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1 year ago
"conf/vldb/RusinkiewiczKTWM95","Towards a Cooperative Transaction Model - The Cooperative Activity Model","M Rusinkiewicz, W Klas, T Tesch, J W<>sch, P Muth","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM02","SQL/XML is Making Good Progress","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/AmmannJR95","Using Formal Methods to Reason about Semantics-Based Decompositions of Transactions","P Ammann, S Jajodia, I Ray","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Liu02","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Hammer02","Report on the ACM Fourth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2001)","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/FerrandinaMZFM95","Schema and Database Evolution in the O2 Object Database System","F Ferrandina, T Meyer, R Zicari, G Ferran, J Madec","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/SubietaKL95","Procedures in Object-Oriented Query Languages","K Subieta, Y Kambayashi, J Leszczylowski","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/BargaL02","Phoenix Project: Fault-Tolerant Applications","R Barga, D Lomet","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Ouksel02","Mining the World Wide Web: An Information Search Approach - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/MoserKK95","L/MRP: A Buffer Management Strategy for Interactive Continuous Data Flows in a Multimedia DBMS","F Moser, A Kraiss, W Klas","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Konig-RiesMMPPRSVW02","Report on the NSF Workshop on Building an Infrastructure for Mobile and Wireless Systems","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriGS95","Retrieval of Composite Multimedia Objects","S Chaudhuri, S Ghandeharizadeh, C Shahabi","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Kosch02","MPEG-7 and Multimedia Database Systems","H Kosch","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/LuTD95","The Fittest Survives: An Adaptive Approach to Query Optimization","H Lu, K Tan, S Dao","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/RossFS02","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/TreschPL95","Type Classification of Semi-Structured Documents","M Tresch, N Palmer, A Luniewski","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Geller02","Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques - Book Review","J Geller","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/MehtaD95","Managing Intra-operator Parallelism in Parallel Database Systems","M Mehta, D DeWitt","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/CaplinskasEV02","Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS)","A Caplinskas, J Eder, O Vasilecas","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/SrikantA95","Mining Generalized Association Rules","R Srikant, R Agrawal","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/HaasNSS95","Sampling-Based Estimation of the Number of Distinct Values of an Attribute","P Haas, J Naughton, S Seshadri, L Stokes","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Aberer02","Book Review Column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/FlodinR95","Processing Object-Oriented Queries with Invertible Late Bound Functions","S Flodin, T Risch","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Kemper02","Databases and Transaction Processing: An Application-Oriented Approach - Book Review","A Kemper","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/HvasshovdTBH95","The ClustRa Telecom Database: High Availability, High Throughput, and Real-Time Response","S Hvasshovd, <20> Torbj<62>rnsen, S Bratsberg, P Holager","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Kim02","Conceptual Modeling and Specification Generation for B2B Business Process based on ebXML","H Kim","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/LuSL95","NeuroRule: A Connectionist Approach to Data Mining","H Lu, R Setiono, H Liu","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/ErdurD02","A Multi-Agent System Infrastructure for Software Component Market-Place: An Ontological Perspective","R Erdur, O Dikenelli","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/GallersdorferN95","Improving Performance in Replicated Databases through Relaxed Coherency","R Gallersd<73>rfer, M Nicola","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/CiliaB02","An Active Functionality Service for E-Business Applications","M Cilia, A Buchmann","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/HummerLW02","Contracting in the Days of eBusiness","W H<>mmer, W Lehner, H Wedekind","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/LometT95","Redo Recovery after System Crashes","D Lomet, M Tuttle","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/Wang95","DB2 Query Parallelism: Staging and Implementation","Y Wang","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Winslett02a","David DeWitt Speaks Out","M Winslett","ecord",2002
"conf/vldb/SumiyaYTSI95","A Product Specification Database for Visual Prototyping","K Sumiya, K Yasutake, H Tanaka, N Sanada, Y Imai","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Camps02","From Ternary Relationship to Relational Tables: A Case Against Common Beliefs","R Camps","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/DidriksenGD95","Database De-Centralization - A Practical Approach","T Didriksen, C Galindo-Legaria, E Dahle","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/HalkidiBV02","Cluster Validity Methods: Part I","M Halkidi, Y Batistakis, M Vazirgiannis","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/PourabbasR02","A Pictorial Query Language for Querying Geographic Databases using Positional and OLAP Operators","E Pourabbas, M Rafanelli","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/HoelS95","Benchmarking Spatial Join Operations with Spatial Output","E Hoel, H Samet","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/SlivinskasJS02","Bringing Order to Query Optimization","G Slivinskas, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/BrownS95","BigSur: A System For the Management of Earth Science Data","P Brown, M Stonebraker","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Liu02a","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/LeslieJBY95","Efficient Search of Multi-Dimensional B-Trees","H Leslie, R Jain, D Birdsall, H Yaghmai","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/CruzKLSWY02","Research Activities in Database Management and Information Retrieval at the University of Illinois at Chicago","I Cruz, A Khokhar, B Liu, A Sistla, O Wolfson, C Yu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/OrensteinK95","Accessing a Relational Database through an Object-Oriented Database Interface","J Orenstein, D Kamber","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/LuoI02","Interviewing During a Tight Job Market","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Lindsay95","DB2 Common Server: Technology, Progress, & Directions","B Lindsay","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Wiegand02","Investigating XQuery for Querying Across Database Object Types","N Wiegand","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/KonopnickiS95","W3QS: A Query System for the World-Wide Web","D Konopnicki, O Shmueli","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/OrlandicLS02","The Design of a Retrieval Technique for High-Dimensional Data on Tertiary Storage","R Orlandic, J Lukaszuk, C Swietlik","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/WienerN95","OODB Bulk Loading Revisited: The Partitioned-List Approach","J Wiener, J Naughton","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu02","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Korth95","The Double Life of the Transaction Abstraction: Fundamental Principle and Evolving System Concept","H Korth","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Fagin02","Combining Fuzzy Information: an Overview","R Fagin","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/ReuterCGSW95","Databases and Workflow Management: What is it All About? (Panel)","A Reuter, S Ceri, J Gray, B Salzberg, G Weikum","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/GoyalHSS95","Index Concurrency Control in Firm Real-Time Database Systems","B Goyal, J Haritsa, S Seshadri, V Srinivasan","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/LaenderRST02","A Brief Survey of Web Data Extraction Tools","A Laender, B Ribeiro-Neto, A Silva, J Teixeira","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/BestavrosB95","Value-cognizant Speculative Concurrency Control","A Bestavros, S Braoudakis","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Goethals02","Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence for E-Commerce - Book Review","F Goethals","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/BerzalM02","Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques - Book Review","F Galiano, N Mar<61>n","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/WuYCT95","A Performance Study of Workfile Disk Management for Concurrent Mergesorts in a Multiprocessor Database System","K Wu, P Yu, J Chung, J Teng","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/MogiK95","Hot Block Clustering for Disk Arrays with Dynamic Striping","K Mogi, M Kitsuregawa","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Aberer02a","Book Review Column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass02a","TODS Perceptions and Misconceptions","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/JonscherD94","An Approach for Building Secure Database Federations","D Jonscher, K Dittrich","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/YaoG02","The Cougar Approach to In-Network Query Processing in Sensor Networks","Y Yao, J Gehrke","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/JagadishLRSS94","Dal<61>: A High Performance Main Memory Storage Manager","H Jagadish, D Lieuwen, R Rastogi, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Kuijpers02","Introduction to Constraint Databases - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Galindo-LegariaPK94","Fast, Randomized Join-Order Selection - Why Use Transformations?","C Galindo-Legaria, A Pellenkoft, M Kersten","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Weikum02","Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/WienerN94","Bulk Loading into an OODB: A Performance Study","J Wiener, J Naughton","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/NgH94","Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining","R Ng, J Han","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Neven02","Automata Theory for XML Researchers","F Neven","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/WinslettCDHZZ02","Database Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign","M Winslett, K Chang, A Doan, J Han, C Zhai, Y Zhou","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/BrownCC94","Fast Incremental Indexing for Full-Text Information Retrieval","E Brown, J Callan, W Croft","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu02a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/FuC94","A Transaction Replication Scheme for a Replicated Database with Node Autonomy","A Fu, D Cheung","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Hammer02a","Treasurer's Message","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/OuzzaniAB94","A Top-Down Approach for Two Level Serializability","M Ouzzani, M Atroun, N Belkhodja","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/FrohnLU94","Access to Objects by Path Expressions and Rules","J Frohn, G Lausen, H Uphoff","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/SofferMC02","Report on the Mobile Search Workshop at WWW 2002","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Guting94","GraphDB: Modeling and Querying Graphs in Databases","R G<>ting","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LeveneP02","Report on the Web Dynamics Workshop at WWW 2002","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/CrestaniG02","Report on the 24th European Colloquium on Information Retrieval Research","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/GutierrezPST94","Database Graph Views: A Practical Model to Manage Persistent Graphs","A Guti<74>rrez, P Pucheral, H Steffen, J Th<54>venin","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/KemperK94","Dual-Buffering Strategies in Object Bases","A Kemper, D Kossmann","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/MeltonMJKS02","SQL/MED - A Status Report","J Melton, J Michels, V Josifovski, K Kulkarni, P Schwarz","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Winslett02b","Hector Garcia-Molina Speaks Out","M Winslett","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/JohnsonS94","2Q: A Low Overhead High Performance Buffer Management Replacement Algorithm","T Johnson, D Shasha","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/BarjaPFWD94","An Effective Deductive Object-Oriented Database Through Language Integration","M Barja, N Paton, A Fernandes, M Williams, A Dinn","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LightstoneLZ02","Toward Autonomic Computing with DB2 Universal Database","S Lightstone, G Lohman, D Zilio","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/RossAJS02","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/BaralisW94","An Algebraic Approach to Rule Analysis in Expert Database Systems","E Baralis, J Widom","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/FrankNS02","Report on the Semantic Web Workshop at WWW 2002","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/AgrawalS94","Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases","R Agrawal, R Srikant","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Badia02","Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/HaberIL95","OPOSSUM: Desk-Top Schema Management through Customizable Visualization","E Haber, Y Ioannidis, M Livny","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/GobleR02a","The Grid: An Application of the Semantic Web","C Goble, D Roure","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/AgrawalPWZ95","Querying Shapes of Histories","R Agrawal, G Psaila, E Wimmers, M Za<5A>t","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Winslett02c","Interview with David Maier","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/EvangelidisLS95","The hBP-tree: A Modified hB-tree Supporting Concurrency, Recovery and Node Consolidation","G Evangelidis, D Lomet, B Salzberg","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Wu02","Small Worlds: the Dynamics of Networks between Order and Randomness - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/KalusD95","Flexible Relations - Operational Support of Variant Relational Structures","C Kalus, P Dadam","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/Sarawagi95","Query Processing in Tertiary Memory Databases","S Sarawagi","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/FininJ02","Agents, Turst, and Information Access on the Semantic Web","T Finin, A Joshi","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/SureSS02","Methodology for Development and Employment of Ontology Based Knowledge Management Applications","Y Sure, S Staab, R Studer","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Brin95","Near Neighbor Search in Large Metric Spaces","S Brin","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/RamakrishnanGRSWZ95","Scientific Journals: Extinction or Explosion? (Panel)","R Ramakrishnan, H Garcia-Molina, G Rossbach, A Silberschatz, G Wiederhold, J Zijlstra","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/ButtlerCCFHLPRX02","Querying Multiple Bioinformatics Data Sources: Can Semantic Web Research Help?","D Buttler, M Coleman, T Critchlow, R Fileto, W Han, L Liu, C Pu, D Rocco, L Xiong","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/AnyanwuS02","The p Operator: Discovering and Ranking Associations on the Semantic Web","K Anyanwu, A Sheth","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/SistlaYLL95","Similarity based Retrieval of Pictures Using Indices on Spatial Relationships","A Sistla, C Yu, C Liu, K Liu","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/HalkidiBV02a","Clustering Validity Checking Methods: Part II","M Halkidi, Y Batistakis, M Vazirgiannis","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Meier95","Providing Database Migration Tools - A Practicioner's Approach","A Meier","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Liu02b","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/SeligmanBNSW95","Metrics for Accessing Heterogeneous Data: Is There Any Hope? (Panel)","L Seligman, N Belkin, E Neuhold, M Stonebraker, G Wiederhold","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/Vaskevitch95","Very Large Databases: How Large, How Different?","D Vaskevitch","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Aberer02b","Book Review Column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/HuangKL02","A Study on the Management of Semantic Transaction for Efficient Data Retrieval","S Huang, I Kwan, C Li","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/SimonD95","Promises and Realities of Active Database Systems","E Simon, A Dittrich","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/CatozziR95","OS Support for VLDBs: Unix Enhancements for the Teradata Data Base","J Catozzi, S Rabinovici","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/RossAA02","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/Grohe02","Parameterized Complexity for the Database Theorist","M Grohe","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Fecteau95","Managing a DB2 Parallel Edition Database","G Fecteau","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/RoantreeS02","Research in Information Managment at Dublin City University","M Roantree, A Smeaton","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Hallmark95","The Oracle Warehouse","G Hallmark","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/Spintzik95","Informix-Online XPS: A Dynamically Scalable RDBMS for Open Parallel Platforms","H Spintzik","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/BoucelmaCGJLL02","Report on the EDBT'02 Panel on Scientific Data Integration","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/AmielBDS94","Supporting Exceptions to Schema Consistency to Ease Schema Evolution in OODBMS","E Amiel, M Bellosta, E Dujardin, E Simon","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/HanBP01","Wrapping Web Data into XML","W Han, D Buttler, C Pu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Suciu01","On Database Theory and XML","D Suciu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/ColletCS94","NAOS - Efficient and Modular Reactive Capabilities in an Object-Oriented Database System","C Collet, T Coupaye, T Svensen","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Fankhauser01","XQuery Formal Semantics: State and Challenges","P Fankhauser","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/BrownMCL94","Towards Automated Performance Tuning for Complex Workloads","K Brown, M Mehta, M Carey, M Livny","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/SchmidtWKFCMB01","Why And How To Benchmark XML Databases","A Schmidt, F Waas, M Kersten, D Florescu, M Carey, I Manolescu, R Busse","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/LevyMS94","Query Optimization by Predicate Move-Around","A Levy, I Mumick, Y Sagiv","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Lomet01","The Evolution of Effective B-tree: Page Organization and Techniques: A Personal Account","D Lomet","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/HasanM94","Optimization Algorithms for Exploiting the Parallelism-Communication Tradeoff in Pipelined Parallelism","W Hasan, R Motwani","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/TanakaV01","The Ecobase Project: Database and Web Technologies for Environmental Information Systems","A Tanaka, P Valduriez","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/MohaniaS94","Some Issues in Design of Distributed Deductive Databases","M Mohania, N Sarda","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/LiC94","Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases Using Neural Networks","W Li, C Clifton","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/ChienTZ01","XML Document Versioning","S Chien, V Tsotras, C Zaniolo","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/IdrisGC94","Providing Dynamic Security Control in a Federated Database","N Idris, W Gray, R Churchhouse","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LudascherMM01","Preservation of Digital Data with Self-Validating, Self-Instantiating Knowledge-Based Archives","B Lud<75>scher, R Marciano, R Moore","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/ConstantopoulosCP01","Semantic Web Workshop: Models, Architectures and Management","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/FerrandinaMZ94","Implementing Lazy Database Updates for an Object Database System","F Ferrandina, T Meyer, R Zicari","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/TeisseirePC94","Towards Event-Driven Modelling for Database Design","M Teisseire, P Poncelet, R Cicchetti","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/RossHKRRSS01","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/Winslett01","Jeffrey D. Ullman Speaks Out on the Future of Higher Education, Startups, Database Theory, and More","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/SetzerZ94","New Concurrency Control Algorithms for Accessing and Compacting B-Trees","V Setzer, A Zisman","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/GehaniJR94","OdeFS: A File System Interface to an Object-Oriented Database","N Gehani, H Jagadish, W Roome","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Bernstein01","Report on the 2001 SIGMOD and PODS Awards","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/BunemanFSW01","Constraints for Semi-structured Data and XML","P Buneman, W Fan, J Sim<69>on, S Weinstein","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/KilgerM94","Indexing Multiple Sets","C Kilger, G Moerkotte","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Liu01","Editor's Notes","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/SreenathS94","The hcC-tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Object Oriented Databases","B Sreenath, S Seshadri","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/HoelS94","Performance of Data-Parallel Spatial Operations","E Hoel, H Samet","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM01","SQL/XML and the SQLX Informal Group of Companies","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/BiancheriPP01","EIHA?!?: Deploying Web and WAP services using XML Technology","C Biancheri, J Pazzaglia, G Paddeu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/BrinkhoffK94","The Impact of Global Clustering on Spatial Database Systems","T Brinkhoff, H Kriegel","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/ShahMFH01","Java Support for Data-Intensive Systems: Experiences Building the Telegraph Dataflow System","M Shah, S Madden, M Franklin, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/MuntzR94","A Requirement-Based Approach to Data Modeling and Re-Engineering","A Muntz, C Ramiller","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/MeltonE01","SQL Multimedia and Application Packages (SQL/MM)","J Melton, A Eisenberg","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/SteenhagenABB94","From Nested-Loop to Join Queries in OODB","H Steenhagen, P Apers, H Blanken, R By","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/GunopulosK01","DIMACS Summer School Tutorial on New Frontiers in Data Mining","D Gunopulos, N Koudas","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/ChakravarthyKAK94","Composite Events for Active Databases: Semantics, Contexts and Detection","S Chakravarthy, V Krishnaprasad, E Anwar, S Kim","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LenzeriniNNS01","Report on the 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases (KRDB)","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/OzdenBRS94","A Low-Cost Storage Server for Movie on Demand Databases","B <20>zden, A Biliris, R Rastogi, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Liu01a","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/Chiueh94","Content-Based Image Indexing","T Chiueh","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/DeWittKLPY94","Client-Server Paradise","D DeWitt, N Kabra, J Luo, J Patel, J Yu","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/ShethMKA01","Research in Multi-Organizational Processes and Semantic Information Brokering at the LSDIS Lab","A Sheth, J Miller, K Kochut, I Arpinar","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Cetintemel01","On the Academic Interview Circuit: An End-to-End Discussion","U <20>etintemel","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/SripadaW94","Cumulative Updates","S Sripada, B W<>thrich","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/ShatdalKN94","Cache Conscious Algorithms for Relational Query Processing","A Shatdal, C Kant, J Naughton","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Labrinidis01","Introduction to the Career Forum Column","A Labrinidis","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/LevySSZ94","Challenges for Global Information Systems","A Levy, A Silberschatz, D Srivastava, M Zemankova","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/BabuW01","Continuous Queries over Data Streams","S Babu, J Widom","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Huyn01","Data Analysis and Mining in the Life Sciences","N Huyn","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/GoodmanRS94","Building a Laboratory Information System Around a C++-Based Object-Oriented DBMS","N Goodman, S Rozen, L Stein","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/CochinwalaB94","A Multidatabase System for Tracking and Retrieval of Financial Data","M Cochinwala, J Bradley","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/ShanmugasundaramSKKVNT01","A General Techniques for Querying XML Documents using a Relational Database System","J Shanmugasundaram, E Shekita, J Kiernan, R Krishnamurthy, S Viglas, J Naughton, I Tatarinov","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/BernsteinD94","An Overview of Repository Technology","P Bernstein, U Dayal","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Aberer01","Advanced XML Data Processing - Guest Editor's Introduction","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/IyerW94","Data Compression Support in Databases","B Iyer, D Wilhite","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass01a","Accessibility of the Database Literature","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Hammer01","Treasurer's Message","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/AnandBH94","An Empirical Performance Study of the Ingres Search Accelerator for a Large Property Management Database System","S Anand, D Bell, J Hughes","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu01","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/RosenthalS94","Data Integration in the Large: The Challenge of Reuse","A Rosenthal, L Seligman","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LabrinidisM01","Career-Enhancing Services at SIGMOD Online","A Labrinidis, A Mendelzon","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/Lesk94","Experiments on Access to Digital Libraries: How can Images and Text be Used Together","M Lesk","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/Bernstein94","PC Database Systems - Present and Future","P Bernstein","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Liu01b","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/StolfoLCFE01","Data Mining-based Intrusion Detectors: An Overview of the Columbia IDS Project","S Stolfo, W Lee, P Chan, W Fan, E Eskin","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/BabcockO03","Distributed Top-K Monitoring","B Babcock, C Olston","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/DasGR03","Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams","A Das, J Gehrke, M Riedewald","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/BarbaraCJW01","ADAM: A Testbed for Exploring the Use of Data Mining in Intrusion Detection","D Barbar<61>, J Couto, S Jajodia, N Wu","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/CabreraLM01","Detection and Classification of Intrusions and Faults using Sequences of System Calls","J Cabrera, L Lewis, R Mehra","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/WangJLY03","Containment Join Size Estimation: Models and Methods","W Wang, H Jiang, H Lu, J Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/vldb/MartinC94","Relating Distributed Objects","B Martin, R Cattell","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Aberer01a","Book Review Column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/vldb/YanA94","Integrating a Structured-Text Retrieval System with an Object-Oriented Database System","T Yan, J Annevelink","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Cardelli01","Describing Semistructured Data","L Cardelli","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu01a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/Spaccapietra94","\User Interfaces; Who Cares?\""""","S Spaccapietra","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Barbara01","Special Issue on Data Mining for Intrusion Detection and Threat Analysis - Guest Editor's Introduction","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/ZemankovaI94","Scientific Databases - State of the Art and Future Directions","M Zemankova, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/LeeF01","Mining System Audit Data: Opportunities and Challenges","W Lee, W Fan","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/FaginKS03","Efficient similarity search and classification via rank aggregation","R Fagin, R Kumar, D Sivakumar","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/SayginVC01","Using Unknowns to Prevent Discovery of Association Rules","Y Saygin, V Verykios, C Clifton","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/ArasuG03","Extracting Structured Data from Web Pages","A Arasu, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriGS03","Factorizing Complex Predicates in Queries to Exploit Indexes","S Chaudhuri, P Ganesan, S Sarawagi","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/VelACM01","Mining Email Content for Author Identification Forensics","O Vel, A Anderson, M Corney, G Mohay","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/Scholl01","Transactional Information Systems - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/IlyasRLGL03","Estimating Compilation Time of a Query Optimizer","I Ilyas, J Rao, G Lohman, D Gao, E Lin","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/DeligiannakisR03","Extended Wavelets for Multiple Measures","A Deligiannakis, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Jagadish01","Information Warfare and Security - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/Winslett01a","Gio Wiederhold Speaks Out on Moving into Academia in Mid-Career, How to Be an Effective Consultant, Why You Should Be a Program Manager as a Funding Agency, the Need for Ontology Algebra and Simulations, and More","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/BabcockBDM03","Chain : Operator Scheduling for Memory Minimization in Data Stream Systems","B Babcock, S Babu, M Datar, R Motwani","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/LohmanGFS01","SIGMOD 2001 Industry Sessions","G Lohman, C Galindo-Legaria, M Franklin, L Seligman","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/BenediktCFFR03","Capturing both Types and Constraints in Data Integration","M Benedikt, C Chan, W Fan, J Freire, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/RossHLW01","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/MiloAABN03","Exchanging Intensional XML Data","T Milo, S Abiteboul, B Amann, O Benjelloun, F Ngoc","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/vldb/TsatalosSI94","The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence","O Tsatalos, M Solomon, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/TianDCZ02","The Design and Performance Evaluation of Alternative XML Storage Strategies","F Tian, D DeWitt, J Chen, C Zhang","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Dogac02","Guest Editor's Introduction","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriS94","Including Group-By in Query Optimization","S Chaudhuri, K Shim","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/MatthesS94","Persistent Threads","F Matthes, J Schmidt","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/SommerGB02","The n-Tier Hub Technology","R Sommer, T Gulledge, D Bailey","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Cingil02","Supporting Global User Profiles Through Trusted Authorities","I Cingil","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/DavisonG94","Memory-Contention Responsive Hash Joins","D Davison, G Graefe","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/QuixSJ02","Business Data Management for B2B Electronic Commerce","C Quix, M Schoop, M Jeusfeld","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/MedianoCD94","V-Trees - A Storage Method for Long Vector Data","M Mediano, M Casanova, M Dreux","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/GaasterlandL94","Qualified Answers That Reflect User Needs and Preferences","T Gaasterland, J Lobo","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/CuiJO02","Semantic B2B Integration: Issues in Ontology-based Applications","Z Cui, D Jones, P O'Brien","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/LitwinNS94","RP*: A Family of Order Preserving Scalable Distributed Data Structures","W Litwin, M Neimat, D Schneider","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Bussler02","The Role of B2B Engines in B2B Integration Architectures","C Bussler","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/BallMRZ02","Supply Chain Infrastructures: System Integration and Information Sharing","M Ball, M Ma, L Raschid, Z Zhao","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/ChawatheCY94","On Index Selection Schemes for Nested Object Hierarchies","S Chawathe, M Chen, P Yu","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Winslett02","Interview with Avi Silberschatz","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/SistlaYH94","Reasoning About Spatial Relationships in Picture Retrieval Systems","A Sistla, C Yu, R Haddad","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Grefen02","What Will Be - Book Review","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/LuOT94","On Spatially Partitioned Temporal Join","H Lu, B Ooi, K Tan","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/HjelsvoldM94","Modelling and Querying Video Data","R Hjelsvold, R Midtstraum","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Stonebraker02","Too Much Middleware","M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/PirotteZMY94","Materialization: A Powerful and Ubiquitous Abstraction Pattern","A Pirotte, E Zim<69>nyi, D Massart, T Yakusheva","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Suciu02","The XML Typechecking Problem","D Suciu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/GobleR02","Report on the 18th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD)","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/NgY94","Maximizing Buffer and Disk Utilizations for News On-Demand","R Ng, J Yang","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/RossKMV02","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/PoulovassilisS94","Investigation of Algebraic Query Optimisation Techniques for Database Programming Languages","A Poulovassilis, C Small","VLDB",1994
"conf/vldb/XieH94","Join Index Hierarchies for Supporting Efficient Navigations in Object-Oriented Databases","Z Xie, J Han","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Elderini02","Letter to SIGMOD Record Editor","N Elderini","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/KamelF94","Hilbert R-tree: An Improved R-tree using Fractals","I Kamel, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1994
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass02","Why I Like Working in Academia","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/VassiliadisS99","A Survey of Logical Models for OLAP Databases","P Vassiliadis, T Sellis","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/LakshmananPZ03","QC-Trees: An Efficient Summary Structure for Semantic OLAP","L Lakshmanan, J Pei, Y Zhao","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/JacobS99","FinTime - A Financial Time Series Benchmark","K Jacob, D Shasha","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/WitkowskiBBDFGSS03","Spreadsheets in RDBMS for OLAP","A Witkowski, S Bellamkonda, T Bozkaya, G Dorman, N Folkert, A Gupta, L Sheng, S Subramanian","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/GuoSBS03","XRANK: Ranked Keyword Search over XML Documents","L Guo, F Shao, C Botev, J Shanmugasundaram","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/KempsterST99","Diluting ACID","T Kempster, C Stirling, P Thanisch","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/Al-KhalifaYJ03","Querying Structured Text in an XML Database","S Al-Khalifa, C Yu, H Jagadish","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/GatziuJSV99","Design and Management of Data Warehouses: Report on the DMDW'99 Workshop","S Gatziu, M Jeusfeld, M Staudt, Y Vassiliou","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/WangPFY03","ViST: A Dynamic Index Method for Querying XML Data by Tree Structures","H Wang, S Park, W Fan, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Franklin99b","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/SionAP03","Rights Protection for Relational Data","R Sion, M Atallah, S Prabhakar","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM00","SQL Standardization: The Next Steps","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/RossFLOSSVW00","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalES03","Information Sharing Across Private Databases","R Agrawal, A Evfimievski, R Srikant","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/DongS00","Incremental Maintenance of Recursive Views Using Relational Calculus/SQL","G Dong, J Su","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/SchleimerWA03","Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting","S Schleimer, D Wilkerson, A Aiken","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/JohnsonD03","Data Quality and Data Cleaning: An Overview","T Johnson, T Dasu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Jagadish00","ACM-SIGMOD Digital Review","H Jagadish","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/CeriKKLOSV00","SIGMOD Sister Societies","S Ceri, L Kalinichenko, M Kitsuregawa, H Lu, Z <20>zsoyoglu, R Snodgrass, V Vianu","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/GuptaLM03","BIRN-M: A Semantic Mediator for Solving Real-World Neuroscience Problems","A Gupta, B Lud<75>scher, M Martone","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalK03","A System for Watermarking Relational Databases","R Agrawal, P Haas, J Kiernan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass00","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/PaepckeGRC00","Beyond Document Similarity: Understanding Value-Based Search and Browsing Technologies","A Paepcke, H Garcia-Molina, G Rodr<64>guez-Mul<75>, J Cho","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/AbadiCCCCEGHMRSSTXYZ03","Aurora: A Data Stream Management System","D Abadi, D Carney, U <20>etintemel, M Cherniack, C Convey, C Erwin, E Galvez, M Hatoun, A Maskey, A Rasin, A Singer, M Stonebraker, N Tatbul, Y Xing, R Yan, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/Ullman03","Improving the Efficiency of Database-System Teaching","J Ullman","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/BonifatiC00","Comparative Analysis of Five XML Query Languages","A Bonifati, S Ceri","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/LiefkeS00","An Extensible Compressor for XML Data","H Liefke, D Suciu","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/2003","Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, San Diego, California, USA, June 9-12, 2003","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/Vassilakis00","An Optimisation Scheme for Coalesce/Valid Time Selection Operator Sequences","C Vassilakis","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/Mamoulis03","Efficient Processing of Joins on Set-valued Attributes","N Mamoulis","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/PourabbasR00","Hierarchies and Relative Operators in the OLAP Environment","E Pourabbas, M Rafanelli","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/JagatheesanR03","Data Grid Management Systems","A Jagatheesan, A Rajasekar","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ChengKP03","Evaluating Probabilistic Queries over Imprecise Data","R Cheng, D Kalashnikov, S Prabhakar","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/RoddickABDEGHLMMMW00","Evolution and Change in Data Management - Issues and Directions","J Roddick, L Al-Jadir, L Bertossi, M Dumas, F Estrella, H Gregersen, K Hornsby, J Lufter, F Mandreoli, T M<>nnist<73>, E Mayol, L Wedemeijer","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/OlstonJW03","Adaptive Filters for Continuous Queries over Distributed Data Streams","C Olston, J Jiang, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/LabrinidisR00","Generating Dynamic Content at Database-Backed Web Servers: cgi-bin vs. mod_perl","A Labrinidis, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/Palpanas00","Knowledge Discovery in Data Warehouses","T Palpanas","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/AbiteboulBCMM03","Dynamic XML documents with distribution and replication","S Abiteboul, A Bonifati, G Cobena, I Manolescu, T Milo","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Franklin00","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/BabcockCD03","Dynamic Sample Selection for Approximate Query Processing","B Babcock, S Chaudhuri, G Das","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ShenNSHS03","CMVF: A Novel Dimension Reduction Scheme for Efficient Indexing in A Large Image Database","J Shen, A Ngu, J Shepherd, D Huynh, Q Sheng","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/WestmannKHM00","The Implementation and Performance of Compressed Databases","T Westmann, D Kossmann, S Helmer, G Moerkotte","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/BornhovdAKMPR03","DBCache: Middle-tier Database Caching for Highly Scalable e-Business Architectures","C Bornh<6E>vd, M Altinel, S Krishnamurthy, C Mohan, H Pirahesh, B Reinwald","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/VetterliVS00","Metadata Standards for Data Warehousing: Open Information Model vs. Common Warehouse Metamodel","T Vetterli, A Vaduva, M Staudt","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/DeHaanTCO03","A Comprehensive XQuery to SQL Translation using Dynamic Interval Encoding","D DeHaan, D Toman, M Consens, M <20>zsu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/ClementiniF00","Spatial Operators","E Clementini, P Felice","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/RossAKSSY00","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/CranorJSS03","Gigascope: A Stream Database for Network Applications","C Cranor, T Johnson, O Spatscheck, V Shkapenyuk","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/Bierman03","Formal semantics and analysis of object queries","G Bierman","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/WuY00","Report on Second International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/ArpinarD00","Provision of Market Services for eCo Compliant Electronic Market Places","S Arpinar, A Dogac","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/SunAA03","Hardware Acceleration for Spatial Selections and Joins","C Sun, D Agrawal, A Abbadi","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ReissK03","A Characterization of the Sensitivity of Query Optimization to Storage Access Cost Parameters","F Reiss, T Kanungo","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/KantM00","Workshop on Performance and Architecture of Web Servers (PAWS-2000, held in conjection with SIGMETRICS-2000)","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/LometT03","A Theory of Redo Recovery","D Lomet, M Tuttle","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/LudwigG00","Report in ISDO '00: The CAiSE*00 Workshop on Infrastructures for Dynamic Business-to-Business Service Outsourcinga","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/Cruz00","SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection (DiSC) Editor's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/DeshpandeNGS03","Cache-and-Query for Wide Area Sensor Databases","A Deshpande, S Nath, P Gibbons, S Seshan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/LiBKN03","Composing XSL Transformations with XML Publishing Views","C Li, P Bohannon, H Korth, P Narayan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Naughton00","SIGMOD'2000 Program Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/PapadiasTFS03","An Optimal and Progressive Algorithm for Skyline Queries","D Papadias, Y Tao, G Fu, B Seeger","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Mendelzon00","Information Director's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/Ley00","SIGMOD Anthology Editor's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/CuiOTS03","Contorting High Dimensional Data for Efficient Main Memory Processing","B Cui, B Ooi, J Su, K Tan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass00a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/Stonebraker03","Visionary: A Next Generation Visualization System for Databases","M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/LeeC00","Comparative Analysis of Six XML Schema Languages","D Lee, W Chu","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/Raghavan03","Extracting and Exploiting Structure in Text Search","P Raghavan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Hammer00","Treasurer's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/Seshadri03","Building Notification Services with Microsoft SQLServer","P Seshadri","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Ozsoyoglu00","Vice Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/Shivakumar03","Google in a Box - Building the Google Search Appliance","N Shivakumar","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/Zeller03","NonStop SQL/MX Publish/Subscribe: Continuous Data Streams in Transaction Processing","H Zeller","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Franklin00a","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/Colliat03","Data Management Challenges in CRM","G Colliat","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/PoessF00","New TPC Benchmarks for Decision Support and Web Commerce","M P<>ss, C Floyd","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/GotoK03","Integration of Electronic Tickets and Personal Guide System for Public Transport using Mobile Terminals","K Goto, Y Kambayashi","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Bussche00","Constraint databases: A tutorial introduction","J Bussche","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/PadmanabhanBMCH03","Multi-Dimensional Clustering: A New Data Layout Scheme in DB2","S Padmanabhan, B Bhattacharjee, T Malkemus, L Cranston, M Huras","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/TheodoridisN00","Generating Spatiotemporal Datasets on the WWW","Y Theodoridis, M Nascimento","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/Halevy00","Theory of Answering Queries Using Views","A Halevy","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/KriegelBKPS03","Using Sets of Feature Vectors for Similarity Search on Voxelized CAD Objects","H Kriegel, S Brecheisen, P Kr<4B>ger, M Pfeifle, M Schubert","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/RashidS00","Object Database Evolution Using Separation of Concerns","A Rashid, P Sawyer","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/Aggarwal03","A Framework for Change Diagnosis of Data Streams","C Aggarwal","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriKN03","On Relational Support for XML Publishing: Beyond Sorting and Tagging","S Chaudhuri, R Kaushik, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Jhingran00","Moving up the food chain: Supporting E-Commerce Applications on Databases","A Jhingran","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/RossIJP00","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/KimC03","Qcluster: Relevance Feedback Using Adaptive Clustering for Content-Based Image Retrieval","D Kim, C Chung","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/Krishnamurthy03","Oracle XML DB Repository","V Krishnamurthy","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/CasatiDS00","VLDB Workshop on Technologies in E-Services (TES)","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass00c","SIGMOD Program Review","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/Pruscino03","Oracle RAC: Architecture and Performance","A Pruscino","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/Bosworth03","The Future of Web Services - I","A Bosworth","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/PossasMCR00","Using Quantitative Information for Efficient Association Rule Generation","B P<>ssas, W Jr., M Carvalho, R Resende","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/Cabrera03","The Future of Web services - II","F Cabrera","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/HasselbringHHKRRS00","Research and Practice in Federated Information Systems, Report of the EFIS '2000 International Workshop","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/GangulyGR03","Processing Set Expressions over Continuous Update Streams","S Ganguly, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Franklin00b","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",2000
