create virtual vga file, now can draw fb on user state

PanQL 6 years ago
parent 9ac8f1b887
commit 9e4a3f9662

@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ pub fn putfmt(fmt: Arguments) {
unsafe { CONSOLE.force_unlock() }
if let Some(console) = CONSOLE.lock().as_mut() {
//unsafe { CONSOLE.force_unlock() }
//if let Some(console) = CONSOLE.lock().as_mut() {

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ pub use self::file_like::*;
pub use self::pipe::Pipe;
pub use self::pseudo::*;
pub use self::stdio::{STDIN, STDOUT};
pub use self::vga::*;
mod device;
mod file;
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ mod ioctl;
mod pipe;
mod pseudo;
mod stdio;
mod vga;
/// Hard link user programs
#[cfg(feature = "link_user")]

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
use rcore_fs::vfs::*;
use alloc::{string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
use core::any::Any;
use crate::arch::board::fb::FRAME_BUFFER;
pub struct Vga;
macro_rules! impl_inode {
() => {
fn set_metadata(&self, _metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn sync_all(&self) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn sync_data(&self) -> Result<()> { Ok(()) }
fn resize(&self, _len: usize) -> Result<()> { Err(FsError::NotSupported) }
fn create(&self, _name: &str, _type_: FileType, _mode: u32) -> Result<Arc<INode>> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn unlink(&self, _name: &str) -> Result<()> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn link(&self, _name: &str, _other: &Arc<INode>) -> Result<()> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn move_(&self, _old_name: &str, _target: &Arc<INode>, _new_name: &str) -> Result<()> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn find(&self, _name: &str) -> Result<Arc<INode>> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn get_entry(&self, _id: usize) -> Result<String> { Err(FsError::NotDir) }
fn io_control(&self, cmd: u32, data: usize) -> Result<()> { Err(FsError::NotSupported) }
fn fs(&self) -> Arc<FileSystem> { unimplemented!() }
fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &Any { self }
impl INode for Vga {
fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
fn write_at(&self, _offset: usize, _buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
info!("the _offset is {} {}", _offset, _buf[0]);
let mut result : usize = 0;
if let Some(fb) = FRAME_BUFFER.lock().as_mut() {
for x in 0..1024 { // TODO, should not use CONSTS
for y in 0..768 {
let blue = _buf[3 * (x * 768 + y)];
let green = _buf[3 * (x * 768 + y) + 1];
let red = _buf[3 * (x * 768 + y) + 2];
let pixel : u32 = ((blue as u32) << 16) | ((green as u32) << 8) | (red as u32);
fb.write(x as u32, y as u32, pixel);
result += 3;
return Ok(result);
fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus> {
Ok(PollStatus { // TOKNOW and TODO
read: true,
write: false,
error: false,
fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata> {
Ok(Metadata {
dev: 0,
inode: 0,
size: 0x24000,
blk_size: 0,
blocks: 0,
atime: Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 },
mtime: Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 },
ctime: Timespec { sec: 0, nsec: 0 },
type_: FileType::SymLink,
mode: 0,
nlinks: 0,
uid: 0,
gid: 0,

@ -871,7 +871,11 @@ impl Process {
match path {
"/proc/self/exe" => {
return Ok(Arc::new(Pseudo::new(&self.exec_path, FileType::SymLink)));
"/dev/fb0" => {
info!("/dev/fb0 will be opened");
return Ok(Arc::new(Vga::default()));
_ => {}
let (fd_dir_path, fd_name) = split_path(&path);
