@ -6,29 +6,37 @@ use spin::{Once, Mutex};
/// ## 必须实现的特性
/// * Clone: 用于对栈中TrapFrame的替换
/// * Debug: 用于Debug输出
use arch::interrupt::TrapFrame;
pub fn init(mc: &mut MemoryController) {
PROCESSOR.call_once(|| {Mutex::new(Processor::new(mc))});
PROCESSOR.call_once(|| {Mutex::new({
let mut processor = Processor::new(mc);
let initproc = Process::new_init(mc);
let idleproc = Process::new("idle", idle_thread, mc);
static PROCESSOR: Once<Mutex<Processor>> = Once::new();
/// Called by timer handler in arch
pub fn schedule(trap_frame: &mut TrapFrame) {
/// 设置rsp,指向接下来要执行线程的 内核栈顶
/// 之后中断处理例程会重置rsp,恢复对应线程的上下文
pub fn schedule(rsp: &mut usize) {
pub struct Process {
pid: Pid,
name: String,
name: &'static str,
kstack: Stack,
// page_table: Box<PageTable>,
status: Status,
trap_frame: TrapFrame,
rsp: usize,
@ -45,33 +53,10 @@ type Pid = usize;
impl Processor {
fn new(mc: &mut MemoryController) -> Self {
let mut processor = Processor {
Processor {
procs: BTreeMap::<Pid, Box<Process>>::new(),
current_pid: 0,
let initproc = Box::new(Process{
pid: 0,
name: String::from("initproc"),
kstack: mc.kernel_stack.take().unwrap(),
status: Status::Running,
trap_frame: TrapFrame::default(),
let idleproc = Box::new(Process{
pid: 1,
name: String::from("idleproc"),
kstack: mc.alloc_stack(7).unwrap(),
status: Status::Ready,
trap_frame: {
let mut tf = TrapFrame::default();
tf.iret.cs = 8;
tf.iret.rip = idle_thread as usize;
tf.iret.rflags = 0x282;
processor.procs.insert(0, initproc);
processor.procs.insert(1, idleproc);
fn alloc_pid(&self) -> Pid {
let mut next: Pid = 0;
@ -84,31 +69,88 @@ impl Processor {
return next;
fn schedule(&mut self, trap_frame: &mut TrapFrame) {
self.switch(1, trap_frame);
fn add(&mut self, mut process: Box<Process>) {
let pid = self.alloc_pid();
process.pid = pid;
self.procs.insert(pid, process);
fn schedule(&mut self, rsp: &mut usize) {
let pid = self.find_next();
self.switch_to(pid, rsp);
fn find_next(&self) -> Pid {
.find(|&&i| i > self.current_pid)
fn switch(&mut self, pid: Pid, trap_frame: &mut TrapFrame) {
fn switch_to(&mut self, pid: Pid, rsp: &mut usize) {
// for debug print
let pid0 = self.current_pid;
let rsp0 = *rsp;
if pid == self.current_pid {
let current = self.procs.get_mut(&self.current_pid).unwrap();
current.status = Status::Ready;
current.rsp = *rsp;
let process = self.procs.get_mut(&pid).unwrap();
*trap_frame = process.trap_frame.clone();
process.status = Status::Running;
*rsp = process.rsp;
// TODO switch page table
self.current_pid = pid;
debug!("Processor: switch from {} to {}\n rsp: {:#x} -> {:#x}", pid0, pid, rsp0, rsp);
impl Process {
/// Make a new kernel thread
fn new(name: &'static str, entry: extern fn(), mc: &mut MemoryController) -> Box<Self> {
let kstack = mc.alloc_stack(7).unwrap();
let rsp = unsafe{ (kstack.top() as *mut TrapFrame).offset(-1) } as usize;
let mut tf = unsafe{ &mut *(rsp as *mut TrapFrame) };
// TODO: move to arch
*tf = TrapFrame::default();
tf.iret.cs = 8;
tf.iret.rip = entry as usize;
tf.iret.ss = 24;
tf.iret.rsp = kstack.top();
tf.iret.rflags = 0x282;
Box::new(Process {
pid: 0,
status: Status::Ready,
/// Make the first kernel thread `initproc`
/// Should be called only once
fn new_init(mc: &mut MemoryController) -> Box<Self> {
Box::new(Process {
pid: 0,
name: "init",
kstack: mc.kernel_stack.take().unwrap(),
status: Status::Running,
rsp: 0, // will be set at first schedule
extern fn idle_thread() {
loop {
println!("idle ...");
for i in 0 .. 1 << 20 {
let mut i = 0;
while i < 1 << 22 {
i += 1;