"journals/sigmod/YuenCLL00","Cache Invalidation Scheme for Mobile Computing Systems with Real-time Data","J Yuen, E Chan, K Lam, H Leung","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriGGM03","Robust and Efficient Fuzzy Match for Online Data Cleaning","S Chaudhuri, K Ganjam, V Ganti, R Motwani","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/KementsietsidisAM03","Mapping Data in Peer-to-Peer Systems: Semantics and Algorithmic Issues","A Kementsietsidis, M Arenas, R Miller","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/BernsteinHP00","A Vision of Management of Complex Models","P Bernstein, A Halevy, R Pottinger","SIGMOD Record",2000
"conf/sigmod/StoltePAG03","Scientific Data Repositories: Designing for a Moving Target","E Stolte, C Praun, G Alonso, T Gross","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass00b","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/GuptaS03","Stream Processing of XPath Queries with Predicates","A Gupta, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/CarmelMS01","XML and Information Retrieval: a SIGIR 2000 Workshop","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/BoscMP01","Report on The fourth International Conference on Flexible Query Answering systems","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/PengC03","XPath Queries on Streaming Data","F Peng, S Chawathe","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ZhangZPTL03","Location-based Spatial Queries","J Zhang, M Zhu, D Papadias, Y Tao, D Lee","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/MeltonMJKSZ01","SQL and Management of External Data","J Melton, J Michels, V Josifovski, K Kulkarni, P Schwarz, K Zeidenstein","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/MillerHHYHFP01","The Clio Project: Managing Heterogeneity","R Miller, M Hern<72>ndez, L Haas, L Yan, C Ho, R Fagin, L Popa","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/MaddenFHH03","The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor For Sensor Networks","S Madden, M Franklin, J Hellerstein, W Hong","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/MinPC03","XPRESS: A Queriable Compression for XML Data","J Min, M Park, C Chung","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/BertinoEH01","Quality of Service in Multimedia Digital Libraries","E Bertino, A Elmagarmid, M Hacid","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/QunLO03","D(k)-Index: An Adaptive Structural Summary for Graph-Structured Data","C Qun, A Lim, K Ong","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/FengJH01","Towards Knowledge-Based Digital Libraries","L Feng, M Jeusfeld, J Hoppenbrouwers","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/Dyreson03","Temporal Coalescing with Now, Granularity, and Incomplete Information","C Dyreson","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/RossCGLLM01","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/Critchlow01","Report on XEWA-00: The XML Enabled Wide-Area Searches for Bioinformatics Workshop","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/ZhuS03","Warping Indexes with Envelope Transforms for Query by Humming","Y Zhu, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass01","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/MelnikRB03","Rondo: A Programming Platform for Generic Model Management","S Melnik, E Rahm, P Bernstein","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/KangN03","On Schema Matching with Opaque Column Names and Data Values","J Kang, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Aggarwal01","Re-designing Distance Functions and Distance-Based Applications for High Dimensional Data","C Aggarwal","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/HeC03","Statistical Schema Matching across Web Query Interfaces","B He, K Chang","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/LawderK01","Querying Multi-dimensional Data Indexed Using the Hilbert Space-filling Curve","J Lawder, P King","SIGMOD Record",2001
"conf/sigmod/CohenM03","Spectral Bloom Filters","S Cohen, Y Matias","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/PuSW01","Infosphere Project: System Support for Information Flow Applications","C Pu, K Schwan, J Walpole","SIGMOD Record",2001
"journals/sigmod/BernsteinBCDFGGHHJLMNPSU98","The Asilomar Report on Database Research","P Bernstein, M Brodie, S Ceri, D DeWitt, M Franklin, H Garcia-Molina, J Gray, G Held, J Hellerstein, H Jagadish, M Lesk, D Maier, J Naughton, H Pirahesh, M Stonebraker, J Ullman","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/LuoEHN02","A scalable hash ripple join algorithm","G Luo, C Ellmann, P Haas, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/HacigumusILM02","Executing SQL over encrypted data in the database-service-provider model","H Hacig<69>m<EFBFBD>s, B Iyer, C Li, S Mehrotra","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/ChristoffelPSL98","Electronic Market: The Roadmap for University Libraries and Members to Survive in the Information Jungle","M Christoffel, S Pulkowski, B Schmitt, P Lockemann","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/KaushikBNK02","Covering indexes for branching path queries","R Kaushik, P Bohannon, J Naughton, H Korth","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/MeltzerC98","XML and Electronic Commerce: Enabling the Network Economy","B Meltzer, R Glushko","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/ChungMS02","APEX: an adaptive path index for XML data","C Chung, J Min, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BichlerSZ98","Component-based E-Commerce: Assesment of Current Practices and Future Directions","M Bichler, A Segev, J Zhao","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/Grust02","Accelerating XPath location steps","T Grust","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Franklin98a","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/ZadorozhnyRVUB02","Efficient evaluation of queries in a mediator for WebSources","V Zadorozhny, L Raschid, M Vidal, T Urhan, L Bright","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM98a","SQLJ Part 0, Now Known as SQL/OLB (Object-Language Bindings)","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/Ritter98","The Middleware Muddle","D Ritter","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/OlstonW02","Best-effort cache synchronization with source cooperation","C Olston, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/SnodgrassHMOPRRWY98","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/MaddenSHR02","Continuously adaptive continuous queries over streams","S Madden, M Shah, J Hellerstein, V Raman","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/KalnisNOPT02","An adaptive peer-to-peer network for distributed caching of OLAP results","P Kalnis, W Ng, B Ooi, D Papadias, K Tan","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BollKB98","Design and Implementation of RMP - A Virtual Electronic Market Place","S Boll, W Klas, B Battaglin","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/ReichB98","A Componentized Architecture for Dynamic Electronic Markets","B Reich, I Ben-Shaul","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/RiedewaldAA02","Efficient integration and aggregation of historical information","M Riedewald, D Agrawal, A Abbadi","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/BunemanKTT02","Archiving scientific data","P Buneman, S Khanna, K Tajima, W Tan","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/JenningsNF98","ADEPT: An Agent-Based Approach to Business Process Management","N Jennings, T Norman, P Faratin","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/Chamberlin03","XQuery: A Query Language for XML","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/DogacDATKCD98","A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web","A Dogac, I Durusoy, S Arpinar, N Tatbul, P Koksal, I Cingil, N Dimililer","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/Dogac98","Guest Editor's Introduction","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/GraySSU03","The Lowell Report","J Gray, H Schek, M Stonebraker, J Ullman","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass98c","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/KoudasS03","Panel: Querying Networked Databases","N Koudas, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/KornMZ03","IPSOFACTO: A Visual Correlation Tool for Aggregate Network Traffic Data","F Korn, S Muthukrishnan, Y Zhu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Domingo-FerrerH98","An Anonymous Electronic Commerce Scheme with an Off-Line Authority and Untrusted Agents","J Domingo-Ferrer, J Herrera-Joancomart<72>","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/BuchnerM98","Discovering Internet Marketing Intelligence through Online Analytical Web Usage Mining","A B<>chner, M Mulvenna","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/SengarH03","PLASTIC: Reducing Query Optimization Overheads through Plan Recycling","V Sengar, J Haritsa","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/BohannonDGKLNS03","ROLEX: Relational On-Line Exchange with XML","P Bohannon, X Dong, S Ganguly, H Korth, C Li, P Narayan, P Shenoy","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/ShethBS99","VideoAnywhere: A System for Searching and Managing Distributed Video Assets","A Sheth, C Bertram, K Shah","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/SnodgrassACFLLORRSV99","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZhuSZ03","Query by Humming - in Action with its Technology Revealed","Y Zhu, D Shasha, X Zhao","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ZhangDWEMPMDR03","Rainbow: Multi-XQuery Optimization Using Materialized XML Views","X Zhang, K Dimitrova, L Wang, M El-Sayed, B Murphy, B Pielech, M Mulchandani, L Ding, E Rundensteiner","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/NascimentoM99","Report on the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Database Systems (SBBD'98)","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/PaparizosACJLNPSWWY03","TIMBER: A Native System for Querying XML","S Paparizos, S Al-Khalifa, A Chapman, H Jagadish, L Lakshmanan, A Nierman, J Patel, D Srivastava, N Wiwatwattana, Y Wu, C Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/RoantreeMH99","The OASIS Multidatabase Prototype","M Roantree, J Murphy, W Hasselbring","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChoALS03","LockX: A System for Efficiently Querying Secure XML","S Cho, S Amer-Yahia, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Franklin98b","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/Danish98","Building Database-driven Electronic Catalogs","S Danish","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/ZhouWGGZWXYF03","TREX: DTD-Conforming XML to XML Transformations","A Zhou, Q Wang, Z Guo, X Gong, S Zheng, H Wu, J Xiao, K Yue, W Fan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/CareyS99","NSF Workshop on Industrial/Academic Cooperation in Database Systems","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/DeshpandeNGS03a","IrisNet: Internet-scale Resource-Intensive Sensor Services","A Deshpande, S Nath, P Gibbons, S Seshan","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM99","SQL: 1999, formerly known as SQL 3","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChandrasekaranCDFHHKMRS03","TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing","S Chandrasekaran, O Cooper, A Deshpande, M Franklin, J Hellerstein, W Hong, S Krishnamurthy, S Madden, F Reiss, M Shah","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Mackay99","Semantic Integration of Environmental Models for Application to Global Information Systems and Decision-Making","D Mackay","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/Amer-YahiaFSX03","PIX: Exact and Approximate Phrase Matching in XML","S Amer-Yahia, M Fernandez, D Srivastava, Y Xu","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/ArasuBBDIRW03","STREAM: The Stanford Stream Data Manager","A Arasu, B Babcock, S Babu, M Datar, K Ito, I Nishizawa, J Rosenstein, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/ForteHWDCVHFS99","Semantic and Pedagogic Interoperability Mechanisms in the ARIADNE Educational Repository","E Forte, F Haenni, K Warkentyne, E Duval, K Cardinaels, E Vervaet, K Hendrikx, M Forte, F Simillion","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/Hanson99","Statement from the Treasurer","E Hanson","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/LarsonG03","Transparent Mid-Tier Database Caching in SQL Server","P Larson, J Goldstein, J Zhou","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/OukselS99","Semantic Interoperability in Global Information Systems: A Brief Introduction to the Research Area and the Special Section","A Ouksel, A Sheth","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/AgichteinG03","QXtract: A Building Block for Efficient Information Extraction from Plain-Text Databases","E Agichtein, L Gravano","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/OoiTZGLLLNSWZ03","PeerDB: Peering into Personal Databases","B Ooi, K Tan, A Zhou, C Goh, Y Li, C Liau, B Ling, W Ng, Y Shu, X Wang, M Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/BergamaschiCV99","Semantic Integration of Semistructured and Structured Data Sources","S Bergamaschi, S Castano, M Vincini","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/LiuFP03","GridDB: A Database Interface to the Grid","D Liu, M Franklin, D Parekh","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Gal99","Semantic Interoperability in Information Services: Experiencing with CoopWARE","A Gal","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/SmithO99","Unpacking The Semantics of Source and Usage To Perform Semantic Reconciliation In Large-Scale Information Systems","K Smith, L Obrst","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZuzartePMCLW03","WinMagic : Subquery Elimination Using Window Aggregation","C Zuzarte, H Pirahesh, W Ma, Q Cheng, L Liu, K Wong","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"conf/sigmod/LakshmananPZ03a","SOCQET: Semantic OLAP with Compressed Cube and Summarization","L Lakshmanan, J Pei, Y Zhao","SIGMOD Conference",2003
"journals/sigmod/Hampapur99","Semantic Video Indexing: Approach and Issue","A Hampapur","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ShashaB02","Database tuning: principles, experiments, and troubleshooting techniques (part II)","D Shasha, P Bonnet","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/SycaraKWL99","Dynamic Service Matchmaking Among Agents in Open Information Environments","K Sycara, M Klusch, S Widoff, J Lu","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ShashaB02a","Database tuning: principles, experiments, and troubleshooting techniques (part I)","D Shasha, P Bonnet","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/PapazoglouH99","Contextualizing the Information Space in Federated Digital Libraries","M Papazoglou, J Hoppenbrouwers","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/SouzaS99","Efficient Materialization and Use of Views in Data Warehouses","M Souza, M Sampaio","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ViglasN02","Rate-based query optimization for streaming information sources","S Viglas, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/2002","Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Madison, Wisconsin, June 3-6, 2002","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/FowlerPNB99","Agent-Based Semantic Interoperability in InfoSleuth","J Fowler, B Perry, M Nodine, B Bargmeyer","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/KuanL99","A Study on Data Point Search for HG-Trees","J Kuan, P Lewis","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/HinneburgKW02","HD-Eye: visual clustering of high dimensional data","A Hinneburg, D Keim, M Wawryniuk","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/CeriFP99","Design Principles for Data-Intensive Web Sites","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/PhanN02","GEA: a toolkit for gene expression analysis","J Phan, R Ng","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass99","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/Bonnet02","Going public: open-source databases and database research","P Bonnet","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Kim99","Message from Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Database Systems","W Kim","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/HellersteinW02","Data streams: fresh current or stagnant backwater? (panel)","J Hellerstein, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/GruenwaldBDGSSV99","Database Research at the University of Oklahoma","L Gruenwald, L Brown, R Dirckze, S Guinepain, C S<>nchez, B Summers, S Vanichayobon","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/CranorGJSS02","Gigascope: high performance network monitoring with an SQL interface","C Cranor, Y Gao, T Johnson, V Shkapenyuk, O Spatscheck","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/DomenigD99","An Overview and Classification of Mediated Query Systems","R Domenig, K Dittrich","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/MaddenH02","Distributing queries over low-power wireless sensor networks","S Madden, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalCD02","DBXplorer: enabling keyword search over relational databases","S Agrawal, S Chaudhuri, G Das","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass99a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1999
"journals/sigmod/Ozsoyoglu99","Vice Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/HanWDPW02","CubeExplorer: online exploration of data cubes","J Han, J Wang, G Dong, J Pei, K Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/KarbhariRXD02","ACDN: a content delivery network for applications","P Karbhari, M Rabinovich, Z Xiao, F Douglis","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/YauLMS99","On Multi-Resolution Document Transmission in Mobile Web","S Yau, H Leong, D McLeod, A Si","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/AltinelLKMPLWB02","DBCache: database caching for web application servers","M Altinel, Q Luo, S Krishnamurthy, C Mohan, H Pirahesh, B Lindsay, H Woo, L Brown","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BernsteinDK99","Towards Adaptive Workflow Systems, CSCW-98 Workshop Report","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/FungSG02","COUGAR: the network is the database","W Fung, D Sun, J Gehrke","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Franklin99","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/WangTYGWP02","COMMIX: towards effective web information extraction, integration and query answering","T Wang, S Tang, D Yang, J Gao, Y Wu, J Pei","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass99b","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/DogacTPPLKTK02","An ebXML infrastructure implementation through UDDI registries and RosettaNet PIPs","A Dogac, Y Tambag, P Pembecioglu, S Pektas, G Laleci, G Kurt, S Toprak, Y Kabak","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/CfP99","The Active Database Central, ER2000, VLDB 2000, WISE 2000, Books, ACM DL","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/BumbulisB02","A compact B-tree","P Bumbulis, I Bowman","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Franklin99a","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/Weininger02","Efficient execution of joins in a star schema","A Weininger","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/ConradHHKRSS99","Engineering Federated Information Systems: Report of EFIS '99 Workshop","S Conrad, W Hasselbring, U Hohenstein, R Kutsche, M Roantree, G Saake, F Saltor","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/FrankGGJKLMNPSSSTW99","Chorochronos: A Research Network for Spatiotemporal Database Systems","A Frank, S Grumbach, R G<>ting, C Jensen, M Koubarakis, N Lorentzos, Y Manolopoulos, E Nardelli, B Pernici, H Schek, M Scholl, T Sellis, B Theodoulidis, P Widmayer","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/RaoZML02","Automating physical database design in a parallel database","J Rao, C Zhang, N Megiddo, G Lohman","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BoulosO99","Cost Estimation of User-Defined Methods in Object-Relational Database Systems","J Boulos, K Ono","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/Aggarwal02","Hierarchical subspace sampling: a unified framework for high dimensional data reduction, selectivity estimation and nearest neighbor search","C Aggarwal","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/RosenthalS99","First-Class Views: A Key to User-Centered Computing","A Rosenthal, E Sciore","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/SismanisDRK02","Dwarf: shrinking the PetaCube","Y Sismanis, A Deligiannakis, N Roussopoulos, Y Kotidis","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/RamDD99","Distributed Transactions in Practice","P Ram, L Do, P Drew","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriGN02","Compressing SQL workloads","S Chaudhuri, A Gupta, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/PapianiWDN99","A Distributed Scientific Data Archive Using the Web, XML and SQL/MED","M Papiani, J Wason, A Dunlop, D Nicole","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/BhattacharyaMBNHS02","Coordinating backup/recovery and data consistency between database and file systems","S Bhattacharya, C Mohan, K Brannon, I Narang, H Hsiao, M Subramanian","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Etzion99","Report on NGITS'99: The 4th International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/MoonWH02","General match: a subsequence matching method in time-series databases based on generalized windows","Y Moon, K Whang, W Han","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/WangWYY02","Clustering by pattern similarity in large data sets","H Wang, W Wang, J Yang, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/HansonN99","Timer-Driven Database Triggers and Alerters: Semantics and a Challenge","E Hanson, L Noronha","SIGMOD Record",1999
"journals/sigmod/Libkin99","Some Remarks on Variable Independence, Closure, and Orthographic Dimension in Constraint Databases","L Libkin","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/ProcopiucJAM02","A Monte Carlo algorithm for fast projective clustering","C Procopiuc, M Jones, P Agarwal, T Murali","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/ThaperGIK02","Dynamic multidimensional histograms","N Thaper, S Guha, P Indyk, N Koudas","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Libkin99a","Database Principles Column - Introduction","L Libkin","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/BrunoC02","Exploiting statistics on query expressions for optimization","N Bruno, S Chaudhuri","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Abiteboul99","On Views and XML","S Abiteboul","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/Ramanan02","Efficient algorithms for minimizing tree pattern queries","P Ramanan","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/RossCGJBV99","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/sigmod/VriesMNK02","Efficient k-NN search on vertically decomposed data","A Vries, N Mamoulis, N Nes, M Kersten","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/MusickC99","Practical Lessons in Supporting Large-Scale Computational Science","R Musick, T Critchlow","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/GaoW02","Continually evaluating similarity-based pattern queries on a streaming time series","L Gao, X Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM99a","SQLJ-Part 1: SQL Routines Using the Java Programming Language","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",1999
"conf/sigmod/DattaDTVSR02","Proxy-based acceleration of dynamically generated content on the world wide web: an approach and implementation","A Datta, K Dutta, H Thomas, D VanderMeer, S Suresha, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/McHughW97","Integrating Dynamically-Fetched External Information into a DBMS for Semistructured Data","J McHugh, J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/AtzeniMM97","Semistructured und Structured Data in the Web: Going Back and Forth","P Atzeni, G Mecca, P Merialdo","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/DobraGGR02","Processing complex aggregate queries over data streams","A Dobra, M Garofalakis, J Gehrke, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/ChenGMV02","Fractal prefetching B<>Trees: optimizing both cache and disk performance","S Chen, P Gibbons, T Mowry, G Valentin","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BaaderJN97","Intelligent Access to Heterogeneous Information Sources: Report on the 4th Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/ZhouR02","Implementing database operations using SIMD instructions","J Zhou, K Ross","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/NestorovAM97","Infering Structure in Semistructured Data","S Nestorov, S Abiteboul, R Motwani","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass97a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/FreireHRRS02","StatiX: making XML count","J Freire, J Haritsa, M Ramanath, P Roy, J Sim<69>on","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/NadoH97","Extracting Entity Profiles from Semistructured Information Spaces","R Nado, S Huffman","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/LiGS02","Skew handling techniques in sort-merge join","W Li, D Gao, R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/AshishK97","Wrapper Generation for Semi-structured Internet Sources","N Ashish, C Knoblock","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/TatarinovVBSSZ02","Storing and querying ordered XML using a relational database system","I Tatarinov, S Viglas, K Beyer, J Shanmugasundaram, E Shekita, C Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/PapakonstantinouPV02","QURSED: querying and reporting semistructured data","Y Papakonstantinou, M Petropoulos, V Vassalos","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Suciu97","Foreword: Management of Semistructured Data","N/A","N/A",1997
"journals/sigmod/JajodiaBBKMSW97","Information Systems Research at George Mason University","S Jajodia, D Barbar<61>, A Brodsky, L Kerschberg, A Motro, E Sibley, X Wang","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/DasuJMS02","\Mining database structure; or, how to build a data quality browser\""""","T Dasu, T Johnson, S Muthukrishnan, V Shkapenyuk","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/GrayG97","The Five-Minute Rule Ten Years Later, and Other Computer Storage Rules of Thumb","J Gray, G Graefe","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/GillmannWW02","Workflow management with service quality guarantees","M Gillmann, G Weikum, W Wonner","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/GuhaJKSY02","Approximate XML joins","S Guha, H Jagadish, N Koudas, D Srivastava, T Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Franklin97a","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/DadamK97","The Database and Information System Research Group at the University of Ulm","P Dadam, W Klas","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/RamanH02","Partial results for online query processing","V Raman, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/TaoP02","Time-parameterized queries in spatio-temporal databases","Y Tao, D Papadias","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/ConradEHRSSSV97","Research Issues in Federated Database Systems: Report of EFDBS '97 Workshop","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/BrunoKS02","Holistic twig joins: optimal XML pattern matching","N Bruno, N Koudas, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/McClatcheyV97","Workshop on Workflow Management in Scientific and Engineering Applications - Report","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/PolyzotisG02","Statistical synopses for graph-structured XML databases","N Polyzotis, M Garofalakis","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Seligman97","Industry Perspectives","L Seligman","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/GuptaHR97","Virtual Database technology","A Gupta, V Harinarayan, A Rajaraman","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/ChangH02","Minimal probing: supporting expensive predicates for top-k queries","K Chang, S Hwang","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass97","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/YangWYH02","Mining long sequential patterns in a noisy environment","J Yang, W Wang, P Yu, J Han","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/BarbaraS97","Quasi-Cubes: Exploiting Approximations in Multidimensional Databases","D Barbar<61>, M Sullivan","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/ChoiC02","Selectivity estimation for spatio-temporal queries to moving objects","Y Choi, C Chung","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/ClementLGMK97","OGDI: Toward Interoperability among Geospatial Databases","G Clement, C Larouche, D Gouin, P Morin, H Kucera","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/GarofalakisG02","Wavelet synopses with error guarantees","M Garofalakis, P Gibbons","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/JosifovskiSHL02","Garlic: a new flavor of federated query processing for DB2","V Josifovski, P Schwarz, L Haas, E Lin","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/RamamrithamS97","Report on DART '96: Databases: Active and Real-Time (Concepts meet Practice)","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/KanthRA02","Quadtree and R-tree indexes in oracle spatial: a comparison using GIS data","K Kanth, S Ravada, D Abugov","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/FernandezFLS97","A Query Language for a Web-Site Management System","M Fernandez, D Florescu, A Levy, D Suciu","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/HadzilacosT97","An Extended Entity-Relationship Model for Geographic Applications","T Hadzilacos, N Tryfona","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/SzalayGTKMRSv02","The SDSS skyserver: public access to the sloan digital sky server data","A Szalay, J Gray, A Thakar, P Kunszt, T Malik, J Raddick, C Stoughton, J vandenBerg","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/PossSKL02","TPC-DS, taking decision support benchmarking to the next level","M P<>ss, B Smith, L Koll<6C>r, P Larson","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/JukicV97","Asserting Beliefs in MLS Relational Models","N Jukic, S Vrbsky","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/SilberschatzZ97","Database Systems - Breaking Out of the Box","A Silberschatz, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/Team02","Mid-tier caching: the TimesTen approach","T Team","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/AntonJLPZZ02","Web caching for database applications with Oracle Web Cache","J Anton, L Jacobs, X Liu, J Parker, Z Zeng, T Zhong","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Fong97","Converting Relational to Object-Oriented Databases","J Fong","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/RamanathanH97","Extraction of Object-Oriented Structures from Existing Relational Databases","S Ramanathan, J Hodges","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/LuoKMPWLN02","Middle-tier database caching for e-business","Q Luo, S Krishnamurthy, C Mohan, H Pirahesh, H Woo, B Lindsay, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/MarklL02","Learning table access cardinalities with LEO","V Markl, G Lohman","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/ChaudhuriD97","An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology","S Chaudhuri, U Dayal","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/ZhangMCMR02","Rainbow: mapping-driven XQuery processing system","X Zhang, M Mulchandani, S Christ, B Murphy, E Rundensteiner","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Franklin97","Editor's Notes","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/TheobaldW02","The XXL search engine: ranked retrieval of XML data using indexes and ontologies","A Theobald, G Weikum","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/McHughAGQW97","Lore: A Database Management System for Semistructured Data","J McHugh, S Abiteboul, R Goldman, D Quass, J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/Konig-RiesL97","Research in Databases and Data-Intensive Applications - Computer Science Department and FZI, University of Karlsruhe","B K<>nig-Ries, P Lockemann","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/BarbosaMKL02","ToXgene: a template-based data generator for XML","D Barbosa, A Mendelzon, J Keenleyside, K Lyons","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/AbadiC02","Visual COKO: a debugger for query optimizer development","D Abadi, M Cherniack","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/FrewD97","Data Management for Earth System Science","J Frew, J Dozier","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/ChenRW02","XCache: a semantic caching system for XML queries","L Chen, E Rundensteiner, S Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/RosenthalHRS97","\A Consumer Viewpoint on \""\""Mediator Languages - a Proposal for a Standard\""\""\""""","A Rosenthal, E Hughes, S Renner, L Seligman","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/RundensteinerWYD02","XmdvTool: visual interactive data exploration and trend discovery of high-dimensional data sets","E Rundensteiner, M Ward, J Yang, P Doshi","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/AtzeniM98","WebDB '98: International Workshop on the Web and Databases","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/LuWYBLY02","XBase: making your gigabyte disk queriable","H Lu, G Wang, G Yu, Y Bao, J Lv, Y Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass98b","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1998
"journals/sigmod/ChangGKRS98","Database Research at Columbia University","S Chang, L Gravano, G Kaiser, K Ross, S Stolfo","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/FlorescuGKR02","XL: a platform for web services","D Florescu, A Gr<47>nhagen, D Kossmann, S Rost","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/CrescenziMM02","RoadRunner: automatic data extraction from data-intensive web sites","V Crescenzi, G Mecca, P Merialdo","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"journals/sigmod/FlorescuLM98","Database Techniques for the World-Wide Web: A Survey","D Florescu, A Levy, A Mendelzon","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/KeetonPH98","A Case for Intelligent Disks (IDISKs)","K Keeton, D Patterson, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/Bussler02","Software as a service: ASP and ASP aggregation","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/sigmod/Mohan02","Tutorial: application servers and associated technologies","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/Lomet98","B-tree Page Size When Caching is Considered","D Lomet","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/GriffinK98","Algebraic Change Propagation for Semijoin and Outerjoin Queries","T Griffin, B Kumar","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/GarofalakisGR02","Querying and mining data streams: you only get one look a tutorial","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/CheungF98","Enhanced Nearest Neighbour Search on the R-tree","K Cheung, A Fu","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/Cotton02","Implementing XQuery","P Cotton","SIGMOD Conference",2002
"conf/sigmod/BreunigKKS01","Data Bubbles: Quality Preserving Performance Boosting for Hierarchical Clustering","M Breunig, H Kriegel, P Kr<4B>ger, J Sander","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/TsotrasJS98","An Extensible Notation for Spatiotemporal Index Queries","V Tsotras, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/BurtonM98","Applications of the JAVA Programming Language to Database Management","B Burton, V Marek","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/RinfretOO01","Bit-Sliced Index Arithmetic","D Rinfret, P O'Neil, E O'Neil","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriDN01","A Robust, Optimization-Based Approach for Approximate Answering of Aggregate Queries","S Chaudhuri, G Das, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Franklin98","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/SlivinskasJS01","Adaptable Query Optimization and Evaluation in Temporal Middleware","G Slivinskas, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/LometBCLN98","The Microsoft Database Research Group","D Lomet, R Barga, S Chaudhuri, P Larson, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/EisenbergM98","Standards in Practice","A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/BohmBKK01","Epsilon Grid Order: An Algorithm for the Similarity Join on Massive High-Dimensional Data","C B<>hm, B Braunm<6E>ller, F Krebs, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChenZCKR01","DyDa: Data Warehouse Maintenance in Fully Concurrent Environments","J Chen, X Zhang, S Chen, A Koeller, E Rundensteiner","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/KappelR98","The TriGS Active Object-Oriented Database System - An Overview","G Kappel, W Retschitzegger","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/NazeriBO01","Experiences in Mining Aviation Safety Data","Z Nazeri, E Bloedorn, P Ostwald","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/SnodgrassGIMSU98","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1998
"journals/sigmod/BorgidaCS98","KRDB '98: The 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/JagadishJOT01","Global Optimization of Histograms","H Jagadish, H Jin, B Ooi, K Tan","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/GatziuKBF98","Unbundling Active Functionality","S Gatziu, A Koschel, G B<>ltzingsloewen, H Fritschi","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/LeeWMS01","Dynamic Buffer Allocation in Video-on-Demand Systems","S Lee, K Whang, Y Moon, I Song","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/HanPLJ01","DNA-Miner: A System Prototype for Mining DNA Sequences","J Han, H Jamil, Y Lu, L Chen, Y Liao, J Pei","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/KuokFW98","Mining Fuzzy Association Rules in Databases","C Kuok, A Fu, M Wong","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/DattaDRTV01","Dynamic Content Acceleration: A Caching Solution to Enable Scalable Dynamic Web Page Generation","A Datta, K Dutta, K Ramamritham, H Thomas, D VanderMeer","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Seshadri98","Predator: A Resource for Database Research","P Seshadri","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/Roussopoulos98","Materialized Views and Data Warehouses","N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/HernandezMHYHT01","Clio: A Semi-Automatic Tool For Schema Mapping","M Hern<72>ndez, R Miller, L Haas","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Chaudhri98","Workshop Report on Experiences Using Object Data Management in the Real-World","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/FernandezMS01","Efficient Evaluation of XML Middle-ware Queries","M Fernandez, A Morishima, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/CandanLLHA01","Enabling Dynamic Content Caching for Database-Driven Web Sites","K Candan, W Li, Q Luo, W Hsiung, D Agrawal","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/MusickM98","Report on the Second IEEE Metadata Conference (Metadata '97)","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/KiesslingHFE01","COSIMA - Your Smart, Speaking E-Salesperson","W Kie<69>ling, S Holland, S 0003, T Ehm","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass98","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",1998
"journals/sigmod/Mendelzon98","Information Director's Message","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/YanMHF01","Data-Driven Understanding and Refinement of Schema Mappings","L Yan, R Miller, L Haas, R Fagin","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Han98","Towards On-Line Analytical Mining in Large Databases","J Han","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/HanPDW01","Efficient Computation of Iceberg Cubes with Complex Measures","J Han, J Pei, G Dong, K Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/Maguire01","Catalog Management in Websphere Commerce Suite","T Maguire","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Franklin97b","Editor's Notes","M Franklin","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/Rosenthal98","Where Will Object Techonology Drive Data Administration?","A Rosenthal","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/BorkarDS01","Automatic Segmentation of Text into Structured Records","V Borkar, K Deshmukh, S Sarawagi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/SchusterW01","Communication Efficient Distributed Mining of Association Rules","A Schuster, R Wolff","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Bernstein98","Repositories and Object Oriented Databases","P Bernstein","SIGMOD Record",1998
"journals/sigmod/KoksalAD98","Workflow History Management","P Koksal, S Arpinar, A Dogac","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/OlstonWL01","Adaptive Precision Setting for Cached Approximate Values","C Olston, B Loo, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Manola98","Towards a Richer Web Object Model","F Manola","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/LahiriG01","Fast-Start: Quick Fault Recovery in Oracle","T Lahiri, A Ganesh, R Weiss, A Joshi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass98a","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/sigmod/GodfreyGXZ01","Exploiting Constraint-Like Data Characterizations in Query Optimization","P Godfrey, J Gryz, C Zuzarte","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/FabretJLPRS01","Filtering Algorithms and Implementation for Very Fast Publish/Subscribe","F Fabret, H Jacobsen, F Llirbat, J Pereira, K Ross, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/ChangASS98","T2: A Customizable Parallel Database for Multi-Dimensional Data","C Chang, A Acharya, A Sussman, J Saltz","SIGMOD Record",1998
"conf/sigmod/ButtlerLPP01","OminiSearch: A Method for Searching Dynamic Content on the Web","D Buttler, L Liu, C Pu, H Paques","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/ACT-NET96","ACT-NET - The Active Database Management System Manifesto: A Rulebase of ADBMS Features","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/BrunieK96","Control Strategies for Complex Relational Query Processing in Shared Nothing Systems","L Brunie, H Kosch","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/AfratiLU01","Generating Efficient Plans for Queries Using Views","F Afrati, C Li, J Ullman","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/Smith01","MPEG-7 Standard for Multimedia Databases","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/GerlhofKM96","On the Cost of Monitoring and Reorganization of Object Bases for Clustering","C Gerlhof, A Kemper, G Moerkotte","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/LangS01","Modeling High-Dimensional Index Structures using Sampling","C Lang, A Singh","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/NormanZT96","Much Ado About Shared-Nothing","M Norman, T Zurek, P Thanisch","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/BestavrosLS96","Report on First International Workshop on Real-Time Database Systems","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/sigmod/Meseck01","Data Management: Lasting Impact of the Wild, Wild, Web","R Meseck","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/DeolaseeKPRS01","Dissemination of Dynamic Data","P Deolasee, A Katkar, A Panchbudhe, K Ramamritham, P Shenoy","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/HasanFV96","Open Issues in Parallel Query Optimization","W Hasan, D Florescu, P Valduriez","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/StonebrakerH01","Content Integration for E-Business","M Stonebraker, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Dogac96","Middle East Technical University Software Research and Development Center","A Dogac","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ShahC01","Fault-tolerant, Load-balancing Queries in Telegraph","M Shah, S Chandrasekaran","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/BilirisP96","The BeSS Object Storage Manager: Architecture Overview","A Biliris, E Panagos","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/DAndreaJ96","UniSQL's Next-Generation Object-Relational Database Management System","A D'Andrea, P Janus","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/HaasH01","Online Query Processing","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/Colliat96","OLAP, Relational, and Multidimensional Database Systems","G Colliat","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/Larson01","XML Data Management Go Native or Spruce up Relational Systems? (Panel Abstract)","P Larson","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Widom96","Editor's Notes","J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/Bussler01","Semantic B2B Integration","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/Qian96a","Scientist's Called Upon to Take Actions","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GoldsteinL01","Optimizing Queries Using Materialized Views: A practical, scalable solution","J Goldstein, P Larson","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/UlusoyB96","Exploiting Main Memory DBMS Features to Improve Real-Time Concurrency Control Protocols","<22> Ulusoy, A Buchmann","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ShouCTRH01","REVIEW: A Real Time Virtual Walkthrough System","L Shou, J Chionh, K Tan, Y Ruan, Z Huang","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Bestavros96","Advances in Real-Time Database Systems Research","A Bestavros","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/TatarinovIHW01","Updating XML","I Tatarinov, Z Ives, A Halevy, D Weld","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/MistryRSR01","Materialized View Selection and Maintenance Using Multi-Query Optimization","H Mistry, P Roy, S Sudarshan, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/AndlerHEMBE96","DeeDS Towards a Distributed and Active Real-Time Database System","S Andler, J Hansson, J Eriksson, J Mellin, M Berndtsson, B Eftring","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/LinP96","Enhancing External Consistency in Real-Time Transactions","K Lin, S Peng","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GionisGK01","Efficient and Tunable Similar Set Retrieval","A Gionis, D Gunopulos, N Koudas","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/AgichteinGV01","Snowball: A Prototype System for Extracting Relations from Large Text Collections","E Agichtein, L Gravano, J Pavel, V Sokolova, A Voskoboynik","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/SilberschatzSU96","Database Research: Achievements and Opportunities Into the 21st Century","A Silberschatz, M Stonebraker, J Ullman","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/KimCK01","Optimizing Multidimensional Index Trees for Main Memory Access","K Kim, S Cha, K Kwon","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/PhatakSSS96","Database Research at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay","D Phatak, N Sarda, S Seshadri, S Sudarshan","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/RamamrithamSSTX96","Integrating Temporal, Real-Time, and Active Databases","K Ramamritham, R Sivasankaran, J Stankovic, D Towsley, M Xiong","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ClaypoolRZSK01","Gangam - A Solution to Support Multiple Data Models, their Mappings and Maintenance","K Claypool, E Rundensteiner, X Zhang, H Su, H Kuno, W Lee, G Mitchell","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/BertinoCF01","Securing XML Documents: the Author-X Project Demonstration","E Bertino, S Castano, E Ferrari","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/HaritsaS96","Real-Time Index Concurrency Control","J Haritsa, S Seshadri","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/KuoM96","Real-Time Database - Similarity Semantics and Resource Scheduling","T Kuo, A Mok","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/BabuGR01","SPARTAN: A Model-Based Semantic Compression System for Massive Data Tables","S Babu, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/SonDT96","Improving Timeliness in Real-Time Secure Database Systems","S Son, R David, B Thuraisingham","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/LamCKNH01","RETINA: A REal-time TraffIc NAvigation System","K Lam, E Chan, T Kuo, S Ng, D Hung","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/AdelbergKG96","Overview of the STanford Real-time Information Processor (STRIP)","B Adelberg, B Kao, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GreenwaldK01","Space-Efficient Online Computation of Quantile Summaries","M Greenwald, S Khanna","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/DraperHW01","The Nimble Integration Engine","D Draper, A Halevy, D Weld","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/TsotrasK96","Temporal Database Bibliography Update","V Tsotras, A Kumar","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/Galindo-LegariaJ01","Orthogonal Optimization of Subqueries and Aggregation","C Galindo-Legaria, M Joshi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/BerndtssonH96","Workshop Report: The First International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95)","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/sigmod/DeshpandeGR01","Independence is Good: Dependency-Based Histogram Synopses for High-Dimensional Data","A Deshpande, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Baeza-YatesN96","Integrating Contents and Structure in Text Retrieval","R Baeza-Yates, G Navarro","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/FreemanG96","Lifestreams: A Storage Model for Personal Data","E Freeman, D Gelernter","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/LazaridisM01","Progressive Approximate Aggregate Queries with a Multi-Resolution Tree Structure","I Lazaridis, S Mehrotra","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Wade96","Object Query Standards","A Wade","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/BrunoCG01","STHoles: A Multidimensional Workload-Aware Histogram","N Bruno, S Chaudhuri, L Gravano","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/UrbanDG96","Database Research at Arizona State University","S Urban, S Dietrich, F Golshani","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/Mohan01","Application Servers: Born-Again TP Monitors for the Web? (Panel Abstract)","C Mohan","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Gaffney96","Illustra's Web DataBlade Module","J Gaffney","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/KalnisP01","Proxy-Server Architectures for OLAP","P Kalnis, D Papadias","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Anonymous96","MQSeries and CICS Link for Lotus Notes","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/YuMWL01","Efficient and Effective Metasearch for Text Databases Incorporating Linkages among Documents","C Yu, W Meng, W Wu, K Liu","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Qian96","Shutdown, Budget, and Funding","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ChenGK01","Query Optimization In Compressed Database Systems","Z Chen, J Gehrke, F Korn","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/KramerNKRLKLZ97","WWW-UDK: A Web-based Environmental Meta-Information System","R Kramer, R Nikolai, A Koschel, C Rolker, P Lockemann, A Keitel, R Legat, K Zirm","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/BohannonMR01","Main-Memory Index Structures with Fixed-Size Partial Keys","P Bohannon, P McIlroy, R Rastogi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/TomasicS97","Improving Access to Environmental Data Using Context Information","A Tomasic, E Simon","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/WynblattN01","The Network is the Database: Data Management for Highly Distributed Systems","J Navas, M Wynblatt","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/AbelTK97","Integrating Modelling Systems for Environmental Management Information Systems","D Abel, K Taylor, D Kuo","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/AggarwalY01","Outlier Detection for High Dimensional Data","C Aggarwal, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/CarinoKKB01","StorHouse Metanoia - New Applications for Database, Storage & Data Warehousing","F Cari<72>o, P Kostamaa, A Kaufmann, J Burgess","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Gunther97","Environment Information Systems - Guest Editor's Foreword","N/A","N/A",1997
