import csv import jieba from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud from PIL import Image import numpy as np import pandas as pd path = r'C:\Users\123\Desktop' with open(path+r'\doubanbook1.csv','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) with open(path+r'\ciyun.txt','w',encoding='utf-8') as f: for row in reader: column = row[6] f.write(column+'\n') font = r'C:\Windows\Fonts\FZSTK.TTF'#电脑自带的字体 def tcg(texts): cut = jieba.cut(texts) #分词 string = ' '.join(cut) return string text = (open(path+r'\ciyun.txt','r',encoding='utf-8')).read() string=tcg(text) img ='\书.jpg') #打开图片 img_array = np.array(img) #将图片装换为数组 stopword=[''] #设置停止词,也就是你不想显示的词 wc = WordCloud( background_color='white', width=1000, height=800, mask=img_array, #设置背景图片 font_path=font, stopwords=stopword ) wc.generate_from_text(string)#绘制图片 plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') #显示图片 wc.to_file(path+r'\goodciyun.png') #保存图片