You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import math
import operator
import random
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from settings import model, similarity_threshold, support_threshold, confidence_threshold, md_output_dir
sample_number = 100000
step_length = 0.01
def get_metrics(md_tensor, data, sim_tensor, target_index):
length = data.shape[0]
width = data.shape[1]
# md_tensor = list(current_md.values())
# md_tensor = torch.tensor(md_tensor, device='cuda')
md_tensor_2d = md_tensor.unsqueeze(1)
md_tensor_3d = md_tensor_2d.unsqueeze(2)
md_tensor_3d = md_tensor_3d.repeat(1, length, length)
sim_tensor = torch.round(sim_tensor, decimals=4)
sup_tensor =, md_tensor_3d)
ini_slice = torch.ones((length, length), dtype=torch.bool, device='cuda')
for i in range(0, width):
if i != target_index:
sup_tensor_slice = sup_tensor[i]
ini_slice = torch.logical_and(ini_slice, sup_tensor_slice)
sup_tensor_int =
support_Naumann = torch.count_nonzero(sup_tensor_int).item()
support_Naumann = (support_Naumann - length) / 2
conf_tensor = torch.logical_and(ini_slice, sup_tensor[target_index])
conf_tensor_int =
support_Fan = torch.count_nonzero(conf_tensor_int).item()
support_Fan = (support_Fan - length) / 2
confidence = support_Fan / support_Naumann if support_Naumann > 0 else 0
return support_Fan, confidence
def build_cartesian(width, target_index):
all_values_array = np.linspace(start=similarity_threshold, stop=1, endpoint=True,
num=math.ceil((1-similarity_threshold)/step_length) + 1)
all_values_array = np.round(all_values_array, 4)
all_values_tensor = torch.tensor(all_values_array, device='cuda')
all_values_tensor = all_values_tensor.float()
all_values_tensor = torch.round(all_values_tensor, decimals=4)
tensors_for_cartesian = []
for i in range(0, width):
if i == target_index:
t = torch.tensor([1.0], device='cuda')
result = torch.cartesian_prod(*tensors_for_cartesian)
return result
def get_metric_tensor(cartesian_product, data, sim_tensor, target_index):
length = data.shape[0]
width = data.shape[1]
cartesian_product = cartesian_product.unsqueeze(2)
cartesian_product = cartesian_product.unsqueeze(3)
cartesian_product = cartesian_product.repeat(1, 1, length, length)
def discover(path, target_col):
data = pd.read_csv(path, low_memory=False, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
data.fillna("", inplace=True)
data = data.astype(str)
columns = data.columns.values.tolist()
target_index = columns.index(target_col)
cols_but_target = list(set(columns) - {target_col})
length = data.shape[0]
width = data.shape[1]
# 除了目标列外所有列的索引
columns_indices = [_ for _ in range(0, width) if _ != target_index]
sentences = []
for col in range(0, width):
for row in range(0, length):
cell_value = data.values[row, col]
embedding = model.encode(sentences, convert_to_tensor=True, device="cuda")
split_embedding = torch.split(embedding, length, dim=0)
table_tensor = torch.stack(split_embedding, dim=0, out=None)
norm_table_tensor = torch.nn.functional.normalize(table_tensor, dim=2)
sim_tensor = torch.matmul(norm_table_tensor, norm_table_tensor.transpose(1, 2))
sim_tensor = sim_tensor.float()
sim_tensor = torch.round(sim_tensor, decimals=4)
# 小于6列的可以尝试做笛卡尔积大于6列可能指数爆炸
if width < 6:
# 列出除目标列以外所有列的所有取值做笛卡尔积结果为所有可能MD取值
cartesian = build_cartesian(width, target_index)
# 抽取sample_number / (width - 1)条MD不含-1
if cartesian.shape[0] > sample_number / (width - 1):
index = torch.tensor(random.sample(range(cartesian.shape[0]), math.ceil(sample_number / (width - 1))), device='cuda')
cartesian = torch.index_select(cartesian, 0, index)
# 随机生成sample_number / (width - 1)条MD使用randint先转化为int再除成小数不含-1
cartesian = torch.randint(int(similarity_threshold * 100), 1 * 100,
(math.ceil(sample_number / (width - 1)), width - 1), device='cuda')
cartesian = cartesian / 100
# 生成一列相似度为1的目标列插入目标列所在位置
ones = torch.ones((math.ceil(sample_number / (width - 1)), 1), device='cuda')
cartesian =[:, 0:target_index], ones, cartesian[:, target_index:]), 1)
cartesian = torch.round(cartesian, decimals=4)
# 此tensor将与其他置为-1的tensor拼接
joint_md_tensor = cartesian.clone()
# 随机将1列2列……置为-1
for i in range(width - 2):
index_list_format = []
for j in range(cartesian.shape[0]):
# 对每条MD随机选择将要置为-1的列索引
index_list_format.append(random.sample(columns_indices, i + 1))
index = torch.tensor(index_list_format, device='cuda')
# 随机调整为-1后的MD集合
modified_cartesian = cartesian.scatter(1, index, -1)
joint_md_tensor =, modified_cartesian), 0)
md_list = []
# get_metric_tensor(cartesian, data, sim_tensor, target_index)
for _ in tqdm(range(joint_md_tensor.shape[0])):
s, c = get_metrics(joint_md_tensor[_], data, sim_tensor, target_index)
if s >= support_threshold and c >= confidence_threshold:
md_list_format = [round(i, 4) for i in joint_md_tensor[_].tolist()]
md_dict_format = {}
for k in range(0, width):
md_dict_format[columns[k]] = md_list_format[k]
md_list.append((md_dict_format, s, c))
md_list.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
return md_list