"journals/sigmod/KaradimitriouT97","Min-Max Compression Methods for Medical Image Databases","K Karadimitriou, J Tyler","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/ZhangNDLL01","On Supporting Containment Queries in Relational Database Management Systems","C Zhang, J Naughton, D DeWitt, Q Luo, G Lohman","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChenGM01","Improving Index Performance through Prefetching","S Chen, P Gibbons, T Mowry","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/BunemanRU97","Mediator Languages - a Proposal for a Standard","P Buneman, L Raschid, J Ullman","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalCN01","Materialized View and Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server 2000","S Agrawal, S Chaudhuri, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Gardels97","Open GIS and On-Line Environmental Libraries","K Gardels","SIGMOD Record",1997
"journals/sigmod/RiekertMW97","Management of Data and Services in the Environmental Information System (UIS) of Baden-W<>rttemberg","W Riekert, R Mayer-F<>ll, G Wiest","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/Sahuguet01","\Kweelt: More than just \""\""yet another framework to query XML!\""\""\""""","A Sahuguet","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Ioannidis96","Dynamic Information Visualization","Y Ioannidis","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GetoorTK01","Selectivity Estimation using Probabilistic Models","L Getoor, B Taskar, D Koller","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Date96","A Response to R. Camps' Article ``Domains, Relations and Religious Wars''","C Date","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/HristidisKP01","PREFER: A System for the Efficient Execution of Multi-parametric Ranked Queries","V Hristidis, N Koudas, Y Papakonstantinou","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Qian97","Opportunities in Information Management and Assurance","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/JoshiA01","Mining Needle in a Haystack: Classifying Rare Classes via Two-phase Rule Induction","M Joshi, R Agarwal","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/DoanPSB97","Query Previews for Networked Information Systems: A Case Study with NASA Environmental Data","K Doan, C Plaisant, B Shneiderman, T Bruns","SIGMOD Record",1997
"conf/sigmod/IpeirotisGS01","Probe, Count, and Classify: Categorizing Hidden Web Databases","P Ipeirotis, L Gravano, M Sahami","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/NgWY01","Iceberg-cube computation with PC clusters","R Ng, A Wagner, Y Yin","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/AtkinsonDJPS96","An Orthogonally Persistent Java","M Atkinson, L Dayn<79>s, M Jordan, T Printezis, S Spence","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/DoanDH01","Reconciling Schemas of Disparate Data Sources: A Machine-Learning Approach","A Doan, P Domingos, A Halevy","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/CoxEH96","3D Geographic Network Displays","K Cox, S Eick, T He","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/KeoghCMP01","Locally Adaptive Dimensionality Reduction for Indexing Large Time Series Databases","E Keogh, K Chakrabarti, S Mehrotra, M Pazzani","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/HasanMV96","Applying database Visualization to the World Wide Web","M Hasan, A Mendelzon, D Vista","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/KennedyMB96","A Framework for Information Visualisation","J Kennedy, K Mitchell, P Barclay","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GunopulosD01","Time Series Similarity Measures and Time Series Indexing","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/BabyCY01","VQBD: Exploring Semistructured Data","S Chawathe, T Baby, J Yeo","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/RafanelliBT96","The Aggregate Data Problem: A System for their Definition and Management","M Rafanelli, A Bezenchek, L Tininini","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/CasatiS01","Models and Languages for Describing and Discovering E-Services","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/sigmod/CatarciC96","Information Visualization, Guest Editors' Foreword","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/sigmod/WhitneyS01","Lots o' Ticks: Real-Time High Performance Time Series Queries on Billions of Trades and Quotes","A Whitney, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Widom96b","Editor's Notes","Jennifer Widom","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/Darwen96","In Reply to Domains, relations and Religious Wars","H Darwen","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/KriegelMPS01","Spatial Data Management for Computer Aided Design","H Kriegel, A M<>ller, M P<>tke, T Seidl","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/AdiBEY01","Monitoring Business Processes through Event Correlation based on Dependency Model","A Adi, D Botzer, O Etzion, T Yatzkar-Haham","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Keim96","Pixel-oriented Database Visualizations","D Keim","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/Amer-YahiaCLS01","Minimization of Tree Pattern Queries","S Amer-Yahia, S Cho, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/SantucciT96","To Table or Not to Table: a Hypertabular Answer","G Santucci, L Tarantino","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/WuAA01","Using the Golden Rule of Sampling for Query Estimation","Y Wu, D Agrawal, A Abbadi","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/TaninBS96","Incremental data Structures and Algorithms for Dynamic Query Interfaces","E Tanin, R Beigel, B Shneiderman","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/GehrkeKS01","On Computing Correlated Aggregates Over Continual Data Streams","J Gehrke, F Korn, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Ahlberg96","Spotfire: An Information Exploration Environment","C Ahlberg","SIGMOD Record",1996
"journals/sigmod/Eisenberg96","New Standard for Stored Procedures in SQL","A Eisenberg","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/AggarwalY00","Finding Generalized Projected Clusters In High Dimensional Spaces","C Aggarwal, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Bhashyam96","TCP-D - The Challenges, Issues and Results","R Bhashyam","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/PalmerF00","Density Biased Sampling: An Improved Method for Data Mining and Clustering","C Palmer, C Faloutsos","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/Lomet00","High Speed On-line Backup When Using Logical Log Operations","D Lomet","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/ShethGJRSWW96","Report from the NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems","N/A","N/A",1996
"journals/sigmod/Sidell96","The Mariposa Distributed Database Management System","J Sidell","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/LabioWGG00","Efficient Resumption of Interrupted Warehouse Loads","W Labio, J Wiener, H Garcia-Molina, V Gorelik","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Camps96","Domains, Relations and Religious Wars","R Camps","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/CatarciS01","The Prototype of the DARE System","T Catarci, G Santucci","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/ZobelMR96","Guidelines for Presentation and Comparison of Indexing Techniques","J Zobel, A Moffat, K Ramamohanarao","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ChangC01","PBIR - Perception-Based Image Retrieval","E Chang, T Cheng, L Chang","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"conf/sigmod/Rosenthal01","Will Database Researchers Have ANY Role in Data Security? (Panel Abstract)","A Rosenthal","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Qian96b","New Programs at DARPA and NSF","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/NguyenACP01","Monitoring XML Data on the Web","B Nguyen, S Abiteboul, G Cobena, M Preda","SIGMOD Conference",2001
"journals/sigmod/Widom96a","Editor's Notes","J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1996
"conf/sigmod/ChoSG00","Finding Replicated Web Collections","J Cho, N Shivakumar, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/MedskerCS95","A Comparison of Three User Interfaces to Relational Microcomputer Data Bases","C Medsker, M Christensen, I Song","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/OhHP00","Efficient and Cost-effective Techniques for Browsing and Indexing Large Video Databases","J Oh, K Hua","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Segev95","Editor's (Farewell) Notes","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/RamaswamyRS00","Efficient Algorithms for Mining Outliers from Large Data Sets","S Ramaswamy, R Rastogi, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DogacAOD95","Implementation Aspects of an Object-Oriented DBMS","A Dogac, M Altinel, C Ozkan, I Durusoy","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/KarlapalemLS95","HODFA: An Architectural Framework for Homogenizing Heterogeneous Legacy Database","K Karlapalem, Q Li, C Shum","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/SzalayGKT00","Designing and Mining Multi-Terabyte Astronomy Archives: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey","A Szalay, P Kunszt, A Thakar, J Gray, D Slutz","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/GunopulosKTD00","Approximating Multi-Dimensional Aggregate Range Queries over Real Attributes","D Gunopulos, G Kollios, V Tsotras, C Domeniconi","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Hanna95","A Close Look at the IFO Data Model","M Hanna","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/Chaudhri95","An Annotated Bibliography of Benchmarks for Object Databases","A Chaudhri","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaGP00","Congressional Samples for Approximate Answering of Group-By Queries","S Acharya, P Gibbons, V Poosala","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/WaasG00","Counting, Enumerating, and Sampling of Execution Plans in a Cost-Based Query Optimizer","F Waas, C Galindo-Legaria","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/JaegerF95","An Annotated Bibliography on Active Databases","U Jaeger, J Freytag","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/WattezCBFF00","Benchmarking Queries over Trees: Learning the Hard Truth the Hard Way","F Wattez, S Cluet, V Benzaken, G Ferran, C Fiegel","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/BerraNT95","ACM Multimedia '94 Conference Workshop on Multimedia Database Management Systems","P Berra, K Nwosu, B Thuraisingham","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ZaharioudakisCLPU00","Answering Complex SQL Queries Using Automatic Summary Tables","M Zaharioudakis, R Cochrane, G Lapis, H Pirahesh, M Urata","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/YanG95","Information Finding in a Digital Library: The Stanford Perspective","T Yan, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/Qian95a","Turmoil at NASA, and Numerous Funding Announcements","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/CorralMTV00","Closest Pair Queries in Spatial Databases","A Corral, Y Manolopoulos, Y Theodoridis, M Vassilakopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/RoySSB00","Efficient and Extensible Algorithms for Multi Query Optimization","P Roy, S Seshadri, S Sudarshan, S Bhobe","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/KimballS95","Why Decision Support Fails and How To Fix It","R Kimball, K Strehlo","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/Zhang95","Application of OODB and SGML Techniques in Text Database: An Electronic Dictionary System","J Zhang","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/HellersteinA00","Eddies: Continuously Adaptive Query Processing","R Avnur, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Lee95","Normalization in OODB Design","B Lee","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/PopaDST00","A Chase Too Far?","L Popa, A Deutsch, A Sahuguet, V Tannen","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/KokkotosIPS95","On the Issue of Valid Time(s) in Temporal Databases","S Kokkotos, E Ioannidis, T Panayiotopoulos, C Spyropoulos","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalW00","A Framework for Expressing and Combining Preferences","R Agrawal, E Wimmers","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/GamacheS95","Addressing Techniques Used in Database Object Managers O2 and Orion","A Gamache, N Sahraoui","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ForlizziGNS00","A Data Model and Data Structures for Moving Objects Databases","L Forlizzi, R G<>ting, E Nardelli, M Schneider","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DogacDKOONEHAKKM95","METU Interoperable Database System","A Dogac, C Dengi, E Kilic, G <20>zhan, F Ozcan, S Nural, C Evrendilek, U Halici, I Arpinar, P Koksal, N Kesim, S Mancuhan","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/MoonSL00","Adaptive Multi-Stage Distance Join Processing","H Shin, B Moon, S Lee","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/LiuPBHPT00","AQR-Toolkit: An Adaptive Query Routing Middleware for Distributed Data Intensive Systems","L Liu, C Pu, D Buttler, W Han, H Paques, W Tang","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/KlasS94","Metadata for Digital Media: Introduction to the Special Issue","W Klas, A Sheth","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Wedekind94","\Are the Terms \""\""Version\""\"" and \""\""Variant\""\"" Orthogonal to One Another? A Critical Assessment of the STEP Standardization\""""","H Wedekind","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/GillmannWSWW00","A Goal-driven Auto-Configuration Tool for the Distributed Workflow Management System Mentor-lite","M Gillmann, J Wei<65>enfels, G Shegalov, W Wonner, G Weikum","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/2000","Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, May 16-18, 2000, Dallas, Texas, USA","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/JainH94","Metadata in Video Databases","R Jain, A Hampapur","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/BohmR94","Metadata for Multimedia Documents","K B<>hm, T Rakow","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/OriaOILY00","DISIMA: A Distributed and Interoperable Image Database System","V Oria, M <20>zsu, P Iglinski, S Lin, B Yao","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/RiedelFGN00","Data Mining on an OLTP System (Nearly) for Free","E Riedel, C Faloutsos, G Ganger, D Nagle","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/ShinM94","A New Join Algorithm","D Shin, A Meltzer","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/HanPY00","Mining Frequent Patterns without Candidate Generation","J Han, J Pei, Y Yin","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Bertram94","Data Modelling in the Large","M Bertram","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Segev94b","Editor's Notes and Erratum","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/LakhamrajuRSS00","On-line Reorganization in Object Databases","M Lakhamraju, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, S Sudarshan","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/ShenoyHSBBS00","Turbo-charging Vertical Mining of Large Databases","P Shenoy, J Haritsa, S Sudarshan, G Bhalotia, M Bawa, D Shah","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/KiyokiKH94","A Metadatabase System for Semantic Image Search by a Mathematical Model of Meaning","Y Kiyoki, T Kitagawa, T Hayama","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Alonso95","Trade Press News","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/HsiaoN00","DLFM: A Transactional Resource Manager","H Hsiao, I Narang","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/SchlageterBHMSW95","The Database Group at University of Hagen (FernUniversitaet)","G Schlageter, T Berkel, E Heuel, S Mittrach, A Scherer, W Wilkes","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Ross00","Expressing Business Rules","R Ross","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/Jhingran00","Anatomy of a Real E-Commerce System","A Jhingran","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/X95","Calls for Papers and Announcements","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Weininger00","Handling Very Large Databases with Informix Extended Parallel Server","A Weininger","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Qian95","Political Winds Change Direction Again","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ChenDLT00","Fact: A Learning Based Web Query Processing System","S Chen, Y Diao, H Lu, Z Tian","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Jannink95","Implementing Deletion in B+-Trees","J Jannink","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/NgH95","Multigranularity Locking in Multiple Job Classes Transaction Processing System","S Ng, S Hung","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/WangSSZZW00","An Approximate Search Engine for Structural Databases","J Wang, X Wang, D Shasha, B Shapiro, K Zhang, X Zheng, Q Ma, Z Weinberg","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/JarkeQCLFLVV00","Concept Based Design of Data Warehouses: The DWQ Demonstrators","M Jarke, C Quix, D Calvanese, M Lenzerini, E Franconi, S Ligoudistianos, P Vassiliadis, Y Vassiliou","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Jarke95","Information Systems Research at RWTH Aachen","M Jarke","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Galhardas00","AJAX: An Extensible Data Cleaning Tool","H Galhardas, D Florescu, D Shasha, E Simon","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DarwenD95","The Third Manifesto","H Darwen, C Date","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/LitwinS00","LH*RS: A High-Availability Scalable Distributed Data Structure using Reed Solomon Codes","W Litwin, T Schwarz","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/SellisV95","The Database Group at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)","T Sellis, Y Vassiliou","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/Qian95b","Opportunities at ARPA, NSF, and Elsewhere","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/GoldmanW00","WSQ/DSQ: A Practical Approach for Combined Querying of Databases and the Web","R Goldman, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/EnglertGH95","Parallelism and its Price: A Case Study of NonStop SQL/MP","S Englert, R Glasstone, W Hasan","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/RodriguezR00","MOCHA: A Self-Extensible Database Middleware System for Distributed Data Sources","M Rodriguez-Martinez, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/VenkatraoP95","SQL/CLI - A New Binding Style for SQL","M Venkatrao, M Pizzo","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/LeeKOTM00","Towards Self-Tuning Data Placement in Parallel Database Systems","M Lee, M Kitsuregawa, B Ooi, K Tan, A Mondal","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/SegevJS95","Report on The 1995 International Workshop on Temporal Databases","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/LabrinidisR00","WebView Materialization","A Labrinidis, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Bohlen95","Temporal Database System Implementations","M B<>hlen","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ChenJDTW00","NiagaraCQ: A Scalable Continuous Query System for Internet Databases","J Chen, D DeWitt, F Tian, Y Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/WolfsonSDNR95","View Maintenance in Mobile Computing","O Wolfson, A Sistla, S Dao, K Narayanan, R Raj","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/BarclaySG00","TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse","T Barclay, D Slutz, J Gray","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/SaltenisJLL00","Indexing the Positions of Continuously Moving Objects","S Saltenis, C Jensen, S Leutenegger, M Lopez","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/AlonsoCIM95","Managing Video Data in a Mobile Environment","R Alonso, Y Chang, L Iftode, V Mani","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/SalemBCL00","How To Roll a Join: Asynchronous Incremental View Maintenance","K Salem, K Beyer, R Cochrane, B Lindsay","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DunhamH95a","Mobile Computing and Databases: Anything New?","M Dunham, A Helal","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/ElmagarmidJF95","Wireless Client/Server Computing for Personal Information Services and Applications","A Elmagarmid, J Jing, T Furukawa","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ChristophidesCS00","On Wrapping Query Languages and Efficient XML Integration","V Christophides, S Cluet, J Sim<69>on","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DrewHKKLLLSW95","Data and Knowledge Base Research at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology","P Drew, B Hamidzadeh, K Karlapalem, A Kean, D Lee, Q Li, F Lochovsky, C Shum, B W<>thrich","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/BreunigKNS00","LOF: Identifying Density-Based Local Outliers","M Breunig, H Kriegel, R Ng, J Sander","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChoG00","Synchronizing a Database to Improve Freshness","J Cho, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DunhamH95","From the Guest Editors - Special Section on Data Management Issues in Mobile Computing","M Dunham, A Helal","N/A",1995
"journals/sigmod/BhargavaAP95","Digital Library Services in Mobile Computing","B Bhargava, M Annamalai, E Pitoura","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/FaloutsosSTT00","Spatial Join Selectivity Using Power Laws","C Faloutsos, B Seeger, A Traina, C Jr.","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/KornM00","Influence Sets Based on Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries","F Korn, S Muthukrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Ulusoy95","An Annotated Bibliography on Real-Time Database Systems","<22> Ulusoy","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/LiefkeS00","XMILL: An Efficient Compressor for XML Data","H Liefke, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Widom95a","Editor's Notes","J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/NobleS95","A Research Status Report on Adaptation for Mobile Data Access","B Noble, M Satyanarayanan","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/GarofalakisGRSS00","XTRACT: A System for Extracting Document Type Descriptors from XML Documents","M Garofalakis, A Gionis, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Fong95","Mapping Extended Entity Relationship Model to Object Modeling Technique","J Fong","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Nori00","Application Architecture: 2Tier or 3Tier? What is DBMS's Role? (Panel Abstract)","A Nori","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/Hellerstein00","Index Research: Forest or Trees? (Panel Abstract)","J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/ONeilG95","Multi-Table Joins Through Bitmapped Join Indices","P O'Neil, G Graefe","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/MaelbranckeO95","Optimizing Jan Jannink's Implementation of B+-tree Deletion","R Maelbrancke, H Olivie","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Ramakrishnan00","From Browsing to Interacting: DBMS Support for Responive Websites (Abstract)","R Ramakrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/AbiteboulH95","\Response to \""\""A Close Look at the IFO Data Model\""\""\""""","S Abiteboul, R Hull","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/OrdonezC00","SQLEM: Fast Clustering in SQL using the EM Algorithm","C Ordonez, P Cereghini","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/BlakeleyD00","Tutorial: Data Access","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/Richey95","Condition Handling in SQL Persistent Stored Modules","J Richey","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/RosenthalSMBTL95","Data Management Research at The MITRE Corporation","A Rosenthal, L Seligman, C McCollum, B Blaustein, B Thuraisingham, E Lafferty","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Gal00","Data Management in eCommerce: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/BratsbergT00","Tutorial: Designing an Ultra Highly Available DBMS","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/RisheSBDOALOSS95","Florida International University High Performance Database Research Center","N Rishe, W Sun, D Barton, Y Deng, C Orji, M Alexopoulos, L Loureiro, C 0002, M Sanchez, A Shaposhnikov","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/PitouraB95","A Framework for Providing Consistent and Recoverable Agent-Based Access to Heterogeneous in Mobile Databases","E Pitoura, B Bhargava","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/Carey00","On XML and Databases: Where's the Beef? (Panel Abstract)","M Carey","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/RaoR00","Making B+-Trees Cache Conscious in Main Memory","J Rao, K Ross","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Wong95","An Introduction to Remy's Fast Polymorphic Record Projection","L Wong","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/LeeCL95","An Aspect of Query Optimization in Multidatabase Systems (Extended Abstract)","C Lee, C Chen, H Lu","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalS00","Privacy-Preserving Data Mining","R Agrawal, R Srikant","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DoanPK95","Design and User Testing of a Multi-Paradigm Query Interface to an Object-Oriented Database","D Doan, N Paton, A Kilgour","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/JagadishKS00","On Effective Multi-Dimensional Indexing for Strings","H Jagadish, N Koudas, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Widom95","Editor's Notes","J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/ChangBCLLS00","The Onion Technique: Indexing for Linear Optimization Queries","Y Chang, L Bergman, V Castelli, C Li, M Lo, J Smith","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChenCPPSTM00","Internet Traffic Warehouse","C Chen, M Cochinwala, C Petrone, M Pucci, S Samtani, P Santa, M Mesiti","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/X95a","Calls for Papers and Announcements","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/AnnamalaiCD00","Indexing Images in Oracle8i","M Annamalai, R Chopra, S DeFazio","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Finkelstein95","The New Middleware","R Finkelstein","SIGMOD Record",1995
"journals/sigmod/Stacey95","Replication: DB2, Oracle, or Sybase?","D Stacey","SIGMOD Record",1995
"conf/sigmod/PonnekantiK00","Online Index Rebuild","N Ponnekanti, H Kodavalla","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Alonso95a","Trade Press News","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/LehnerSPC00","Maintenance of Automatic Summary Tables","W Lehner, R Sidle, H Pirahesh, R Cochrane","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Alonso94","Trade Press News","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/BressanGOT00","Integrating Replacement Policies in StorM: An Extensible Approach","C Goh, B Ooi, S Bressan, K Tan","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Winslett94","Progress on HPCC and NII","M Winslett","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/ReveszCKLLW00","The MLPQ/GIS Constraint Database System","P Revesz, R Chen, P Kanjamala, Y Li, Y Liu, Y Wang","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChakrabartiM99","Efficient Concurrency Control in Multidimensional Access Methods","K Chakrabarti, S Mehrotra","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/TaoSP03","Analysis of predictive spatio-temporal queries","Y Tao, J Sun, D Papadias","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"journals/tods/LakshmananLN03","Efficient dynamic mining of constrained frequent sets","L Lakshmanan, C Leung, R Ng","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/AggarwalPWYP99","Fast Algorithms for Projected Clustering","C Aggarwal, C Procopiuc, J Wolf, P Yu, J Park","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/HsuLG00","Image Mining in IRIS: Integrated Retinal Information System","W Hsu, M Lee, K Goh","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/tods/ChoG03","Effective page refresh policies for Web crawlers","J Cho, H Garcia-Molina","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"journals/tods/Chomicki03","Preference formulas in relational queries","J Chomicki","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/Rodriguez-Martinez00","MOCHA: A Database Middleware System Featuring Automatic Deployment of Application-Specific Functionality","M Rodriguez-Martinez, N Roussopoulos, J McGann, S Kelley, V Katz, Z Song, J J<>J<EFBFBD>","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/YangYW00","TIP: A Temporal Extension to Informix","J Yang, H Ying, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/tods/DiaoAFZF03","Path sharing and predicate evaluation for high-performance XML filtering","Y Diao, M Altinel, M Franklin, H Zhang, P Fischer","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/LiBCS00","SPIRE: A Progressive Content-Based Spatial Image Retrieval Engine","C Li, L Bergman, V Castelli, J Smith","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/tods/HjaltasonS03","Index-driven similarity search in metric spaces","G Hjaltason, H Samet","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/MerialdoAMMP00","Homer: a Model-Based CASE Tool for Data-Intensive Web Sites","P Merialdo, P Atzeni, M Magnante, G Mecca, M Pecorone","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/DreyerDS94","Research Perspectives for Time Series Management Systems","W Dreyer, A Dittrich, D Schmidt","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/DiazJPa94","Supporting Dynamic Displays Using Active Rules","O D<>az, A Jaime, N Paton, G al-Qaimari","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/BerckenDS00","javax.XXL: A prototype for a Library of Query processing Algorithms","J Bercken, J Dittrich, B Seeger","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass94","Overview of the Special Section on Temporal Database Infrastructure","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/Sarawagi00","i3: Intelligent, Interactive Investigaton of OLAP data cubes","S Sarawagi, G Sathe","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/PeiMHZ00","Towards Data Mining Benchmarking: A Testbed for Performance Study of Frequent Pattern Mining","J Pei, R Mao, K Hu, H Zhu","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/PissinouSEMOPSTD94","Towards an Infrastructure for Temporal Databases: Report of an Invitational ARPA/NSF Workshop","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/ShuklaD00","Tutorial: LDAP Directory Services - Just Another Database Application?","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/sigmod/SnodgrassAABCDEGJKKKLLRSSS94","TSQL2 Language Specification","R Snodgrass, I Ahn, G Ariav, D Batory, J Clifford, C Dyreson, R Elmasri, F Grandi, C Jensen, W K<>fer, N Kline, K Kulkarni, T Leung, N Lorentzos, J Roddick, A Segev, M Soo, S Sripada","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Loeffen94","Text Databases: A Survey of Text Models and Systems","A Loeffen","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/IvesLPST00","Self-Organizing Data Sharing Communities with SAGRES","Z Ives, A Levy, J Madhavan, R Pottinger, S Saroiu, I Tatarinov, S Betzler, Q Chen, E Jaslikowska, J Su, W Yeung","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/NorrieBSW94","The Database Research Group at ETH Zurich","M Norrie, S Blott, H Schek, G Weikum","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/FegarasSRM00","lambda-DB: An ODMG-Based Object-Oriented DBMS","L Fegaras, C Srinivasan, A Rajendran, D Maier","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"journals/sigmod/Gallagher94","Influencing Database Language Standards","L Gallagher","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/RundensteinerCCSO00","SERFing the Web: Web Site Management Made Easy","E Rundensteiner, K Claypool, L Chen, H Su, K Oenoki","SIGMOD Conference",2000
"conf/sigmod/YerneniLGU99","Computing Capabilities of Mediators","R Yerneni, C Li, H Garcia-Molina, J Ullman","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/MayL02","Understanding the global semantics of referential actions using logic rules","W May, B Lud<75>scher","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"conf/sigmod/Keim99","Efficient Geometry-based Similarity Search of 3D Spatial Databases","D Keim","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/MelnikG03","Adaptive algorithms for set containment joins","S Melnik, H Garcia-Molina","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/DavulcuFKR99","A Layered Architecture for Querying Dynamic Web Content","H Davulcu, J Freire, M Kifer, I Ramakrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/FernandezKSMT02","SilkRoute: A framework for publishing relational data in XML","M Fernandez, Y Kadiyska, D Suciu, A Morishima, W Tan","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/CiacciaP02","Searching in metric spaces with user-defined and approximate distances","P Ciaccia, M Patella","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"conf/sigmod/CallanCD99","Automatic Discovery of Language Models for Text Databases","J Callan, M Connell, A Du","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/BeyerR99","Bottom-Up Computation of Sparse and Iceberg CUBEs","K Beyer, R Ramakrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/GibbonsMP02","Fast incremental maintenance of approximate histograms","P Gibbons, Y Matias, V Poosala","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"conf/sigmod/MayrS99","Client-Site Query Extensions","T Mayr, P Seshadri","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/CaldersNW02","Searching for dependencies at multiple abstraction levels","T Calders, R Ng, J Wijsen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"conf/sigmod/AggarwalWY99","A New Method for Similarity Indexing of Market Basket Data","C Aggarwal, J Wolf, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/ChakrabartiKMP02","Locally adaptive dimensionality reduction for indexing large time series databases","K Chakrabarti, E Keogh, S Mehrotra, M Pazzani","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/TaoPZ02","Cost models for overlapping and multiversion structures","Y Tao, D Papadias, J Zhang","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"conf/sigmod/KotidisR99","DynaMat: A Dynamic View Management System for Data Warehouses","Y Kotidis, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChanI99","An Efficient Bitmap Encoding Scheme for Selection Queries","C Chan, Y Ioannidis","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/JacoxS03","Iterative spatial join","E Jacox, H Samet","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/VitterW99","Approximate Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates of Sparse Data Using Wavelets","J Vitter, M Wang","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/WijesekeraJPH03","Removing permissions in the flexible authorization framework","D Wijesekera, S Jajodia, F Parisi-Presicce, <20> Hagstr<74>m","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/IvesFFLW99","An Adaptive Query Execution System for Data Integration","Z Ives, D Florescu, M Friedman, A Levy, D Weld","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/TaoP03","Spatial queries in dynamic environments","Y Tao, D Papadias","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/BlohsfeldKS99","A Comparison of Selectivity Estimators for Range Queries on Metric Attributes","B Blohsfeld, D Korus, B Seeger","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/Jimenez-PerisPAK03","Are quorums an alternative for data replication?","R Jim<69>nez-Peris, M Pati<74>o-Mart<72>nez, G Alonso, B Kemme","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/Jamil99","Belief Reasoning in MLS Deductive Databases","H Jamil","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/LechtenborgerV03","On the computation of relational view complements","J Lechtenb<6E>rger, G Vossen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"journals/tods/GunopulosKMSTS03","Discovering all most specific sentences","D Gunopulos, R Khardon, H Mannila, S Saluja, H Toivonen, R Sharm","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/ShanmugasundaramNSR99","Efficient Concurrency Control for Broadcast Environments","J Shanmugasundaram, A Nithrakashyap, R Sivasankaran, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/KarpSP03","A simple algorithm for finding frequent elements in streams and bags","R Karp, S Shenker, C Papadimitriou","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"conf/sigmod/GehrkeGRL99","BOAT-Optimistic Decision Tree Construction","J Gehrke, V Ganti, R Ramakrishnan, W Loh","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/AdaliSS99","A Multimedia Presentation Algebra","S Adali, M Sapino, V Subrahmanian","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/tods/BeneventanoBS03","Description logics for semantic query optimization in object-oriented database systems","D Beneventano, S Bergamaschi, C Sartori","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2003
"journals/sigmod/Segev94a","Editor's Notes","A Segev","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/CruzJ99","A User-Centered Interface for Querying Distributed Multimedia Databases","I Cruz, K James","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/SnodgrassAABCDEGJKKKLLRSSS94a","A TSQL2 Tutorial","nodgrass, I Ahn, G Ariav, D Batory, J Clifford, C Dyreson, R Elmasri, F Grandi, C Jensen, W K<>fer, N Kline, K Kulkarni, T Leung, N Lorentzos, J Roddick, A Segev, M Soo, S Sripada","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/MamoulisP99","Integration of Spatial Join Algorithms for Processing Multiple Inputs","N Mamoulis, D Papadias","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/RundensteinerKZWLLN99","Evolvable View Environment (EVE): Non-Equivalent View Maintenance under Schema Changes","E Rundensteiner, A Koeller, X Zhang, A Wyk, Y Li, A Lee, A Nica","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Qian94a","Announcements from NSF, NASA, and Elsewhere","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/X94b","Calls for Papers / Announcements","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/NgLHM99","Exploratory Mining via Constrained Frequent Set Queries","R Ng, L Lakshmanan, J Han, T Mah","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Datta94","Research Issues in Databases for ARCS: Active Rapidly Changing Data Systems","A Datta","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/WolfsonSXZC99","DOMINO: Databases fOr MovINg Objects tracking","O Wolfson, A Sistla, B Xu, J Zhou, S Chamberlain","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/BraumandlKK99","Database Patchwork on the Internet","R Braumandl, A Kemper, D Kossmann","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Klein94","How to Modify SQL Queries in Order to Guarantee Sure Answers","H Klein","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Chen94","Database Research at NTHU and ITRI","A Chen","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/LiuHBPT99","An XML-based Wrapper Generator for Web Information Extraction","L Liu, W Han, D Buttler, C Pu, W Tang","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Group94","Response to the March 1994 ODMG-93 Commentary Written by Dr. Won Kim of UniSQL, Inc","O Group","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/AltinelABFSZ99","DBIS-Toolkit: Adaptable Middleware for Large Scale Data Delivery","M Altinel, D Aksoy, T Baby, M Franklin, W Shapiro, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/Greer99","Daytona And The Fourth-Generation Language Cymbal","R Greer","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/GlavitschSW94","Metadata for Integrating Speech Documents in a Text Retrieval System","U Glavitsch, P Sch<63>uble, M Wechsler","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/ChenHKPW94","Metadata for Mixed-Media Access","F Chen, M Hearst, J Kupiec, J Pedersen, L Wilcox","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/TrisoliniLN99","Data Integration and Warehousing in Telecom Italia","S Trisolini, M Lenzerini, D Nardi","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/AndersonS94","SEQUOIA 2000 Metadata Schema for Satellite Images","J Anderson, M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/BaulierBGGHJKKMMNNRSSSWW99","DataBlitz Storage Manager: Main Memory Database Performance for Critical Applications","J Baulier, P Bohannon, S Gogate, C Gupta, S Haldar, S Joshi, A Khivesera, H Korth, P McIlroy, J Miller, P Narayan, M Nemeth, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan, M Wilder, C Wei","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/GroskyFS94","Using Metadata for the Intelligent Browsing of Structured Media Objects","W Grosky, F Fotouhi, I Sethi","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/Kohler99","EMC Information Sharing: Direct Access to MVS Data from Unix and NT","W Kohler","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Alonso94b","Trade Press News - Announcement and Preface","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/HinneburgK99","Clustering Methods for Large Databases: From the Past to the Future","A Hinneburg, D Keim","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/KrishnamurthyBN99","Bringing Object-Relational Technology to Mainstream","V Krishnamurthy, S Banerjee, A Nori","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Rosneblatt94","Unix RDBMS: The Next Generation","B Rosneblatt","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/BarclayBGS94","Loading Databases Using Dataflow Parallelism","T Barclay, R Barnes, J Gray, P Sundaresan","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/Ozsu99","Data Management Issues in Electronic Commerce (Panel)","M <20>zsu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/Mohan99","A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes","C Mohan","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/MattosD94","Recent Design Trade-offs in SQL3","N Mattos, L DeMichiel","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/FlorescuLMS99","Query Optimization in the Presence of Limited Access Patterns","D Florescu, A Levy, I Manolescu, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/JensenCEGHJ94","A Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts","C Jensen, J Clifford, R Elmasri, S Gadia, P Hayes, S Jajodia","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/HaasH99","Ripple Joins for Online Aggregation","P Haas, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/GeppertD94","Constructing the Next 100 Database Management Systems","A Geppert, K Dittrich","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaGPR99a","Join Synopses for Approximate Query Answering","S Acharya, P Gibbons, V Poosala, S Ramaswamy","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Yang94","A Hypertext Query Language for Images","L Yang","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriMN99","On Random Sampling over Joins","S Chaudhuri, R Motwani, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Segev94","Editor's Notes","A Segev","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/MankuRL99","Random Sampling Techniques for Space Efficient Online Computation of Order Statistics of Large Datasets","G Manku, S Rajagopalan, B Lindsay","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Kim94","Observations on the ODMG-93 Proposal","W Kim","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Stonebraker94","In Memory of Bob Kooi (1951-1993)","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/Wu99","Query Optimization for Selections Using Bitmaps","M Wu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/LeeKC99","Multi-dimensional Selectivity Estimation Using Compressed Histogram Information","J Lee, D Kim, C Chung","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/MedeirosP94","Databases for GIS","C Medeiros, F Pires","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/AboulnagaC99","Self-tuning Histograms: Building Histograms Without Looking at Data","A Aboulnaga, S Chaudhuri","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/BunemanLSTW94","Comprehension Syntax","P Buneman, L Libkin, D Suciu, V Tannen, L Wong","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Widom94","Research Issues in Active Database Systems: Report from the Closing Panel at RIDE-ADS '94","J Widom","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/LakshmananNHP99","Optimization of Constrained Frequent Set Queries with 2-variable Constraints","L Lakshmanan, R Ng, J Han, A Pang","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/BarbaraBFLS94","The Impact of Database Research on Industrial Products (Panel Summary)","D Barbar<61>, J Blakeley, D Fishman, D Lomet, M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/Hidber99","Online Association Rule Mining","C Hidber","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/X94","The TSQL2 Final Language Definition Announcement","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/JagadishLMSV99","Querying Network Directories","H Jagadish, L Lakshmanan, T Milo, D Srivastava, D Vista","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/YeungHL94","Performance Evaluation of a New Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm","C Yeung, S Hung, K Lam","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/BreitbartKRSS99","Update Propagation Protocols For Replicated Databases","Y Breitbart, R Komondoor, R Rastogi, S Seshadri, A Silberschatz","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/LometT99","Logical Logging to Extend Recovery to New Domains","D Lomet, M Tuttle","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/X94a","Calls for Papers / Announcements","N/A","SIGMOD Record",1994
"journals/sigmod/Qian94","Jumping on the NII Bandwagon","X Qian","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/AnkerstBKS99","OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure","M Ankerst, M Breunig, H Kriegel, J Sander","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/Alonso94a","Trade Press News","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/sigmod/JagadishLS99","Snakes and Sandwiches: Optimal Clustering Strategies for a Data Warehouse","H Jagadish, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaPR99","Selectivity Estimation in Spatial Databases","S Acharya, V Poosala, S Ramaswamy","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"journals/sigmod/RamirezSP94","Medical Information Systems: Characterization and Challenges","J Ramirez, L Smith, L Peterson","SIGMOD Record",1994
