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use riscv::register::*;
pub use self::context::*;
use crate::memory::{MemorySet, InactivePageTable0};
use log::*;
#[path = ""]
mod context;
* @brief:
* initialize the interrupt status
pub fn init() {
extern {
fn __alltraps();
unsafe {
// Set sscratch register to 0, indicating to exception vector that we are
// presently executing in the kernel
// Set the exception vector address
stvec::write(__alltraps as usize, stvec::TrapMode::Direct);
// Enable IPI
// Enable serial interrupt
info!("interrupt: init end");
* @brief:
* enable interrupt
pub unsafe fn enable() {
* @brief:
* store and disable interrupt
* @retbal:
* a usize value store the origin sie
pub unsafe fn disable_and_store() -> usize {
let e = sstatus::read().sie() as usize;
* @param:
* flags: input flag
* @brief:
* enable interrupt if flags != 0
pub unsafe fn restore(flags: usize) {
if flags != 0 {
* @param:
* TrapFrame: the trapFrame of the Interrupt/Exception/Trap to be processed
* @brief:
* process the Interrupt/Exception/Trap
pub extern fn rust_trap(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
use riscv::register::scause::{Trap, Interrupt as I, Exception as E};
trace!("Interrupt @ CPU{}: {:?} ", super::cpu::id(), tf.scause.cause());
match tf.scause.cause() {
Trap::Interrupt(I::SupervisorExternal) => serial(),
Trap::Interrupt(I::SupervisorSoft) => ipi(),
Trap::Interrupt(I::SupervisorTimer) => timer(),
Trap::Exception(E::IllegalInstruction) => illegal_inst(tf),
Trap::Exception(E::UserEnvCall) => syscall(tf),
Trap::Exception(E::LoadPageFault) => page_fault(tf),
Trap::Exception(E::StorePageFault) => page_fault(tf),
Trap::Exception(E::InstructionPageFault) => page_fault(tf),
_ => crate::trap::error(tf),
trace!("Interrupt end");
fn serial() {
fn ipi() {
* @brief:
* process timer interrupt
fn timer() {
* @param:
* TrapFrame: the Trapframe for the syscall
* @brief:
* process syscall
fn syscall(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
tf.sepc += 4; // Must before syscall, because of fork.
let ret = crate::syscall::syscall(tf.x[10], [tf.x[11], tf.x[12], tf.x[13], tf.x[14], tf.x[15], tf.x[16]], tf);
tf.x[10] = ret as usize;
* @param:
* TrapFrame: the Trapframe for the illegal inst exception
* @brief:
* process IllegalInstruction exception
fn illegal_inst(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
if !emulate_mul_div(tf) {
* @param:
* TrapFrame: the Trapframe for the page fault exception
* @brief:
* process page fault exception
fn page_fault(tf: &mut TrapFrame) {
let addr = stval::read();
trace!("\nEXCEPTION: Page Fault @ {:#x}", addr);
if !crate::memory::page_fault_handler(addr) {
/// Migrate from riscv-pk
* @param:
* TrapFrame: the Trapframe for the illegal inst exception
* @brief:
* emulate the multiply and divide operation (if not this kind of operation return false)
* @retval:
* a bool indicates whether emulate the multiply and divide operation successfully
fn emulate_mul_div(tf: &mut TrapFrame) -> bool {
let insn = unsafe { *(tf.sepc as *const usize) };
let rs1 = tf.x[get_reg(insn, RS1)];
let rs2 = tf.x[get_reg(insn, RS2)];
let rd = if (insn & MASK_MUL) == MATCH_MUL {
rs1 * rs2
} else if (insn & MASK_DIV) == MATCH_DIV {
((rs1 as i32) / (rs2 as i32)) as usize
} else if (insn & MASK_DIVU) == MATCH_DIVU {
rs1 / rs2
} else if (insn & MASK_REM) == MATCH_REM {
((rs1 as i32) % (rs2 as i32)) as usize
} else if (insn & MASK_REMU) == MATCH_REMU {
rs1 % rs2
} else if (insn & MASK_MULH) == MATCH_MULH {
(((rs1 as i32 as i64) * (rs2 as i32 as i64)) >> 32) as usize
} else if (insn & MASK_MULHU) == MATCH_MULHU {
(((rs1 as i64) * (rs2 as i64)) >> 32) as usize
} else if (insn & MASK_MULHSU) == MATCH_MULHSU {
(((rs1 as i32 as i64) * (rs2 as i64)) >> 32) as usize
} else {
return false;
tf.x[get_reg(insn, RD)] = rd;
tf.sepc += 4; // jump to next instruction
return true;
fn get_reg(inst: usize, offset: usize) -> usize {
(inst >> offset) & 0x1f
const RS1: usize = 15;
const RS2: usize = 20;
const RD: usize = 7;
const MATCH_MUL: usize = 0x2000033;
const MASK_MUL: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_MULH: usize = 0x2001033;
const MASK_MULH: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_MULHSU: usize = 0x2002033;
const MASK_MULHSU: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_MULHU: usize = 0x2003033;
const MASK_MULHU: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_DIV: usize = 0x2004033;
const MASK_DIV: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_DIVU: usize = 0x2005033;
const MASK_DIVU: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_REM: usize = 0x2006033;
const MASK_REM: usize = 0xfe00707f;
const MATCH_REMU: usize = 0x2007033;
const MASK_REMU: usize = 0xfe00707f;
} |