(base_path, file_name)`
fn split_path(path: &str) -> (&str, &str) {
let mut split = path.trim_end_matches('/').rsplitn(2, '/');
let file_name = split.next().unwrap();
let dir_path = split.next().unwrap_or(".");
(dir_path, file_name)
impl From<FsError> for SysError {
fn from(error: FsError) -> Self {
match error {
FsError::NotSupported => SysError::ENOSYS,
FsError::NotFile => SysError::EISDIR,
FsError::IsDir => SysError::EISDIR,
FsError::NotDir => SysError::ENOTDIR,
FsError::EntryNotFound => SysError::ENOENT,
FsError::EntryExist => SysError::EEXIST,
FsError::NotSameFs => SysError::EXDEV,
FsError::InvalidParam => SysError::EINVAL,
FsError::NoDeviceSpace => SysError::ENOMEM,
FsError::DirRemoved => SysError::ENOENT,
FsError::DirNotEmpty => SysError::ENOTEMPTY,
FsError::WrongFs => SysError::EINVAL,
FsError::DeviceError => SysError::EIO,
bitflags! {
struct OpenFlags: usize {
/// read only
const RDONLY = 0;
/// write only
const WRONLY = 1;
/// read write
const RDWR = 2;
/// create file if it does not exist
const CREATE = 1 << 6;
/// error if CREATE and the file exists
const EXCLUSIVE = 1 << 7;
/// truncate file upon open
const TRUNCATE = 1 << 9;
/// append on each write
const APPEND = 1 << 10;
impl OpenFlags {
fn readable(&self) -> bool {
let b = self.bits() & 0b11;
b == OpenFlags::RDONLY.bits() || b == OpenFlags::RDWR.bits()
fn writable(&self) -> bool {
let b = self.bits() & 0b11;
b == OpenFlags::WRONLY.bits() || b == OpenFlags::RDWR.bits()
fn to_options(&self) -> OpenOptions {
OpenOptions {
read: self.readable(),
write: self.writable(),
append: self.contains(OpenFlags::APPEND),
#[repr(packed)] // Don't use 'C'. Or its size will align up to 8 bytes.
pub struct LinuxDirent64 {
/// Inode number
ino: u64,
/// Offset to next structure
offset: u64,
/// Size of this dirent
reclen: u16,
/// File type
type_: u8,
/// Filename (null-terminated)
name: [u8; 0],
struct DirentBufWriter {
ptr: *mut LinuxDirent64,
rest_size: usize,
written_size: usize,
impl DirentBufWriter {
unsafe fn new(buf: *mut LinuxDirent64, size: usize) -> Self {
DirentBufWriter {
ptr: buf,
rest_size: size,
written_size: 0,
fn try_write(&mut self, inode: u64, type_: u8, name: &str) -> bool {
let len = ::core::mem::size_of::<LinuxDirent64>() + name.len() + 1;
let len = (len + 7) / 8 * 8; // align up
if self.rest_size < len {
return false;
let dent = LinuxDirent64 {
ino: inode,
offset: 0,
reclen: len as u16,
name: [],
unsafe {
let name_ptr = self.ptr.add(1) as _;
util::write_cstr(name_ptr, name);
self.ptr = (self.ptr as *const u8).add(len) as _;
self.rest_size -= len;
self.written_size += len;
pub struct Stat {
/// ID of device containing file
dev: u64,
/// inode number
ino: u64,
/// number of hard links
nlink: u64,
/// file type and mode
mode: StatMode,
/// user ID of owner
uid: u32,
/// group ID of owner
gid: u32,
/// padding
_pad0: u32,
/// device ID (if special file)
rdev: u64,
/// total size, in bytes
size: u64,
/// blocksize for filesystem I/O
blksize: u64,
/// number of 512B blocks allocated
blocks: u64,
/// last access time
atime: Timespec,
/// last modification time
mtime: Timespec,
/// last status change time
ctime: Timespec,
bitflags! {
pub struct StatMode: u32 {
const NULL = 0;
/// Type
const TYPE_MASK = 0o170000;
/// FIFO
const FIFO = 0o010000;
/// character device
const CHAR = 0o020000;
/// directory
const DIR = 0o040000;
/// block device
const BLOCK = 0o060000;
/// ordinary regular file
const FILE = 0o100000;
/// symbolic link
const LINK = 0o120000;
/// socket
const SOCKET = 0o140000;
/// Set-user-ID on execution.