"conf/sigmod/Team99","In-Memory Data Management for Consumer Transactions The Times-Ten Approach","T Team","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/AgrawalSX01","Storage and Querying of E-Commerce Data","R Agrawal, A Somani, Y Xu","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/CasatiDGS01","Improving Business Process Quality through Exception Understanding, Prediction, and Prevention","D Grigori, F Casati, U Dayal, M Shan","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Ojjeh99","Microsoft Site Server (Commerce Edition)","B Ojjeh","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/Rajaraman99","E-Commerce Database Issues and Experience","A Rajaraman","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/AilamakiDHS01","Weaving Relations for Cache Performance","A Ailamaki, D DeWitt, M Hill, M Skounakis","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BergstraesserBPS99","Versions and Workspaces in Microsoft Repository","T Bergstraesser, P Bernstein, S Pal, D Shutt","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/SakuraiYKU01","Similarity Search for Adaptive Ellipsoid Queries Using Spatial Transformation","Y Sakurai, M Yoshikawa, R Kataoka, S Uemura","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/DillKMRST01","Self-similarity in the Web","S Dill, R Kumar, K McCurley, S Rajagopalan, D Sivakumar, A Tomkins","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/DoRD99","The Need for Distributed Asynchronous Transactions","L Do, P Ram, P Drew","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/GilbertKMS01","Surfing Wavelets on Streams: One-Pass Summaries for Approximate Aggregate Queries","A Gilbert, Y Kotidis, S Muthukrishnan, M Strauss","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/JarkeQBLMS99","Improving OLTP Data Quality Using Data Warehouse Mechanisms","M Jarke, C Quix, G Blees, D Lehmann, G Michalk, S Striel","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/MeccaCM01","RoadRunner: Towards Automatic Data Extraction from Large Web Sites","V Crescenzi, G Mecca, P Merialdo","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AdelbergD99","Nodose Version 2.0","B Adelberg, M Denny","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/BaumgartnerFG01","Visual Web Information Extraction with Lixto","R Baumgartner, S Flesca, G Gottlob","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BargaL99","Phoenix: Making Applications Robust","R Barga, D Lomet","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/LiVCAHMWBCHIKSS99","PowerBookmarks: A System for Personalizable Web Information Organization, Sharing, and Management","W Li, Q Vu, E Chang, D Agrawal, K Hirata, S Mukherjea, Y Wu, C Bufi, K Chang, Y Hara, R Ito, Y Kimura, K Shimazu, Y Saito","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/MargaritisFT01","NetCube: A Scalable Tool for Fast Data Mining and Compression","D Margaritis, C Faloutsos, S Thrun","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/DongHLPW01","Mining Multi-Dimensional Constrained Gradients in Data Cubes","G Dong, J Han, J Lam, J Pei, K Wang","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/RundensteinerCLCZNJLW99","SERF: ODMG-Based Generic Re-structuring Facility","E Rundensteiner, K Claypool, M Li, L Chen, X Zhang, C Natarajan, J Jin, S Lima, S Weiner","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZhouLP99","TAM: A System for Dynamic Transactional Activity Management","T Zhou, L Liu, C Pu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/LiM01","Indexing and Querying XML Data for Regular Path Expressions","Q Li, B Moon","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/RamanH01","Potter's Wheel: An Interactive Data Cleaning System","V Raman, J Hellerstein","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaGPR99","The Aqua Approximate Query Answering System","S Acharya, P Gibbons, V Poosala, S Ramaswamy","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/BrodskySCE99","The CCUBE Constraint Object-Oriented Database System","A Brodsky, V Segal, J Chen, P Exarkhopoulo","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/FegarasE01","Query Engines for Web-Accessible XML Data","L Fegaras, R Elmasri","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/ShanmugasundaramKSFF01","Querying XML Views of Relational Data","J Shanmugasundaram, J Kiernan, E Shekita, C Fan, J Funderburk","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BonnetBCCCHKMMOSS99","The Cornell Jaguar System: Adding Mobility to PREDATOR","P Bonnet, K Buza, Z Chen, V Cheng, R Chung, T Hickey, R Kennedy, D Mahashin, T Mayr, I Oprencak, P Seshadri, H Siu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/VeltriCV01","Views in a Large Scale XML Repository","S Cluet, P Veltri, D Vodislav","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/RoussopoulosKS99","The Active MultiSync Controller of the Cubetree Storage Organization","N Roussopoulos, Y Kotidis, Y Sismanis","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/NatsevCSLV01","Supporting Incremental Join Queries on Ranked Inputs","A Natsev, Y Chang, J Smith, C Li, J Vitter","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BohlenBD99","The Jungle Database Search Engine","M B<>hlen, L Bukauskas, C Dyreson","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChangG99","Mind Your Vocabulary: Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information Sources","K Chang, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/SundaraHCAS01","Developing an Indexing Scheme for XML Document Collection using the Oracle8i Extensibility Framework","S Sundara, Y Hu, T Chorma, N Agarwal, J Srinivasan","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/LiCHPALHAY01","Cache Portal: Technology for Accelerating Database-driven e-commerce Web Sites","W Li, K Candan, W Hsiung, O Po, D Agrawal, Q Luo, W Huang, Y Akca, C Yilmaz","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/MaratheS99","Query Processing Techniques for Arrays","A Marathe, K Salem","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/NatsevRS99","WALRUS: A Similarity Retrieval Algorithm for Image Databases","A Natsev, R Rastogi, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/BlokWZPAKJ01","Flexible and scalable digital library search","H Blok, M Windhouwer, R Zwol, M Petkovic, P Apers, M Kersten, W Jonker","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/NishioSTTL01","Functional Properties of Information Filtering","R Sawai, M Tsukamoto, Y Loh, T Terada, S Nishio","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/LabioYG99","Shrinking the Warehouse Update Window","W Labio, R Yerneni, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/PapakonstantinouV99","Query Rewriting for Semistructured Data","Y Papakonstantinou, V Vassalos","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/BrownG01","A Prototype Content-Based Retrieval System that Uses Virtual Images to Save Space","L Brown, L Gruenwald","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/Adler01","DB2 Spatial Extender - Spatial data within the RDBMS","D Adler","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/DeutschFS99","Storing Semistructured Data with STORED","A Deutsch, M Fernandez, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/ZengBNN01","AgFlow: Agent-based Cross-Enterprise Workflow Management System","L Zeng, B Benatallah, P Nguyen, A Ngu","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Seshadri99","``Honey, I Shrunk the DBMS'': Footprint, Mobility, and Beyond (Panel)","P Seshadri","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/MaedaT01","ACTIVIEW: Adaptive data presentation using SuperSQL","Y Maeda, M Toyama","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/EmbleyJN99","Record-Boundary Discovery in Web Documents","D Embley, Y Jiang, Y Ng","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/StillgerLMK01","LEO - DB2's LEarning Optimizer","M Stillger, G Lohman, V Markl, M Kandil","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Dullmann99","Petabyte Databases","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/vldb/Sondag01","The Semantic Web Paving the Way to the Knowledge Society","P Sondag","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/GarofalakisRRS99","Of Crawlers, Portals, Mice and Men: Is there more to Mining the Web? (Panel)","M Garofalakis, S Ramaswamy, R Rastogi, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/Suciu99","Managing Web Data","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/vldb/SeegerBBKSDS01","XXL - A Library Approach to Supporting Efficient Implementations of Advanced Database Queries","J Bercken, B Blohsfeld, J Dittrich, J Kr<4B>mer, T Sch<63>fer, M Schneider, B Seeger","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Chakrabarti99","Hypertext Databases and Data Mining","N/A","N/A",1999
"conf/vldb/AndreiV01","User-Optimizer Communication using Abstract Plans in Sybase ASE","M Andrei, P Valduriez","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Brown99","Implementing the Spirit of SQL-99","P Brown","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriS01","Storage and Retrieval of XML Data Using Relational Databases","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/CareyCNVDRSM99","O-O, What's Happening to DB2?","M Carey, D Chamberlin, S Narayanan, B Vance, D Doole, S Rielau, R Swagerman, N Mattos","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/PatonG01","Information Management for Genome Level Bioinformatics","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/sigmod/Hammond99","Merge Replication in Microsoft's SQL Server 7.0","B Hammond","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/Sol01","Ambient Intelligence with the Ubiquitous Network, the Embedded Computer Devices and the Hidden Databases (abstract)","E Sol","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/KanthRSB99","Indexing Medium-dimensionality Data in Oracle","K Kanth, S Ravada, J Sharma, J Banerjee","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/Leymann01","Managing Business Processes via Workflow Technology","N/A","N/A",2001
"conf/vldb/MignetMAC01","Change-Centric Management of Versions in an XML Warehouse","A Marian, S Abiteboul, G Cobena, L Mignet","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AdaliBSS98","A Multi-Similarity Algebra","S Adali, P Bonatti, M Sapino, V Subrahmanian","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/FernandezFKLS98","Catching the Boat with Strudel: Experiences with a Web-Site Management System","M Fernandez, D Florescu, J Kang, A Levy, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/AboulnagaAN01","Estimating the Selectivity of XML Path Expressions for Internet Scale Applications","A Aboulnaga, A Alameldeen, J Naughton","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/YangG01","Comparing Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems","B Yang, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChanI98","Bitmap Index Design and Evaluation","C Chan, Y Ioannidis","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/AksoyZF01","Data Staging for On-Demand Broadcast","D Aksoy, M Franklin, S Zdonik","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriN98","AutoAdmin 'What-if' Index Analysis Utility","S Chaudhuri, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChungCLL01","Dynamic Update Cube for Range-sum Queries","S Chun, C Chung, J Lee, S Lee","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Stonebraker98","Are We Working On the Right Problems? (Panel)","M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Gibbons01","Distinct Sampling for Highly-Accurate Answers to Distinct Values Queries and Event Reports","P Gibbons","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AdamY98","Electronic Commerce: Tutorial","N Adam, Y Yesha","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/RajagopalanML98","Approximate Medians and other Quantiles in One Pass and with Limited Memory","G Manku, S Rajagopalan, B Lindsay","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/GravanoIJKMS01","Approximate String Joins in a Database (Almost) for Free","L Gravano, P Ipeirotis, H Jagadish, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan, D Srivastava","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/LometW98","Efficient and Transparent Application Recovery in Client-Server Information Systems","D Lomet, G Weikum","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/UrhanF01","Dynamic Pipeline Scheduling for Improving Interactive Query Performance","T Urhan, M Franklin","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/BunkerCCMMW01","Aggregate Maintenance for Data Warehousing in Informix Red Brick Vista","C Bunker, L Colby, R Cole, W McKenna, G Mulagund, D Wilhite","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Doherty98","Database Systems Management and Oracle8","C Doherty","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/FranklinZ98","Data In Your Face: Push Technology in Perspective","M Franklin, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LahiriSCMC01","Cache Fusion: Extending Shared-Disk Clusters with Shared Caches","T Lahiri, V Srihari, W Chan, N MacNaughton, S Chandrasekaran","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BerchtoldK98","High-Dimensional Index Structures, Database Support for Next Decade's Applications (Tutorial)","S Berchtold, D Keim","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Shmueli01","Architectures for Internal Web Services Deployment","O Shmueli","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/SadriZZA01","A Sequential Pattern Query Language for Supporting Instant Data Mining for e-Services","R Sadri, C Zaniolo, A Zarkesh, J Adibi","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/WhiteCF98","Enterprise Java Platform Data Access","S White, R Cattell, S Finkelstein","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/Whelan98","FileNet Integrated Document Management Database Usage and Issues","D Whelan","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Novaretti01","French government activity in the conservation of data and electronic documents","S Novaretti","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/Draluk01","Discovering Web Services: An Overview","V Draluk","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/NaumanS98","Developing a High Traffic, Read-Only Web Site","J Nauman, R Suorsa","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/LahiriJJC98","50,000 Users on an Oracle8 Universal Server Database","T Lahiri, A Josji, A Jasuja, S Chatterjee","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/OConnellWG01","Collaborative Analytical Processing - Dream or Reality? (Panel abstract)","W O'Connell, A Witkowski, G Graefe","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Aulakh98","About Quark Digital Media System","K Aulakh","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/TsurAADKW01","Are Web Services the Next Revolution in e-Commerce? (Panel)","S Tsur, S Abiteboul, R Agrawal, U Dayal, J Klein, G Weikum","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/NgLHP98","Exploratory Mining and Pruning Optimizations of Constrained Association Rules","R Ng, L Lakshmanan, J Han, A Pang","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChienTZ01","Efficient Management of Multiversion Documents by Object Referencing","S Chien, V Tsotras, C Zaniolo","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/ManolescuFK01","Answering XML Queries on Heterogeneous Data Sources","I Manolescu, D Florescu, D Kossmann","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BaruGLMPVC99","XML-Based Information Mediation with MIX","C Baru, A Gupta, B Lud<75>scher, R Marciano, Y Papakonstantinou, P Velikhov, V Chu","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/sigmod/BouguettayaBH99","World Wide Database - Integrating the Web, CORBA, and Databases","A Bouguettaya, B Benatallah, L Hendra, J Beard, K Smith, M Ouzzani","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/OzsuLON01","An Extendible Hash for Multi-Precision Similarity Querying of Image Databases","S Lin, M <20>zsu, V Oria, R Ng","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/BohmMSW01","Fast Evaluation Techniques for Complex Similarity Queries","K B<>hm, M Mlivoncic, H Schek, R Weber","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/VossenW99","The WASA2 Object-Oriented Workflow Management System","G Vossen, M Weske","SIGMOD Conference",1999
"conf/vldb/WaasCB01","FeedbackBypass: A New Approach to Interactive Similarity Query Processing","I Bartolini, P Ciaccia, F Waas","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalGGR98","Automatic Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data for Data Mining Applications","R Agrawal, J Gehrke, D Gunopulos, P Raghavan","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LuoN01","Form-Based Proxy Caching for Database-Backed Web Sites","Q Luo, J Naughton","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Bayardo98","Efficiently Mining Long Patterns from Databases","R Jr.","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChaHKK01","Cache-Conscious Concurrency Control of Main-Memory Indexes on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems","S Cha, S Hwang, K Kim, K Kwon","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/GuhaRS98","CURE: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large Databases","S Guha, R Rastogi, K Shim","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/HuntAI01","A Database Index to Large Biological Sequences","E Hunt, M Atkinson, R Irving","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/CherniackZ98","Changing the Rules: Transformations for Rule-Based Optimizers","M Cherniack, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/KotidisR98","An Alternative Storage Organization for ROLAP Aggregate Views Based on Cubetrees","Y Kotidis, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Kotidis01","A Data Warehousing Architecture for Enabling Service Provisioning Process","Y Kotidis","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/KanthAS98","Dimensionality Reduction for Similarity Searching in Dynamic Databases","K Kanth, D Agrawal, A Singh","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/BerckenS01","An Evaluation of Generic Bulk Loading Techniques","J Bercken, B Seeger","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/AnSVKIG01","Analyzing energy behavior of spatial access methods for memory-resident data","N An, A Sivasubramaniam, N Vijaykrishnan, M Kandemir, M Irwin, S Gurumurthi","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/UrhanFA98","Cost Based Query Scrambling for Initial Delays","T Urhan, M Franklin, L Amsaleg","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/GalhardasFSSS01","Declarative Data Cleaning: Language, Model, and Algorithms","H Galhardas, D Florescu, D Shasha, E Simon, C Saita","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/KabraD98","Efficient Mid-Query Re-Optimization of Sub-Optimal Query Execution Plans","N Kabra, D DeWitt","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/SubramanianV98","Cost-Based Optimization of Decision Support Queries Using Transient Views","S Subramanian, S Venkataraman","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/KahveciS01","Efficient Index Structures for String Databases","T Kahveci, A Singh","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/CooperSFHS01","A Fast Index for Semistructured Data","B Cooper, N Sample, M Franklin, G Hjaltason, M Shadmon","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChakrabartiDI98","Enhanced Hypertext Categorization Using Hyperlinks","S Chakrabarti, B Dom, P Indyk","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/NestorovAM98","Extracting Schema from Semistructured Data","S Nestorov, S Abiteboul, R Motwani","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ManolopoulosT01","C2P: Clustering based on Closest Pairs","A Nanopoulos, Y Theodoridis, Y Manolopoulos","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/DeshpandeRSN98","Caching Multidimensional Queries Using Chunks","P Deshpande, K Ramasamy, A Shukla, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/TanEO01","Efficient Progressive Skyline Computation","K Tan, P Eng, B Ooi","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/AgrawalCN00","Automated Selection of Materialized Views and Indexes in SQL Databases","S Agrawal, S Chaudhuri, V Narasayya","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GrumbachRS98","The DEDALE System for Complex Spatial Queries","S Grumbach, P Rigaux, L Segoufin","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/PapadopoulosM98","Similarity Query Processing Using Disk Arrays","A Papadopoulos, Y Manolopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Bar-YossefBCFW00","Approximating Aggregate Queries about Web Pages via Random Walks","Z Bar-Yossef, A Berg, S Chien, J Fakcharoenphol, D Weitz","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/HjaltasonS98","Incremental Distance Join Algorithms for Spatial Databases","G Hjaltason, H Samet","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/DingGS00","Computing Geographical Scopes of Web Resources","J Ding, L Gravano, N Shivakumar","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/PantiSG00","A Case-Based Approach to Information Integration","M Panti, L Spalazzi, A Giretti","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ZhaoDNS98","Simultaneous Optimization and Evaluation of Multiple Dimensional Queries","Y Zhao, P Deshpande, J Naughton, A Shukla","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/SeidlK98","Optimal Multi-Step k-Nearest Neighbor Search","T Seidl, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChangG00","Approximate Query Translation Across Heterogeneous Information Sources","K Chang, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/CluetDSS98","Your Mediators Need Data Conversion!","S Cluet, C Delobel, J Sim<69>on, K Smaga","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/PappasC00","Design and Development of a Stream Service in a Heterogenous Client Environment","N Pappas, S Christodoulakis","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/ManolescuFKXO00","Agora: Living with XML and Relational","I Manolescu, D Florescu, D Kossmann, F Xhumari, D Olteanu","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Miller98","Using Schematically Heterogeneous Structures","R Miller","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/DuttaDMRT00","Demonstration: Enabling Scalable Online Personalization on the Web","K Dutta, A Datta, D VanderMeer, K Ramamritham, H Thomas","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Cohen98","Integration of Heterogeneous Databases Without Common Domains Using Queries Based on Textual Similarity","W Cohen","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/GodfreySE98","Secure and Portable Database Extensibility","M Godfrey, T Mayr, P Seshadri, T Eicken","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/BasuFP00","Building Scalable Internet Applications with Oracle8i Server","J Basu, J Fern<72>ndez, O Peschansky","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/DeenJNNW00","A 20/20 Vision of the VLDB-2020?","S Deen, A Jhingran, S Navathe, E Neuhold, G Wiederhold","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriMN98","Random Sampling for Histogram Construction: How much is enough?","S Chaudhuri, R Motwani, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/MatiasVW98","Wavelet-Based Histograms for Selectivity Estimation","Y Matias, J Vitter, M Wang","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/HvasshovdBT00","An Ultra Highly Available DBMS","S Hvasshovd, S Bratsberg, <20> Torbj<62>rnsen","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/Nori00","Asera: Extranet Architecture for B2B Solutions","A Nori","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LarsonG98","Memory Management During Run Generation in External Sorting","P Larson, G Graefe","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/Adelberg98","NoDoSE - A Tool for Semi-Automatically Extracting Semi-Structured Data from Text Documents","B Adelberg","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/MohanBWSZ00","Evolution of Groupware for Business Applications: A Database Perspective on Lotus Domino/Notes","C Mohan, R Barber, S Watts, A Somani, M Zaharioudakis","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/CotterB00","Biodiversity Informatics Infrastructure: An Information Commons for the Biodiversity Community","G Cotter, B Bauldock","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GibbonsM98","New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers","P Gibbons, Y Matias","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/SarawagiTA98","Integrating Mining with Relational Database Systems: Alternatives and Implications","S Sarawagi, S Thomas, R Agrawal","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Banerjee00","A Database Platform for Bioinformatics","S Banerjee","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/JaedickeM98","On Parallel Processing of Aggregate and Scalar Functions in Object-Relational DBMS","M Jaedicke, B Mitschang","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Tsur00","Data Mining in the Bioinformatics Domain","S Tsur","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/AvnurHLORRRW98","CONTROL: Continuous Output and Navigation Technology with Refinement On-Line","R Avnur, J Hellerstein, B Lo, C Olston, B Raman, V Raman, T Roth, K Wylie","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChoenniV00","Design and Implementation of a Genetic-Based Algorithm for Data Mining","S Choenni","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/X00a","Author Index","N/A","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/AmbiteABKMMMPT98","ARIADNE: A System for Constructing Mediators for Internet Sources","J Ambite, N Ashish, G Barish, C Knoblock, S Minton, P Modi, I Muslea, A Philpot, S Tejada","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ShanmugasundaramSBCLPR00","Efficiently Publishing Relational Data as XML Documents","J Shanmugasundaram, E Shekita, R Barr, M Carey, B Lindsay, H Pirahesh, B Reinwald","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/DarEGP98","DTL's DataSpot: Database Exploration as Easy as Browsing the Web","S Dar, G Entin, S Geva, E Palmon","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/AltinelF00","Efficient Filtering of XML Documents for Selective Dissemination of Information","M Altinel, M Franklin","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/KornackerSH98","amdb: An Access Method Debugging Tool","M Kornacker, M Shah, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiGRS00","Approximate Query Processing Using Wavelets","K Chakrabarti, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LiS98","Free Parallel Data Mining","B Li, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/MatiasVW00","Dynamic Maintenance of Wavelet-Based Histograms","Y Matias, J Vitter, M Wang","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Brewer98","Delivering High Availability for Inktomi Search Engines","E Brewer","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/OlstonWACELSS98","DataSplash","C Olston, A Woodruff, A Aiken, M Chu, V Ercegovac, M Lin, M Spalding, M Stonebraker","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/KemmeA00","Don't Be Lazy, Be Consistent: Postgres-R, A New Way to Implement Database Replication","B Kemme, G Alonso","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LiuPTBBZBHY98","CQ: A Personalized Update Monitoring Toolkit","L Liu, C Pu, W Tang, D Buttler, J Biggs, T Zhou, P Benninghoff, W Han, F Yu","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/YuV00","Efficient Numerical Error Bounding for Replicated Network Services","H Yu, A Vahdat","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Fegaras98","Query Unnesting in Object-Oriented Databases","L Fegaras","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/PardonA00","CheeTah: a Lightweight Transaction Server for Plug-and-Play Internet Data Management","G Pardon, G Alonso","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/RaoR98","Reusing Invariants: A New Strategy for Correlated Queries","J Rao, K Ross","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/YagoubFIV00","Caching Strategies for Data-Intensive Web Sites","K Yagoub, D Florescu, V Issarny, P Valduriez","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/WuFSP00","FALCON: Feedback Adaptive Loop for Content-Based Retrieval","L Wu, C Faloutsos, K Sycara, T Payne","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/BerchtoldBK98","The Pyramid-Technique: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality","S Berchtold, C B<>hm, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/JonssonFS98","Interaction of Query Evaluation and Buffer Management for Information Retrieval","B J<>nsson, M Franklin, D Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LingLL00","Hierarchical Compact Cube for Range-Max Queries","S Lee, T Ling, H Li","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/YiF00","Fast Time Sequence Indexing for Arbitrary Lp Norms","B Yi, C Faloutsos","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LiYVGPUV98","Capability Based Mediation in TSIMMIS","C Li, R Yerneni, V Vassalos, H Garcia-Molina, Y Papakonstantinou, J Ullman, M Valiveti","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/ChenWZ98","A Protein Patent Query System Powered By Kleisli","J Chen, L Wong, L Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LuL00","Decision Tables: Scalable Classification Exploring RDBMS Capabilities","H Lu, H Liu","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/PottingerL00","A Scalable Algorithm for Answering Queries Using Views","R Pottinger, A Levy","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ShintaniK98","Parallel Mining Algorithms for Generalized Association Rules with Classification Hierarchy","T Shintani, M Kitsuregawa","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/TsurUACMNR98","Query Flocks: A Generalization of Association-Rule Mining","S Tsur, J Ullman, S Abiteboul, C Clifton, R Motwani, S Nestorov, A Rosenthal","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/GoldsteinR00","Contrast Plots and P-Sphere Trees: Space vs. Time in Nearest Neighbour Searches","J Goldstein, R Ramakrishnan","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/CareyKRLABFLOPQRSSUVWY01","The Propel Distributed Services Platform","M Carey, S Kirsch, M Roth, B Linden, N Adiba, M Blow, D Florescu, D Li, I Oprencak, R Panwar, R Qi, D Rieber, J Shafer, B Sterling, T Urhan, B Vickery, D Wineman, K Yee","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ZaianeHLCC98","MultiMediaMiner: A System Prototype for Multimedia Data Mining","O Za<5A>ane, J Han, Z Li, S Chee, J Chiang","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/Toyama98","SuperSQL: An Extended SQL for Database Publishing and Presentation","M Toyama","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/NarayananS01","Tavant System Architecture for Sell-side Channel Management","S Narayanan, S Subramanian","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/AbrolLMMMRTWZ01","Navigating large-scale semi-structured data in business portals","M Abrol, N Latarche, U Mahadevan, J Mao, R Mukherjee, P Raghavan, M Tourn, J Wang, G Zhang","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BaumannDFRW98","The Multidimensional Database System RasDaMan","P Baumann, A Dehmel, P Furtado, R Ritsch, N Widmann","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/DattaDTVRF01","A Comparative Study of Alternative Middle Tier Caching Solutions to Support Dynamic Web Content Acceleration","A Datta, K Dutta, H Thomas, D VanderMeer, K Ramamritham, D Fishman","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ParkKKLPC98","Xmas: An Extensible Main-Memory Storage System for High-Performance Applications","J Park, Y Kwon, K Kim, S Lee, B Park, S Cha","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/May01","LoPiX: A System for XML Data Integration and Manipulation","W May","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Cohen98a","Providing Database-like Access to the Web Using Queries Based on Textual Similarity","W Cohen","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/AnciauxBBPV01","PicoDBMS: Validation and Experience","N Anciaux, C Bobineau, L Bouganim, P Pucheral, P Valduriez","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/LacroixSC98","User-oriented smart-cache for the Web: What You Seek is What You Get!","Z Lacroix, A Sahuguet, R Chandrasekar","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/CatozziR01","Operating System Extensions for the Teradata Parallel VLDB","J Catozzi, S Rabinovici","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriN98a","Microsoft Index Tuning Wizard for SQL Server 7.0","S Chaudhuri, V Narasayya","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/KiepuszewskiMO98","FlowBack: Providing Backward Recovery for Workflow Systems","B Kiepuszewski, R M<>hlberger, M Orlowska","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/MorishimaKKT01","Enabling End-users to Construct Data-intensive Web-sites from XML Repositories: An Example-based Approach","A Morishima, S Koizumi, H Kitagawa, S Takano","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/BaumgartnerFG01a","Supervised Wrapper Generation with Lixto","R Baumgartner, S Flesca, G Gottlob","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/GriffinH97","A Framework for Implementing Hypothetical Queries","T Griffin, R Hull","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/AmbiteKKMST01","The WorlInfo Assistant: Spatio-Temporal Information Integration on the Web","J Ambite, C Knoblock, M Kolahdouzan, M Muslea, C Shahabi, S Thakkar","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BrinMUT97","Dynamic Itemset Counting and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data","S Brin, R Motwani, J Ullman, S Tsur","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/ZhaoDN97","An Array-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Multidimensional Aggregates","Y Zhao, P Deshpande, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/SindoniTABFGMPPT01","SIT-IN: a Real-Life Spatio-Temporal Information System","G Sindoni, L Tininini, A Ambrosetti, C Bedeschi, S Francisci, O Gargano, R Molinaro, M Paolucci, P Patteri, P Ticca","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaFZ97","Balancing Push and Pull for Data Broadcast","S Acharya, M Franklin, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/KoschBBHHLRT01","SMOOTH - A Distributed Multimedia Database System","H Kosch, L B<>sz<73>rm<72>nyi, A Bachlechner, C Hanin, C Hofbauer, M Lang, C Riedler, R Tusch","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/KornackerMH97","Concurrency and Recovery in Generalized Search Trees","M Kornacker, C Mohan, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/PereiraFJLS01","WebFilter: A High-throughput XML-based Publish and Subscribe System","J Pereira, F Fabret, H Jacobsen, F Llirbat, D Shasha","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/YagoubFIV00a","Building and Customizing Data-Intensive Web Sites Using Weave","K Yagoub, D Florescu, V Issarny, P Valduriez","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/RoussopoulosKR97","Cubetree: Organization of and Bulk Updates on the Data Cube","N Roussopoulos, Y Kotidis, M Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ZhouLZLZJT01","VXMLR: A Visual XML-Relational Database System","A Zhou, H Lu, S Zheng, Y Liang, L Zhang, W Ji, Z Tian","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/CeriFP98","The IDEA Web Lab","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/StohrR01","WARLOCK: A Data Allocation Tool for Parallel Warehouses","T St<53>hr, E Rahm","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BerchtoldBBKK97","Fast Parallel Similarity Search in Multimedia Databases","S Berchtold, C B<>hm, B Braunm<6E>ller, D Keim, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/PapadiasT01","MV3R-Tree: A Spatio-Temporal Access Method for Timestamp and Interval Queries","Y Tao, D Papadias","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Spiro98","Ubiquitous, Self-tuning, Scalable Servers","P Spiro","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/OoiYTJ01","Indexing the Distance: An Efficient Method to KNN Processing","C Yu, B Ooi, K Tan, H Jagadish","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Eaton98","Managing Large Systems with DB2 UDB","C Eaton","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/TanSHCR01","Walking Through a Very Large Virtual Environment in Real-time","L Shou, J Chionh, Z Huang, Y Ruan, K Tan","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/ReinwaldP98","SQL Open Heterogeneous Data Access","B Reinwald, H Pirahesh","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LabrinidisR01","Update Propagation Strategies for Improving the Quality of Data on the Web","A Labrinidis, N Roussopoulos","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/BlakeleyP98","Microsoft Universal Data Access Platform","J Blakeley, M Pizzo","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/ClossmanSHKPB98","Java and Relational Databases: SQLJ (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/vldb/SatheS01","Intelligent Rollups in Multidimensional OLAP Data","G Sathe, S Sarawagi","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/KemperKM98","SAP R/3: A Database Application System (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1998
"conf/vldb/CuiW01","Lineage Tracing for General Data Warehouse Transformations","Y Cui, J Widom","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/BratsbergH01","Online Scaling in a Highly Available Database","S Bratsberg, R Humborstad","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Mylopoulos98","Panel on Next Generation Database Systems Won't Work Without Semantics!","J Mylopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/AndersonBKW98","Replication, Consistency, and Practicality: Are These Mutually Exclusive?","T Anderson, Y Breitbart, H Korth, A Wool","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/JensenL01","Transaction Timestamping in (Temporal) Databases","C Jensen, D Lomet","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/MeccaAMMS98","The Araneus Web-Base Management System","G Mecca, P Atzeni, A Masci, P Merialdo, G Sindoni","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Duranti01","The Long-Term Preservation of Authentic Electronic Records","L Duranti","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/OzdenGHNSDGGW01","Storage Service Providers: a Solution for Storage Management? (Panel)","B <20>zden, E Gabber, B Hillyer, W Ng, E Shriver, D DeWitt, B Gordon, J Gray, J Wilkes","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Kennamer98"," A High-Scale Data Management and Transaction Processing Solution","S Kennamer","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/MarronL01","On Processing XML in LDAP","P Marr<72>n, G Lausen","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Lassettre98","Olympic Records for Data at the 1998 Nagano Games","E Lassettre","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/WiesnerK01","Hyperqueries: Dynamic Distributed Query Processing on the Internet","A Kemper, C Wiesner","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Chong98","Real Business Processing Meets the Web","J Chong","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/BonifatiCDS01","Warehousing Workflow Data: Challenges and Opportunities","A Bonifati, F Casati, U Dayal, M Shan","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/AndersonAF98","Oracle Rdb's Record Caching Model","R Anderson, G Arun, R Frank","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/sigmod/NgLK98","A Data Mining Application: Customes Retention at the Port of Singapore Authority (PSA)","K Ng, H Liu, H Kwah","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/Huyn01","Scientific OLAP for the Biotech Domain","N Huyn","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/Chan98","Transactional Publish / Subscribe: The Proactive Multicast of Database Changes","A Chan","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/BouguettayaEMO01","Ontology-based Support for Digital Government","A Bouguettaya, A Elmagarmid, B Medjahed, M Ouzzani","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/Gentili01","Italian Electronic Identity Card - principle and architecture","M Gentili","VLDB",2001
"conf/sigmod/RamakrishnanD98","The PointCast Network","S Ramakrishnan, V Dayal","SIGMOD Conference",1998
"conf/vldb/LaneEN00","Biodiversity Informatics: The Challenge of Rapid Development, Large Databases, and Complex Data (Keynote)","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/BohrerBBCFHKKMNRRSUUW97","InfoSleuth: Semantic Integration of Information in Open and Dynamic Environments (Experience Paper)","R Jr., W Bohrer, R Brice, A Cichocki, J Fowler, A Helal, V Kashyap, T Ksiezyk, G Martin, M Nodine, M Rashid, M Rusinkiewicz, R Shea, C Unnikrishnan, A Unruh, D Woelk","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/NetzCBF00","Integration of Data Mining with Database Technology","A Netz, S Chaudhuri, J Bernhardt, U Fayyad","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/HellersteinHW97","Online Aggregation","J Hellerstein, P Haas, H Wang","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/CareyK97","\On Saying \""\""Enough Already!\""\"" in SQL\""""","M Carey, D Kossmann","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/KemperKW99","Generalised Hash Teams for Join and Group-by","A Kemper, D Kossmann, C Wiesner","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/Carey00","Toto, We're Not in Kansas Anymore: On Transitioning from Research to the Real (Invited Industrial Talk)","M Carey","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GravanoCGP97","STARTS: Stanford Proposal for Internet Meta-Searching (Experience Paper)","L Gravano, K Chang, H Garcia-Molina, A Paepcke","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/HanKK97","Scalable Parallel Data Mining for Association Rules","E Han, G Karypis, V Kumar","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Blecken00","Media360 Workflow-Implementing a Workflow Engine Inside a Database","C Blecken","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Arpaci-DusseauACHP97","High-Performance Sorting on Networks of Workstations","A Arpaci-Dusseau, R Arpaci-Dusseau, D Culler, J Hellerstein, D Patterson","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/CasatiS00","Process Automation as the Foundation for E-Business","F Casati, M Shan","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/Schnase00","Research Directions in Biodiversity Informatics","J Schnase","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/KoudasS97","Size Separation Spatial Join","N Koudas, K Sevcik","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/MaheshwariL97","Partitioned Garbage Collection of Large Object Store","U Maheshwari, B Liskov","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Bowker00","Work and Information Practices in the Sciences of Biodiversity","G Bowker","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ZaharioudakisC97","Highly Concurrent Cache Consistency for Indices in Client-Server Database Systems","M Zaharioudakis, M Carey","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Ladin00","The Zero Latency Enterprise","D Liles","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ONeilQ97","Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes","P O'Neil, D Quass","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Brodie00","Panel: Future Directions of Database Research - The VLDB Broadening Strategy, Part 2","M Brodie","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/Deshpande00","Linking Business to Deliver Value: A Data Management Challenge","A Deshpande","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/MumickQM97","Maintenance of Data Cubes and Summary Tables in a Warehouse","I Mumick, D Quass, B Mumick","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/HoAMS97","Range Queries in OLAP Data Cubes","C Ho, R Agrawal, N Megiddo, R Srikant","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Team00","High-Performance and Scalability through Application Tier,In-Memory Data Management","N/A","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/RamamrithamABEGP00","Social, Educational, and Governmental Change Enabled through Information Technology","K Ramamritham, Y Atfi, C Batini, M Eitan, V Gregg, D Phatak","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/DoppelhammerHKK97","Database Performance in the Real World - TPC-D and SAP R/3 (Experience Paper)","J Doppelhammer, T H<>ppler, A Kemper, D Kossmann","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/TsueiPK97","Database Buffer Size Investigation for OLTP Workloads (Experience Paper)","T Tsuei, A Packer, K Ko","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/CareyKSSS00","XPERANTO: Middleware for Publishing Object-Relational Data as XML Documents","M Carey, J Kiernan, J Shanmugasundaram, E Shekita, S Subramanian","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/AdelbergGW97","The STRIP Rule System For Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data","B Adelberg, H Garcia-Molina, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Schek00","Panel: Future Directions of Database Research - The VLDB Broadening Strategy, Part 1","H Schek","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/BernsteinHJRW00","Panel: Is Generic Metadata Management Feasible?","P Bernstein, L Haas, M Jarke, E Rahm, G Wiederhold","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/CareyDNAGS97","The BUCKY Object-Relational Benchmark (Experience Paper)","M Carey, D DeWitt, J Naughton, M Asgarian, P Brown, J Gehrke, D Shah","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/PereiraFLS00","Publish/Subscribe on the Web at Extreme Speed","J Pereira, F Fabret, F Llirbat, R Preotiuc-Pietro, K Ross, D Shasha","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/YangM97","Association Rules over Interval Data","R Miller, Y Yang","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/JajodiaSSB97","A Unified Framework for Enforcing Multiple Access Control Policies","S Jajodia, P Samarati, V Subrahmanian, E Bertino","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ShahabiFKF00","INSITE: A Tool for Interpreting Users? Interaction with a Web Space","C Shahabi, A Faisal, F Kashani, J Faruque","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/LudasaherGM00","Model-Based Information Integration in a Neuroscience Mediator System","B Lud<75>scher, A Gupta, M Martone","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Kramer97","Databases on the Web: Technologies for Federation Architectures and Case Studies (Tutorial)","R Kramer","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/AdiBEY00","Push Technology Personalization through Event Correlation","A Adi, D Botzer, O Etzion, T Yatzkar-Haham","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/CruzALRZ97","Delaunay: A Database Visualization System","I Cruz, M Averbuch, W Lucas, M Radzyminski, K Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiSST00","Memex: A Browsing Assistant for Collaborative Archiving and Mining of Surf Trails","S Chakrabarti, S Srivastava, M Subramanyam, M Tiwari","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LivnyRBCDLMW97a","DEVise: Integrated Querying and Visual Exploration of Large Datasets (Demo Abstract)","M Livny, R Ramakrishnan, K Beyer, G Chen, D Donjerkovic, S Lawande, J Myllymaki, R Wenger","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/BeneventanoBCCGMMV00","Information Integration: The MOMIS Project Demonstration","D Beneventano, S Bergamaschi, S Castano, A Corni, R Guidetti, G Malvezzi, M Melchiori, M Vincini","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/HanKS97","GeoMiner: A System Prototype for Spatial Data Mining","J Han, K Koperski, N Stefanovic","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/RafieiM97","Similarity-Based Queries for Time Series Data","D Rafiei, A Mendelzon","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/CarusoCGLM00","Telcordia's Database Reconciliation and Data Quality Analysis Tool","F Caruso, M Cochinwala, U Ganapathy, G Lalk, P Missier","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChawatheG97","Meaningful Change Detection in Structured Data","S Chawathe, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/HelalL00","Rainbow: Distributed Database System for Classroom Education and Experimental Research","A Helal, H Li","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/DiligentiCLGG00","Focused Crawling Using Context Graphs","M Diligenti, F Coetzee, S Lawrence, C Giles, M Gori","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/BrinMS97","Beyond Market Baskets: Generalizing Association Rules to Correlations","S Brin, R Motwani, C Silverstein","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/RisheYACLMVSV00","Semantic Access: Semantic Interface for Querying Databases","N Rishe, J Yuan, R Athauda, S Chen, X Lu, X Ma, A Vaschillo, A Shaposhnikov, D Vasilevsky","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/KornJF97","Efficiently Supporting Ad Hoc Queries in Large Datasets of Time Sequences","F Korn, H Jagadish, C Faloutsos","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/LivnyRBCDLMW97","DEVise: Integrated Querying and Visualization of Large Datasets","M Livny, R Ramakrishnan, K Beyer, G Chen, D Donjerkovic, S Lawande, J Myllymaki, R Wenger","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/PedersenJD00","The TreeScape System: Reuse of Pre-Computed Aggregates over Irregular OLAP Hierarchies","T