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11 months ago
package net.micode.notes.gtask.remote;
* 主要功能实现GTASK的登录操作进行GTASK任务的创建创建任务列表从网络上获取任务和任务列表的内容
* 主要使用类或技术accountManager JSONObject HttpParams authToken Gid
public class GTaskClient {
private static final String TAG = GTaskClient.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String GTASK_URL = ""; //这个是指定的URL
private static final String GTASK_GET_URL = "";
private static final String GTASK_POST_URL = "";
private static GTaskClient mInstance = null;
private DefaultHttpClient mHttpClient;
private String mGetUrl;
private String mPostUrl;
private long mClientVersion;
private boolean mLoggedin;
private long mLastLoginTime;
private int mActionId;
private Account mAccount;
private JSONArray mUpdateArray;
private GTaskClient() {
mHttpClient = null;
mClientVersion = -1;
mLoggedin = false;
mLastLoginTime = 0;
mActionId = 1;
mAccount = null;
mUpdateArray = null;
* 使用 getInstance()
* 返回mInstance这个实例化对象
public static synchronized GTaskClient getInstance() {
if (mInstance == null) {
mInstance = new GTaskClient();
return mInstance;
* 设置登录操作限制时间,如果超时则需要重新登录
* 有两种登录方式使用用户自己的URL登录或者使用谷歌官方的URL登录
* 返回true或者false即最后是否登陆成功
public boolean login(Activity activity) {
// we suppose that the cookie would expire after 5 minutes
// then we need to re-login
final long interval = 1000 * 60 * 5; //1000毫秒×60×5
if (mLastLoginTime + interval < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
mLoggedin = false;
// need to re-login after account switch 重新登录操作
if (mLoggedin
&& !TextUtils.equals(getSyncAccount().name, NotesPreferenceActivity
.getSyncAccountName(activity))) {
mLoggedin = false;
if (mLoggedin) {
Log.d(TAG, "already logged in");
return true;
mLastLoginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();//更新最后登录时间,改为系统当前的时间
String authToken = loginGoogleAccount(activity, false);//判断是否登录到谷歌账户
if (authToken == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "login google account failed");
return false;
// login with custom domain if necessary
if (!("") || //将用户账号名改为统一格式(小写)后判断是否为一个谷歌账号地址
.endsWith(""))) {
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(GTASK_URL).append("a/");
int index ='@') + 1;
String suffix =;
url.append(suffix + "/");
mGetUrl = url.toString() + "ig"; //设置用户对应的getUrl
mPostUrl = url.toString() + "r/ig"; //设置用户对应的postUrl
if (tryToLoginGtask(activity, authToken)) {
mLoggedin = true;
// try to login with google official url
if (!mLoggedin) {
if (!tryToLoginGtask(activity, authToken)) {
return false;
mLoggedin = true;
return true;
* 使用令牌机制
* 使用AccountManager来管理注册账号
* 返回值是账号的令牌
private String loginGoogleAccount(Activity activity, boolean invalidateToken) {
String authToken; //令牌,是登录操作保证安全性的一个方法
AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.get(activity);//AccountManager这个类给用户提供了集中注册账号的接口
Account[] accounts = accountManager.getAccountsByType("");//获取全部以com.google结尾的account
if (accounts.length == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "there is no available google account");
return null;
String accountName = NotesPreferenceActivity.getSyncAccountName(activity);
Account account = null;
for (Account a : accounts) {
if ( {
account = a;
if (account != null) {
mAccount = account;
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "unable to get an account with the same name in the settings");
return null;
// get the token now
AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> accountManagerFuture = accountManager.getAuthToken(account,
"goanna_mobile", null, activity, null, null);
try {
Bundle authTokenBundle = accountManagerFuture.getResult();
authToken = authTokenBundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);
//如果是invalidateToken那么需要调用invalidateAuthToken(String, String)方法废除这个无效token
if (invalidateToken) {
accountManager.invalidateAuthToken("", authToken);
loginGoogleAccount(activity, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "get auth token failed");
authToken = null;
return authToken;
private boolean tryToLoginGtask(Activity activity, String authToken) {
if (!loginGtask(authToken)) {
// maybe the auth token is out of authTokedate, now let's invalidate the
// token and try again
authToken = loginGoogleAccount(activity, true);
if (authToken == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "login google account failed");
return false;
if (!loginGtask(authToken)) {
Log.e(TAG, "login gtask failed");
return false;
return true;
private boolean loginGtask(String authToken) {
int timeoutConnection = 10000;
int timeoutSocket = 15000; //socket是一种通信连接实现数据的交换的端口
HttpParams httpParameters = new BasicHttpParams(); //实例化一个新的HTTP参数类
HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutConnection);//设置连接超时时间
HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(httpParameters, timeoutSocket);//设置设置端口超时时间
mHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);
BasicCookieStore localBasicCookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); //设置本地cookie
HttpProtocolParams.setUseExpectContinue(mHttpClient.getParams(), false);
