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Technical Memory","S Micali","","1996.0" "PbSzLFr5VcoJ","Gekkonoid lizard taxonomy: International Gecko Society","AG Kluge","San Diego, CA,","" "zTyuj9AatCgJ","Pool fencing for preventing drowning in children","DC Thompson, FP Rivara","Cochrane Database Syst Rev,","2000.0" "url:http://www.springerlink.com/index/HK6NL71588065447.pdf","Audio-Pro with Multiple DSPs and Dynamic Load Distribution","B Vercoe","BT Technology Journal,","2004.0" "jRKyBvfpOjcJ","Renal secretion of potassium and hydrogen ions","RW Berliner","Fed. 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To app. at ACM-SIGMOD Int. Conf","B Kroll, P Widmayer","On Management of Data,","" "XWpqXroGZ18J","Standards in practice, grades 6-8","JD Wilhelm","","" "aXBMtlahQ_oJ","Effects of Prompt Style on User Responses to an Automated Banking Service Using Word-Spotting","FR McInnes, IA Nairn, DJ Attwater, MA Jack","BT Technology Journal,","1999.0" "CitXUkjJAmoJ","Decomposition of completely bounded maps on operator algebras","U Haagerup","Unpublished manuscript,","" "2vU05fOVxyYJ","Using Portfolios to Document Good Teaching: Premises, Purposes, Practices","C Knapper, WA Wright","New Directions for Teaching and Learning,","2001.0" "TDyW6V4cc7MJ","A Layered Architecture for Querying Dynamic Web Content","H Davulcu, J Freire","SIGMOD Conference,","1999.0" "G78nXO0JSr4J","CYLINDRICAL STACKED PATCH ANTENNAS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION","Z Sipus, N Herscovici","","" "asdbKdQScsYJ","To Be More Useful: Embracing Interdisciplinary Scholarship and Dialogue","CF Conrad, R Gunter","New Directions for Higher Education,","2000.0" "wP_GYyvWXaQJ","A Knowledge-Based Approach to Data Management for Intelligent User Interfaces","CA Broverman, WB Croft","VLDB,","" "2vfSmrtrGqoJ","A randomized double blind trial of a novel milk formula: Effects on growth, feeding behaviour and ","DP Tuthill, M Cosgrove, F Dustan, ML Stuart, JCK ","","" "MgMdNhAX41cJ","Communication of Innovations","EM Rogers, FF Shoemaker","New York,","" "sGSSPrqwpVgJ","An Implementation of DES and AES, Secure against Some Attacks","ML Akkar, C Giraud","LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE,","2001.0" "N4nyJ3C99iMJ","Guest editorial","KN Ngan","IEEE Trans. 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Video","" "PE-UyjJo-vsJ","East Meets West Meets Mideast: Further Explorations of Collectivistic and Individualistic Work ","PC Earley","The Academy of Management Journal,","1993.0" "dWKWZizInxAJ","Communication in Parallel Systems","FM auf der Heide, C Scheideler","","" "w2T2k98MVxkJ","Three-dimensional CAD for craniofacial surgery","M Vannier, J Marsh, J Warren, J Barbier","Electronic Imag,","" "GdNAE4JOeN0J","Query Optimization in the Presence of Top-k Predicates","LP Mahalingam, KS Candan","","" "QbisQ-7q62MJ","Lazy Query Evaluation for Active XML","S Abiteboul, O Benjelloun, B Cautis, I Manolescu, ","Proc. of ACM SIGMOD,","2004.0" "j22NKGOElh4J","Epiploic appendagitis: adding to the differential of acute abdominal pain1","EL Legome, C Sims, PM Rao","JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE,","1999.0" "aV7rqUlSQiAJ","File servers for network-based distributed systems","L Svobodova","ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR),","1984.0" "ITnwvnGcXVYJ","Stories of the Storytelling Organization: A Postmodern Analysis of Disney as" Tamara-Land"","DM Boje","The Academy of Management Journal,","1995.0" "url:http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/expand%3Fpub%3Dinfobike://els/08830355/2001/00000035/00000002/art00013%26unc%3D","The Singapore Reading and English Acquisition program","SM Ng, C Sullivan","INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH,","2001.0" "eOhZfLS25AsJ","TelegraphCQ: Continuous Dataflow Processing for an Uncertain World","S Chandrasekaran, O Cooper, A Deshpande, MJ ","","" "SHzSgOQpuBQJ","Trust Breaks Down in Electronic Contexts But Can Be Repaired by Some Initial Face-to-Face Contact","E Rocco","","" "tHtQPjSIXQ8J","Writing to Learn in Social Studies.","TA Young, MF Marek-Schroer","Social Studies and the Young Learner,","1992.0" "E9WYK5aZNYQJ","Enhancing Availability in Distributed Real-Time Databases","KJ Lin, MJ Lin","SIGMOD Record,","1988.0" "Ic3Aw93nTZ0J","From judges to collaborators: Evaluators' roles in science curriculum reform","RG O'Sullivan","New Directions for Program Evaluation,","" "HLd7exz0QagJ","Monitoring Streamsâ??A New Class of Data Management Applications, Brown Computer Science Technical ","D Carneyâ?¦","At http://www. cs. brown. edu/research/aurora/aurora tr.","" "G_7HS0ZbZEwJ","A Checklist for Assessing Tuition and Aid Strategies.","PL Fine","New Directions for Higher Education,","1995.0" "tD06FaSd55AJ","Biogeochemical cycling on land. 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