Pedersen, C Jensen, C Dyreson","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/GuPS00","OLAP++: Powerful and Easy-to-Use Federations of OLAP and Object Databases","J Gu, T Pedersen, A Shoshani","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/PatelYKTNBHRLEKGDN97","Building a Scaleable Geo-Spatial DBMS: Technology, Implementation, and Evaluation","J Patel, J Yu, N Kabra, K Tufte, B Nag, J Burger, N Hall, K Ramasamy, R Lueder, C Ellmann, J Kupsch, S Guo, D DeWitt, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/GebhardtJJ97","A Toolkit for Negotiation Support Interfaces to Multi-Dimensional Data","M Gebhardt, M Jarke, S Jacobs","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/LabioYCGW00","Performance Issues in Incremental Warehouse Maintenance","W Labio, J Yang, Y Cui, H Garcia-Molina, J Widom","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/JarkeKL00","The Challenge of Process Data Warehousing","M Jarke, T List, J K<>ller","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/BozkayaO97","Distance-Based Indexing for High-Dimensional Metric Spaces","T Bozkaya, Z <20>zsoyoglu","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/HinneburgAK00","What Is the Nearest Neighbor in High Dimensional Spaces?","A Hinneburg, C Aggarwal, D Keim","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalASY97","Efficient View Maintenance at Data Warehouses","D Agrawal, A Abbadi, A Singh, T Yurek","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/SakuraiYUK00","The A-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Spaces Using Relative Approximation","Y Sakurai, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura, H Kojima","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LlirbatFS97","Eliminating Costly Redundant Computations from SQL Trigger Executions","F Llirbat, F Fabret, E Simon","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/JiangSLB00","The BT-tree: A Branched and Temporal Access Method","L Jiang, B Salzberg, D Lomet, M Garc<72>a","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/IoannidisLANT97","ZOO: A Desktop Emperiment Management Environment","Y Ioannidis, M Livny, A Ailamaki, A Narayanan, A Therber","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/CowleyP00","Temporal Integrity Constraints with Indeterminacy","W Cowley, D Plexousakis","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/WodtkeWWDM97","The MENTOR Workbench for Enterprise-wide Workflow Management","D Wodtke, J Wei<65>enfels, G Weikum, A Dittrich, P Muth","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/GuntzerBK00","Optimizing Multi-Feature Queries for Image Databases","U G<>ntzer, W Balke, W Kie<69>ling","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Chakravarthy97","SENTINEL: An Object-Oriented DBMS With Event-Based Rules","S Chakravarthy","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/KriegelPS00","Managing Intervals Efficiently in Object-Relational Databases","H Kriegel, M P<>tke, T Seidl","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/SeshadriP97","PREDATOR: An OR-DBMS with Enhanced Data Types","P Seshadri, M Paskin","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/Blakeley96","Data Access for the Masses through OLE DB","J Blakeley","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/PfoserJT00","Novel Approaches in Query Processing for Moving Object Trajectories","D Pfoser, C Jensen, Y Theodoridis","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/OzdenRSS96","Fault-tolerant Architectures for Continuous Media Servers","B <20>zden, R Rastogi, P Shenoy, A Silberschatz","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/KoudasIM00","Identifying Representative Trends in Massive Time Series Data Sets Using Sketches","P Indyk, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/OConnellISWABCCLPWW96","A Content-Based Multimedia Server for Massively Parallel Architectures","W O'Connell, I Ieong, D Schrader, C Watson, G Au, A Biliris, S Choo, P Colin, G Linderman, E Panagos, J Wang, T Walters","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/RamasamyPNK00","Set Containment Joins: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly","K Ramasamy, J Patel, J Naughton, R Kaushik","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/SimmenSM96","Fundamental Techniques for Order Optimization","D Simmen, E Shekita, T Malkemus","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/ManegoldBK00","What Happens During a Join? Dissecting CPU and Memory Optimization Effects","S Manegold, P Boncz, M Kersten","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/TomasicABKNR97","The Distributed Information Search Component (Disco) and the World Wide Web","A Tomasic, R Amouroux, P Bonnet, O Kapitskaia, H Naacke, L Raschid","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/JohnsonA00","Optimizing Queries on Compressed Bitmaps","S Amer-Yahia, T Johnson","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/DiaoLCT00","Toward Learning Based Web Query Processing","Y Diao, H Lu, S Chen, Z Tian","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/BohrerBBCFHKKMNRRSUUW97a","The InfoSleuth Project","R Jr., W Bohrer, R Brice, A Cichocki, J Fowler, A Helal, V Kashyap, T Ksiezyk, G Martin, M Nodine, M Rashid, M Rusinkiewicz, R Shea, C Unnikrishnan, A Unruh, D Woelk","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/Sarawagi00","User-Adaptive Exploration of Multidimensional Data","S Sarawagi","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GeneserethKD97","Infomaster: An Information Integration System","M Genesereth, A Keller, O Duschka","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/SrinivasanDFCJYKTDB00","Oracle8i Index-Organized Table and Its Application to New Domains","J Srinivasan, S Das, C Freiwald, E Chong, M Jagannath, A Yalamanchi, R Krishnan, A Tran, S DeFazio, J Banerjee","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GingrasLSPS97","Languages for Multi-database Interoperability","F Gingras, L Lakshmanan, I Subramanian, D Papoulis, N Shiri","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/BerchtoldK97","S3: Similarity Search in CAD Database Systems","S Berchtold, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/StohrMR00","Multi-Dimensional Database Allocation for Parallel Data Warehouses","T St<53>hr, H M<>rtens, E Rahm","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/WangSCRZP97","Structural Matching and Discovery in Document Databases","J Wang, D Shasha, G Chang, L Relihan, K Zhang, G Patel","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/RamsakMFZEB00","Integrating the UB-Tree into a Database System Kernel","F Ramsak, V Markl, R Fenk, M Zirkel, K Elhardt, R Bayer","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/CeriCW00","Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Success and Lingering Issues (10-Year Award)","S Ceri, R Cochrane, J Widom","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LabioZWGGW97","The WHIPS Prototype for Data Warehouse Creation and Maintenance","W Labio, Y Zhuge, J Wiener, H Gupta, H Garcia-Molina, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/MendelzonV00","Temporal Queries in OLAP","A Mendelzon, A Vaisman","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/FernandezFKLS97","STRUDEL: A Web-site Management System","M Fernandez, D Florescu, J Kang, A Levy, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ChoG00","The Evolution of the Web and Implications for an Incremental Crawler","J Cho, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/Chaudhuri97","Query Optimization at the Crossroads (Panel)","S Chaudhuri","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/BalminPP00","Hypothetical Queries in an OLAP Environment","A Balmin, T Papadimitriou, Y Papakonstantinou","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GoyalHKMSZ97","Picture Programming Project","N Goyal, C Hoch, R Krishnamurthy, B Meckler, M Suckow, M Zloof","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/CareyMN97","Object-Relational Database Systems: Principles, Products, and Challenges (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/vldb/WangZ00","Using SQL to Build New Aggregates and Extenders for Object- Relational Systems","H Wang, C Zaniolo","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriD97","Data Warehousing and OLAP for Decision Support (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/vldb/GantiLR00","ICICLES: Self-Tuning Samples for Approximate Query Answering","V Ganti, M Lee, R Ramakrishnan","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/OlstonW00","Offering a Precision-Performance Tradeoff for Aggregation Queries over Replicated Data","C Olston, J Widom","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/AtzeniT97","MDM: a Multiple-Data-Model Tool for the Management of Heterogeneous Database Schemes","P Atzeni, R Torlone","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/HammerGNYBV97","Template-Based Wrappers in the TSIMMIS System","J Hammer, H Garcia-Molina, S Nestorov, R Yerneni, M Breunig, V Vassalos","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/GrumbachRS00","Manipulating Interpolated Data is Easier than You Thought","S Grumbach, P Rigaux, L Segoufin","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/MillerHH00","Schema Mapping as Query Discovery","R Miller, L Haas, M Hern<72>ndez","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/LiCHH97","SEMCOG: An Object-based Image Retrieval System and Its Visual Query Interface","W Li, K Candan, K Hirata, Y Hara","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/BressanGFJHKLMPQSS97","The COntext INterchange Mediator Prototype","S Bressan, C Goh, K Fynn, M Jakobisiak, K Hussein, H Kon, T Lee, S Madnick, T Pena, J Qu, A Shum, M Siegel","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiM00","Local Dimensionality Reduction: A New Approach to Indexing High Dimensional Spaces","K Chakrabarti, S Mehrotra","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/QuassW97","On-Line Warehouse View Maintenance","D Quass, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/LakshmananJN00","The 3W Model and Algebra for Unified Data Mining","T Johnson, L Lakshmanan, R Ng","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/WangHH00","Mining Frequent Itemsets Using Support Constraints","K Wang, Y He, J Han","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/ColbyKLMR97","Supporting Multiple View Maintenance Policies","L Colby, A Kawaguchi, D Lieuwen, I Mumick, K Ross","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriW00","Rethinking Database System Architecture: Towards a Self-Tuning RISC-Style Database System","S Chaudhuri, G Weikum","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/KatayamaS97","The SR-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Nearest Neighbor Queries","N Katayama, S Satoh","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/sigmod/ShivakumarG97","Wave-Indices: Indexing Evolving Databases","N Shivakumar, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/ChristopheBPV00","PicoDMBS: Scaling Down Database Techniques for the Smartcard","C Bobineau, L Bouganim, P Pucheral, P Valduriez","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/Taylor00","Concurrency in the Data Warehouse","R Taylor","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GuptaHR97","Revisiting Commit Processing in Distributed Database Systems","R Gupta, J Haritsa, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/X00","Ordering Information, Conference Organizers, Program Committees, Additional Reviewers, Additional Demonstrations Reviewers, Sponsors, VLDB Endowment, Preface, Foreword","N/A","N/A",2000
"conf/sigmod/Shasha97","Lessons from Wall Street: Case Studies in Configuration, Tuning, and Distribution (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1997
"conf/sigmod/MotakisZ97","Temporal Aggregation in Active Database Rules","I Motakis, C Zaniolo","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/SchaeferBBJ00","Controlling Data Warehouses with Knowledge Networks","E Schaefer, J Becker, A Boehmer, M Jarke","VLDB",2000
"conf/vldb/Ramaswamy00","E.piphany Epicenter Technology Overview","S Ramaswamy","VLDB",2000
"conf/sigmod/GeorgeH97","Secure Transaction Processing in Firm Real-Time Database Systems","B George, J Haritsa","SIGMOD Conference",1997
"conf/vldb/LakshmananSS99","On Efficiently Implementing SchemaSQL on an SQL Database System","L Lakshmanan, F Sadri, S Subramanian","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GrayHOS96","The Dangers of Replication and a Solution","J Gray, P Helland, P O'Neil, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/FranklinJK96","Performance Tradeoffs for Client-Server Query Processing","M Franklin, B J<>nsson, D Kossmann","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/DeutschPT99","Physical Data Independence, Constraints, and Optimization with Universal Plans","A Deutsch, L Popa, V Tannen","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/JaedickeM99","User-Defined Table Operators: Enhancing Extensibility for ORDBMS","M Jaedicke, B Mitschang","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HillyerS96","Random I/O Scheduling in Online Tertiary Storage Systems","B Hillyer, A Silberschatz","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/MogiK96","Hot Mirroring: A Study to Hide Parity Upgrade Penalty and Degradations During Rebuilds for RAID5","K Mogi, M Kitsuregawa","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/LeeL99","Unrolling Cycles to Decide Trigger Termination","S Lee, T Ling","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZouS96","On-line Reorganization of Sparsely-populated B+trees","C Zou, B Salzberg","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/GionisIM99","Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing","A Gionis, P Indyk, R Motwani","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/KeimH99","Optimal Grid-Clustering: Towards Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality in High-Dimensional Clustering","A Hinneburg, D Keim","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZhangRL96","BIRCH: An Efficient Data Clustering Method for Very Large Databases","T Zhang, R Ramakrishnan, M Livny","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/CareyCNVDRSM99","O-O, What Have They Done to DB2?","M Carey, D Chamberlin, S Narayanan, B Vance, D Doole, S Rielau, R Swagerman, N Mattos","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/AdaliCPS96","Query Caching and Optimization in Distributed Mediator Systems","S Adali, K Candan, Y Papakonstantinou, V Subrahmanian","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/AchyutuniON96","Two Techniques for On-Line Index Modification in Shared Nothing Parallel Databases","K Achyutuni, E Omiecinski, S Navathe","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/JagadishLS99","What can Hierarchies do for Data Warehouses?","H Jagadish, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/ShanmugasundaramGTZDN99","Relational Databases for Querying XML Documents: Limitations and Opportunities","J Shanmugasundaram, K Tufte, C Zhang, G He, D DeWitt, J Naughton","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/VanceM96","Rapid Bushy Join-order Optimization with Cartesian Products","B Vance, D Maier","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Johnson99","Performance Measurements of Compressed Bitmap Indices","T Johnson","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/SelfridgeSW96","IDEA: Interactive Data Exploration and Analysis","P Selfridge, D Srivastava, L Wilson","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriG96","Optimizing Queries over Multimedia Repositories","S Chaudhuri, L Gravano","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/HaasKU99","Loading a Cache with Query Results","L Haas, D Kossmann, I Ursu","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/McHughW99","Query Optimization for XML","J McHugh, J Widom","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GoelI96","SQL Query Optimization: Reordering for a General Class of Queries","P Goel, B Iyer","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/DonjerkovicR99","Probabilistic Optimization of Top N Queries","D Donjerkovic, R Ramakrishnan","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BilirisFOP96","BeSS: Storage Support for Interactive Visualization Systems","A Biliris, T Funkhouser, W O'Connell, E Panagos","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/JagadishKNS99","Multi-Dimensional Substring Selectivity Estimation","H Jagadish, O Kapitskaia, R Ng, D Srivastava","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HungYK96","CapBasED-AMS: A Capability-based and Event-driven Activity Management System","P Hung, H Yeung, K Karlapalem","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/NaumannLF99","Quality-driven Integration of Heterogenous Information Systems","F Naumann, U Leser, J Freytag","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/FukudaMMT96","Data Mining Using Two-Dimensional Optimized Accociation Rules: Scheme, Algorithms, and Visualization","T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/SrikantA96","Mining Quantitative Association Rules in Large Relational Tables","R Srikant, R Agrawal","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/JosifovskiR99","Integrating Heterogenous Overlapping Databases through Object-Oriented Transformations","V Josifovski, T Risch","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/BrodieC99","Issues in Network Management in the Next Millennium","M Brodie, S Chaudhuri","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Keim96","Databases and Visualization","D Keim","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Hamilton99","Networked Data Management Design Points","J Hamilton","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Han96","Data Mining Techniques","J Han","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/LeflerSW96","DBSim: A Simulation Tool for Predicting Database Performance","M Lefler, M Stokrp, C Wong","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Pound99","In Cyber Space No One can Hear You Scream","C Pound","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HanFWCZK96","DBMiner: Interactive Mining of Multiple-Level Knowledge in Relational Databases","J Han, Y Fu, W Wang, J Chiang, O Za<5A>ane, K Koperski","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisRS99","SPIRIT: Sequential Pattern Mining with Regular Expression Constraints","M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HullZ96","A Framework for Supporting Data Integration Using the Materialized and Virtual Approaches","R Hull, G Zhou","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Blum99","Microsoft English Query 7.5: Automatic Extraction of Semantics from Relational Databases and OLAP Cubes","A Blum","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChawatheRGW96","Change Detection in Hierarchically Structured Information","S Chawathe, A Rajaraman, H Garcia-Molina, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Campbell99","The New Locking, Logging, and Recovery Architecture of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0","D Campbell","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/Graefe99","The Value of Merge-Join and Hash-Join in SQL Server","G Graefe","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BunemanDHS96","A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data","P Buneman, S Davidson, G Hillebrand, D Suciu","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/DarmontS99","VOODB: A Generic Discrete-Event Random Simulation Model To Evaluate the Performances of OODBs","J Darmont, M Schneider","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/NguyenS96","Accessing Relational Databases from the World Wide Web","T Nguyen, V Srinivasan","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/BrownCL96","Goal-Oriented Buffer Management Revisited","K Brown, M Carey, M Livny","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/SahuguetA99","Building Light-Weight Wrappers for Legacy Web Data-Sources Using W4F","A Sahuguet, F Azavant","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/AcharyaGP99","Aqua: A Fast Decision Support Systems Using Approximate Query Answers","S Acharya, P Gibbons, V Poosala","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChristophidesCM96","Evaluating Queries with Generalized Path Expressions","V Christophides, S Cluet, G Moerkotte","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Mohan99","Repeating History Beyond ARIES","C Mohan","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/SeshadriHPLRSSS96","Cost-Based Optimization for Magic: Algebra and Implementation","P Seshadri, J Hellerstein, H Pirahesh, T Leung, R Ramakrishnan, D Srivastava, P Stuckey, S Sudarshan","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/TanGO99","Online Feedback for Nested Aggregate Queries with Multi-Threading","K Tan, C Goh, B Ooi","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ColbyGLMT96","Algorithms for Deferred View Maintenance","L Colby, T Griffin, L Libkin, I Mumick, H Trickey","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Norvag99","The Persistent Cache: Improving OID Indexing in Temporal Object-Oriented Database Systems","K N<>rv<72>g","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/LibkinMW96","A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays: Design, Implementation, and Optimization Techniques","L Libkin, R Machlin, L Wong","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/KoudasMJ99","Mining Deviants in a Time Series Database","H Jagadish, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Agarwal96","A Super Scalar Sort Algorithm for RISC Processors","R Agarwal","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/IoannidisP99","Histogram-Based Approximation of Set-Valued Query-Answers","Y Ioannidis, V Poosala","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GangulyGMS96","Bifocal Sampling for Skew-Resistant Join Size Estimation","S Ganguly, P Gibbons, Y Matias, A Silberschatz","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/JagadishMN99","Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles","H Jagadish, J Madar, R Ng","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/KrishnanVI96","Estimating Alphanumeric Selectivity in the Presence of Wildcards","P Krishnan, J Vitter, B Iyer","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/ShatdalN95","Adaptive Parallel Aggregation Algorithms","A Shatdal, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/PedersenJD99","Extending Practical Pre-Aggregation in On-Line Analytical Processing","T Pedersen, C Jensen, C Dyreson","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/LiRS99","Aggregation Algorithms for Very Large Compressed Data Warehouses","J Li, D Rotem, J Srivastava","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Freeston95","A General Solution of the n-dimensional B-tree Problem","M Freeston","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/KumarRRT99","Extracting Large-Scale Knowledge Bases from the Web","R Kumar, P Raghavan, S Rajagopalan, A Tomkins","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/AdyaGLM95","Efficient Optimistic Concurrency Control Using Loosely Synchronized Clocks","A Adya, R Gruber, B Liskov, U Maheshwari","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/CeriFP99","Data-Driven, One-To-One Web Site Generation for Data-Intensive Applications","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BerensonBGMOO95","A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels","H Berenson, P Bernstein, J Gray, J Melton, E O'Neil, P O'Neil","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/RothAHCCFSTW96","The Garlic Project","M Roth, M Arya, L Haas, M Carey, W Cody, R Fagin, P Schwarz, J II, E Wimmers","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/DattaRT99","Curio: A Novel Solution for Efficient Storage and Indexing in Data Warehouses","A Datta, K Ramamritham, H Thomas","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/ZurekS99","Datawarehousing Has More Colours Than Just Black & White","T Zurek, M Sinnwell","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/RundensteinerKRCJM96","The MultiView Project: Object-Oriented View Technology and Applications","E Rundensteiner, H Kuno, Y Ra, V Crestana-Taube, M Jones, P Marr<72>n","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/FukudaMMT96a","SONAR: System for Optimized Numeric AssociationRules","T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Kornacker99","High-Performance Extensible Indexing","M Kornacker","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/DogacHKOONDMAKE96","METU Interoperable Database System","A Dogac, U Halici, E Kilic, G <20>zhan, F Ozcan, S Nural, C Dengi, S Mancuhan, I Arpinar, P Koksal, C Evrendilek","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/ChanI99","Hierarchical Prefix Cubes for Range-Sum Queries","C Chan, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ChooOLCGBPS96","Prospector: A Content-Based Multimedia Server for Massively Parallel Architectures","S Choo, W O'Connell, G Linderman, H Chen, K Ganapathi, A Biliris, E Panagos, D Schrader","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/KonigW99","Combining Histograms and Parametric Curve Fitting for Feedback-Driven Query Result-size Estimation","A K<>nig, G Weikum","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/QuassWGHLMNRRAUW96","LORE: A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data","D Quass, J Widom, R Goldman, K Haas, Q Luo, J McHugh, S Nestorov, A Rajaraman, H Rivero, S Abiteboul, J Ullman, J Wiener","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriG99","Evaluating Top-k Selection Queries","S Chaudhuri, L Gravano","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BohmA96","HyperStorM - Administering Structured Documents Using Object-Oriented Database Technology","K B<>hm, K Aberer","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiBD99","Distributed Hypertext Resource Discovery Through Examples","S Chakrabarti, M Berg, B Dom","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/PiatkoYLS96","Thinksheet: A Tool for Tailoring Complex Documents","P Piatko, R Yangarber, D Lin, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/WangZL99","Building Hierarchical Classifiers Using Class Proximity","K Wang, S Zhou, S Liew","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/CarinoOBS99","Active Storage Hierarchy, Database Systems and Applications - Socratic Exegesis","F Cari<72>o, W O'Connell, J Burgess, J Saltz","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Mohan96","State of the Art in Workflow Management Research and Products","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/sigmod/Bernstein96","Repository System Engineering","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/vldb/RothOH99","Cost Models DO Matter: Providing Cost Information for Diverse Data Sources in a Federated System","M Roth, F Ozcan, L Haas","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/NinkHR99","Generating Call-Level Interfaces for Advanced Database Application Programming","U Nink, T H<>rder, N Ritter","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/FernandezS96","The Ins and Outs (and Everthing in Between) of Data Warehousing","N/A","N/A",1996
"conf/vldb/ChenCFGJMTW99","High Level Indexing of User-Defined Types","W Chen, J Chow, Y Fuh, J Grandbois, M Jou, N Mattos, B Tran, Y Wang","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GoyalHKMS96","Is GUI Programming a Database Research Problem?","N Goyal, C Hoch, R Krishnamurthy, B Meckler, M Suckow","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/RossSS96","Materialized View Maintenance and Integrity Constraint Checking: Trading Space for Time","K Ross, D Srivastava, S Sudarshan","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/KnorrN99","Finding Intensional Knowledge of Distance-Based Outliers","E Knorr, R Ng","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/JermaineDO99","A Novel Index Supporting High Volume Data Warehouse Insertion","C Jermaine, A Datta, E Omiecinski","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/MorpainCFP96","Maintaining Database Consistency in Presence of Value Dependencies in Multidatabase Systems","C Morpain, M Cart, J Ferri<72>, J Pons","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/CherniackZ96","Rule Languages and Internal Algebras for Rule-Based Optimizers","M Cherniack, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/TamuraK99","Dynamic Load Balancing for Parallel Association Rule Mining on Heterogenous PC Cluster Systems","M Tamura, M Kitsuregawa","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/BamfordAP99","A Scalable and Highly Available Networked Database Architecture","R Bamford, R Ahad, A Pruscino","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HellersteinN96","Query Execution Techniques for Caching Expensive Methods","J Hellerstein, J Naughton","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/CookKWZ96","Semi-automatic, Self-adaptive Control of Garbage Collection Rates in Object Databases","J Cook, A Klauser, A Wolf, B Zorn","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/BernsteinPS99","Context-Based Prefetch for Implementing Objects on Relations","P Bernstein, S Pal, D Shutt","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/McAuliffeCS96","Towards Effective and Efficient Free Space Management","M McAuliffe, M Carey, M Solomon","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/GohOST99","GHOST: Fine Granularity Buffering of Indexes","C Goh, B Ooi, D Sim, K Tan","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/AilamakiDHW99","DBMSs on a Modern Processor: Where Does Time Go?","A Ailamaki, D DeWitt, M Hill, D Wood","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Tajima96","Static Detection of Security Flaws in Object-Oriented Databases","K Tajima","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/DyresonBJ99","Capturing and Querying Multiple Aspects of Semistructured Data","C Dyreson, M B<>hlen, C Jensen","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GarofalakisI96","Multi-dimensional Resource Scheduling for Parallel Queries","M Garofalakis, Y Ioannidis","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/LiskovACDGGMMS96","Safe and Efficient Sharing of Persistent Objects in Thor","B Liskov, A Adya, M Castro, M Day, S Ghemawat, R Gruber, U Maheshwari, A Myers, L Shrira","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/RaoR99","Cache Conscious Indexing for Decision-Support in Main Memory","J Rao, K Ross","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/Chawathe99","Comparing Hierarchical Data in External Memory","S Chawathe","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BlottRS96","An Open Storage System for Abstract Objects","S Blott, L Relly, H Schek","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/PoosalaIHS96","Improved Histograms for Selectivity Estimation of Range Predicates","V Poosala, Y Ioannidis, P Haas, E Shekita","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/Sarawagi99","Explaining Differences in Multidimensional Aggregates","S Sarawagi","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/BonczMK99","Database Architecture Optimized for the New Bottleneck: Memory Access","P Boncz, S Manegold, M Kersten","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/DohertyHR96","Structures for Manipulating Proposed Updates in Object-Oriented Databases","M Doherty, R Hull, M Rupawalla","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/sigmod/LoR96","Spatial Hash-Joins","M Lo, C Ravishankar","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulACEMM99","Active Views for Electronic Commerce","S Abiteboul, B Amann, S Cluet, A Eyal, L Mignet, T Milo","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/PatelD96","Partition Based Spatial-Merge Join","J Patel, D DeWitt","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/VorugantiOU99","An Adaptive Hybrid Server Architecture for Client Caching ODBMSs","K Voruganti, M <20>zsu, R Unrau","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/HarinarayanRU96","Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently","V Harinarayan, A Rajaraman, J Ullman","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/PitouraC99","Exploiting Versions for Handling Updates in Broadcast Disks","E Pitoura, P Chrysanthis","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/PacittMS99","Fast Algorithms for Maintaining Replica Consistency in Lazy Master Replicated Databases","E Pacitti, P Minet, E Simon","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/RaoBG96","Providing Better Support for a Class of Decision Support Queries","S Rao, A Badia, D Gucht","SIGMOD Conference",1996
"conf/vldb/BaulierBGJGKKMMNNRSS98","DataBlitz: A High Performance Main-Memory Storage Manager","J Baulier, P Bohannon, S Gogate, S Joshi, C Gupta, A Khivesera, H Korth, P McIlroy, J Miller, P Narayan, M Nemeth, R Rastogi, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/GuptaMR95","Adapting Materialized Views after Redefinitions","A Gupta, I Mumick, K Ross","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/RezendeS98","Bridging Heterogeneity: Research and Practice of Database Middleware Technology","F Rezende, G Sauter","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/AcharyaAFZ95","Broadcast Disks: Data Management for Asymmetric Communications Environments","S Acharya, R Alonso, M Franklin, S Zdonik","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/VenkataramanZ98","Heterogeneous Database Query Optimization in DB2 Universal DataJoiner","S Venkataraman, T Zhang","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/ParkCY95","An Effective Hash Based Algorithm for Mining Association Rules","J Park, M Chen, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/BaulierBKS98","A Database System for Real-Time Event Aggregation in Telecommunication","J Baulier, S Blott, H Korth, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/FaloutsosL95","FastMap: A Fast Algorithm for Indexing, Data-Mining and Visualization of Traditional and Multimedia Datasets","C Faloutsos, K Lin","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/DavisonG95","Dynamic Resource Brokering for Multi-User Query Execution","D Davison, G Graefe","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/BamfordBKM98","Architecture of Oracle Parallel Server","R Bamford, D Butler, B Klots, N MacNaughton","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/JoshiBLL98","Checkpointing in Oracle","A Joshi, W Bridge, J Loaiza, T Lahiri","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/AdelbergGK95","Applying Update Streams in a Soft Real-Time Database System","B Adelberg, H Garcia-Molina, B Kao","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/IoannidisP95","Balancing Histogram Optimality and Practicality for Query Result Size Estimation","Y Ioannidis, V Poosala","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Vieille98","From Data Independence to Knowledge Independence: An on-going Story","L Vieille","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/DarEGP98","DTL's DataSpot: Database Exploration Using Plain Language","S Dar, G Entin, S Geva, E Palmon","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/HouZ95","Enhancing Database Correctness: a Statistical Approach","W Hou, Z Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisIO98","Resource Scheduling for Composite Multimedia Objects","M Garofalakis, Y Ioannidis, B <20>zden","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BrinDG95","Copy Detection Mechanisms for Digital Documents","S Brin, J Davis, H Garcia-Molina","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/JohnsonM98","Performance Measurements of Tertiary Storage Devices","T Johnson, E Miller","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/AbiteboulCM95","A Database Interface for File Updates","S Abiteboul, S Cluet, T Milo","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulMRVW98","Incremental Maintenance for Materialized Views over Semistructured Data","S Abiteboul, J McHugh, M Rys, V Vassalos, J Wiener","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BersonGM95","Fault Tolerant Design of Multimedia Servers","S Berson, L Golubchik, R Muntz","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GoldmanSVG98","Proximity Search in Databases","R Goldman, N Shivakumar, S Venkatasubramanian, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/LuMSS95","Efficient Maintenance of Materialized Mediated Views","J Lu, G Moerkotte, J Sch<63>, V Subrahmanian","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/WoelkBJOTU95","Carnot and InfoSleuth: Database Technology and the World Wide Web","D Woelk, W Bohrer, N Jacobs, K Ong, C Tomlinson, C Unnikrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Shaw98","Technology and the Future of Commerce and Finance (Abstract)","D Shaw","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/RiedelGF98","Active Storage for Large-Scale Data Mining and Multimedia","E Riedel, G Gibson, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Ivinskis95","High Availability of Commercial Applications","K Ivinskis","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Hope95","Enterprise Transaction Processing on Windows NT","G Hope","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Mihalisin98","A Single Pass Computing Engine for Interactive Analysis of VLDBs","T Mihalisin","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/George98","DMS: A Parallel Data Mining Server","F George","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Gettys95","DIRECTV and Oracle Rdb: The Challenges of VLDB Transaction Processing","W Gettys","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Kleissner95","Enterprise Objects Framework, A Second Generation Object-Relational Enabler","C Kleissner","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GrovlenHT98","Low-Cost Compensation-Based Query Processing","<22> Gr<47>vlen, S Hvasshovd, <20> Torbj<62>rnsen","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BaruFGHJPW95","An Overview of DB2 Parallel Edition","C Baru, G Fecteau, A Goyal, H Hsiao, A Jhingran, S Padmanabhan, W Wilson","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/WeberSB98","A Quantitative Analysis and Performance Study for Similarity-Search Methods in High-Dimensional Spaces","R Weber, H Schek, S Blott","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Squire95","Data Extraction and Transformation for the Data Warehouse","C Squire","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/CareyK98","Reducing the Braking Distance of an SQL Query Engine","M Carey, D Kossmann","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Olson95","Cover Your Assets","M Olson","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/LinR98","Querying Continuous Time Sequences","L Lin, T Risch","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/MoleskyR95","Recovery Protocols for Shared Memory Database Systems","L Molesky, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GingrasL98","nD-SQL: A Multi-Dimensional Language for Interoperability and OLAP","F Gingras, L Lakshmanan","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BrodskyK95","The LyriC Language: Querying Constraint Objects","A Brodsky, Y Kornatzky","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/RezendeH98","The Heterogeneity Problem and Middleware Technology: Experiences with and Performance of Database Gateways","F Rezende, K Hergula","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/BraumandlCK98","Evaluating Functional Joins Along Nested Reference Sets in Object-Relational and Object-Oriented Databases","R Braumandl, J Clau<61>en, A Kemper","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/ImielinskiV95","DataMine - Interactive Rule Discovery System","T Imielinski, A Virmani","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/MiloZ98","Using Schema Matching to Simplify Heterogeneous Data Translation","T Milo, S Zohar","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/RadekeBBEKKN95","Efendi: Federated Database System of Cadlab","E Radeke, R B<>ttger, B Burkert, Y Engel, G Kachel, S Kolmschlag, D Nolte","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/RoussopoulosKV95","Nearest Neighbor Queries","N Roussopoulos, S Kelley, F Vincent","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GarciaLL98","On Optimal Node Splitting for R-trees","Y Garc<72>a, M Lopez, S Leutenegger","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/BliujuteJSS98","R-Tree Based Indexing of Now-Relative Bitemporal Data","R Bliujute, C Jensen, S Saltenis, G Slivinskas","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/PapadiasTSE95","Topological Relations in the World of Minimum Bounding Rectangles: A Study with R-trees","D Papadias, Y Theodoridis, T Sellis, M Egenhofer","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/FegarasM95","Towards an Effective Calculus for Object Query Languages","L Fegaras, D Maier","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/JagadishKMPSS98","Optimal Histograms with Quality Guarantees","H Jagadish, N Koudas, S Muthukrishnan, V Poosala, K Sevcik, T Suel","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/GardarinMP95","OFL: A Functional Execution Model for Object Query Languages","G Gardarin, F Machuca, P Pucheral","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/EsterKSWX98","Incremental Clustering for Mining in a Data Warehousing Environment","M Ester, H Kriegel, J Sander, M Wimmer, X Xu","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/CherniackZ98","Inferring Function Semantics to Optimize Queries","M Cherniack, S Zdonik","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/RamaswamyK95","OODB Indexing by Class-Division","S Ramaswamy, P Kanellakis","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/ArefBV95","The Handwritten Trie: Indexing Electronic Ink","W Aref, D Barbar<61>, P Vallabhaneni","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/NipplM98","TOPAZ: a Cost-Based, Rule-Driven, Multi-Phase Parallelizer","C Nippl, B Mitschang","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/AnkerstBKS98","Improving Adaptable Similarity Query Processing by Using Approximations","M Ankerst, B Braunm<6E>ller, H Kriegel, T Seidl","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/WilschutFA95","Parallel Evaluation of Multi-Join Queries","A Wilschut, J Flokstra, P Apers","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/IshikawaSF98","MindReader: Querying Databases Through Multiple Examples","Y Ishikawa, R Subramanya, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/HernandezS95","The Merge/Purge Problem for Large Databases","M Hern<72>ndez, S Stolfo","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/BettiniWBJ95","Semantic Assumptions and Query Evaluation in Temporal Databases","C Bettini, X Wang, E Bertino, S Jajodia","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/DeRose99","What Do Those Weird XML Types Want, Anyway?","S DeRose","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/RamanRH99","Online Dynamic Reordering for Interactive Data Processing","V Raman, B Raman, J Hellerstein","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/WhiteD95","Implementing Crash Recovery in QuickStore: A Performance Study","S White, D DeWitt","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/ZirintsisKM99","Hyper-Programming in Java","E Zirintsis, G Kirby, R Morrison","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/DuSD95","Reducing Multidatabase Query Response Time by Tree Balancing","W Du, M Shan, U Dayal","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Dayal99","Industrial Panel on Data Warehousing Technologies: Experiences, Challenges, and Directions","U Dayal","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/SistlaW95","Temporal Conditions and Integrity Constraints in Active Database Systems","A Sistla, O Wolfson","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/HoskingC99","PM3: An Orthogonal Persistent Systems Programming Language - Design, Implementation, Performance","A Hosking, J Chen","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/ZhugeGHW95","View Maintenance in a Warehousing Environment","Y Zhuge, H Garcia-Molina, J Hammer, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/FuhDCMTLDRM99","Implementation of SQL3 Structured Types with Inheritance and Value Substitutability","Y Fuh, S De<44>loch, W Chen, N Mattos, B Tran, B Lindsay, L DeMichel, S Rielau, D Mannhaupt","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/BhargavaGI95","Hypergraph Based Reorderings of Outer Join Queries with Complex Predicates","G Bhargava, P Goel, B Iyer","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/FreedmanD95","The SPIFFI Scalable Video-on-Demand System","C Freedman, D DeWitt","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/ChengGKLLQS99","Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database","Q Cheng, J Gryz, F Koo, T Leung, L Liu, X Qian, K Schiefer","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/FlorescuLSY99","Optimization of Run-time Management of Data Intensive Web-sites","D Florescu, A Levy, D Suciu, K Yagoub","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/GriffinL95","Incremental Maintenance of Views with Duplicates","T Griffin, L Libkin","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/ChaudhuriDY95","Join Queries with External Text Sources: Execution and Optimization Techniques","S Chaudhuri, U Dayal, T Yan","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/MengLYWCR98","Determining Text Databases to Search in the Internet","W Meng, K Liu, C Yu, X Wang, Y Chang, N Rishe","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/DanS95","An Online Video Placement Policy based on Bandwith to Space Ratio (BSR)","A Dan, D Sitaram","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Tygar98","Atomicity versus Anonymity: Distributed Transactions for Electronic Commerce","J Tygar","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/HelmerWM98","Diag-Join: An Opportunistic Join Algorithm for 1:N Relationships","S Helmer, T Westmann, G Moerkotte","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Team95c","Upsizing from File Server to Clent Server Architectures","T Team","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Team95","Object-Oriented, Rapid Application Development in a PC Database Environment","F Team","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GraefeBC98","Hash Joins and Hash Teams in Microsoft SQL Server","G Graefe, R Bunker, S Cooper","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BunemanM95","The Data That You Won't Find in Databases: Tutorial panel on data exchange formats","P Buneman, D Maier","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/BaumannDFRW99","Spatio-Temporal Retrieval with RasDaMan","P Baumann, A Dehmel, P Furtado, R Ritsch, N Widmann","VLDB",1999
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulAAACHHMMMMSTV99","XML Repository and Active Views Demonstration","S Abiteboul, V Aguilera, S Ailleret, B Amann, S Cluet, B Hills, F Hubert, J Mamou, A Marian, L Mignet, T Milo, C Santos, B Tessier, A Vercoustre","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Moore95","The Lotus Notes Storage System","K Moore","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/VriesDBA99","The Mirror MMDBMS Architecture","A Vries, M Doorn, H Blanken, P Apers","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Ellison95","Keynote Address","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/vldb/BouganimCDDGS99","Miro Web: Integrating Multiple Data Sources through Semistructured Data Types","L Bouganim, T Chan-Sine-Ying, T Dang-Ngoc, J Darroux, G Gardarin, F Sha","VLDB",1999
"conf/sigmod/Gray95","Parallel Database Systems 101","J Gray","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/GibsonKR98","Clustering Categorical Data: An Approach Based on Dynamical Systems","D Gibson, J Kleinberg, P Raghavan","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Epstein95","Keynote Address","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/Golding95","Things Every Update Replication Customer Should Know","R Golding","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/OoiGT98","Fast High-Dimensional Data Search in Incomplete Databases","B Ooi, C Goh, K Tan","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/MorimotoFMTY98","Algorithms for Mining Association Rules for Binary Segmentations of Huge Categorical Databases","Y Morimoto, T Fukuda, H Matsuzawa, T Tokuyama, K Yoda","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Shyy95","VERSANT Replication: Supporting Fault-Tolerant Object Databases","Y Shyy, H Au-Yeung, C Chou","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Edelstein95","Research and Products: Are They Relevant To Each Other? (Panel)","H Edelstein","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/KnorrN98","Algorithms for Mining Distance-Based Outliers in Large Datasets","E Knorr, R Ng","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Bampahl95","Real World Requirements for Decision Support - Implications for RDBMS","S Bansal","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Ganguly98","Design and Analysis of Parametric Query Optimization Algorithms","S Ganguly","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/ShivakumarGC98","Filtering with Approximate Predicates","N Shivakumar, H Garcia-Molina, C Chekuri","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/French95","``One Size Fits All'' Database Architectures Do Not Work for DDS","C French","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/Greco98","Binding Propagation in Disjunctive Databases","S Greco","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Perna95","Leveraging The Information Asset","J Perna","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Atkinson95","Use of a Component Architecture in Integrating Relational and Non-relational Storage Systems","R Atkinson","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/FangSGMU98","Computing Iceberg Queries Efficiently","M Fang, N Shivakumar, H Garcia-Molina, R Motwani, J Ullman","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/Amer-YahiaCD98","Bulk-Loading Techniques for Object Databases and an Application to Relational Data","S Amer-Yahia, S Cluet, C Delobel","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Gerber95","Informix Online XPS","R Gerber","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/Levine95","Order-of-Magnitude Advantage of TPC-C Though Massive Parallelism","C Levine","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/PapadiasMD98","Algorithms for Querying by Spatial Structure","D Papadias, N Mamoulis, V Delis","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/ZimbraoS98","A Raster Approximation For Processing of Spatial Joins","G Zimbrao, J Souza","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Deutsch95","Objects and SQL: Strange Relations? Panel","D Deutsch","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/CarinoJ98","Bank of America Case Study: The Information Currency Advantage","F Cari<72>o, M Jahnke","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Faloutsos95","Indexing Multimedia Databases (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/vldb/OzsuVU98","An Asynchronous Avoidance-Based Cache Consistency Algorithm for Client Caching DBMSs","M <20>zsu, K Voruganti, R Unrau","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/MattosM95","An Overview of the Emerging Third-Generation SQL Standard (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/sigmod/Sheth95","Workflow Automation: Applications, Technology, and Research (Tutorial)","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/vldb/MuthOPW98","Design, Implementation, and Performance of the LHAM Log-Structured History Data Access Method","P Muth, P O'Neil, A Pick, G Weikum","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Norrie95","Integration Approaches for CIM","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/vldb/Garcia-MolinaLY98","Expiring Data in a Warehouse","H Garcia-Molina, W Labio, J Yang","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Gibson95","Storage Technology: RAID and Beyond","N/A","N/A",1995