const SET_UID = 0o4000;
/// Set-group-ID on execution.
const SET_GID = 0o2000;
/// Read, write, execute/search by owner.
const OWNER_MASK = 0o700;
/// Read permission, owner.
const OWNER_READ = 0o400;
/// Write permission, owner.
const OWNER_WRITE = 0o200;
/// Execute/search permission, owner.
const OWNER_EXEC = 0o100;
/// Read, write, execute/search by group.
const GROUP_MASK = 0o70;
/// Read permission, group.
const GROUP_READ = 0o40;
/// Write permission, group.
const GROUP_WRITE = 0o20;
/// Execute/search permission, group.
const GROUP_EXEC = 0o10;
/// Read, write, execute/search by others.
const OTHER_MASK = 0o7;
/// Read permission, others.
const OTHER_READ = 0o4;
/// Write permission, others.
const OTHER_WRITE = 0o2;
/// Execute/search permission, others.
const OTHER_EXEC = 0o1;
impl StatMode {
fn from_type_mode(type_: FileType, mode: u16) -> Self {
let type_ = match type_ {
FileType::File => StatMode::FILE,
FileType::Dir => StatMode::DIR,
FileType::SymLink => StatMode::LINK,
FileType::CharDevice => StatMode::CHAR,
FileType::BlockDevice => StatMode::BLOCK,
FileType::Socket => StatMode::SOCKET,
FileType::NamedPipe => StatMode::FIFO,
_ => StatMode::NULL,
let mode = StatMode::from_bits_truncate(mode as u32);
type_ | mode
impl From<Metadata> for Stat {
fn from(info: Metadata) -> Self {
Stat {
dev: info.dev as u64,
ino: info.inode as u64,
mode: StatMode::from_type_mode(info.type_, info.mode as u16),
nlink: info.nlinks as u64,
uid: info.uid as u32,
gid: info.gid as u32,
rdev: 0,
size: info.size as u64,
blksize: info.blk_size as u64,
blocks: info.blocks as u64,
atime: info.atime,
mtime: info.mtime,
ctime: info.ctime,
_pad0: 0
const SEEK_SET: u8 = 1;
const SEEK_CUR: u8 = 2;
const SEEK_END: u8 = 4;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct IoVec {
/// Starting address
base: *mut u8,
/// Number of bytes to transfer
len: u64,
/// A valid IoVecs request from user
struct IoVecs(Vec<&'static mut [u8]>);
impl IoVecs {
fn check_and_new(iov_ptr: *const IoVec, iov_count: usize, vm: &MemorySet, readv: bool) -> Result<Self, SysError> {
vm.check_array(iov_ptr, iov_count)?;
let iovs = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(iov_ptr, iov_count) }.to_vec();
// check all bufs in iov
for iov in iovs.iter() {
if readv {
vm.check_mut_array(iov.base, iov.len as usize)?;
} else {
vm.check_array(iov.base, iov.len as usize)?;
let slices = iovs.iter().map(|iov| unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(iov.base, iov.len as usize) }).collect();
fn read_all_to_vec(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = self.new_buf(false);
for slice in self.0.iter() {
fn write_all_from_slice(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
let mut copied_len = 0;
for slice in self.0.iter_mut() {
slice.copy_from_slice(&buf[copied_len..copied_len + slice.len()]);
copied_len += slice.len();
/// Create a new Vec buffer from IoVecs
/// For readv: `set_len` is true, Vec.len = total_len.
/// For writev: `set_len` is false, Vec.cap = total_len.
fn new_buf(&self, set_len: bool) -> Vec<u8> {
let total_len = self.0.iter().map(|slice| slice.len()).sum::<usize>();
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(total_len);
if set_len {
unsafe { buf.set_len(total_len); }
pub struct PollFd {
fd: u32,
events: PollEvents,
revents: PollEvents,
bitflags! {
pub struct PollEvents: u16 {
/// Nothing Happens
const NONE = 0x0000;
/// There is data to read.
const IN = 0x0001;
/// Writing is now possible.
const OUT = 0x0004;
/// Error condition (return only)
const ERR = 0x0008;
/// Hang up (return only)
const HUP = 0x0010;
/// Invalid request: fd not open (return only)
const INVAL = 0x0020;