//! Syscalls for process use super::*; /// Fork the current process. Return the child's PID. pub fn sys_fork(tf: &TrapFrame) -> SysResult { let context = current_thread().fork(tf); let pid = processor().manager().add(context, thread::current().id()); info!("fork: {} -> {}", thread::current().id(), pid); Ok(pid as isize) } /// Wait the process exit. /// Return the PID. Store exit code to `code` if it's not null. pub fn sys_wait(pid: usize, code: *mut i32) -> SysResult { // TODO: check ptr loop { use alloc::vec; let wait_procs = match pid { 0 => processor().manager().get_children(thread::current().id()), _ => vec![pid], }; if wait_procs.is_empty() { return Ok(-1); } for pid in wait_procs { match processor().manager().get_status(pid) { Some(Status::Exited(exit_code)) => { if !code.is_null() { unsafe { code.write(exit_code as i32); } } processor().manager().remove(pid); info!("wait: {} -> {}", thread::current().id(), pid); return Ok(0); } None => return Ok(-1), _ => {} } } info!("wait: {} -> {}, sleep", thread::current().id(), pid); if pid == 0 { processor().manager().wait_child(thread::current().id()); processor().yield_now(); } else { processor().manager().wait(thread::current().id(), pid); processor().yield_now(); } } } pub fn sys_exec(name: *const u8, argc: usize, argv: *const *const u8, tf: &mut TrapFrame) -> SysResult { // TODO: check ptr let name = if name.is_null() { "" } else { unsafe { util::from_cstr(name) } }; info!("exec: {:?}, argc: {}, argv: {:?}", name, argc, argv); // Copy args to kernel let args: Vec = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(argv, argc).iter() .map(|&arg| String::from(util::from_cstr(arg))) .collect() }; if args.len() <= 0 { return Err(SysError::Inval); } // Read program file let path = args[0].as_str(); let inode = crate::fs::ROOT_INODE.lookup(path)?; let size = inode.info()?.size; let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(size); unsafe { buf.set_len(size); } inode.read_at(0, buf.as_mut_slice())?; // Make new Thread let iter = args.iter().map(|s| s.as_str()); let mut thread = Thread::new_user(buf.as_slice(), iter); // Activate new page table unsafe { thread.proc.lock().memory_set.activate(); } // Modify the TrapFrame *tf = unsafe { thread.context.get_init_tf() }; // Swap Context but keep KStack ::core::mem::swap(&mut current_thread().kstack, &mut thread.kstack); ::core::mem::swap(current_thread(), &mut *thread); Ok(0) } pub fn sys_yield() -> SysResult { thread::yield_now(); Ok(0) } /// Kill the process pub fn sys_kill(pid: usize) -> SysResult { info!("{} killed: {}", thread::current().id(), pid); processor().manager().exit(pid, 0x100); if pid == thread::current().id() { processor().yield_now(); } Ok(0) } /// Get the current process id pub fn sys_getpid() -> SysResult { Ok(thread::current().id() as isize) } /// Exit the current process pub fn sys_exit(exit_code: isize) -> SysResult { let pid = thread::current().id(); info!("exit: {}, code: {}", pid, exit_code); processor().manager().exit(pid, exit_code as usize); processor().yield_now(); unreachable!(); } pub fn sys_sleep(time: usize) -> SysResult { if time >= 1 << 31 { thread::park(); } else { use core::time::Duration; thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(time as u64 * 10)); } Ok(0) } pub fn sys_set_priority(priority: usize) -> SysResult { let pid = thread::current().id(); processor().manager().set_priority(pid, priority as u8); Ok(0) }