<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- 配置关于管理员表的 MyBatis映射文件 -->
<!-- namespace:必须与对应的接口全类名一致 id:必须与对应接口的某个对应的方法名一致 -->
<mapper namespace="com.dao.AdminDAO">
<resultMap type="admin" id="adminMap">
<id property="adminid" column="adminid" />
<result property="username" column="username" />
<result property="password" column="password" />
<result property="realname" column="realname" />
<result property="contact" column="contact" />
<result property="addtime" column="addtime" />
<!-- 管理员表 插入SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(insertAdmin)调用此配置 -->
<insert id="insertAdmin" parameterType="admin">
insert into admin(adminid , username , password , realname , contact , addtime ) values(#{adminid} , #{username} , #{password} , #{realname} , #{contact} , #{addtime} )
<!-- 管理员表 更新SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(updateAdmin)调用此配置 -->
<update id="updateAdmin" parameterType="admin">
update admin set username=#{username} , password=#{password} , realname=#{realname} , contact=#{contact} , addtime=#{addtime} where adminid=#{adminid}
<!-- 管理员表 按主键删除SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(deleteAdmin)调用此配置 -->
<delete id="deleteAdmin" parameterType="String">
delete from admin where adminid = #{adminid}
<!-- 管理员表 查询全部管理员信息SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(getAllAdmin)调用此配置 -->
<select id="getAllAdmin" resultMap="adminMap">
select a.* from admin a where 1=1 order by adminid desc
<!-- 管理员表 按主键(adminid)查询SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(getAdminById)调用此配置 -->
<select id="getAdminById" parameterType="String" resultMap="adminMap">
select a.* from admin a where 1=1 and adminid=#{adminid} order by adminid desc
<!-- 管理员表 按条件精确查询SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(getAdminByCond)调用此配置 -->
<select id="getAdminByCond" parameterType="admin" resultMap="adminMap">
select a.* from admin a where 1=1
<if test="username != null and '' != username">
and a.username = #{username}
<if test="password != null and '' != password">
and a.password = #{password}
<if test="realname != null and '' != realname">
and a.realname = #{realname}
<if test="contact != null and '' != contact">
and a.contact = #{contact}
<if test="addtime != null and '' != addtime">
and a.addtime = #{addtime}
<!-- 管理员表 按条件模糊查询SQL语句 AdminDAO通过ID(getAdminByLike)调用此配置 -->
<select id="getAdminByLike" parameterType="admin" resultMap="adminMap">
select a.* from admin a where 1=1
<if test="username != null and '' != username">
and a.username like CONCAT('%', CONCAT(#{username}, '%'))
<if test="password != null and '' != password">
and a.password like CONCAT('%', CONCAT(#{password}, '%'))
<if test="realname != null and '' != realname">
and a.realname like CONCAT('%', CONCAT(#{realname}, '%'))
<if test="contact != null and '' != contact">
and a.contact like CONCAT('%', CONCAT(#{contact}, '%'))
<if test="addtime != null and '' != addtime">
and a.addtime like CONCAT('%', CONCAT(#{addtime}, '%'))