"conf/vldb/ZhangL98","Buffering and Read-Ahead Strategies for External Mergesort","W Zhang, P Larson","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriN97","An Efficient Cost-Driven Index Selection Tool for Microsoft SQL Server","S Chaudhuri, V Narasayya","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/GatziuGD95","The SAMOS Active DBMS Prototype","S Gatziu, A Geppert, K Dittrich","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/ThomasDM95","Design and Implementation of Advanced Knowledge Processing in the KDMS KRISYS (Demonstration Description)","J Thomas, S De<44>loch, N Mattos","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/YangKL97","Algorithms for Materialized View Design in Data Warehousing Environment","J Yang, K Karlapalem, Q Li","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/TheodoratosS97","Data Warehouse Configuration","D Theodoratos, T Sellis","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/ShklarSKT95","InfoHarness: A System for Search and Retrieval of Heterogeneous Information","L Shklar, A Sheth, V Kashyap, S Thatte","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/RossS97","Fast Computation of Sparse Datacubes","K Ross, D Srivastava","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/MassariPSC95","QBI: Query By Icons","A Massari, S Pavani, L Saladini, P Chrysanthis","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/HumborstadSHT97","1-Safe Algorithms for Symmetric Site Configurations","R Humborstad, M Sabaratnam, S Hvasshovd, <20> Torbj<62>rnsen","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/BuchmannDZH95","The REACH Active OODBMS","A Buchmann, A Deutsch, J Zimmermann, M Higa","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/RothS97","Don't Scrap It, Wrap It! A Wrapper Architecture for Legacy Data Sources","M Roth, P Schwarz","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/AshleyFHLNP95","The Query By Image Content (QBIC) System","J Ashley, M Flickner, J Hafner, D Lee, W Niblack, D Petkovic","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/ColletC95","The NAOS System","C Collet, T Coupaye","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/VassalosP97","Describing and Using Query Capabilities of Heterogeneous Sources","V Vassalos, Y Papakonstantinou","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/MorimotoIM97","Efficient Construction of Regression Trees with Range and Region Splitting","Y Morimoto, H Ishii, S Morishita","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/CeriFPP95","The Algres Testbed of CHIMERA: An Active Object-Oriented Database System","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi, G Psaila","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/DreyerDS95","Using the CALANDA Time Series Management System","W Dreyer, A Dittrich, D Schmidt","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/SkubiszewskiV97","Concurrent Garbage Collection in O2","M Skubiszewski, P Valduriez","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/GrossmanHQ95","PTool: A Light Weight Persistent Object Manager","R Grossman, D Hanley, X Qin","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/AlsabtiRS97","A One-Pass Algorithm for Accurately Estimating Quantiles for Disk-Resident Data","K Alsabti, S Ranka, V Singh","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/EicklerKK97","Finding Data in the Neighborhood","A Eickler, A Kemper, D Kossmann","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/WangZS95","Pattern Matching and Pattern Discovery in Scientific, Program, and Document Databases","J Wang, K Zhang, D Shasha","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/StathatosRB97","Adaptive Data Broadcast in Hybrid Networks","K Stathatos, N Roussopoulos, J Baras","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/Team95b","SHORE: Combining the Best Features of OODBMS and File Systems","S Team","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/BerckenSW97","A Generic Approach to Bulk Loading Multidimensional Index Structures","J Bercken, B Seeger, P Widmayer","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/Team95a","Paradise: A Database System for GIS Applications","P Team","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/HelmerM97","Evaluation of Main Memory Join Algorithms for Joins with Set Comparison Join Predicates","S Helmer, G Moerkotte","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/LiC95","Semint: A System Prototype for Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases","W Li, C Clifton","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/ZhangL97","Dynamic Memory Adjustment for External Mergesort","W Zhang, P Larson","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/HammerGIPUW95","Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System","J Hammer, H Garcia-Molina, K Ireland, Y Papakonstantinou, J Ullman, J Widom","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/vldb/AshwinRSSS97","Garbage Collection in Object Oriented Databases Using Transactional Cyclic Reference Counting","S Ashwin, P Roy, S Seshadri, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/KeimK95","VisDB: A System for Visualizing Large Databases","D Keim, H Kriegel","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/GibbsBT94","Data Modeling of Time-Based Media","S Gibbs, C Breiteneder, D Tsichritzis","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GibbonsMP97","Fast Incremental Maintenance of Approximate Histograms","P Gibbons, Y Matias, V Poosala","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/ChatziantoniouR97","Groupwise Processing of Relational Queries","D Chatziantoniou, K Ross","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/WangCMSSZ94","Combinatorial Pattern Discovery for Scientific Data: Some Preliminary Results","J Wang, G Chirn, T Marr, B Shapiro, D Shasha, K Zhang","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/LeeLWS97","A Region Splitting Strategy for Physical Database Design of Multidimensional File Organizations","J Lee, Y Lee, K Whang, I Song","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/MohanN94","ARIES/CSA: A Method for Database Recovery in Client-Server Architectures","C Mohan, I Narang","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/ZhangNBB94","Ensuring Relaxed Atomicity for Flexible Transactions in Multidatabase Systems","A Zhang, M Nodine, B Bhargava, O Bukhres","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GoldmanW97","DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases","R Goldman, J Widom","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/ImielinskiVB94","Energy Efficient Indexing on Air","T Imielinski, S Viswanathan, B Badrinath","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BaumannFRW97","Geo/Environmental and Medical Data Management in the RasDaMan System","P Baumann, P Furtado, R Ritsch, N Widmann","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/BilirisDGJR94","ASSET: A System for Supporting Extended Transactions","A Biliris, S Dar, N Gehani, H Jagadish, K Ramamritham","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/WhiteheadSM97","GTE SuperPages: Using IR Techniques for Searching Complex Objects","S Whitehead, H Sinha, M Murphy","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/ChangG97","Effective Memory Use in a Media Server","E Chang, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/JonkerS95","The ECRC Multi Database System","W Jonker, H Sch<63>tz","SIGMOD Conference",1995
"conf/sigmod/HuangSW94","Data Replication for Mobile Computers","Y Huang, A Sistla, O Wolfson","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/SeidlK97","Efficient User-Adaptable Similarity Search in Large Multimedia Databases","T Seidl, H Kriegel","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/CareyFZ94","Fine-Grained Sharing in a Page Server OODBMS","M Carey, M Franklin, M Zaharioudakis","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/MalonM97","Critical Database Technologies for High Energy Physics","D Malon, E May","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/FaloutsosRM94","Fast Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases","C Faloutsos, M Ranganathan, Y Manolopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/KumarKA97","Caprera: An Activity Framework for Transaction Processing on Wide-Area Networks","S Kumar, E Kwang, D Agrawal","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/KrollW94","Distributing a Search Tree Among a Growing Number of Processors","B Kr<4B>ll, P Widmayer","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GinisHKMT97","Data Manager for Evolvable Real-time Command and Control Systems","E Hughes, R Ginis, B Thuraisingham, P Krupp, J Maurer","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/AlonsoHST97","Distributed Processing over Stand-alone Systems and Applications","G Alonso, C Hagen, H Schek, M Tresch","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/ChristophidesACS94","From Structured Documents to Novel Query Facilities","V Christophides, S Abiteboul, S Cluet, M Scholl","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/NybergBCGL94","AlphaSort: A RISC Machine Sort","C Nyberg, T Barclay, Z Cvetanovic, J Gray, D Lomet","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BernsteinHSSZ97","The Microsoft Repository","P Bernstein, B Harry, P Sanders, D Shutt, J Zander","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/VingralekBW94","Distributed File Organization with Scalable Cost/Performance","R Vingralek, Y Breitbart, G Weikum","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/SellisRF97","Multidimensional Access Methods: Trees Have Grown Everywhere","T Sellis, N Roussopoulos, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/ChenR94","Adaptive Selectivity Estimation Using Query Feedback","C Chen, N Roussopoulos","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/WildfogelY97","Efficient Testing of High Performance Transaction Processing Systems","D Wildfogel, R Yerneni","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/Jacobs97","Innovation in Database Management: Computer Science vs. Engineering","K Jacobs","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/SwamiS94","Estimating Page Fetches for Index Scans with Finite LRU Buffers","A Swami, K Schiefer","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/RastogiS98","PUBLIC: A Decision Tree Classifier that Integrates Building and Pruning","R Rastogi, K Shim","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BrinkhoffKSS94a","GENESYS: A System for Efficient Spatial Query Processing","T Brinkhoff, H Kriegel, R Schneider, B Seeger","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/BilirisP94","EOS: An Extensible Object Store","A Biliris, E Panagos","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/RamaswamyMS98","On the Discovery of Interesting Patterns in Association Rules","S Ramaswamy, S Mahajan, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/SheikholeslamiCZ98","WaveCluster: A Multi-Resolution Clustering Approach for Very Large Spatial Databases","G Sheikholeslami, S Chatterjee, A Zhang","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Jagadish94","Databases for Networks","H Jagadish","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Mohan94","A Survey and Critique of Advanced Transaction Models","C Mohan","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GehrkeRG98","RainForest - A Framework for Fast Decision Tree Construction of Large Datasets","J Gehrke, R Ramakrishnan, V Ganti","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Dietterich94","DEC Data Distributor: for Data Replication and Data Warehousing","D Dietterich","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Moerkotte98","Small Materialized Aggregates: A Light Weight Index Structure for Data Warehousing","G Moerkotte","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/GeorgeH98","Secure Buffering in Firm Real-Time Database Systems","B George, J Haritsa","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/DarR94","A Performance Study of Transitive Closure Algorithms","S Dar, R Ramakrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ZouS98","Safely and Efficiently Updating References During On-line Reorganization","C Zou, B Salzberg","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Vaskevitch94","Database in Crisis and Transition: A Technical Agenda for the Year 2001","D Vaskevitch","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Martin94","COSS: The Common Object Services Specifications","B Martin","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ShuklaDN98","Materialized View Selection for Multidimensional Datasets","A Shukla, P Deshpande, J Naughton","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/GravanoGT94","The Effectiveness of GlOSS for the Text Database Discovery Problem","L Gravano, H Garcia-Molina, A Tomasic","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/KornLKF98","Ratio Rules: A New Paradigm for Fast, Quantifiable Data Mining","F Korn, A Labrinidis, Y Kotidis, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/MumickP94","Implementation of Magic-sets in a Relational Database System","I Mumick, H Pirahesh","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ArgePRSV98","Scalable Sweeping-Based Spatial Join","L Arge, O Procopiuc, S Ramaswamy, T Suel, J Vitter","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiSD98","Mining Surprising Patterns Using Temporal Description Length","S Chakrabarti, S Sarawagi, B Dom","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/ColeG94","Optimization of Dynamic Query Evaluation Plans","R Cole, G Graefe","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/IoannidisL94","Incomplete Path Expressions and their Disambiguation","Y Ioannidis, Y Lashkari","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/SilversteinBMU98","Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures","C Silverstein, S Brin, R Motwani, J Ullman","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BarbaraI94","Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments","D Barbar<61>, T Imielinski","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/LakshmiZ98","Selectivity Estimation in Extensible Databases - A Neural Network Approach","M Lakshmi, S Zhou","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Ballinger94","Evolving Teradata Decision Support for Massively Parallel Processing with UNIX","C Ballinger","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Slutz98","Massive Stochastic Testing of SQL","D Slutz","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/DoDJJR98","Issues in Developing Very Large Data Warehouses","L Do, P Drew, W Jin, V Jumani, D Rossum","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BersonGMJ94","Staggered Striping in Multimedia Information Systems","S Berson, S Ghandeharizadeh, R Muntz, X Ju","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Ahn94","Database Issues in Telecommunications Network Management","I Ahn","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BonczRK98","The Drill Down Benchmark","P Boncz, T R<>hl, F Kwakkel","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/Sterling98","The National Medical Knowledge Bank","W Sterling","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/GraySEBW94","Quickly Generating Billion-Record Synthetic Databases","J Gray, P Sundaresan, S Englert, K Baclawski, P Weinberger","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/FankhauserGLMT98","Experiences in Federated Databases: From IRO-DB to MIRO-Web","P Fankhauser, G Gardarin, M Lopez, J Mu<4D>oz, A Tomasic","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/DewanSHH94","Predictive Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel and Distributed Rule and Query Processing","H Dewan, S Stolfo, M Hern<72>ndez, J Hwang","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BelloDDFNSWZ98","Materialized Views in Oracle","R Bello, K Dias, A Downing, J Jr., J Finnerty, W Norcott, H Sun, A Witkowski, M Ziauddin","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/TomasicGS94","Incremental Updates of Inverted Lists for Text Document Retrieval","A Tomasic, H Garcia-Molina, K Shoens","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ArunJ98","KODA - The Architecture And Interface of a Data Model Independent Kernel","G Arun, A Joshi","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/ConsensM94","Optimizing Queries on Files","M Consens, T Milo","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/HsiaoCY94","On Parallel Execution of Multiple Pipelined Hash Joins","H Hsiao, M Chen, P Yu","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Schoning98","The ADABAS Buffer Pool Manager","H Sch<63>ning","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/BrinkhoffKSS94","Multi-Step Processing of Spatial Joins","T Brinkhoff, H Kriegel, R Schneider, B Seeger","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/CarinoO98","Plan-Per-Tuple Optimization Solution - Parallel Execution of Expensive User-Defined Functions","F Cari<72>o, W O'Connell","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/LoR94","Spatial Joins Using Seeded Trees","M Lo, C Ravishankar","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/FlorescuLS98","Is Web-site Management a Database Problem?","D Florescu, A Levy, D Suciu","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/PangCL94","Managing Memory for Real-Time Queries","H Pang, M Carey, M Livny","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BlottKS98","Information, Communication, and Money: For What Can We Charge and How Can We Meter It?","S Blott, H Korth, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/Orenstein98","Starting (and Sometimes Ending) a Database Company","J Orenstein","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/CareyDFHMNSSTTWZ94","Shoring Up Persistent Applications","M Carey, D DeWitt, M Franklin, N Hall, M McAuliffe, J Naughton, D Schuh, M Solomon, C Tan, O Tsatalos, S White, M Zwilling","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/RoussopoulosK98","The Cubetree Storage Organization","N Roussopoulos, Y Kotidis","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/WhiteD94","QuickStore: A High Performance Mapped Object Store","S White, D DeWitt","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/McIverK94","Self-Adaptive, On-Line Reclustering of Complex Object Data","W Jr., R King","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/SchieferKBLF98","IBM's DB2 Universal Database demonstrations at VLDB'98","K Schiefer, J Kleewein, K Brannon, G Lohman, G Fuh","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/SeshadriLR94","Sequence Query Processing","P Seshadri, M Livny, R Ramakrishnan","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Mina98","MapInfo SpatialWare: A Spatial Information Server for RDBMS","C Mina","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/Hellerstein94","Practical Predicate Placement","J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Objectivity98","Objectivity Industrial Exhibit","O Objectivity","VLDB",1998
"conf/sigmod/KemperMPS94","Optimizing Disjunctive Queries with Expensive Predicates","A Kemper, G Moerkotte, K Peithner, M Steinbrunn","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Pogue98","Oracle Industrial Exhibit","A Pogue","VLDB",1998
"conf/vldb/MaratheS97","A Language for Manipulating Arrays","A Marathe, K Salem","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/Galindo-Legaria94","Outerjoins as Disjunctions","C Galindo-Legaria","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GyssensL97","A Foundation for Multi-dimensional Databases","M Gyssens, L Lakshmanan","VLDB",1997
"conf/sigmod/CookWZ94","Partition Selection Policies in Object Database Garbage Collection","J Cook, A Wolf, B Zorn","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GardarinGT96","Cost-based Selection of Path Expression Processing Algorithms in Object-Oriented Databases","G Gardarin, J Gruser, Z Tang","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Englert94","NonStop SQL: Scalability and Availability for Decision Support","S Englert","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BouganimFV96","Dynamic Load Balancing in Hierarchical Parallel Database Systems","L Bouganim, D Florescu, P Valduriez","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Fernandez94","Red Brick Warehouse: A Read-Mostly RDBMS for Open SMP Platforms","P Fernandez","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/AcharyaFZ96","Disseminating Updates on Broadcast Disks","S Acharya, M Franklin, S Zdonik","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Ubell94","The Montage Extensible DataBlade Achitecture","M Ubell","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Pirahesh94","Object-Oriented Features of DB2 Client/Server","H Pirahesh","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/GardarinST96","Calibrating the Query Optimizer Cost Model of IRO-DB, an Object-Oriented Federated Database System","G Gardarin, F Sha, Z Tang","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/SrivastavaDJL96","Answering Queries with Aggregation Using Views","D Srivastava, S Dar, H Jagadish, A Levy","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/FlokstraKS94","The IMPRESS DDT: A Database Design Toolbox Based on a Formal Specification Language","J Flokstra, M Keulen, J Skowronek","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/DiwanRSS96","Clustering Techniques for Minimizing External Path Length","A Diwan, S Rane, S Seshadri, S Sudarshan","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/BryanMCLG94","The MEDUSA Project: Autonomous Data Management in a Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Machine","G Bryan, W Moore, B Curry, K Lodge, J Geyer","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Melling94","Enterprise Information Architectures -- They're Finally Changing","W Melling","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/KornSFSP96","Fast Nearest Neighbor Search in Medical Image Databases","F Korn, N Sidiropoulos, C Faloutsos, E Siegel, Z Protopapas","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/SinghTW94","Relaxed Transaction Processing","M Singh, C Tomlinson, D Woelk","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ViverosNR96","Applying Data Mining Techniques to a Health Insurance Information System","M Viveros, J Nearhos, M Rothman","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/DanielsDDEHJJLSSS94","Oracle's Symmetric Replication Technology and Implications for Application Design","D Daniels, L Doo, A Downing, C Elsbernd, G Hallmark, S Jain, B Jenkins, P Lim, G Smith, B Souder, J Stamos","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BohlenSS96","Coalescing in Temporal Databases","M B<>hlen, R Snodgrass, M Soo","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/GorelikWD94","Sybase Replication Server","A Gorelik, Y Wang, M Deppe","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Ogawa96","Effective & Efficient Document Ranking without using a Large Lexicon","Y Ogawa","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/SagonasSW94","XSB as an Efficient Deductive Database Engine","K Sagonas, T Swift, D Warren","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/MeoPC96","A New SQL-like Operator for Mining Association Rules","R Meo, G Psaila, S Ceri","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Carey94","Parallel Database Systems in the 1990's","M Carey","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/FukudaMMT96","Constructing Efficient Decision Trees by Using Optimized Numeric Association Rules","T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Cattell94","ODMG-93: A Standard for Object-Oriented DBMSs","R Cattell","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/LabioG96","Efficient Snapshot Differential Algorithms for Data Warehousing","W Labio, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/McKennaBHT96","EROC: A Toolkit for Building NEATO Query Optimizers","W McKenna, L Burger, C Hoang, M Truong","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Kim94","UniSQL/X Unified Relational and Object-Oriented Database System","W Kim","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/SevcikK96","Filter Trees for Managing Spatial Data over a Range of Size Granularities","K Sevcik, N Koudas","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/LaursenOP94","Oracle Media Server: Providing Consumer Based Interactive Access to Multimedia Data","A Laursen, J Olkin, M Porter","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/Kulkarni94","Object-Oriented Extensions in SQL3: A Status Report","K Kulkarni","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/FaloutsosG96","Analysis of n-Dimensional Quadtrees using the Hausdorff Fractal Dimension","C Faloutsos, V Gaede","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/SeshadriLR96","The Design and Implementation of a Sequence Database System","P Seshadri, M Livny, R Ramakrishnan","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Liu03c","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriS96","Optimization of Queries with User-defined Predicates","S Chaudhuri, K Shim","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/Blakeley94","Open Object Database Management Systems","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/vldb/StaudtJ96","Incremental Maintenance of Externally Materialized Views","M Staudt, M Jarke","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/HwangLYMMGCSS94","The MYRIAD Federated Database Prototype","S Hwang, E Lim, H Yang, S Musukula, K Mediratta, M Ganesh, D Clements, J Stenoien, J Srivastava","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/ScheuermannSV96","WATCHMAN : A Data Warehouse Intelligent Cache Manager","P Scheuermann, J Shim, R Vingralek","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/HanFHCC94","DBLearn: A System Prototype for Knowledge Discovery in Relational Databases","J Han, Y Fu, Y Huang, Y Cai, N Cercone","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/BerchtoldKK96","The X-tree : An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data","S Berchtold, D Keim, H Kriegel","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/AilamakiFFSV03","An environmental sensor network to determine drinking water quality and security","A Ailamaki, C Faloutsos, P Fischbeck, M Small, J VanBriesen","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/BonnetBDL03","Bluetooth-based sensor networks","P Bonnet, A Beaufour, M Dydensborg, M Leopold","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/CareyD96","Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil","M Carey, D DeWitt","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass03c","Developments at ACM TODS","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Gupta96","The Changing Landscape of the Software Industry and its Implications for India","U Gupta","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Hess96","Very Large Databases in a Commercial Application Environment","K Hess","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Date03","Edgar F. Codd: a tribute and personal memoir","C Date","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/sigmod/TheodoulidisAACKS94","The ORES Temporal Database Management System","B Theodoulidis, A Ait-Braham, G Andrianopoulos, J Chaudhary, G Karvelis, S Sou","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Malaika96","Database Management Systems and the Internet","S Malaika","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Mohan96","DWMS: Data Warehouse Management System","N Mohan","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/GrossmanQ94","Ptool: A Scalable Persistent Object Manager","R Grossman, X Qin","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Moni96","DISNIC-PLAN: A NICNET Based Distributed Database for Micro-level Planning in India","M Moni","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/KuhnTS94","A Language Based Multidatabase System","e K<>hn, T Tschernko, K Schwarz","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/MissikoffT94","MOSAICO - A System for Conceptual Modeling and Rapid Prototyping of Object-Oriented Database Application","M Missikoff, M Toiati","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Sheth96","Bellcore's ADAPT/X Harness System for Managing Information on Internet and Intranets","A Sheth","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Klots96","Cache Coherency in Oracle Parallel Server","B Klots","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/CatarciS94","Query by Diagram: A Graphical Environment for Querying Databases","T Catarci, G Santucci","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/Padmanabhan96","Extracting Large Data Sets using DB2 Parallel Edition","S Padmanabhan","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/AgrawalCFGHIIMMSS94","Quest: A Project on Database Mining","R Agrawal, M Carey, C Faloutsos, S Ghosh, M Houtsma, T Imielinski, B Iyer, A Mahboob, H Miranda, R Srikant, A Swami","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/sigmod/DogacAEOADAOS94","METU Object-Oriented DBMS","A Dogac, I Arpinar, C Evrendilek, C Ozkan, I Altintas, I Durusoy, M Altinel, T Okay, Y Saygin","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"conf/vldb/LeeL96","Further Improvements on Integrity Constraint Checking for Stratifiable Deductive Databases","S Lee, T Ling","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/PoosalaI96","Estimation of Query-Result Distribution and its Application in Parallel-Join Load Balancing","V Poosala, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1996
"conf/sigmod/SagonasSW94a","XSB as a Deductive Database","K Sagonas, T Swift, D Warren","SIGMOD Conference",1994
"journals/sigmod/TanK03","Power efficient data gathering and aggregation in wireless sensor networks","H Tan, I Korpeoglu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/AtzeniMM97","To Weave the Web","P Atzeni, G Mecca, P Merialdo","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/GerlaX03","Multimedia streaming in large-scale sensor networks with mobile swarms","M Gerla, K Xu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/FlorescuKLP97","Using Probabilistic Information in Data Integration","D Florescu, D Koller, A Levy","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/CalvaneseGLV03","Reasoning on regular path queries","D Calvanese, G Giacomo, M Lenzerini, M Vardi","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/TriantafillouP97","On-Demand Data Elevation in Hierarchical Multimedia Storage Servers","P Triantafillou, T Papadakis","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Winslett03c","Interview with Pat Selinger","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/ChristodoulakisTZ97","Principles of Optimally Placing Data in Tertiary Storage Libraries","S Christodoulakis, P Triantafillou, F Zioga","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/RossGR03","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/BaralisPT97","Materialized Views Selection in a Multidimensional Database","E Baralis, S Paraboschi, E Teniente","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/WangD03","Review of Web caching and replication by Michael Rabinovich and Oliver Spatscheck. Addison Wesley 2002","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/ShaferA97","Parallel Algorithms for High-dimensional Similarity Joins for Data Mining Applications","J Shafer, R Agrawal","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/WangYM97","STING: A Statistical Information Grid Approach to Spatial Data Mining","W Wang, J Yang, R Muntz","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/GalianoM03","Review of Data on the Web: from relational to semistructured data and XML by Serge Abiteboul, Peter Buneman, and Dan Suciu. Morgan Kaufmann 1999","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/Wiegand03","Review of Spatial databases with application to GIS by Philippe Rigaux, Michel Scholl, and Agnes Voisard. Morgan Kaufmann 2002","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/GravanoG97","Merging Ranks from Heterogeneous Internet Sources","L Gravano, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/KannanKIK03","Energy and rate based MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks","R Kannan, R Kalidindi, S Iyengar, V Kumar","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/SeshadriLR97","The Case for Enhanced Abstract Data Types","P Seshadri, M Livny, R Ramakrishnan","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/NgC97","Integrating Reliable Memory in Databases","W Ng, P Chen","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/PalpanasPKG03","Distributed deviation detection in sensor networks","T Palpanas, D Papadopoulos, V Kalogeraki, D Gunopulos","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/BohannonLRSSS97","Logical and Physical Versioning in Main Memory Databases","R Rastogi, S Seshadri, P Bohannon, D Leinbaugh, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Aberer03d","Book review column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Kumar03","Sensor: the atomic computing particle","V Kumar","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/LlirbatST97","Using Versions in Update Transactions: Application to Integrity Checking","F Llirbat, E Simon, D Tombroff","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/JagadishNSSK97","Incremental Organization for Data Recording and Warehousing","H Jagadish, P Narayan, S Seshadri, S Sudarshan, R Kanneganti","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/HellersteinHM03","The sensor spectrum: technology, trends, and requirements","J Hellerstein, W Hong, S Madden","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Mani03","Understanding the semantics of sensor data","M Mani","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Huyn97","Multiple-View Self-Maintenance in Data Warehousing Environments","N Huyn","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/FaloutsosJS97","Recovering Information from Summary Data","C Faloutsos, H Jagadish, N Sidiropoulos","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/ChengP03","Managing uncertainty in sensor database","R Cheng, S Prabhakar","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Jamil97","Implementing Abstract Objects with Inheritance in Datalogneg","H Jamil","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/DemersGRTY03","The Cougar Project: a work-in-progress report","A Demers, J Gehrke, R Rajaraman, A Trigoni, Y Yao","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/PitouraAPSV03","DBGlobe: a service-oriented P2P system for global computing","E Pitoura, S Abiteboul, D Pfoser, G Samaras, M Vazirgiannis","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/KietzRS97","Mining Insurance Data at Swiss Life","J Kietz, U Reimer, M Staudt","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/LiCHH97","Facilitating Multimedia Database Exploration through Visual Interfaces and Perpetual Query Reformulations","W Li, K Candan, K Hirata, Y Hara","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/NejdlSS03","Design issues and challenges for RDF- and schema-based peer-to-peer systems","W Nejdl, W Siberski, M Sintek","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Hammer03","Treasurer's Message","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/BridgeJKLLM97","The Oracle Universal Server Buffer","W Bridge, A Joshi, M Keihl, T Lahiri, J Loaiza, N MacNaughton","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu03a","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/LockemannKKKN97","The Network as a Global Database: Challenges of Interoperability, Proactivity, Interactiveness, Legacy","P Lockemann, U K<>lsch, A Koschel, R Kramer, R Nikolai, M Wallrath, H Walter","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/PoosalaI97","Selectivity Estimation Without the Attribute Value Independence Assumption","V Poosala, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass03b","Journal relevance","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/ChavdaW97","Towards an ODMG-Compliant Visual Object Query Language","M Chavda, P Wood","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Chamberlin03","2003 SIGMOD Innovations Award Speech","D Chamberlin","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Aberer03c","Guest editor's introduction","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/DesslochM97","Integrating SQL Databases with Content-Specific Search Engines","S De<44>loch, N Mattos","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisOS97","Resource Scheduling in Enhanced Pay-Per-View Continuous Media Databases","M Garofalakis, B <20>zden, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Halevy03","Learning about data integration challenges from day one","A Halevy","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/HuangJR97","Spatial Joins Using R-trees: Breadth-First Traversal with Global Optimizations","Y Huang, N Jing, E Rundensteiner","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Giorgini03","Agent-Oriented software engineering report on the 4th AOSE workshop (AOSE 2003)","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/PellenkoftLK97","The Complexity of Transformation-Based Join Enumeration","A Pellenkoft, C Galindo-Legaria, M Kersten","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/LenzVJS03","Report on the 5th international workshop on the design and management of data warehouses (DMDW'03)","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiDAR97","Using Taxonomy, Discriminants, and Signatures for Navigating in Text Databases","S Chakrabarti, B Dom, R Agrawal, P Raghavan","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/KambhampatiK03","Information integration on the Web: a view from AI and databases (report on IIWeb-03)","S Kambhampati, C Knoblock","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/MotroA03","Report on FQAS 2002: fifth international conference on flexible query answering systems","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/CiacciaPZ97","M-tree: An Efficient Access Method for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces","P Ciaccia, M Patella, P Zezula","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/HaasKWY97","Optimizing Queries Across Diverse Data Sources","L Haas, D Kossmann, E Wimmers, J Yang","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Liu03b","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/KraissW97","Vertical Data Migration in Large Near-Line Document Archives Based on Markov-Chain Predictions","A Kraiss, G Weikum","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/Hainaut03","Research in database engineering at the University of Namur","J Hainaut","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/AilamakiH03","Exposing undergraduate students to database system internals","A Ailamaki, J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisI97","Parallel Query Scheduling and Optimization with Time- and Space-Shared Resources","M Garofalakis, Y Ioannidis","VLDB",1997
"journals/sigmod/NascimentoSP03","Analysis of SIGMOD's co-authorship graph","M Nascimento, J Sander, J Pound","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/ClaussenKMP97","Optimizing Queries with Universal Quantification in Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases","J Clau<61>en, A Kemper, G Moerkotte, K Peithner","VLDB",1997
"conf/vldb/EicklerGK95","A Performance Evaluation of OID Mapping Techniques","A Eickler, C Gerlhof, D Kossmann","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Liu03a","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/AmsalegFG95","Efficient Incremental Garbage Collection for Client-Server Object Database Systems","L Amsaleg, M Franklin, O Gruber","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/JukicNV03","Closing the key loophole in MLS databases","N Jukic, S Nestorov, S Vrbsky","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/ChrysanthisSZ03","Report on the 4th International Conference on Mobile Data Management","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/Bayer95","Document Management as a Database Problem","R Bayer","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Jonsson03","In Memory of G<>sli R. Hjaltason","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/Madnick95","From VLDB to VMLDB (Very MANY Large Data Bases): Dealing with Large-Scale Semantic Heterogenity","S Madnick","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/ChenRS95","Declustering Databases on Heterogeneous Disk Systems","L Chen, D Rotem, S Seshadri","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/MalaikaEM03","Standards for databases on the grid","S Malaika, A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Anisimov03","Review of The data warehouse toolkit: the complete guide to dimensional modeling (2nd edition) by Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/KornackerB95","High-Concurrency Locking in R-Trees","M Kornacker, D Banks","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/YanG95","Duplicate Removal in Information System Dissemination","T Yan, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Winslett03b","Interview with Rakesh Agrawal","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/CherniakV03","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/GravanoG95","Generalizing GlOSS to Vector-Space Databases and Broker Hierarchies","L Gravano, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Ouksel03","In-context peer-to-peer information filtering on the Web","A Ouksel","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Sullivan96","Tribeca: A Stream Database Manager for Network Traffic Analysis","M Sullivan","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/KoubarakisTID03","Selective information dissemination in P2P networks: problems and solutions","M Koubarakis, C Tryfonopoulos, S Idreos, Y Drougas","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/MiningGroup96","MineSet(tm): A System for High-End Data Mining and Visualization","N/A","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Celis96","The Query Optimizer in Tandem's new ServerWare SQL Product","P Celis","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/ArenasKKKMM03","The hyperion project: from data integration to data coordination","M Arenas, V Kantere, A Kementsietsidis, I Kiringa, R Miller, J Mylopoulos","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Bhashyam96","TPC-D: The Challenges, Issues and Results","R Bhashyam","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/OoiST03","Relational data sharing in peer-based data management systems","B Ooi, Y Shu, K Tan","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Baru96","Performance of Future Database Systems: Bottlenecks and Bonananzas","C Baru","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Hellerstein03","Toward network data independence","J Hellerstein","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/GuptaM96","What is the Data Warehousing Problem? (Are Materialized Views the Answer?)","A Gupta, I Mumick","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/TatarinovIMHSDDKMM03","The Piazza peer data management project","I Tatarinov, Z Ives, J Madhavan, A Halevy, D Suciu, N Dalvi, X Dong, Y Kadiyska, G Miklau, P Mork","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/BawaCCDGGKMSSVY03","Peer-to-peer research at Stanford","M Bawa, B Cooper, A Crespo, N Daswani, P Ganesan, H Garcia-Molina, S Kamvar, S Marti, M Schlosser, Q Sun, P Vinograd, B Yang","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Sacks-Davis96","The Structured Information Manager: A Database System for SGML Documents","R Sacks-Davis","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Raghavan96","Loading the Data Warehouse Across Various Parallel Architectures","V Raghavan","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/AbererCDDHPS03","P-Grid: a self-organizing structured P2P system","K Aberer, P Cudr<64>-Mauroux, A Datta, Z Despotovic, M Hauswirth, M Punceva, R Schmidt","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/WeikumSR03","Report on the 10th Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and the Web (BTW 2003)","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/SavasereON95","An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases","A Savasere, E Omiecinski, S Navathe","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/HanF95","Discovery of Multiple-Level Association Rules from Large Databases","J Han, Y Fu","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/RossNO03","Reminiscences on Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/ChongFTSYKDJJ03","A mapping mechanism to support bitmap index and other auxiliary structures on tables stored as primary B+-trees","E Chong, J Srinivasan, S Das, C Freiwald, A Yalamanchi, M Jagannath, A Tran, R Krishnan, R Jiang","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/RahmM95","Dynamic Multi-Resource Load Balancing in Parallel Database Systems","E Rahm, R Marek","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Winslett03a","Interview with Michael Stonebraker","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/BassiliadesV95","A Non-Uniform Data Fragmentation Strategy for Parallel Main-Menory Database Systems","N Bassiliades, I Vlahavas","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Stirling03","Information rules","D Stirling","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/CabreraRH95","Applying Database Technology in the ADSM Mass Storage System","L Cabrera, R Rees, W Hineman","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Nascimento03","Peer-to-peer: harnessing the power of disruptive technologies","M Nascimento","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/HellersteinNP95","Generalized Search Trees for Database Systems","J Hellerstein, J Naughton, A Pfeffer","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Hoffner03","Fundamentals of data warehouses: 2nd revised and extended edition","V Hoffner","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/MillinerBP95","A Scalable Architecture for Autonomous Heterogeneous Database Interactions","S Milliner, A Bouguettaya, M Papazoglou","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/AgrawalLSS95","Fast Similarity Search in the Presence of Noise, Scaling, and Translation in Time-Series Databases","R Agrawal, K Lin, H Sawhney, K Shim","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/CaleroPR03","Towards a database body of knowledge: a study from Spain","C Calero, M Piattini, F Ruiz","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/FifeG03","Research issues for data communication in mobile ad-hoc network database systems","L Fife, L Gruenwald","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/HasanM95","Coloring Away Communication in Parallel Query Optimization","W Hasan, R Motwani","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/SteinbrunnPMK95","Bypassing Joins in Disjunctive Queries","M Steinbrunn, K Peithner, G Moerkotte, A Kemper","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/dOnofrioP03","Modelling temporal thematic map contents","A d'Onofrio, E Pourabbas","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/GottlobKP03a","XPath processing in a nutshell","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/BargaP95","A Practical and Modular Implementation of Extended Transaction Models","R Barga, C Pu","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/BunemanDHOW95","A Data Transformation System for Biological Data Sources","P Buneman, S Davidson, K Hart, G Overton, L Wong","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/GolabO03","Issues in data stream management","L Golab, M <20>zsu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu03","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/GuptaHQ95","Aggregate-Query Processing in Data Warehousing Environments","A Gupta, V Harinarayan, D Quass","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Vianu03","A Web odyssey: from codd to XML","V Vianu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/YanL95","Eager Aggregation and Lazy Aggregation","W Yan, P Larson","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/Aberer03b","Book review column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/GardarinGT95","A Cost Model for Clustered Object-Oriented Databases","G Gardarin, J Gruser, Z Tang","VLDB",1995
