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102 lines
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102 lines
2.7 KiB
use core::fmt;
use arch::driver::serial::COM1;
mod vga_writer;
pub fn init() {
static LOGGER: SimpleLogger = SimpleLogger;
macro_rules! print {
($($arg:tt)*) => ({
macro_rules! println {
($fmt:expr) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n")));
($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"), $($arg)*));
/// Add escape sequence to print with color in Linux console
macro_rules! with_color {
($args: ident, $color: ident) => {{
let (show, code) = color_to_console_code($color);
format_args!("{}[{};{}m{}{}[0m", 27 as char, show.clone(), code + 30, $args, 27 as char)
use arch::driver::vga::Color;
fn print_in_color(args: fmt::Arguments, color: Color) {
use core::fmt::Write;
use arch::driver::vga::*;
// {
// let mut writer = vga_writer::VGA_WRITER.lock();
// writer.set_color(color);
// writer.write_fmt(args).unwrap();
// }
// TODO: 解决死锁问题
// 若进程在持有锁时被中断,中断处理程序请求输出,就会死锁
unsafe{ COM1.force_unlock(); }
COM1.lock().write_fmt(with_color!(args, color)).unwrap();
pub fn print(args: fmt::Arguments) {
use core::fmt::Write;
unsafe { COM1.force_unlock(); }
use log;
use log::{Record, Level, Metadata, Log, SetLoggerError, LevelFilter};
struct SimpleLogger;
impl Log for SimpleLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> bool {
// metadata.level() <= Level::Info
fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
if self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
print_in_color(format_args!("{}\n", record.args()), Color::from(record.level()));
fn flush(&self) {}
impl From<Level> for Color {
fn from(level: Level) -> Self {
match level {
Level::Error => Color::Red,
Level::Warn => Color::Yellow,
Level::Info => Color::Blue,
Level::Debug => Color::LightRed,
Level::Trace => Color::DarkGray,
fn color_to_console_code(color: Color) -> (u8, u8) {
match color {
Color::Black => (0, 0),
Color::Blue => (0, 4),
Color::Green => (0, 2),
Color::Cyan => (0, 6),
Color::Red => (0, 1),
Color::Magenta => (0, 5),
Color::Brown => (0, 3),
Color::LightGray => (1, 7),
Color::DarkGray => (0, 7),
Color::LightBlue => (1, 4),
Color::LightGreen => (1, 2),
Color::LightCyan => (1, 6),
Color::LightRed => (1, 1),
Color::Pink => (1, 5),
Color::Yellow => (1, 3),
Color::White => (1, 0),
} |