// login gtask
try {
String loginUrl = mGetUrl + "?auth=" + authToken; //设置登录的url
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(loginUrl); //通过登录的uri实例化网页上资源的查找
HttpResponse response = null;
response = mHttpClient.execute(httpGet);
// get the cookie now
List<Cookie> cookies = mHttpClient.getCookieStore().getCookies();
boolean hasAuthCookie = false;
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (cookie.getName().contains("GTL")) {
hasAuthCookie = true;
if (!hasAuthCookie) {
Log.w(TAG, "it seems that there is no auth cookie");
// get the client version
String resString = getResponseContent(response.getEntity());
String jsBegin = "_setup(";
String jsEnd = ")}</script>";
int begin = resString.indexOf(jsBegin);
int end = resString.lastIndexOf(jsEnd);
String jsString = null;
if (begin != -1 && end != -1 && begin < end) {
jsString = resString.substring(begin + jsBegin.length(), end);
JSONObject js = new JSONObject(jsString);
mClientVersion = js.getLong("v");
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
// simply catch all exceptions
Log.e(TAG, "httpget gtask_url failed");
return false;
return true;
private int getActionId() {
return mActionId++;
* 使用HttpPost类
* 返回一个httpPost实例化对象但里面还没有内容
private HttpPost createHttpPost() {
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(mPostUrl);
httpPost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8");
httpPost.setHeader("AT", "1");
return httpPost;
* 使用getContentEncoding()获取网络上的资源和数据
* 返回值就是获取到的资源
private String getResponseContent(HttpEntity entity) throws IOException {
String contentEncoding = null;
if (entity.getContentEncoding() != null) {//通过URL得到HttpEntity对象如果不为空则使用getContent方法创建一个流将数据从网络都过来
contentEncoding = entity.getContentEncoding().getValue();
Log.d(TAG, "encoding: " + contentEncoding);
InputStream input = entity.getContent();
if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {//GZIP是使用DEFLATE进行压缩数据的另一个压缩库
input = new GZIPInputStream(entity.getContent());
} else if (contentEncoding != null && contentEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) {//DEFLATE是一个无专利的压缩算法它可以实现无损数据压缩
Inflater inflater = new Inflater(true);
input = new InflaterInputStream(entity.getContent(), inflater);
try {
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(input);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);//是一个包装类,它可以包装字符流,将字符流放入缓存里,先把字符读到缓存里,到缓存满了时候,再读入内存,是为了提供读的效率而设计的
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (true) {
String buff = br.readLine();
if (buff == null) {
return sb.toString();
sb = sb.append(buff);
} finally {
* 请求的具体内容在json的实例化对象js中然后传入
* 利用UrlEncodedFormEntity entity和httpPost.setEntity(entity)方法把js中的内容放置到httpPost中
* 执行请求后使用getResponseContent方法得到返回的数据和资源
* 将资源再次放入json后返回
private JSONObject postRequest(JSONObject js) throws NetworkFailureException {
if (!mLoggedin) {//未登录
Log.e(TAG, "please login first");
throw new ActionFailureException("not logged in");
HttpPost httpPost = createHttpPost();
try {
LinkedList<BasicNameValuePair> list = new LinkedList<BasicNameValuePair>();
list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("r", js.toString()));
UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(list, "UTF-8"); //UrlEncodedFormEntity()的形式比较单一,是普通的键值对
// execute the post
HttpResponse response = mHttpClient.execute(httpPost);
String jsString = getResponseContent(response.getEntity());
return new JSONObject(jsString);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new NetworkFailureException("postRequest failed");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new NetworkFailureException("postRequest failed");
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("unable to convert response content to jsonobject");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("error occurs when posting request");
* 传入参数是一个包里Task类的对象
* 利用json获取Task里的内容,并且创建相应的jsPost
* 利用postRequest得到任务的返回信息
* 使用task.setGid设置task的new_ID
public void createTask(Task task) throws NetworkFailureException {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
JSONArray actionList = new JSONArray();
// action_list
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, actionList);
// client_version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
// post
JSONObject jsResponse = postRequest(jsPost);
JSONObject jsResult = (JSONObject) jsResponse.getJSONArray(
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("create task: handing jsonobject failed");
* 创建一个任务列表与createTask几乎一样区别就是最后设置的是tasklist的gid
public void createTaskList(TaskList tasklist) throws NetworkFailureException {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
JSONArray actionList = new JSONArray();
// action_list
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, actionList);
// client version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
// post
JSONObject jsResponse = postRequest(jsPost);
JSONObject jsResult = (JSONObject) jsResponse.getJSONArray(
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("create tasklist: handing jsonobject failed");
* 同步更新操作