"conf/vldb/BelussiF95","Estimating the Selectivity of Spatial Queries Using the `Correlation' Fractal Dimension","A Belussi, C Faloutsos","VLDB",1995
"journals/sigmod/MukhopadhyayGS03","An approach to confidence based page ranking for user oriented Web search","D Mukhopadhyay, D Giri, S Singh","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass03","ACM TODS in this Internet Age","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/IoannidisLGP96","ZOO : A Desktop Experiment Management Environment","Y Ioannidis, M Livny, S Gupta, N Ponnekanti","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/ChatziantoniouR96","Querying Multiple Features of Groups in Relational Databases","D Chatziantoniou, K Ross","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/OConnellW03","Performing Jobs without Decompression in a Compressed Database System","S O'Connell, N Winterbottom","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/FaloutsosMS96","Modeling Skewed Distribution Using Multifractals and the `80-20' Law","C Faloutsos, Y Matias, A Silberschatz","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/GottlobKP03","XPath Processing in a Nutshell","G Gottlob, C Koch, R Pichler","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/DarFJST96","Semantic Data Caching and Replacement","S Dar, M Franklin, B J<>nsson, D Srivastava, M Tan","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Winslett03","Interview with Jim Gray","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/BertinoEH03","A Database Approach to Quality of Service Specification in Video Databases","E Bertino, A Elmagarmid, M Hacid","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Suciu96a","Implementation and Analysis of a Parallel Collection Query Language","D Suciu","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/David03","ANSI SQL Hierarchical Processing Can Fully Integrate Native XML","M David","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/Levy96","Obtaining Complete Answers from Incomplete Databases","A Levy","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/PapakonstantinouAG96","Object Fusion in Mediator Systems","Y Papakonstantinou, S Abiteboul, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/MarchiLPT03","Analysis of existing databases at the logical level: the DBA companion project","F Marchi, S Lopes, J Petit, F Toumani","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/ChakravarthyAEFO03","Database Research at UT Arlington","S Chakravarthy, Y Aslandogan, R Elmasri, L Fegaras, J Oh","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/VermeerA96","The Role of Integrity Constraints in Database Interoperation","M Vermeer, P Apers","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/LinLYZ03","Multiscale Histograms: Summarizing Topological Relations in Large Spatial Datasets","X Lin, Q Liu, Y Yuan, X Zhou","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PapadiasZMT03","Query Processing in Spatial Network Databases","D Papadias, J Zhang, N Mamoulis, Y Tao","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PottingerB03","Merging Models Based on Given Correspondences","R Pottinger, P Bernstein","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/WangC03","Avoiding Ordering and Grouping In Query Processing","X Wang, M Cherniack","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HulgeriS03","AniPQO: Almost Non-intrusive Parametric Query Optimization for Nonlinear Cost Functions","A Hulgeri, S Sudarshan","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/IlyasAE03","Supporting Top-k Join Queries in Relational Databases","I Ilyas, W Aref, A Elmagarmid","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PapadiasTS03","The TPR*-Tree: An Optimized Spatio-Temporal Access Method for Predictive Queries","Y Tao, D Papadias, J Sun","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KoudasGGSV03","Efficient Approximation Of Optimization Queries Under Parametric Aggregation Constraints","S Guha, D Gunopulos, N Koudas, D Srivastava, M Vlachos","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AltinelBKMPR03","Cache Tables: Paving the Way for an Adaptive Database Cache","M Altinel, C Bornh<6E>vd, S Krishnamurthy, C Mohan, H Pirahesh, B Reinwald","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/SchindlerAG03","Lachesis: Robust Database Storage Management Based on Device-specific Performance Characteristics","J Schindler, A Ailamaki, G Ganger","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/VieiraM03","A Dependability Benchmark for OLTP Application Environments","M Vieira, H Madeira","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ChaudhuriGN03","Primitives for Workload Summarization and Implications for SQL","S Chaudhuri, P Ganesan, V Narasayya","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HaasB03","BHUNT: Automatic Discovery of Fuzzy Algebraic Constraints in Relational Data","P Brown, P Haas","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HelmerNM03","Estimating the Output Cardinality of Partial Preaggregation with a Measure of Clusteredness","S Helmer, T Neumann, G Moerkotte","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AnciauxBP03","Memory Requirements for Query Execution in Highly Constrained Devices","N Anciaux, L Bouganim, P Pucheral","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/YuAA03","Tabular Placement of Relational Data on MEMS-based Storage Devices","H Yu, D Agrawal, A Abbadi","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LiuLBHTS03","Capturing Global Transactions from Multiple Recovery Log Files in a Partitioned Database System","C Liu, B Lindsay, S Bourbonnais, E Hamel, T Truong, J Stankiewitz","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/FlorescuHKLRWCSA03","The BEA/XQRL Streaming XQuery Processor","D Florescu, C Hillery, D Kossmann, P Lucas, F Riccardi, T Westmann, M Carey, A Sundararajan, G Agrawal","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MurthyB03","XML Schemas in Oracle XML DB","R Murthy, S Banerjee","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HageJPST03","Integrated Data Management for Mobile Services in the Real World","C Hage, C Jensen, T Pedersen, L Speicys, I Timko","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AnKR03","Improving Performance with Bulk-Inserts in Oracle R-Trees","N An, K Kanth, S Ravada","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Galindo-LegariaJWW03","Statistics on Views","C Galindo-Legaria, M Joshi, F Waas, M Wu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BhattacharjeePMLCH03","Efficient Query Processing for Multi-Dimensionally Clustered Tables in DB2","B Bhattacharjee, S Padmanabhan, T Malkemus, T Lai, L Cranston, M Huras","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/SrinivasaK03","A Platform Based on the Multi-dimensional Data Model for Analysis of Bio-Molecular Structures","S Srinivasa, S Kumar","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MiklauS03","Controlling Access to Published Data Using Cryptography","G Miklau, D Suciu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MeekPK03","OASIS: An Online and Accurate Technique for Local-alignment Searches on Biological Sequences","C Meek, J Patel, S Kasetty","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BawaBA03","Privacy-Preserving Indexing of Documents on the Network","M Bawa, R Jr., R Agrawal","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PossP03","Data Compression in Oracle","M P<>ss, D Potapov","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/CarneyCZRCS03","Operator Scheduling in a Data Stream Manager","D Carney, U <20>etintemel, A Rasin, S Zdonik, M Cherniack, M Stonebraker","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HristidisGP03","Efficient IR-Style Keyword Search over Relational Databases","V Hristidis, L Gravano, Y Papakonstantinou","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/GalanisWJD03","Locating Data Sources in Large Distributed Systems","L Galanis, Y Wang, S Jeffery, D DeWitt","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Jermaine03","Robust Estimation With Sampling and Approximate Pre-Aggregation","C Jermaine","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/TorloneA03","Chameleon: an Extensible and Customizable Tool for Web Data Translation","R Torlone, P Atzeni","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/WeberSNSS03","WebService Composition with O'GRAPE and OSIRIS","R Weber, C Schuler, P Neukomm, H Schuldt, H Schek","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/FernandezSCMS03","Implementing Xquery 1.0: The Galax Experience","M Fernandez, J Sim<69>on, B Choi, A Marian, G Sur","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HardingLM03","XISS/R: XML Indexing and Storage System using RDBMS","P Harding, Q Li, B Moon","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BalminHKPSW03","A System for Keyword Proximity Search on XML Databases","A Balmin, V Hristidis, N Koudas, Y Papakonstantinou, D Srivastava, T Wang","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ArionBCDMP03","Xquec: Pushing Queries to Compressed XML Data","A Arion, A Bonifati, G Costa, S D'Aguanno, I Manolescu, A Pugliese","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulBBCCDMMP03","Managing Distributed Workspaces with Active XML","S Abiteboul, J Baumgarten, A Bonifati, G Cobena, C Cremarenco, F Dragan, I Manolescu, T Milo, N Preda","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MengLLA03","OrientStore: A Schema Based Native XML Storage System","X Meng, D Luo, M Lee, J An","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BergerBSW03","Xcerpt and visXcerpt: From Pattern-Based to Visual Querying of XML and Semistructured Data","S Berger, F Bry, S Schaffert, C Wieser","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Brodie03","Illuminating the Dark Side of Web Services","M Brodie","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Cluet03","Who needs XML Databases?","S Cluet","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KerstenWFKBC03","A Database Striptease or How to Manage Your Personal Databases","M Kersten, G Weikum, M Franklin, D Keim, A Buchmann, S Chaudhuri","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Kuhn03","The Zero-Delay Data Warehouse: Mobilizing Heterogeneous Databases","e K<>hn","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Schoning03","Commercial Use of Database Technology","H Sch<63>ning","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Leymann03","Grid and Applications (Industrial Session)","F Leymann","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Cabrera03","Web Services (Industrial Session)","F Cabrera","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/CliftonFHKLS03","Privacy-Enhanced Data Management for Next-Generation e-Commerce","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/DeckerK03","The Semantic Web: Semantics for Data on the Web","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/NathDKGKS03","IrisNet: An Architecture for Internet-scale Sensing Services","S Nath, A Deshpande, Y Ke, P Gibbons, B Karp, S Seshan","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Baumann03","Large-Scale, Standards-Based Earth Observation Imagery and Web Mapping Services","P Baumann","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/SattlerGS03","QUIET: Continuous Query-driven Index Tuning","K Sattler, I Geist, E Schallehn","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BouganimNPW03","Chip-Secured Data Access: Reconciling Access Rights with Data Encryption","L Bouganim, F Ngoc, P Pucheral, L Wu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/WangSG03","An Interpolated Volume Data Model","T Wang, S Santini, A Gupta","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LakshmananPZ03","Efficacious Data Cube Exploration by Semantic Summarization and Compression","L Lakshmanan, J Pei, Y Zhao","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/WangZL03","ATLAS: A Small but Complete SQL Extension for Data Mining and Data Streams","H Wang, C Zaniolo, C Luo","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/WitkowskiBBFGSS03","Business Modelling Using SQL Spreadsheets","A Witkowski, S Bellamkonda, T Bozkaya, N Folkert, A Gupta, L Sheng, S Subramanian","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/SizovGT03","From Focused Crawling to Expert Information: an Application Framework for Web Exploration and Portal Generation","S Sizov, J Graupmann, M Theobald","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LiPHCAAT03","CachePortal II: Acceleration of Very Large Scale Data Center-Hosted Database-driven Web Applications","W Li, O Po, W Hsiung, K Candan, D Agrawal, Y Akca, K Taniguchi","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/NieKH03","BibFinder/StatMiner: Effectively Mining and Using Coverage and Overlap Statistics in Data Integration","Z Nie, S Kambhampati, T Hernandez","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PetrovicBJ03","S-ToPSS: Semantic Toronto Publish/Subscribe System","M Petrovic, I Burcea, H Jacobsen","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/NicklasGS03","NexusScout: An Advanced Location-Based Application on a Distributed, Open Mediation Platform","D Nicklas, M Gro<72>mann, T Schwarz","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulABBNM03","Schema-driven Customization of Web Services","S Abiteboul, B Amann, J Baumgarten, O Benjelloun, F Ngoc, T Milo","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Mattos03","Integrating Information for On Demand Computing","N Mattos","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/EleftheriouBCDHLPPABDDDGJHLRSVW03","A Nanotechnology-based Approach to Data Storage","E Eleftheriou, P B<>chtold, G Cherubini, A Dholakia, C Hagleitner, T Loeliger, A Pantazi, H Pozidis, T Albrecht, G Binnig, M Despont, U Drechsler, U D<>rig, B Gotsmann, D Jubin, W H<>berle, M Lantz, H Rothuizen, R Stutz, P Vettiger, D Wiesmann","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Ioannidis03","The History of Histograms (abridged)","Y Ioannidis","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Shenker03","The Data-Centric Revolution in Networking","S Shenker","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/CohenMKS03","XSEarch: A Semantic Search Engine for XML","S Cohen, J Mamou, Y Kanza, Y Sagiv","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/RaghavanG03","Complex Queries over Web Repositories","S Raghavan, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/YangLH03","Efficient Mining of XML Query Patterns for Caching","L Yang, M Lee, W Hsu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ShahDR03","An Efficient and Resilient Approach to Filtering and Disseminating Streaming Data","S Shah, S Dharmarajan, K Ramamritham","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Amer-YahiaFSX03","Phrase Matching in XML","S Amer-Yahia, M Fernandez, D Srivastava, Y Xu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ChenDZ03","RRXF: Redundancy reducing XML storage in relations","Y Chen, S Davidson, C Hara, Y Zheng","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/DeutschT03","MARS: A System for Publishing XML from Mixed and Redundant Storage","A Deutsch, V Tannen","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MarianS03","Projecting XML Documents","A Marian, J Sim<69>on","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HalversonBKKRTVWND03","Mixed Mode XML Query Processing","A Halverson, J Burger, L Galanis, A Kini, R Krishnamurthy, A Rao, F Tian, S Viglas, Y Wang, J Naughton, D DeWitt","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ChenJLP03","From Tree Patterns to Generalized Tree Patterns: On Efficient Evaluation of XQuery","Z Chen, H Jagadish, L Lakshmanan, S Paparizos","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Koch03","Efficient Processing of Expressive Node-Selecting Queries on XML Data in Secondary Storage: A Tree Automata-based Approach","C Koch","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/DiaoF03","Query Processing for High-Volume XML Message Brokering","Y Diao, M Franklin","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/AggarwalHWY03","A Framework for Clustering Evolving Data Streams","C Aggarwal, J Han, J Wang, P Yu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/TengCY03","A Regression-Based Temporal Pattern Mining Scheme for Data Streams","W Teng, M Chen, P Yu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KumaranH03","On the Costs of Multilingualism in Database Systems","A Kumaran, J Haritsa","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/YuPM03","Distributed Top-N Query Processing with Possibly Uncooperative Local Systems","C Yu, G Philip, W Meng","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LongS03","Optimized Query Execution in Large Search Engines with Global Page Ordering","X Long, T Suel","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KochBG03","Path Queries on Compressed XML","P Buneman, M Grohe, C Koch","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/FlescaFM03","On the minimization of Xpath queries","S Flesca, F Furfaro, E Masciari","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/Ramanan03","Covering Indexes for XML Queries: Bisimulation - Simulation = Negation","P Ramanan","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ZhouR03","Buffering Accesses to Memory-Resident Index Structures","J Zhou, K Ross","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LabrinidisR03","Balancing Performance and Data Freshness in Web Database Servers","A Labrinidis, N Roussopoulos","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ChenL03","VIPAS: Virtual Link Powered Authority Search in the Web","C Lin, M Chen","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LimWV03","SASH: A Self-Adaptive Histogram Set for Dynamically Changing Workloads","L Lim, M Wang, J Vitter","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ZhouS03","Data Bubbles for Non-Vector Data: Speeding-up Hierarchical Clustering in Arbitrary Metric Spaces","J Zhou, J Sander","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ShiSZ03","A Shrinking-Based Approach for Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis","Y Shi, Y Song, A Zhang","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HinneburgLH03","COMBI-Operator: Database Support for Data Mining Applications","A Hinneburg, W Lehner, D Habich","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HankinsP03","Data Morphing: An Adaptive, Cache-Conscious Storage Technique","R Hankins, J Patel","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/TatbulCZCS03","Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager","N Tatbul, U <20>etintemel, S Zdonik, M Cherniack, M Stonebraker","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HammadFAE03","Scheduling for shared window joins over data streams","M Hammad, M Franklin, W Aref, A Elmagarmid","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/ViglasNB03","Maximizing the Output Rate of Multi-Way Join Queries over Streaming Information Sources","S Viglas, J Naughton, J Burger","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/JiangWL03","Holistic Twig Joins on Indexed XML Documents","H Jiang, W Wang, H Lu, J Yu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HeMYW03","WISE-Integrator: An Automatic Integrator of Web Search Interfaces for E-Commerce","H He, W Meng, C Yu, Z Wu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LernerS03","AQuery: Query Language for Ordered Data, Optimization Techniques, and Experiments","A Lerner, D Shasha","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/TianD03","Tuple Routing Strategies for Distributed Eddies","F Tian, D DeWitt","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/HuebschHLLSS03","Querying the Internet with PIER","R Huebsch, J Hellerstein, N Lanham, B Loo, S Shenker, I Stoica","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/VelegrakisMP03","Mapping Adaptation under Evolving Schemas","Y Velegrakis, R Miller, L Popa","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LuoNEW03","Locking Protocols for Materialized Aggregate Join Views","G Luo, J Naughton, C Ellmann, M Watzke","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/PapadimitriouBF03","Adaptive, Hands-Off Stream Mining","S Papadimitriou, A Brockwell, C Faloutsos","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/MadhavanH03","Composing Mappings Among Data Sources","J Madhavan, A Halevy","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/GaoS03","Temporal Slicing in the Evaluation of XML Queries","D Gao, R Snodgrass","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/TsoisS03","The Generalized Pre-Grouping Transformation: Aggregate-Query Optimization in the Presence of Dependencies","A Tsois, T Sellis","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LeeHJT03","Supporting Frequent Updates in R-Trees: A Bottom-Up Approach","M Lee, W Hsu, C Jensen, B Cui, K Teo","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/QianZXP03","The ND-Tree: A Dynamic Indexing Technique for Multidimensional Non-ordered Discrete Data Spaces","G Qian, Q Zhu, Q Xue, S Pramanik","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KraftSRM03","Coarse-Grained Optimization: Techniques for Rewriting SQL Statement Sequences","T Kraft, H Schwarz, R Rantzau, B Mitschang","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/GolabO03","Processing Sliding Window Multi-Joins in Continuous Queries over Data Streams","L Golab, M <20>zsu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/CormodeKMS03","Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Data Streams","G Cormode, F Korn, S Muthukrishnan, D Srivastava","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/XinHLW03","Star-Cubing: Computing Iceberg Cubes by Top-Down and Bottom-Up Integration","D Xin, J Han, X Li, B Wah","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/KornMZ03","Checks and Balances: Monitoring Data Quality Problems in Network Traffic Databases","F Korn, S Muthukrishnan, Y Zhu","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/LubbersGJ03","Systematic Development of Data Mining-Based Data Quality Tools","D L<>bbers, U Grimmer, M Jarke","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/IwerksSS03","Continuous K-Nearest Neighbor Queries for Continuously Moving Points with Updates","G Iwerks, H Samet, K Smith","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/GrustKT03","Staircase Join: Teach a Relational DBMS to Watch its (Axis) Steps","T Grust, M Keulen, J Teubner","VLDB",2003
"conf/vldb/BlottK02","An Almost-Serial Protocol for Transaction Execution in Main-Memory Database Systems","S Blott, H Korth","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/DaynesC02","Lightweight Flexible Isolation for Language-based Extensible Systems","L Dayn<79>s, G Czajkowski","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KarayannidisTSPMRFEB02","Processing Star Queries on Hierarchically-Clustered Fact Tables","N Karayannidis, A Tsois, T Sellis, R Pieringer, V Markl, F Ramsak, R Fenk, K Elhardt, R Bayer","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KangC02","Exploiting Versions for On-line Data Warehouse Maintenance in MOLAP Servers","H Kang, C Chung","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/NiermanJ02","ProTDB: Probabilistic Data in XML","A Nierman, H Jagadish","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HristidisP02","DISCOVER: Keyword Search in Relational Databases","V Hristidis, Y Papakonstantinou","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/RizviH02","Maintaining Data Privacy in Association Rule Mining","S Rizvi, J Haritsa","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SenkulKT02","A Logical Framework for Scheduling Workflows under Resource Allocation Constraints","P Senkul, M Kifer, I Toroslu","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/PalpanasSCP02","Incremental Maintenance for Non-Distributive Aggregate Functions","T Palpanas, R Sidle, R Cochrane, H Pirahesh","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KornMS02","Reverse Nearest Neighbor Aggregates Over Data Streams","F Korn, S Muthukrishnan, D Srivastava","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChanFFGR02","Tree Pattern Aggregation for Scalable XML Data Dissemination","C Chan, W Fan, P Felber, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BenediktCFRZZ02","DTD-Directed Publishing with Attribute Translation Grammars","M Benedikt, C Chan, W Fan, R Rastogi, S Zheng, A Zhou","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/RohmBSS02","FAS - A Freshness-Sensitive Coordination Middleware for a Cluster of OLAP Components","U R<>hm, K B<>hm, H Schek, H Schuldt","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LakshmananNWZJ02","The Generalized MDL Approach for Summarization","L Lakshmanan, R Ng, C Wang, X Zhou, T Johnson","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LakshmananPH02","Quotient Cube: How to Summarize the Semantics of a Data Cube","L Lakshmanan, J Pei, J Han","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LeeWMS02","A One-Pass Aggregation Algorithm with the Optimal Buffer Size in Multidimensional OLAP","Y Lee, K Whang, Y Moon, I Song","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ZellerK02","Experience Report: Exploiting Advanced Database Optimization Features for Large-Scale SAP R/3 Installations","B Zeller, A Kemper","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Vingralek02","GnatDb: A Small-Footprint, Secure Database System","R Vingralek","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/GotoK02","A New Passenger Support System for Public Transport using Mobile Database Access","K Goto, Y Kambayashi","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Selinger02","Information Integration and XML in IBM's DB2","P Selinger","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Fox02","Toward Recovery-Oriented Computing","A Fox","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SeifertS02","A Multi-version Cache Replacement and Prefetching Policy for Hybrid Data Delivery Environments","A Seifert, M Scholl","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SayalCDS02","Business Process Cockpit","M Sayal, F Casati, U Dayal, M Shan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LohmanL02","SMART: Making DB2 (More) Autonomic","G Lohman, S Lightstone","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SchmidtWKCMB02","XMark: A Benchmark for XML Data Management","A Schmidt, F Waas, M Kersten, M Carey, I Manolescu, R Busse","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/DagevilleZ02","SQL Memory Management in Oracle9i","B Dageville, M Za<5A>t","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KiesslingK02","Preference SQL - Design, Implementation, Experiences","W Kie<69>ling, G K<>stler","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/PanRAMOHAMV02","The Denodo Data Integration Platform","A Pan, J Raposo, M <20>lvarez, P Montoto, V Orjales, J Hidalgo, L Ardao, A Molano, <20> Vi<56>a","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LaudBCSR02","The gRNA: A Highly Programmable Infrastructure for Prototyping, Developing and Deploying Genomics-Centric Applications","A Laud, S Bhowmick, P Cruz, D Singh, G Rajesh","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AlexandrovABBBCDFHJKKKLLMMMPNPPRRSSW02","OBK - An Online High Energy Physics' Meta-Data Repository","I Alexandrov, A Amorim, E Badescu, M Barczyk, D Burckhart-Chromek, M Caprini, M Dobson, J Flammer, R Hart, R Jones, A Kazarov, S Kolos, V Kotov, D Liko, L Lucio, L Mapelli, M Mineev, L Moneta, I Papadopoulos, M Nassiakou, N Parrington, L Pedro, A Ribeiro,","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/IlyasAE02","Joining Ranked Inputs in Practice","I Ilyas, W Aref, A Elmagarmid","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Mohan02a","An Efficient Method for Performing Record Deletions and Updates Using Index Scans","C Mohan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KeidlSSK02","ServiceGlobe: Distributing E-Services Across the Internet","M Keidl, S Seltzsam, K Stocker, A Kemper","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ShengBDM02","SELF-SERV: A Platform for Rapid Composition of Web Services in a Peer-to-Peer Environment","Q Sheng, B Benatallah, M Dumas, E Mak","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AggarwalY02","An Automated System for Web Portal Personalization","C Aggarwal, P Yu","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ShegalovWBL02","EOS: Exactly-Once E-Service Middleware","G Shegalov, G Weikum, R Barga, D Lomet","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/OhuraTPK02","Experiments on Query Expansion for Internet Yellow Page Services Using Web Log Mining","Y Ohura, K Takahashi, I Pramudiono, M Kitsuregawa","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LiHKSPAC02","Issues and Evaluations of Caching Solutions for Web Application Acceleration","W Li, W Hsiung, D Kalashnikov, R Sion, O Po, D Agrawal, K Candan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/King02","The Rubicon of Smart Data","R King","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Sripada02","Information Management Challenges from the Aerospace Industry","S Sripada","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/MahnkeMS02","Extending an ORDBMS: The StateMachine Module","W Mahnke, C Mathis, H Steiert","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AdityaBCHNS02","BANKS: Browsing and Keyword Searching in Relational Databases","B Aditya, G Bhalotia, S Chakrabarti, A Hulgeri, C Nakhe, P Parag, S Sudarshan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/CiliaHB02","Profiling and Internet Connectivity in Automotive Environments","M Cilia, P Hasselmayer, A Buchmann","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SantiniG02","GeMBASE: A Geometric Mediator for Brain Analysis with Surface Ensembles","S Santini, A Gupta","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LamKR02","RTMonitor: Real-Time Data Monitoring Using Mobile Agent Technologies","K Lam, A Kwan, K Ramamritham","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HeymannTKWRMF02","Viator - A Tool Family for Graphical Networking and Data View Creation","S Heymann, K Tham, A Kilian, G Wegner, P Rieger, D Merkel, J Freytag","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AgrawalSX02","Database Technologies for Electronic Commerce","R Agrawal, R Srikant, Y Xu","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HsuLOMTX02","Advanced Database Technologies in a Diabetic Healthcare System","W Hsu, M Lee, B Ooi, P Mohanty, K Teo, C Xia","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Mohan01","Caching Technologies for Web Applications","C Mohan","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisG01","Approximate Query Processing: Taming the TeraBytes","M Garofalakis, P Gibbons","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/LiuJ02","A-TOPSS - A Publish/Subscribe System Supporting Approximate Matching","H Liu, H Jacobsen","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/SarawagiBKM02","ALIAS: An Active Learning led Interactive Deduplication System","S Sarawagi, A Bhamidipaty, A Kirpal, C Mouli","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/RantzauCHM02","Champagne: Data Change Propagation for Heterogeneous Information Systems","R Rantzau, C Constantinescu, U Heinkel, H Meinecke","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HerlekarDRGS02","enTrans: A System for Flexible Consistency Maintenance in Directory Applications","A Herlekar, A Deopujari, K Ramamritham, S Gopale, S Shukla","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BohannonFHRRS02","LegoDB: Customizing Relational Storage for XML Documents","P Bohannon, J Freire, J Haritsa, M Ramanath, P Roy, J Sim<69>on","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AbiteboulBMMW02","Active XML: Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services Integration","S Abiteboul, O Benjelloun, I Manolescu, T Milo, R Weber","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/RaghavanG01","Crawling the Hidden Web","S Raghavan, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/StanoiRAA01","Discovery of Influence Sets in Frequently Updated Databases","I Stanoi, M Riedewald, D Agrawal, A Abbadi","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/AmirKN01","Analyzing Quantitative Databases: Image is Everything","A Amir, R Kashi, N Netanyahu","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/ChirkovaHS01","A Formal Perspective on the View Selection Problem","R Chirkova, A Halevy, D Suciu","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/MadhavanBR01","Generic Schema Matching with Cupid","J Madhavan, P Bernstein, E Rahm","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/Wadler01","Et tu, XML? The downfall of the relational empire (abstract)","P Wadler","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/DayalHL01","Business Process Coordination: State of the Art, Trends, and Open Issues","U Dayal, M Hsu, R Ladin","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/CherniackFZ01","Data Management for Pervasive Computing","M Cherniack, M Franklin, S Zdonik","VLDB",2001
"conf/vldb/KoudasS03","Data Stream Query Processing: A Tutorial","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/JagatheesanMPW03","Grid Data Management Systems & Services","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/CeriM03","Constructing and integrating data-centric Web Applications: Methods, Tools, and Techniques","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/ShashaB02","Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques","D Shasha, P Bonnet","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/GottlobKP02","Efficient Algorithms for Processing XPath Queries","G Gottlob, C Koch, R Pichler","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/CormodeDIM02","Comparing Data Streams Using Hamming Norms (How to Zero In)","G Cormode, M Datar, P Indyk, S Muthukrishnan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/RamamurthyDS02","A Case for Fractured Mirrors","R Ramamurthy, D DeWitt, Q Su","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChakrabartiRS02","Fast and Accurate Text Classification via Multiple Linear Discriminant Projections","S Chakrabarti, S Roy, M Soundalgekar","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Nori02","eBusiness Standards and Architectures","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/GarofalakisG02","Querying and Mining Data Streams: You Only Get One Look","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Mohan02","Application Servers and Associated Technologies","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Sarawagi02","Automation in Information Extraction and Data Integration","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Chakrabarti02","Searching and Mining Fine-Grained Semi-Structured Data","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Faloutsos02","Sensor Data Mining: Similarity Search and Pattern Analysis","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/ImielinskiB02","Wireless Graffiti - Data, Data Everywhere Matters","T Imielinski, B Badrinath","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/WeikumMHZ02","Self-tuning Database Technology and Information Services: from Wishful Thinking to Viable Engineering","G Weikum, A M<>nkeberg, C Hasse, P Zabback","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AshwinGG02","Adaptable Similarity Search using Non-Relevant Information","T Ashwin, R Gupta, S Ghosal","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/CosleyLP02","REFEREE: An Open Framework for Practical Testing of Recommender Systems using ResearchIndex","D Cosley, S Lawrence, D Pennock","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ConradGJM02","Database Selection Using Actual Physical and Acquired Logical Collection Resources in a Massive Domain-specific Operational Environment","J Conrad, X Guo, P Jackson, M Meziou","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/OzsoyogluAAOUO02","Sideway Value Algebra for Object-Relational Databases","G <20>zsoyoglu, A Al-Hamdani, I Alting<6E>vde, S <20>zel, <20> Ulusoy, Z <20>zsoyoglu","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Moerkotte02","Incorporating XSL Processing into Database Engines","G Moerkotte","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ParkMC02","Structural Function Inlining Technique for Structurally Recursive XML Queries","C Park, J Min, C Chung","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BouganimP02","Chip-Secured Data Access: Confidential Data on Untrusted Servers","L Bouganim, P Pucheral","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BohannonGKNS02","Optimizing View Queries in ROLEX to Support Navigable Result Trees","P Bohannon, S Ganguly, H Korth, P Narayan, P Shenoy","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AgrawalK02","Watermarking Relational Databases","R Agrawal, J Kiernan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AgrawalKSX02","Hippocratic Databases","R Agrawal, J Kiernan, R Srikant, Y Xu","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/GhoshPSH02","Plan Selection Based on Query Clustering","A Ghosh, J Parikh, V Sengar, J Haritsa","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HulgeriS02","Parametric Query Optimization for Linear and Piecewise Linear Cost Functions","A Hulgeri, S Sudarshan","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChandrasekaranF02","Streaming Queries over Streaming Data","S Chandrasekaran, M Franklin","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ManegoldBK02","Generic Database Cost Models for Hierarchical Memory Systems","S Manegold, P Boncz, M Kersten","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LudascherMP02","A Transducer-Based XML Query Processor","B Lud<75>scher, P Mukhopadhyay, Y Papakonstantinou","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/CarneyCCCLSSTZ02","Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management Applications","D Carney, U <20>etintemel, M Cherniack, C Convey, S Lee, G Seidman, M Stonebraker, N Tatbul, S Zdonik","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChanGR02","RE-Tree: An Efficient Index Structure for Regular Expressions","C Chan, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KossmannRR02","Shooting Stars in the Sky: An Online Algorithm for Skyline Queries","D Kossmann, F Ramsak, S Rost","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KaushikBNS02","Updates for Structure Indexes","R Kaushik, P Bohannon, J Naughton, P Shenoy","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChienVZTZ02","Efficient Structural Joins on Indexed XML Documents","S Chien, Z Vagena, D Zhang, V Tsotras, C Zaniolo","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Kiessling02","Foundations of Preferences in Database Systems","W Kie<69>ling","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChenHWW02","Multi-Dimensional Regression Analysis of Time-Series Data Streams","Y Chen, G Dong, J Han, B Wah, J Wang","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/TaoPS02","Continuous Nearest Neighbor Search","Y Tao, D Papadias, Q Shen","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/DittrichSTW02","Progressive Merge Join: A Generic and Non-blocking Sort-based Join Algorithm","J Dittrich, B Seeger, D Taylor, P Widmayer","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LempelM02","Optimizing Result Prefetching in Web Search Engines with Segmented Indices","R Lempel, S Moran","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LifantsevC02","I/O-Conscious Data Preparation for Large-Scale Web Search Engines","M Lifantsev, T Chiueh","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/MankuM02","Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams","G Manku, R Motwani","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ZhuS02","StatStream: Statistical Monitoring of Thousands of Data Streams in Real Time","Y Zhu, D Shasha","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/TaoP02","Adaptive Index Structures","Y Tao, D Papadias","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/LimWPVP02","XPathLearner: An On-line Self-Tuning Markov Histogram for XML Path Selectivity Estimation","L Lim, M Wang, S Padmanabhan, J Vitter, R Parr","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/IpeirotisG02","Distributed Search over the Hidden Web: Hierarchical Database Sampling and Selection","P Ipeirotis, L Gravano","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Keogh02","Exact Indexing of Dynamic Time Warping","E Keogh","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChoALS02","Optimizing the Secure Evaluation of Twig Queries","S Cho, S Amer-Yahia, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/YuSLJ02","Compressed Accessibility Map: Efficient Access Control for XML","T Yu, D Srivastava, L Lakshmanan, H Jagadish","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/PolyzotisG02","Structure and Value Synopses for XML Data Graphs","N Polyzotis, M Garofalakis","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/GilbertKMS02","How to Summarize the Universe: Dynamic Maintenance of Quantiles","A Gilbert, Y Kotidis, S Muthukrishnan, M Strauss","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/Uhl02","A Bandwidth Model for Internet Search","A Uhl","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ShahRS02","Maintaining Coherency of Dynamic Data in Cooperating Repositories","S Shah, K Ramamritham, P Shenoy","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/ChoN02","Effective Change Detection Using Sampling","J Cho, A Ntoulas","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BettiniJWW02","Provisions and Obligations in Policy Management and Security Applications","C Bettini, S Jajodia, X Wang, D Wijesekera","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/AnanthakrishnaCG02","Eliminating Fuzzy Duplicates in Data Warehouses","R Ananthakrishna, S Chaudhuri, V Ganti","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/KounevB02","Improving Data Access of J2EE Applications by Exploiting Asynchronous Messaging and Caching Services","S Kounev, A Buchmann","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/CandanALPH02","View Invalidation for Dynamic Content Caching in Multitiered Architectures","K Candan, D Agrawal, W Li, O Po, W Hsiung","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/BrightR02","Using Latency-Recency Profiles for Data Delivery on the Web","L Bright, L Raschid","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/HammelP02","Searching on the Secondary Structure of Protein Sequences","L Hammel, J Patel","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/StolteA02","Efficient Exploration of Large Scientific Databases","E Stolte, G Alonso","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/DoR02","COMA - A System for Flexible Combination of Schema Matching Approaches","H Do, E Rahm","VLDB",2002
"conf/vldb/PopaVMHF02","Translating Web Data","L Popa, Y Velegrakis, R Miller, M Hern<72>ndez, R Fagin","VLDB",2002
"journals/tods/AikenHW95","Static Analysis Techniques for Predicting the Behavior of Active Database Rules","A Aiken, J Hellerstein, J Widom","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/Chen95","Declarative Updates of Relational Databases","W Chen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/Jagadish95","The INCINERATE Data Model","H Jagadish","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/GoldmanL94","Quorum Consensus in Nested Transaction Systems","K Goldman, N Lynch","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/CeriFPT95","\Addendum to \""\""Automatic Generation of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance\""\""\""""","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi, L Tanca","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/BaekgaardM95","Incremental Computation of Nested Relational Query Expressions","L B<>kgaard, L Mark","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/Chomicki95","Efficient Checking of Temporal Integrity Constraints Using Bounded History Encoding","J Chomicki","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/GraefeC95","Fast Algorithms for Universal Quantification in Large Databases","G Graefe, R Cole","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/SrivastavaSRN95","Space Optimization in Deductive Databases","D Srivastava, S Sudarshan, R Ramakrishnan, J Naughton","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/Chen95a","Query Evaluation in Deductive Databases with Alternating Fixpoint Semantics","W Chen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/IoannidisR95","Containment of Conjunctive Queries: Beyond Relations as Sets","Y Ioannidis, R Ramakrishnan","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/ShashaLSV95","Transaction Chopping: Algorithms and Performance Studies","D Shasha, F Llirbat, E Simon, P Valduriez","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/MokNE96","A Normal Form for Precisely Characterizing Redundancy in Nested Relations","W Mok, Y Ng, D Embley","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/MumickFPR96","Magic Conditions","I Mumick, S Finkelstein, H Pirahesh, R Ramakrishnan","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/ChenHM95","An Execution Model for Limited Ambiguity Rules and Its Application to Derived Data Update","I Chen, R Hull, D McLeod","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/FraternaliT95","A Structured Approach for the Definition of the Semantics of Active Databases","P Fraternali, L Tanca","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1995
"journals/tods/GuoSW96","Solving Satisfiability and Implication Problems in Database Systems","S Guo, W Sun, M Weiss","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/BellNNS96","Implementing Deductive Databases by Mixed Integer Programming","C Bell, A Nerode, R Ng, V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/BunemanO96","Polymorphism and Type Inference in Database Programming","P Buneman, A Ohori","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/BaralisCP96","Modularization Techniques for Active Rules Design","E Baralis, S Ceri, S Paraboschi","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/GhandeharizadehHJ96","Heraclitus: Elevating Deltas to be First-Class Citizens in a Database Programming Language","S Ghandeharizadeh, R Hull, D Jacobs","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/DeyS96","A Probabilistic Relational Model and Algebra","D Dey, S Sarkar","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/Ross96","Tail Recursion Elimination in Deductive Databases","K Ross","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/LiuM96","The Building Blocks for Specifying Communication Behavior of Complex Objects: An Activity-Driven Approach","L Liu, R Meersman","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/RaschidL96","Semantics for Update Rule Programs and Implementations in a Relational Database Management System","L Raschid, J Lobo","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/Kuo96","Model and Verification of a Data Manager Based on ARIES","D Kuo","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/CiacciaTZ96","Declustering of Key-Based Partitioned Signature Files","P Ciaccia, P Tiberio, P Zezula","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/LitwinN96","LH* - A Scalable, Distributed Data Structure","W Litwin, M Neimat, D Schneider","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1996
