#!/usr/bin/env python ''' Copyright (C) 2020, WAFW00F Developers. See the LICENSE file for copying permission. ''' NAME = 'NinjaFirewall (NinTechNet)' def is_waf(self): # 定义用于检测是否存在特定 Web 应用防火墙(WAF)的方案列表。 schemes = [ # 检查响应内容中是否包含'NinjaFirewall. [最多十个任意字符] 三位数字.forbidden'。 self.matchContent(r'<title>NinjaFirewall.{0,10}?\d{3}.forbidden'), # 检查响应内容中是否包含'For security reasons?. [最多十个任意字符] it was blocked and logged'。 self.matchContent(r'For security reasons?.{0,10}?it was blocked and logged') ] # 如果方案列表中的所有条件都为真,则认为检测到了 WAF。 if all(i for i in schemes): return True else: return False