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2 months ago
# 记录日志的模块
from loguru import logger
import pathlib
import sys
import os
# 终端日志输出格式
stdout_fmt = '<cyan>{time:HH:mm:ss,SSS}</cyan> ' \
'[<level>{level: <5}</level>] ' \
'<blue>{module}</blue>:<cyan>{line}</cyan> - ' \
# 日志文件记录格式
logfile_fmt = '<light-green>{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss,SSS}</light-green> ' \
'[<level>{level: <5}</level>] ' \
'<cyan>{}({})</cyan>:' \
'<cyan>{ <10}({ <5})</cyan> | ' \
'<blue>{module}</blue>.<blue>{function}</blue>:' \
'<blue>{line}</blue> - <level>{message}</level>'
log_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve().joinpath('logs')
if not log_path.is_dir():
log_path = log_path.joinpath('web.log').resolve()
logger.level(name='TRACE', no=5, color='<cyan><bold>', icon='✏️')
logger.level(name='DEBUG', no=10, color='<blue><bold>', icon='🐞 ')
logger.level(name='INFOR', no=20, color='<green><bold>', icon='')
logger.level(name='ALERT', no=30, color='<yellow><bold>', icon='⚠️')
logger.level(name='ERROR', no=40, color='<red><bold>', icon='❌️')
logger.level(name='FATAL', no=50, color='<RED><bold>', icon='☠️')
if not os.environ.get('PYTHONIOENCODING'): # 设置编码
os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8'
logger.add(sys.stderr, level='INFOR', format=stdout_fmt, enqueue=True)
logger.add(log_path, level='DEBUG', format=logfile_fmt, enqueue=True, encoding='utf-8')