"journals/tods/Galindo-LegariaR97","Outerjoin Simplification and Reordering for Query Optimization","C Galindo-Legaria, A Rosenthal","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/CliffordDIJS97","On the Semantics of ``Now'' in Databases","J Clifford, C Dyreson, T Isakowitz, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/Keen97","Extended Ehemeral Logging: Log Storage Management for Applications with Long Lived Transactions","J Keen, W Dally","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/PetersO97","An Axiomatic Model of Dynamic Schema Evolution in Objectbase Systems","R Peters, M <20>zsu","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/vldb/BernsteinIR03","Guest editorial","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/vldb/ChanGR03","RE-tree: an efficient index structure for regular expressions","C Chan, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/AbadiCCCCLSTZ03","Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management","D Abadi, D Carney, U <20>etintemel, M Cherniack, C Convey, S Lee, M Stonebraker, N Tatbul, S Zdonik","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/ChakrabartiRS03","Fast and accurate text classification via multiple linear discriminant projections pp","S Chakrabarti, S Roy, M Soundalgekar","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/YangW03","Incremental computation and maintenance of temporal aggregates","J Yang, J Widom","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/RamamurthyDS03","A case for fractured mirrors","R Ramamurthy, D DeWitt, Q Su","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/HelmerM03","A performance study of four index structures for set-valued attributes of low cardinality","S Helmer, G Moerkotte","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/ChuaCL03","Instance-based attribute identification in database integration","C Cecil, R Chiang, E Lim","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/FungKL03","Cost-driven vertical class partitioning for methods in object oriented databases","C Fung, K Karlapalem, Q Li","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/Li03","Computing complete answers to queries in the presence of limited access patterns","C Li","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/HalkidiNVV03","THESUS: Organizing Web document collections based on link semantics","M Halkidi, B Nguyen, I Varlamis, M Vazirgiannis","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/FiletoLPAM03","POESIA: An ontological workflow approach for composing Web services in agriculture","R Fileto, L Liu, C Pu, E Assad, C Medeiros","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/MaedcheMS03","Managing multiple and distributed ontologies on the Semantic Web","A Maedche, B Motik, L Stojanovic","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/DoanMDDH03","Learning to match ontologies on the Semantic Web","A Doan, J Madhavan, R Dhamankar, P Domingos, A Halevy","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/MedjahedBE03","Composing Web services on the Semantic Web","B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya, A Elmagarmid","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/AtluriJY03","Guest editorial","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/tods/Kim94","Charter and Scope","W Kim","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/SalemGS94","Altruistic Locking","K Salem, H Garcia-Molina, J Shands","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/CliffordC94","On Completeness of Historical Relational Query Languages","J Clifford, A Croker, A Tuzhilin","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/TendickM94","A Modified Random Perturbation Method for Database Security","P Tendick, N Matloff","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/OliverS94","A Taxonomy for Secure Object-Oriented Databases","M Olivier, S Solms","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/ScioreSR94","Using Semantic Values to Falilitate Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Information Systems","E Sciore, M Siegel, A Rosenthal","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/YanG94","Index Structures for Selective Dissemination of Information Under the Boolean Model","T Yan, H Garcia-Molina","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/Subrahmanian94","Amalgamating Knowledge Bases","V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/BrightHP94","Automated Resolution of Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabases","M Bright, A Hurson, S Pakzad","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/RosenthalR94","Tools and Transformations - Rigorous and Otherwise - for Practical Database Design","A Rosenthal, D Reiner","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/KorthS94","Formal Aspects of Concurrency Control in Long-Duration Transaction Systems Using the NT/PV Model","H Korth, G Speegle","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/ChrysanthisR94","Synthesis of Extended Transaction Models Using ACTA","P Chrysanthis, K Ramamritham","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/PolyzoisG94","Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithms for Transaction-Processing Systems","C Polyzois, H Garcia-Molina","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/CeriFPT94","Automatic Generation of Production Rules for Integrity Maintenance","S Ceri, P Fraternali, S Paraboschi, L Tanca","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/WinslettSQ94","Formal Query Languages for Secure Relational Databases","M Winslett, K Smith, X Qian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/KrishnakumarB94","Bounded Ignorance: A Technique for Increasing Concurrency in a Replicated System","N Krishnakumar, A Bernstein","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1994
"journals/tods/CuiWW00","Tracing the lineage of view data in a warehousing environment","Y Cui, J Widom, J Wiener","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/ParsonsW00","Emancipating instances from the tyranny of classes in information modeling","J Parsons, Y Wand","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/Bohm00","A cost model for query processing in high dimensional data spaces","C B<>hm","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/KossmannS00","Iterative dynamic programming: a new class of query optimization algorithms","D Kossmann, K Stocker","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/Lerner00","A model for compound type changes encountered in schema evolution","B Lerner","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/GutingBEJLSV00","A foundation for representing and quering moving objects","R G<>ting, M B<>hlen, M Erwig, C Jensen, N Lorentzos, M Schneider, M Vazirgiannis","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/DeySB99","Improving Database Design Through the Analysis of Relationships","D Dey, V Storey, T Barron","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/MuralidharS99","Security of Random Data Perturbation Methods","K Muralidhar, R Sarathy","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/DekhtyarRS01","Probabilistic temporal databases, I: algebra","A Dekhtyar, R Ross, V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/HsuSY01","I/O reference behavior of production database workloads and the TPC benchmarks - an analysis at the logical level","W Hsu, A Smith, H Young","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/BohlenJS00","Temporal statement modifiers","M B<>hlen, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/FegarasM00","Optimizing object queries using an effective calculus","L Fegaras, D Maier","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/KossmannFDA00","Cache investment: integrating query optimization and distributed data placement","D Kossmann, M Franklin, G Drasch","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/KemmeA00","A new approach to developing and implementing eager database replication protocols","B Kemme, G Alonso","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/Meo00","Theory of dependence values","R Meo","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/BaralisW00","An algebraic approach to static analysis of active database rules","E Baralis, J Widom","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2000
"journals/tods/LiC01","Answering queries with useful bindings","C Li, E Chang","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/EiterLLS01","Probabilistic object bases","T Eiter, J Lu, T Lukasiewicz, V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/Ng01","An extension of the relational data model to incorporate ordered domains","W Ng","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/FukudaMMT01","Data Mining with optimized two-dimensional association rules","T Fukuda, Y Morimoto, S Morishita, T Tokuyama","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/ChomickiTB01","Querying ATSQL databases with temporal logic","J Chomicki, D Toman, M B<>hlen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/AndriesCPB01","Applying an update method to a set of receivers","M Andries, L Cabibbo, J Paredaens, J Bussche","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/JajodiaSSS01","Flexible support for multiple access control policies","S Jajodia, P Samarati, M Sapino, V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/Suciu02","Distributed query evaluation on semistructured data","D Suciu","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/BrunoCG02","Top-k selection queries over relational databases: Mapping strategies and performance evaluation","N Bruno, S Chaudhuri, L Gravano","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/LiuDL02","A logical foundation for deductive object-oriented databases","M Liu, G Dobbie, T Ling","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/SchuldtABS02","Atomicity and isolation for transactional processes","H Schuldt, G Alonso, C Beeri, H Schek","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2002
"journals/tods/MamoulisP01","Multiway spatial joins","N Mamoulis, D Papadias","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/KotidisR01","A case for dynamic view management","Y Kotidis, N Roussopoulos","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/LakshmananSS01","SchemaSQL: An extension to SQL for multidatabase interoperability","L Lakshmanan, F Sadri, S Subramanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",2001
"journals/tods/FranklinCL97","Transactional Client-Server Cache Consistency: Alternatives and Performance","M Franklin, M Carey, M Livny","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/EiterGM97","Disjunctive Datalog","T Eiter, G Gottlob, H Mannila","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/TariSS97","Object Normal Forms and Dependency Constraints for Object-Oriented Schemata","Z Tari, J Stokes, S Spaccapietra","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/ZaharioudakisCF97","Adaptive, Fine-Grained Sharing in a Client-Server OODBMS: A Callback-Based Approach","M Zaharioudakis, M Carey, M Franklin","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/AmmannJR97","Applying Formal Methods to Semantic-Based Decomposition of Transactions","P Ammann, S Jajodia, I Ray","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/WolfsonJH97","An Adaptive Data Replication Algorithm","O Wolfson, S Jajodia, Y Huang","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/LakshmananLRS97","ProbView: A Flexible Probabilistic Database System","L Lakshmanan, N Leone, R Ross, V Subrahmanian","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/WangBBJ97","Logical Design for Temporal Databases with Multiple Granularities","X Wang, C Bettini, A Brodsky, S Jajodia","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/LiuHD98","Multiview Access Protocols for Large-Scale Replication","X Liu, A Helal, W Du","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/MehrotraRKS98","Ensuring Consistency in Multidatabases by Preserving Two-Level Serializability","S Mehrotra, R Rastogi, H Korth, A Silberschatz","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/FormicaGM98","An Efficient Method for Checking Object-Oriented Database Schema Correctness","A Formica, H Gr<47>ger, M Missikoff","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/Hellerstein98","Optimization Techniques for Queries with Expensive Methods","J Hellerstein","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/StolboushkinT98","Safe Stratified Datalog with Integer Order Does Not Have Syntax","A Stolboushkin, M Taitslin","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/StoreyCDGS97","Database Design with Common Sense Business Reasoning and Learning","V Storey, R Chiang, D Dey, R Goldstein, S Sundaresan","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1997
"journals/tods/DyresonS98","Supporting Valid-Time Indeterminacy","C Dyreson, R Snodgrass","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/Revesz98","Safe Query Languages for Constraint Databases","P Revesz","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/KonopnickiS98","Information Gathering in the World-Wide Web: The W3QL Query Language and the W3QS System","D Konopnicki, O Shmueli","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/LeveneL99","Database Design for Incomplete Relations","M Levene, G Loizou","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/Wijsen99","Temporal FDs on Complex Objects","J Wijsen","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/DattaVCK99","Broadcast Protocols to Support Efficient Retrieval from Databases by Mobile Users","A Datta, D VanderMeer, A Celik, V Kumar","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/CastanoAFP98","Conceptual Schema Analysis: Techniques and Applications","S Castano, V Antonellis, M Fugini, B Pernici","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/BertinoBFS98","An Access Control Model Supporting Periodicity Constraints and Temporal Reasoning","E Bertino, C Bettini, E Ferrari, P Samarati","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/ZobelMR98","Inverted Files Versus Signature Files for Text Indexing","J Zobel, A Moffat, K Ramamohanarao","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/SistlaWYS98","Towards a Theory of Cost Management for Digital Libraries and Electronic Commerce","A Sistla, O Wolfson, Y Yesha, R Sloan","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1998
"journals/tods/BozkayaO99","Indexing Large Metric Spaces for Similarity Search Queries","T Bozkaya, Z <20>zsoyoglu","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/Alagic99","Type-Checking OQL Queries In the ODMG Type Systems","S Alagic","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/YanG99","The SIFT Information Dissemination System","T Yan, H Garcia-Molina","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/WandSW99","An Ontological Analysis of the Relationship Construct in Conceptual Modeling","Y Wand, V Storey, R Weber","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/HjaltasonS99","Distance Browsing in Spatial Databases","G Hjaltason, H Samet","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/GravanoGT99","GlOSS: Text-Source Discovery over the Internet","L Gravano, H Garcia-Molina, A Tomasic","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/ChaudhuriS99","Optimization of Queries with User-Defined Predicates","S Chaudhuri, K Shim","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/tods/CasatiCPP99","Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems","F Casati, S Ceri, S Paraboschi, G Pozzi","ACM Trans. Database Syst.",1999
"journals/vldb/AslanM99","Semantic Heterogeneity Resolution in Federated Databases by Metadata Implantation and Stepwise Evolution","G Aslan, D McLeod","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/BonczK99","MIL Primitives for Querying a Fragmented World","P Boncz, M Kersten","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/HarderST99","The Intrinsic Problems of Structural Heterogeneity and an Approach to Their Solution","T H<>rder, G Sauter, J Thomas","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/LiR99","Fast Joins Using Join Indices","Z Li, K Ross","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/LiangOY00","Optimizing Multiple Dimensional Queries Simultaneously in Multidimensional Databases","W Liang, M Orlowska, J Yu","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/PacittiS00","Update Propagation Strategies to Improve Freshness in Lazy Master Replicated Databases","E Pacitti, E Simon","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/LawLG99","Efficient Support for Interactive Service in Multi-Resolution VOD Systems","K Law, J Lui, L Golubchik","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/KrivokapicKG99","Deadlock Detection in Distributed Database Systems: A New Algorithm and a Comparative Performance Analysis","N Krivokapic, A Kemper, E Gudes","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/GarofalakisOS98","On Periodic Resource scheduling for Continuous-Media Databases","M Garofalakis, B <20>zden, A Silberschatz","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/OzsuC98","Introduction (Special Issue on Multimedia Databases)","M <20>zsu, S Christodoulakis","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/NgS98","Optimal Clip Ordering for Multi-Clip Queries","R Ng, P Shum","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/JiangE98","Spatial and Temporal Content-Based Access to Hypervideo Databases","H Jiang, A Elmagarmid","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/KabraD99","OPT++: An Object-Oriented Implementation for Extensible Database Query Optimization","N Kabra, D DeWitt","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/HuangDT99","Constant Time Permutation: An Efficient Block Allocation Strategy for Variable-Bit-Rate Continuous Media Data","Y Huang, J Ding, S Tsao","VLDB J.",1999
"journals/vldb/BalkirO98","Delivering Presentations from Multimedia Servers","N Balkir, G <20>zsoyoglu","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/ZezulaSAR98","Approximate Similarity Retrieval with M-Trees","P Zezula, P Savino, G Amato, F Rabitti","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/ChidlovskiiB00","Semantic Caching of Web Queries","B Chidlovskii, U Borghoff","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/GruserRZZ00","Learning Response Time for WebSources Using Query Feedback and Application in Query Optimization","J Gruser, L Raschid, V Zadorozhny, T Zhan","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/BunemanFS00","UnQL: A Query Language and Algebra for Semistructured Data Based on Structural Recursion","P Buneman, M Fernandez, D Suciu","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/BraumandlCKK00","Functional-Join Processing","R Braumandl, J Clau<61>en, A Kemper, D Kossmann","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/CandanLS00","View Management in Multimedia Databases","K Candan, E Lemar, V Subrahmanian","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/FernandezFLS00","Declarative Specification of Web Sites with Strudel","M Fernandez, D Florescu, A Levy, D Suciu","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/BerendtS00","Analysis of Navigation Behaviour in Web Sites Integrating Multiple Information Systems","B Berendt, M Spiliopoulou","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/AtzeniM00","Guest Editorial: Databases and the Web","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/vldb/GeorgeH00","Secure Bufering in Firm Real-Time Database Systems","B George, J Haritsa","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/MuthOPW00","The LHAM Log-Structured History Data Access Method","P Muth, P O'Neil, A Pick, G Weikum","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/KornLKF00","Quantifiable Data Mining Using Ratio Rules","F Korn, A Labrinidis, Y Kotidis, C Faloutsos","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/SheikholeslamiCZ00","WaveCluster: A Wavelet Based Clustering Approach for Spatial Data in Very Large Databases","G Sheikholeslami, S Chatterjee, A Zhang","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/GibsonKR00","Clustering Categorical Data: An Approach Based on Dynamical Systems","D Gibson, J Kleinberg, P Raghavan","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/KnorrNT00","Distance-Based Outliers: Algorithms and Applications","E Knorr, R Ng, V Tucakov","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/TorpJS00","Effective Timestamping in Databases","K Torp, C Jensen, R Snodgrass","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/WidomS00","Foreword by the VLDB '98 PC Chairmen: Best Papers of VLDB '98","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/vldb/HaasCLS97","Seeking the Truth About ad hoc Join Costs","L Haas, M Carey, M Livny, A Shukla","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/PanagosB97","Synchronization and Recovery in a Client-Server Storage System","E Panagos, A Biliris","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/Cobb97","The Impact of Technology on Commercial Transaction Processing","E Cobb","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/LometS97","Concurrency and Recovery for Index Trees","D Lomet, B Salzberg","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/SteinbrunnMK97","Heuristic and Randomized Optimization for the Join Ordering Problem","M Steinbrunn, G Moerkotte, A Kemper","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/BerchtoldKK97","Using Extended Feature Objects for Partial Similarity Retrieval","S Berchtold, D Keim, H Kriegel","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/MuckP97","A Configrable Type Hierarchy Index for OODB","T M<>ck, M Polaschek","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/BohmAnY97","Structured Document Storage and Refined Declarative and Navigational Access Mechanisms in HyperStorM","K B<>hm, K Aberer, E Neuhold, X Yang","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/SinghalS97","Analysis of Locking Behavior in Three Real Database Systems","V Singhal, A Smith","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/Antoshenkov97","Dictionary-Based Order-Preserving String Compression","G Antoshenkov","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/IoannidisNSS97","Parametric Query Optimization","Y Ioannidis, R Ng, K Shim, T Sellis","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/ChenHY97","On Applying Hash Filters to Improving the Execution of Multi-Join Queries","M Chen, H Hsiao, P Yu","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/MehrotraKS97","Concurrency Control in Hierarchical Multidatabase Systems","S Mehrotra, H Korth, A Silberschatz","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/CatarciSC97","Graphical Interaction with Heterogeneous Databases","T Catarci, G Santucci, J Cardiff","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/PapazogluK97","A Database Model for Object Dynamics","M Papazoglou, B Kr<4B>mer","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/PapazogluK97a","Erratum: A Database Model for Object Dynamics","M Papazoglou, B Kr<4B>mer","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/AbiteboulCM98","A Logical View of Structured Files","S Abiteboul, S Cluet, T Milo","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/OoiTCH98","Fast Image Retrieval Using Color-Spatial Information","B Ooi, K Tan, T Chua, W Hsu","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/ChakrabartiDAR98","Scalable Feature Selection, Classification and Signature Generation for Organizing Large Text Databases into Hierarchical Topic Taxonomies","S Chakrabarti, B Dom, R Agrawal, P Raghavan","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/NgC98","Integrating Reliable Memory in Databases","W Ng, P Chen","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/RoySSSA98","Garbage Collection in Object-Oriented Databases Using Transactional Cyclic Reference Counting","P Roy, S Seshadri, A Silberschatz, S Sudarshan, S Ashwin","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/KraissW98","Integrated Document Caching and Prefetching in Storage Hierarchies Based on Markov-Chain Predictions","A Kraiss, G Weikum","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/SofferS98","Integrating Symbolic Images into a Multimedia Database System Using Classification and Abstraction Approaches","A Soffer, H Samet","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/Seshadri98","Enhanced Abstract Data Types in Object-Relational Databases","P Seshadri","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/DiazJ97","EXACT: An Extensible Approach to Active Object-Oriented Databases","O D<>az, A Jaime","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/FahlR97","Query Processing Over Object Views of Relational Data","G Fahl, T Risch","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/Han98","Optimizing Relational Queries in Connection Hypergraphs: Nested Queries, Views, and Binding Propagations","J Han","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/MehtaGPN98","The OODB Path-Method Generator (PMG) Using Access Weights and Precomputed Access Relevance","A Mehta, J Geller, Y Perl, E Neuhold","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/HansonCDERTX98","A Flexible and Recoverable Client/Server Database Event Notification System","E Hanson, I Chen, R Dastur, K Engel, V Ramaswamy, W Tan, C Xu","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/ScheuermannWZ98","Data Partitioning and Load Balancing in Parallel Disk Systems","P Scheuermann, G Weikum, P Zabback","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/IshakbeyogluO98","Maintenance of Implication Integrity Constraints Under Updates to Constraints","N Ishakbeyoglu, Z <20>zsoyoglu","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/DesslochHMMT98","Advanced Data Processing in KRISYS: Modeling Concepts, Implementation Techniques, and Client/Server Issues","S De<44>loch, T H<>rder, N Mattos, B Mitschang, J Thomas","VLDB J.",1998
"journals/vldb/AilamakiDH02","Data page layouts for relational databases on deep memory hierarchies","A Ailamaki, D DeWitt, M Hill","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/HuntAI02","Database indexing for large DNA and protein sequence collections","E Hunt, M Atkinson, R Irving","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/AguileraCMVV02","Views in a large-scale XML repository","V Aguilera, S Cluet, T Milo, P Veltri, D Vodislav","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/FengYLH02","A template model for multidimensional inter-transactional association rules","L Feng, J Yu, H Lu, J Han","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/NanopoulosM02","Efficient similarity search for market basket data","A Nanopoulos, Y Manolopoulos","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/HjaltasonS02","Speeding up construction of PMR quadtree-based spatial indexes","G Hjaltason, H Samet","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/SakuraiYUK02","Spatial indexing of high-dimensional data based on relative approximation","Y Sakurai, M Yoshikawa, S Uemura, H Kojima","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/FerrariAABC02","An authorization system for digital libraries","E Ferrari, N Adam, V Atluri, E Bertino, U Capuozzo","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/RafieiM02","Efficient retrieval of similar shapes","D Rafiei, A Mendelzon","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/Navarro02","Searching in metric spaces by spatial approximation","G Navarro","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/SaltenisJ02","Indexing of now-relative spatio-bitemporal data","S Saltenis, C Jensen","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/MaratheS02","Query processing techniques for arrays","A Marathe, K Salem","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/MihailaRT02","Locating and accessing data repositories with WebSemantics","G Mihaila, L Raschid, A Tomasic","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/GrefenVA01","Global transaction support for workflow management systems: from formal specification to practical implementation","P Grefen, J Vonk, P Apers","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/Halevy01","Answering queries using views: A survey","A Halevy","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ChandrasekaranF03","PSoup: a system for streaming queries over streaming data","S Chandrasekaran, M Franklin","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/AgrawalHK03","Watermarking relational data: framework, algorithms and analysis","R Agrawal, P Haas, J Kiernan","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/ShethTP03","Complex relationships and knowledge discovery support in the InfoQuilt system","A Sheth, S Thacker, S Patel","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/VerykiosME03","A Bayesian decision model for cost optimal record matching","V Verykios, G Moustakides, M Elfeky","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/MedjahedBBNE03","Business-to-business interactions: issues and enabling technologies","B Medjahed, B Benatallah, A Bouguettaya, A Ngu, A Elmagarmid","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/Ozsu03","New partnership with ACM and update on the journal","M <20>zsu","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/CuiW03","Lineage tracing for general data warehouse transformations","Y Cui, J Widom","VLDB J.",2003
"journals/vldb/ChienTZ02","Efficient schemes for managing multiversionXML documents","S Chien, V Tsotras, C Zaniolo","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/ChanFGR02","Efficient filtering of XML documents with XPath expressions","C Chan, P Felber, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/IvesHW02","An XML query engine for network-bound data","Z Ives, A Halevy, D Weld","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/Halevy02","Guest Editorial","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/vldb/JagadishACLNPPSWWY02","TIMBER: A native XML database","H Jagadish, S Al-Khalifa, A Chapman, L Lakshmanan, A Nierman, S Paparizos, J Patel, D Srivastava, N Wiwatwattana, Y Wu, C Yu","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/FiebigHKMNSW02","Anatomy of a native XML base management system","T Fiebig, S Helmer, C Kanne, G Moerkotte, J Neumann, R Schiele, T Westmann","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/Amer-YahiaCLS02","Tree pattern query minimization","S Amer-Yahia, S Cho, L Lakshmanan, D Srivastava","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/AnGSVKI02","Energy-performance trade-offs for spatial access methods on memory-resident data","N An, S Gurumurthi, A Sivasubramaniam, N Vijaykrishnan, M Kandemir, M Irwin","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/ChirkovaHS02","A formal perspective on the view selection problem","R Chirkova, A Halevy, D Suciu","VLDB J.",2002
"journals/vldb/LeeSC01","A graph-theoretic model for optimizing queries involving methods","C Lee, C Shih, Y Chen","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/NguSHL01","Combining multi-visual features for efficient indexing in a large image database","A Ngu, Q Sheng, D Huynh, R Lei","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ShegalovGW01","XML-enabled workflow management for e-services across heterogeneous platforms","G Shegalov, M Gillmann, G Weikum","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/BraumandlKKKKSS01","ObjectGlobe: Ubiquitous query processing on the Internet","R Braumandl, M Keidl, A Kemper, D Kossmann, A Kreutz, S Seltzsam, K Stocker","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/BernsteinPS00","Context-based prefetch - an optimization for implementing objects on relations","P Bernstein, S Pal, D Shutt","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/WangW01","Indexing very high-dimensional sparse and quasi-sparse vectors for similarity searches","C Wang, X Wang","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/LiCHH01","Supporting efficient multimedia database exploration","W Li, K Candan, K Hirata, Y Hara","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/CombiP01","HMAP - A temporal data model managing intervals with different granularities and indeterminacy from natural language sentences","C Combi, G Pozzi","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ManegoldBK00","Optimizing database architecture for the new bottleneck: memory access","S Manegold, P Boncz, M Kersten","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/JagadishKNS00","One-dimensional and multi-dimensional substring selectivity estimation","H Jagadish, O Kapitskaia, R Ng, D Srivastava","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/ClaussenKKW00","Exploiting early sorting and early partitioning for decisionsupport query processing","J Clau<61>en, A Kemper, D Kossmann, C Wiesner","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/Atkinson00","Guest editorial","N/A","N/A",2000
"journals/vldb/FuCCM00","Dynamic vp-Tree Indexing for n-Nearest Neighbor Search Given Pair-Wise Distances","A Fu, P Chan, Y Cheung, Y Moon","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/MirbelPSTV00","Checking the Temporal Integrity of Interactive Multimedia Documents","I Mirbel, B Pernici, T Sellis, S Tserkezoglou, M Vazirgiannis","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/TanGO00","Progressive evaluation of nested aggregate queries","K Tan, C Goh, B Ooi","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/RamanRH00","Online dynamic reordering","V Raman, B Raman, J Hellerstein","VLDB J.",2000
"journals/vldb/LaurentLSV01","Monotonic complements for independent data warehouses","D Laurent, J Lechtenb<6E>rger, N Spyratos, G Vossen","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ShanmugasundaramSBCLPR01","Efficiently publishing relational data as XML documents","J Shanmugasundaram, E Shekita, R Barr, M Carey, B Lindsay, H Pirahesh, B Reinwald","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/RahmB01","A survey of approaches to automatic schema matching","E Rahm, P Bernstein","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/TurkerG01","Semantic integrity support in SQL: 1999 and commercial (object-)relational database management systems","C T<>rker, M Gertz","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/AbbadiSW01","Guest editorial","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/vldb/PucheralBVB01","PicoDBMS: Scaling down database techniques for the smartcard","P Pucheral, L Bouganim, P Valduriez, C Bobineau","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ChangG01","Approximate query mapping: Accounting for translation closeness","K Chang, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/ChakrabartiGRS01","Approximate query processing using wavelets","K Chakrabarti, M Garofalakis, R Rastogi, K Shim","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/MecellaP01","Designing wrapper components for e-services in integrating heterogeneous systems","M Mecella, B Pernici","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/BonifatiCP01","Active rules for XML: A new paradigm for E-services","A Bonifati, S Ceri, S Paraboschi","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/PottingerH01","MiniCon: A scalable algorithm for answering queries using views","R Pottinger, A Halevy","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/Sarawagi01","User-cognizant multidimensional analysis","S Sarawagi","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/CasatiSG01","E-Services - Guest editorial","N/A","N/A",2001
"journals/vldb/EyalM01","Integrating and customizing heterogeneous e-commerce applications","A Eyal, T Milo","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/SuHHHLWLPLL01","An Internet-based negotiation server for e-commerce","S Su, C Huang, J Hammer, Y Huang, H Li, L Wang, Y Liu, C Pluempitiwiriyawej, M Lee, H Lam","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/DattaDVRN01","An architecture to support scalable online personalization on the Web","A Datta, K Dutta, D VanderMeer, K Ramamritham, S Navathe","VLDB J.",2001
"journals/vldb/TsatalosSI96","The GMAP: A Versatile Tool for Physical Data Independence","O Tsatalos, M Solomon, Y Ioannidis","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/PoulovassilisS96","Algebraic Query Optimisation for Database Programming Languages","A Poulovassilis, C Small","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/OoiHLT96","Index Nesting - An Efficient Approach to Indexing in Object-Oriented Databases","B Ooi, J Han, H Lu, K Tan","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/ShyyASL96","The Design and Implementation of K: A High-Level Knowledge-Base Programming Language of OSAM*.KBMS","Y Shyy, J Arroyo, S Su, H Lam","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/RamamrithamC96","A Taxonomy of Correctness Criteria in Database Applications","K Ramamritham, P Chrysanthis","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/KellerB96","A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures","A Keller, J Basu","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/FangGM96","An Experimental System for Object-Based Sharing in Federated Databases","D Fang, S Ghandeharizadeh","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/AmielBDS96","Type-safe Relaxing of Schema Consistency Rules for Flexible Modeling in OODBMS","E Amiel, M Bellosta, E Dujardin, E Simon","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/BeckerGOSW96","An Asymptotically Optimal Multiversion B-Tree","B Becker, S Gschwind, T Ohler, B Seeger, P Widmayer","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/MylopoulosCPST96","Building Knowledge Base Management Systems","J Mylopoulos, V Chaudhri, D Plexousakis, A Shrufi, T Topaloglou","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/EvangelidisS97","The hB-Pi-Tree: A Multi-Attribute Index Supporting Concurrency, Recovery and Node Consolidation","G Evangelidis, D Lomet, B Salzberg","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/MehtaD97","Data Placement in Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Systems","M Mehta, D DeWitt","VLDB J.",1997
"journals/vldb/HarderR96","Access Path Support for Referential Integrity in SQL2","T H<>rder, J Reinert","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/DeyBS96","A Complete Temporal Relational Algebra","D Dey, T Barron, V Storey","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/KashyapS96","Semantic and Schematic Similarities Between Database Objects: A Context-Based Approach","V Kashyap, A Sheth","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/AntoshenkovZ96","Query Processing and Optimization in Oracle Rdb","G Antoshenkov, M Ziauddin","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/AbiteboulB95","The Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Values","S Abiteboul, C Beeri","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/AlbanoGO95","Fibonacci: A Programming Language for Object Databases","A Albano, G Ghelli, R Orsini","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/WhiteD95","QuickStore: A High Performance Mapped Object Store","S White, D DeWitt","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/LandauST95","Historical Queries Along Multiple Lines of Time Evolution","G Landau, J Schmidt, V Tsotras","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/OzsuPSILM95","TIGUKAT: A Uniform Behavioral Objectbase Management System","M <20>zsu, R Peters, D Szafron, B Irani, A Lipka, A Mu<4D>oz","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/BenzakenD95","Th<54>mis: A Database Programming Language Handling Integrity Constraints","V Benzaken, A Doucet","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/C95b","Title, Preface to the Special Issue on Persistent Object Systems","N/A","N/A",1995
"journals/vldb/AtkinsonM95","Orthogonally Persistent Object Systems","M Atkinson, R Morrison","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/StonebrakerALPSSSY96","Mariposa: A Wide-Area Distributed Database System","M Stonebraker, P Aoki, W Litwin, A Pfeffer, A Sah, J Sidell, C Staelin, A Yu","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/HarrisR96","Join Algorithm Costs Revisited","E Harris, K Ramamohanarao","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/DeWittNSV96","Parallelising OODBMS Traversals: A Performance Evaluation","D DeWitt, J Naughton, J Shafer, S Venkataraman","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/SivasankaranSTPR96","Priority Assignment in Real-Time Active Databases","R Sivasankaran, J Stankovic, D Towsley, B Purimetla, K Ramamritham","VLDB J.",1996
"journals/vldb/C95c","Title, Foreword, VLDB Journal to be published electronically, Index Vol. 4","N/A","N/A",1995
"journals/vldb/BarbaraI95","Sleepers and Workaholics: Caching Strategies in Mobile Environments","D Barbar<61>, T Imielinski","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/NybergBCGL95","AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort","C Nyberg, T Barclay, Z Cvetanovic, J Gray, D Lomet","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/SwamiS95","Estimating Page Fetches for Index Scans with Finite LRU Buffers","A Swami, K Schiefer","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/CliftonGB95","HyperFile: A Data and Query Model for Documents","C Clifton, H Garcia-Molina, D Bloom","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/ConstantopoulosJMV95","The Software Information Base: A Server for Reuse","P Constantopoulos, M Jarke, J Mylopoulos, Y Vassiliou","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/Guting94","An Introduction to Spatial Database Systems","R G<>ting","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/AgrawalAJL95","Ordered Shared Locks for Real-Time Databases","D Agrawal, A Abbadi, R Jeffers, L Lin","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/C94c","Title, Foreword, Preface to the Special Issue on Spatial Database Systems, Index Vol. 3","N/A","N/A",1994
"journals/vldb/ChuIT94","A Semantic Modeling Approach for Image Retrieval by Content","W Chu, I Ieong, R Taira","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/PapadiasS94","Qualitative Representation of Spatial Knowledge in Two-Dimensional Space","D Papadias, T Sellis","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/Baumann94","Management of Multidimensional Discrete Data","P Baumann","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/KemperK95","Adaptable Pointer Swizzling Strategies in Object Bases: Design, Realization, and Quantitative Analysis","A Kemper, D Kossmann","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/TenienteO95","Updating Knowledge Bases While Maintaining Their Consistency","E Teniente, A Oliv<69>","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/PeckhamMD95","Data Model for Extensible Support of Explicit Relationships in Design Databases","J Peckham, B MacKellar, M Doherty","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/TempletonHMB95","InterViso: Dealing With the Complexity of Federated Database Access","M Templeton, H Henley, E Maros, D Buer","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/GutingS95","Realm-Based Spatial Data Types: The ROSE Algebra","R G<>ting, M Schneider","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/C95","Title, Announcement","N/A","N/A",1995
"journals/vldb/DanYC95","Characterization of Database Access Pattern for Analytic Prediction of Buffer Hit Probability","A Dan, P Yu, J Chung","VLDB J.",1995
"journals/vldb/DerrMP94","The Glue-Nail Deductive Database System: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation","M Derr, S Morishita, G Phipps","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/RamakrishnanSSS94","The CORAL Deductive System","R Ramakrishnan, D Srivastava, S Sudarshan, P Seshadri","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/VaghaniRKSSLH94","The Aditi Deductive Database System","J Vaghani, K Ramamohanarao, D Kemp, Z Somogyi, P Stuckey, T Leask, J Harland","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/GeorgakopoulosRL94","Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies","D Georgakopoulos, M Rusinkiewicz, W Litwin","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/WhangKW94","Dynamic Maintenance of Data Distribution for Selectivity Estimation","K Whang, S Kim, G Wiederhold","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/KamelWS94","A Pattern-Based Object Calculus","N Kamel, P Wu, S Su","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/C94","Title, Foreword","N/A","N/A",1994
"journals/vldb/Sciore94","Versioning and Configuration Management in an Object-Oriented Data Model","E Sciore","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/LinJF94","The TV-Tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data","K Lin, H Jagadish, C Faloutsos","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/LeeW94","Efficiently Instantiating View-Objects From Remote Relational Databases","B Lee, G Wiederhold","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/C94b","Title, Foreword","N/A","N/A",1994
"journals/vldb/Barbara-MillaG94","The Demarcation Protocol: A Technique for Maintaining Constraints in Distributed Database Systems","D Barbar<61>, H Garcia-Molina","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/Bertino94","Index Configuration in Object-Oriented Databases","E Bertino","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/RamamohanaraoH94","An Introduction to Deductive Database Languages and Systems","K Ramamohanarao, J Harland","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/KieslingSSD94","DECLARE and SDS: Early Efforts to Commercialize Deductive Database Technology","W Kie<69>ling, H Schmidt, W Strau<61>, G D<>nzinger","VLDB J.",1994
"journals/vldb/C94a","Title, Foreword, Special Issue Editorial","N/A","N/A",1994
"conf/vldb/Toivonen96","Sampling Large Databases for Association Rules","H Toivonen","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass03a","TODS Reviewers","N/A","N/A",2003
"journals/sigmod/Liu03","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/SarawagiS96","Reordering Query Execution in Tertiary Memory Databases","S Sarawagi, M Stonebraker","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/BerckenS96","Query Processing Techniques for Multiversion Access Methods","J Bercken, B Seeger","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Chang03","A Graphical Query Language for Mobile Information Systems","Y Chang","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/CareyHMW96","PESTO : An Integrated Query/Browser for Object Databases","M Carey, L Haas, V Maganty, J Williams","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/WenLMZ03","A Multi-paradigm Querying Approach for a Generic Multimedia Database Management System","J Wen, Q Li, W Ma, H Zhang","SIGMOD Record",2003
"journals/sigmod/SalgadoE03","Report on the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Database Systems (SBBD 2002)","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/Suciu96","Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data","D Suciu","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/CampbellEM03","XML schema","C Campbell, A Eisenberg, J Melton","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/LakshmananSS96","SchemaSQL - A Language for Interoperability in Relational Multi-Database Systems","L Lakshmanan, F Sadri, I Subramanian","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/AilamakiG03","Time management for new faculty","A Ailamaki, J Gehrke","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/LevyRO96","Querying Heterogeneous Information Sources Using Source Descriptions","A Levy, A Rajaraman, J Ordille","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/WinslettMY03","Two-Body Job Searches","M Winslett, X Ma, T Yu","SIGMOD Record",2003
"conf/vldb/ShethKMWDLPLS96","Supporting State-Wide Immunisation Tracking Using Multi-Paradigm Workflow Technology","A Sheth, K Kochut, J Miller, D Worah, S Das, C Lin, D Palaniswami, J Lynch, I Shevchenko","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Kleewein96","Practical Issues with Commercial Use of Federated Databases","J Kleewein","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Ozsu02b","Chair's Message","N/A","N/A",2002
"journals/sigmod/MeltonE02","An Early Look at XQuery","J Melton, A Eisenberg","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/CochranePM96","Integrating Triggers and Declarative Constraints in SQL Database Sytems","R Cochrane, H Pirahesh, N Mattos","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/MeersmanS02","Guest Editor's Introduction","N/A","N/A",2002
"conf/vldb/Gawlick96","Scalablity and Availability in Oracle7 7.3","D Gawlick","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Snodgrass02b","Rights of TODS Readers, Authors and Reviewers","R Snodgrass","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Mattos96","Supporting Procedural Constructs in SQL Compilers","N Mattos","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/GroskySF02","Emergent Semantics and the Multimedia Semantic Web","W Grosky, D Sreenath, F Fotouhi","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Atal96","The XPS Approach to Loading and Unloading Terabyte Databases","S Atal","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/AbererCH02","A Framework for Semantic Gossiping","K Aberer, P Cudr<64>-Mauroux, M Hauswirth","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Dasgupta96","Large Databases for Remote Sensing and GIS","A Dasgupta","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/Hammond96","Using Referential Integrity To Easily Define Consistent Subset Replicas","B Hammond","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/ShethM02","Amicalola Report: Database and Information System Research Challenges and Opportunities in Semantic Web and Enterprises","A Sheth, R Meersman","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/Aberer02c","Book Review Column","K Aberer","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Rengarajan96","How System 11 SQL Server Became Fast","T Rengarajan","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/BertinoBFS96","Supporting Periodic Authorizations and Temporal Reasoning in Database Access Control","E Bertino, C Bettini, E Ferrari, P Samarati","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/SpynsMJ02","Data Modelling versus Ontology Engineering","P Spyns, R Meersman, M Jarrar","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/RysNS96","Intra-Transaction Parallelism in the Mapping of an Object Model to a Relational Multi-Processor System","M Rys, M Norrie, H Schek","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Liu02c","Editor's Notes","L Liu","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/AgarwalADGNRS96","On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates","S Agarwal, R Agrawal, P Deshpande, A Gupta, J Naughton, R Ramakrishnan, S Sarawagi","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/MaximilienS02","Conceptual Model of Web Service Reputation","E Maximilien, M Singh","SIGMOD Record",2002
"conf/vldb/Cuppens96","Querying a Multilevel Database: A Logical Analysis","F Cuppens","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/BusslerFM02","A Conceptual Architecture for Semantic Web Enabled Web Services","C Bussler, D Fensel, A Maedche","SIGMOD Record",2002
"journals/sigmod/LacroixB03","Report on the First International Workshop an Efficient Web-based Information Systems","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/Dyreson96","Information Retrieval from an Incomplete Data Cube","C Dyreson","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/RossGN03","Reminiscences an Influential Papers","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/ShuklaDNR96","Storage Estimation for Multidimensional Aggregates in the Presence of Hierarchies","A Shukla, P Deshpande, J Naughton, K Ramasamy","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Aberer03","Call for Book Reviews","N/A","N/A",2003
"conf/vldb/RamakrishnanR96","Modeling Design Versions","R Ramakrishnan, D Ram","VLDB",1996
"conf/vldb/ShaferAM96","SPRINT: A Scalable Parallel Classifier for Data Mining","J Shafer, R Agrawal, M Mehta","VLDB",1996
"journals/sigmod/Aberer03a","Report on the First International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics","N/A","N/A",2003