* 使用JSONObject进行数据存储使用jsPost.putPut的信息包括UpdateArray和ClientVersion
* 使用postRequest发送这个jspost,进行处理
public void commitUpdate() throws NetworkFailureException {
if (mUpdateArray != null) {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
// action_list
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, mUpdateArray);
// client_version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
mUpdateArray = null;
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("commit update: handing jsonobject failed");
* 添加更新的事项
* 调用commitUpdate()实现
public void addUpdateNode(Node node) throws NetworkFailureException {
if (node != null) {
// too many update items may result in an error
// set max to 10 items
if (mUpdateArray != null && mUpdateArray.length() > 10) {
if (mUpdateArray == null)
mUpdateArray = new JSONArray();
* 移动task,比如讲task移动到不同的task列表中去
* 通过getGid获取task所属列表的gid
* 通过JSONObject.put(String name, Object value)函数设置移动后的task的相关属性值从而达到移动的目的
* 最后还是通过postRequest进行更新后的发送
public void moveTask(Task task, TaskList preParent, TaskList curParent)
throws NetworkFailureException {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
JSONArray actionList = new JSONArray();
JSONObject action = new JSONObject();
// action_list
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_ID, getActionId());
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ID, task.getGid());
if (preParent == curParent && task.getPriorSibling() != null) {
// put prioring_sibing_id only if moving within the tasklist and
// it is not the first one
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_PRIOR_SIBLING_ID, task.getPriorSibling());
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_SOURCE_LIST, preParent.getGid()); //设置移动前所属列表
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_DEST_PARENT, curParent.getGid()); //设置当前所属列表
if (preParent != curParent) {
// put the dest_list only if moving between tasklists
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_DEST_LIST, curParent.getGid());
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, actionList);
// client_version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("move task: handing jsonobject failed");
* 删除操作节点
* 还是利用JSON
* 删除过后使用postRequest发送删除后的结果
public void deleteNode(Node node) throws NetworkFailureException {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
JSONArray actionList = new JSONArray();
// action_list
actionList.put(node.getUpdateAction(getActionId())); //这里会获取到删除操作的ID加入到actionLiast中
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, actionList);
// client_version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
mUpdateArray = null;
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("delete node: handing jsonobject failed");
* 获取任务列表
* 首先通过GetURI使用getResponseContent从网上获取数据
* 然后筛选出"_setup("到)}</script>的部分并且从中获取GTASK_JSON_LISTS的内容返回
public JSONArray getTaskLists() throws NetworkFailureException {
if (!mLoggedin) {
Log.e(TAG, "please login first");
throw new ActionFailureException("not logged in");
try {
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(mGetUrl);
HttpResponse response = null;
response = mHttpClient.execute(httpGet);
// get the task list
String resString = getResponseContent(response.getEntity());
String jsBegin = "_setup(";
String jsEnd = ")}</script>";
int begin = resString.indexOf(jsBegin);
int end = resString.lastIndexOf(jsEnd);
String jsString = null;
if (begin != -1 && end != -1 && begin < end) {
jsString = resString.substring(begin + jsBegin.length(), end);
JSONObject js = new JSONObject(jsString);
return js.getJSONObject("t").getJSONArray(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_LISTS);
} catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new NetworkFailureException("gettasklists: httpget failed");
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new NetworkFailureException("gettasklists: httpget failed");
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("get task lists: handing jasonobject failed");
* 通过传入的TASKList的gid,从网络上获取相应属于这个任务列表的任务
public JSONArray getTaskList(String listGid) throws NetworkFailureException {
try {
JSONObject jsPost = new JSONObject();
JSONArray actionList = new JSONArray();
JSONObject action = new JSONObject();
// action_list
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_ID, getActionId());
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_LIST_ID, listGid); //这里设置为传入的listGid
action.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_GET_DELETED, false);
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_ACTION_LIST, actionList);
// client_version
jsPost.put(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_CLIENT_VERSION, mClientVersion);
JSONObject jsResponse = postRequest(jsPost);
return jsResponse.getJSONArray(GTaskStringUtils.GTASK_JSON_TASKS);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
throw new ActionFailureException("get task list: handing jsonobject failed");
public Account getSyncAccount() {
return mAccount;
public void resetUpdateArray() {
mUpdateArray = null;