import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
import Levenshtein
import copy
conf_thresh = 0.8
def my_Levenshtein_ratio(str1, str2):
if max(len(str1), len(str2)) == 0:
return 1
return 1 - Levenshtein.distance(str1, str2) / max(len(str1), len(str2))
def if_minimal(md, md_list, target_col):
# 假设这个md是minimal
minimal = True
if md_list.count(md) > 1:
return False
for _ in md_list:
if _ != md:
# 假设列表中每一个md都使当前md不minimal
exist = True
# 如果左边任何一个大于,则假设不成立
for col in list(set(_.keys()) - {target_col}):
if _[col] > md[col]:
exist = False
# 如果右边小于,假设也不成立
if _[target_col] < md[target_col]:
exist = False
# 任何一次假设成立,当前md不minimal
if exist:
minimal = False
return minimal
def remove_by_confidence(md, l, relation, target_col, lock):
support, confidence = get_one_md_metadata(md, relation, target_col)
if confidence < 0.8:
with lock:
# def remove_by_confidence(md, l, relation, target_col):
# boolean, conf = satisfy_confidence(md, relation, 0.8, target_col)
# if not boolean:
# l.remove(md)
# print(md, '\t', conf)
def inference_from_record_pairs(path, threshold, target_col):
data = pd.read_csv(path, low_memory=False, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
data.fillna("", inplace=True)
data = data.astype(str)
columns = data.columns.values.tolist()
md_list = []
minimal_vio = []
init_md = {}
for col in columns:
init_md[col] = 1 if col == target_col else 0
for row1 in data.itertuples():
# 获取当前行的索引,从后一行开始切片
i = row1[0]
data1 = data[i + 1:]
for row2 in data1.itertuples():
violated_mds = []
# sims是两行的相似度
sims = {}
for col in columns:
similarity = my_Levenshtein_ratio(getattr(row1, col), getattr(row2, col))
sims[col] = similarity
# 寻找violated md,从md列表中删除并加入vio列表
# tmp_md_list = copy.deepcopy(md_list)
for md in md_list[:]:
lhs_satis = True
rhs_satis = True
for col in list(set(columns) - {target_col}):
if sims[col] < md[col]:
lhs_satis = False
if sims[target_col] < md[target_col]:
rhs_satis = False
if lhs_satis == True and rhs_satis == False:
for vio_md in violated_mds:
# 特殊化右侧,我们需要右侧百分百相似,其实不需要降低右侧阈值
# if sims[target_col] >= threshold:
# new_rhs = sims[target_col]
# spec_r_md = copy.deepcopy(vio_md)
# spec_r_md[target_col] = new_rhs
# if if_minimal(spec_r_md, md_list, target_col):
# md_list.append(spec_r_md)
# 特殊化左侧
for col in list(set(columns) - {target_col}):
if sims[col] + 0.001 <= 1:
spec_l_md = copy.deepcopy(vio_md)
spec_l_md[col] = threshold if sims[col] < threshold else sims[col] + 0.001
if if_minimal(spec_l_md, md_list, target_col):
# tmp_minimal_vio = copy.deepcopy(minimal_vio)
for vio in minimal_vio[:]:
if not if_minimal(vio, md_list, target_col):
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
lock = manager.Lock()
if len(minimal_vio) == 0:
return md_list, []
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(minimal_vio))
# tmp = copy.deepcopy(minimal_vio)
with manager:
proxy_minimal_vio = manager.list(minimal_vio)
for _ in minimal_vio[:]:
pool.apply_async(remove_by_confidence, args=(_, proxy_minimal_vio, data, target_col, lock))
minimal_vio = list(proxy_minimal_vio)
for _ in minimal_vio[:]:
if not if_minimal(_, minimal_vio, target_col):
for _ in md_list[:]:
if not if_minimal(_, md_list, target_col):
return md_list, minimal_vio
def get_mds_metadata(md_list, dataset_path, target_col):
data = pd.read_csv(dataset_path, low_memory=False, encoding='ISO-8859-1')
data.fillna("", inplace=True)
data = data.astype(str)
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
if len(md_list) == 0:
return []
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(len(md_list))
result = []
with manager:
for _ in md_list:
task = pool.apply_async(get_one_md_metadata, args=(_, data, target_col))
support, confidence = task.get()
result.append({"md": _, "support": support, "confidence": confidence})
return result
def get_one_md_metadata(md, dataframe, target_col):
support = 0
pre_confidence = 0
for row1 in dataframe.itertuples():
i = row1[0]
df_slice = dataframe[i + 1:]
for row2 in df_slice.itertuples():
left_satisfy = True
both_satisfy = True
for col in dataframe.columns.values.tolist():
sim = my_Levenshtein_ratio(getattr(row1, col), getattr(row2, col))
if col == target_col:
if sim < 1:
both_satisfy = False
if sim < md[col]:
left_satisfy = False
both_satisfy = False
if left_satisfy:
support += 1
if both_satisfy:
pre_confidence += 1
confidence = 0 if support == 0 else pre_confidence / support
# return {"md": md, "support": support, "confidence": confidence}
return support, confidence