/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2013-2019. All rights reserved. * Description: Mutex * Author: Huawei LiteOS Team * Create: 2013-01-01 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of * conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used * to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @defgroup los_mux Mutex * @ingroup kernel */ #ifndef _LOS_MUX_H #define _LOS_MUX_H #include "los_base.h" #include "los_sys.h" #include "los_list.h" #include "los_task.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __cplusplus */ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The memory request fails. * * Value: 0x02001d00. * * Solution: Decrease the number of mutexes defined by LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX_LIMIT. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_NO_MEMORY LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x00) /*这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_NO_MEMORY 的宏,用于表示互斥锁分配内存失败的错误码。 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块, 0x00 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex is not usable. * * Value: 0x02001d01. * * Solution: Check whether the mutex ID and the mutex state are applicable for the current operation. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_INVALID LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x01) //LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x01 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。 /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: Null pointer. * * Value: 0x02001d02. * * Solution: Check whether the input parameter is usable. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PTR_NULL LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x02) //这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PTR_NULL 的宏,用于表示互斥锁指针为空的错误码。 //LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x02 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。 /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: No mutex is available and the mutex request fails. * * Value: 0x02001d03. * * Solution: Increase the number of mutexes defined by LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX_LIMIT. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_ALL_BUSY LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x03) /*这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_ALL_BUSY 的宏,用于表示互斥锁已全部被占用的错误码。 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x03 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex fails to be locked in non-blocking mode because it is locked by another thread. * * Value: 0x02001d04. * * Solution: Lock the mutex after it is unlocked by the thread that owns it, or set a waiting time. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_UNAVAILABLE LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x04) /*这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_UNAVAILABLE 的宏,用于表示互斥锁不可用的错误码。 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x04 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex is being locked during an interrupt. * * Value: 0x02001d05. * * Solution: Check whether the mutex is being locked during an interrupt. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_INTERR LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x05) /*这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_INTERR 的宏,用于表示互斥锁等待被阻塞时发生中断错误的错误码。 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x05 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: A thread locks a mutex after waiting for the mutex to be unlocked by another thread * when the task scheduling is disabled. * * Value: 0x02001d06. * * Solution: Check whether the task scheduling is disabled, or set timeout to 0, which means that the * thread will not wait for the mutex to become available. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_IN_LOCK LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x06) /*这段代码定义了一个名为 LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_IN_LOCK 的宏,用于表示在互斥锁上等待时发生死锁错误的错误码。 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x06 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex locking times out. * * Value: 0x02001d07. * * Solution: Increase the waiting time or set the waiting time to LOS_WAIT_FOREVER (forever-blocking mode). */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_TIMEOUT LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x07) //LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏,用于生成具有模块和错误码的错误码值。在这里,LOS_MOD_MUX 表示错误所属的模块是互斥锁模块,0x07 是该错误码在该模块中的具体数值。 /** * @ingroup los_mux * The error code is not in use temporarily. * * Value: 0x02001d08 * @deprecated This error code is obsolete since LiteOS 5.0.0. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_OVERFLOW LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x08) /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex to be deleted is being locked. * * Value: 0x02001d09. * * Solution: Delete the mutex after it is unlocked. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PENDED LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x09) /** * @ingroup los_mux * The error code is not in use temporarily. * * Value: 0x02001d0A * @deprecated This error code is obsolete since LiteOS 5.0.0. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_GET_COUNT_ERR LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x0A) /** * @ingroup los_mux * The error code is not in use temporarily. * * Value: 0x02001d0B * @deprecated This error code is obsolete since LiteOS 5.0.0. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_REG_ERROR LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x0B) /** * @ingroup los_mux * Mutex error code: The mutex is being locked in system-level task. * old usage: The mutex is being locked in software timer task(LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_IN_SWTMR_TSK). * * Value: 0x02001d0C. * * Solution: Pend the mutex in a vailid task. * @deprecated This error code is obsolete since LiteOS 5.0.0. */ #define LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PEND_IN_SYSTEM_TASK LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR(LOS_MOD_MUX, 0x0C) /*其中 LOS_ERRNO_OS_ERROR 是一个宏函数,用于生成错误码。该宏函数接受两个参数:模块号和错误码。在这里,模块号为 LOS_MOD_MUX,错误码为 0x0C。 通过这个宏定义,可以方便地识别并处理在系统任务中使用互斥信号量时发生的错误情况。*/ /** * @ingroup los_mux * @brief Create a mutex. * * @par Description: * This API is used to create a mutex. A mutex handle is assigned to muxHandle when the mutex is created successfully. * Return #LOS_OK when creating is successful, return specific error code otherwise. * @attention * The total number of mutexes is pre-configured. If there are no available mutexes, the mutex creation will fail. * * @param muxHandle [OUT] Handle pointer of the successfully created mutex. The value of handle should be in * [0, LOSCFG_BASE_IPC_MUX_LIMIT - 1]. * * @retval #LOS_ERRNO_MUX_PTR_NULL The muxHandle pointer is NULL. * @retval #LOS_ERRNO_MUX_ALL_BUSY No available mutex. * @retval #LOS_OK The mutex is successfully created. * @par Dependency: *