arch ?= x86_64 kernel := build/kernel-$(arch).bin iso := build/os-$(arch).iso target ?= $(arch)-blog_os rust_os := target/$(target)/debug/libblog_os.a boot_src := src/arch/$(arch)/boot linker_script := $(boot_src)/linker.ld grub_cfg := $(boot_src)/grub.cfg assembly_source_files := $(wildcard $(boot_src)/*.asm) assembly_object_files := $(patsubst $(boot_src)/%.asm, \ build/arch/$(arch)/boot/%.o, $(assembly_source_files)) qemu_opts := -cdrom $(iso) -smp 2 ifdef travis test := 1 features := $(features) qemu_auto_exit endif ifdef test features := $(features) test # enable shutdown inside the qemu qemu_opts := $(qemu_opts) -device isa-debug-exit endif ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) prefix := else prefix := x86_64-elf- endif ld := $(prefix)ld .PHONY: all clean run iso kernel build all: $(kernel) clean: @rm -r build run: $(iso) @qemu-system-$(arch) $(qemu_opts) || [ $$? -eq 11 ] # run qemu and assert it exit 11 iso: $(iso) build: iso $(iso): $(kernel) $(grub_cfg) @mkdir -p build/isofiles/boot/grub @cp $(kernel) build/isofiles/boot/kernel.bin @cp $(grub_cfg) build/isofiles/boot/grub @grub-mkrescue -o $(iso) build/isofiles 2> /dev/null @rm -r build/isofiles $(kernel): kernel $(rust_os) $(assembly_object_files) $(linker_script) @$(ld) -n --gc-sections -T $(linker_script) -o $(kernel) \ $(assembly_object_files) $(rust_os) kernel: @RUST_TARGET_PATH=$(shell pwd) xargo build --target $(target) --features "$(features)" # compile assembly files build/arch/$(arch)/boot/%.o: $(boot_src)/%.asm @mkdir -p $(shell dirname $@) @nasm -felf64 $< -o $@ # used by docker_* targets docker_image ?= blog_os tag ?= 0.1 docker_cargo_volume ?= blogos-$(shell id -u)-$(shell id -g)-cargo docker_rustup_volume ?= blogos-$(shell id -u)-$(shell id -g)-rustup docker_args ?= -e LOCAL_UID=$(shell id -u) -e LOCAL_GID=$(shell id -g) -v $(docker_cargo_volume):/usr/local/cargo -v $(docker_rustup_volume):/usr/local/rustup -v $(shell pwd):$(shell pwd) -w $(shell pwd) docker_clean_args ?= $(docker_cargo_volume) $(docker_rustup_volume) # docker_* targets docker_build: @docker build docker/ -t $(docker_image):$(tag) docker_iso: @docker run --rm $(docker_args) $(docker_image):$(tag) make iso docker_run: docker_iso @qemu-system-$(arch) -cdrom $(iso) -s docker_interactive: @docker run -it --rm $(docker_args) $(docker_image):$(tag) docker_clean: @docker volume rm $(docker_clean_args)