pub use self::area_frame_allocator::AreaFrameAllocator; pub use arch::paging::*; pub use self::stack_allocator::Stack; pub use self::address::*; pub use self::frame::*; use multiboot2::BootInformation; use consts::KERNEL_OFFSET; use arch::paging; use arch::paging::EntryFlags; mod area_frame_allocator; pub mod heap_allocator; mod stack_allocator; mod address; mod frame; pub fn init(boot_info: &BootInformation) -> MemoryController { assert_has_not_been_called!("memory::init must be called only once"); let memory_map_tag = boot_info.memory_map_tag().expect( "Memory map tag required"); let elf_sections_tag = boot_info.elf_sections_tag().expect( "Elf sections tag required"); let kernel_start = PhysicalAddress(elf_sections_tag.sections() .filter(|s| s.is_allocated()).map(|s| s.start_address()).min().unwrap() as u64); let kernel_end = PhysicalAddress::from_kernel_virtual(elf_sections_tag.sections() .filter(|s| s.is_allocated()).map(|s| s.end_address()).max().unwrap()); let boot_info_start = PhysicalAddress(boot_info.start_address() as u64); let boot_info_end = PhysicalAddress(boot_info.end_address() as u64); println!("kernel start: {:#x}, kernel end: {:#x}", kernel_start, kernel_end); println!("multiboot start: {:#x}, multiboot end: {:#x}", boot_info_start, boot_info_end); println!("memory area:"); for area in memory_map_tag.memory_areas() { println!(" addr: {:#x}, size: {:#x}", area.base_addr, area.length); } let mut frame_allocator = AreaFrameAllocator::new( kernel_start, kernel_end, boot_info_start, boot_info_end, memory_map_tag.memory_areas()); let mut active_table = remap_the_kernel(&mut frame_allocator, boot_info); use self::paging::Page; use consts::{KERNEL_HEAP_OFFSET, KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE}; let heap_start_page = Page::containing_address(KERNEL_HEAP_OFFSET); let heap_end_page = Page::containing_address(KERNEL_HEAP_OFFSET + KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE-1); for page in Page::range_inclusive(heap_start_page, heap_end_page) {, EntryFlags::WRITABLE, &mut frame_allocator); } let stack_allocator = { let stack_alloc_start = heap_end_page + 1; let stack_alloc_end = stack_alloc_start + 100; let stack_alloc_range = Page::range_inclusive(stack_alloc_start, stack_alloc_end); stack_allocator::StackAllocator::new(stack_alloc_range) }; MemoryController { active_table: active_table, frame_allocator: frame_allocator, stack_allocator: stack_allocator, } } pub fn remap_the_kernel(allocator: &mut A, boot_info: &BootInformation) -> ActivePageTable where A: FrameAllocator { let mut temporary_page = TemporaryPage::new(Page::containing_address(0xcafebabe), allocator); let mut active_table = unsafe { ActivePageTable::new() }; let mut new_table = { let frame = allocator.allocate_frame().expect("no more frames"); InactivePageTable::new(frame, &mut active_table, &mut temporary_page) }; active_table.with(&mut new_table, &mut temporary_page, |mapper| { let elf_sections_tag = boot_info.elf_sections_tag() .expect("Memory map tag required"); for section in elf_sections_tag.sections() { if !section.is_allocated() { // section is not loaded to memory continue; } assert!(section.start_address() % PAGE_SIZE == 0, "sections need to be page aligned"); println!("mapping section at addr: {:#x}, size: {:#x}", section.addr, section.size); let flags = EntryFlags::from_elf_section_flags(section); fn to_physical_frame(addr: usize) -> Frame { Frame::containing_address( if addr < KERNEL_OFFSET { addr } else { addr - KERNEL_OFFSET }) } let start_frame = to_physical_frame(section.start_address()); let end_frame = to_physical_frame(section.end_address() - 1); for frame in Frame::range_inclusive(start_frame, end_frame) { let page = Page::containing_address(frame.start_address().to_kernel_virtual()); mapper.map_to(page, frame, flags, allocator); } } // identity map the VGA text buffer let vga_buffer_frame = Frame::containing_address(0xb8000); mapper.identity_map(vga_buffer_frame, EntryFlags::WRITABLE, allocator); // identity map the multiboot info structure let multiboot_start = Frame::containing_address(boot_info.start_address()); let multiboot_end = Frame::containing_address(boot_info.end_address() - 1); for frame in Frame::range_inclusive(multiboot_start, multiboot_end) { mapper.identity_map(frame, EntryFlags::PRESENT, allocator); } }); let old_table = active_table.switch(new_table); println!("NEW TABLE!!!"); // turn the old p4 page into a guard page let old_table_p4_frame = unsafe { &*(&old_table as *const InactivePageTable as *const Frame) }; let old_p4_page = Page::containing_address( old_table_p4_frame.start_address().to_kernel_virtual() ); active_table.unmap(old_p4_page, allocator); println!("guard page at {:#x}", old_p4_page.start_address()); active_table } pub struct MemoryController { active_table: paging::ActivePageTable, frame_allocator: AreaFrameAllocator, stack_allocator: stack_allocator::StackAllocator, } impl MemoryController { pub fn alloc_stack(&mut self, size_in_pages: usize) -> Option { let &mut MemoryController { ref mut active_table, ref mut frame_allocator, ref mut stack_allocator } = self; stack_allocator.alloc_stack(active_table, frame_allocator, size_in_pages) } pub fn map_page_identity(&mut self, addr: usize) { let frame = Frame::containing_address(addr); let flags = EntryFlags::WRITABLE; self.active_table.identity_map(frame, flags, &mut self.frame_allocator); } pub fn print_page_table(&self) { debug!("{:?}", self.active_table); } }