const db =; const app = getApp(); Page({ data: { students: [], selectedStudent: null, score: '', questionRepeatedCorrectly: false, additionalScore: 0, doublePoints: false, updatedScore: null }, onLoad: function() { this.getStudents(); }, // 获取学生列表 getStudents: function() { const MAX_LIMIT = 20; db.collection('students').count().then(res => { const total =; const batchTimes = Math.ceil(total / MAX_LIMIT); const tasks = []; for (let i = 0; i < batchTimes; i++) { const promise = db.collection('students').skip(i * MAX_LIMIT).limit(MAX_LIMIT).get(); tasks.push(promise); } Promise.all(tasks).then(results => { const students = results.reduce((acc, cur) => { return acc.concat(; }, []); this.setData({ students: students }); app.globalData.students = students; console.log('Students retrieved:', students); }).catch(err => { console.error('Failed to get students:', err); wx.showToast({ title: '获取学生信息失败', icon: 'none' }); }); }).catch(err => { console.error('Failed to count students:', err); wx.showToast({ title: '获取学生数量失败', icon: 'none' }); }); }, // 随机点名 randomRollCall: function() { const students =; if (students.length === 0) { wx.showToast({ title: '没有学生信息', icon: 'none' }); return; } const totalPoints = students.reduce((sum, student) => sum + Math.max(0, 10 - student.points), 0); let randomPoint = Math.random() * totalPoints; let cumulativePoint = 0; let selectedStudent = null; for (const student of students) { cumulativePoint += Math.max(0, 10 - student.points); if (randomPoint <= cumulativePoint) { selectedStudent = student; break; } } if (selectedStudent) { this.setData({ selectedStudent: selectedStudent }); wx.showModal({ title: '点名成功', content: `点到的同学是:${} (${})`, showCancel: false }); // 触发双倍积分事件 this.triggerDoublePointsEvent(selectedStudent); // 初始积分更新:到达课堂 +1 分 this.updateInitialPoints(1); } else { wx.showToast({ title: '点名失败', icon: 'none' }); } }, // 触发双倍积分事件 triggerDoublePointsEvent: function(student) { const probability = 0.1; // 10%的概率触发双倍积分 if (Math.random() < probability) { this.setData({ doublePoints: true }); wx.showToast({ title: '双倍积分!', icon: 'success' }); } else { this.setData({ doublePoints: false }); } }, // 输入评分 inputScore: function(e) { this.setData({ additionalScore: parseFloat(e.detail.value) }); }, // 初始积分更新函数 updateInitialPoints: function(baseScore) { const student =; student.points += baseScore; this.saveStudentPoints(student); }, // 更新积分 updatePoints: function() { const student =; let score = 1; // 基础到达课堂积分+1 console.log(`Initial score: ${score}`); // 判断是否能准确重复所提问的问题 if ( { score += 0.5; console.log('Accurate repetition: +0.5'); // 如果准确回答问题,输入要加的分数 score +=; console.log(`Accurate answer score: +${}`);//调试 } else { score -= 1; console.log('Inaccurate repetition: -1');//调试 } console.log(`Score before double points: ${score}`);//调试 // 如果触发双倍积分事件,积分加倍 if ( { score *= 2; console.log('Double points applied'); } console.log(`Final computed score: ${score}`); student.points += score; this.setData({ updatedScore: student.points }); this.saveStudentPoints(student); }, // 学生未到 studentAbsent: function() { const student =; let score = -1; // 学生未到,扣1分 student.points += score; this.setData({ updatedScore: student.points }); this.saveStudentPoints(student); }, // 保存学生积分 saveStudentPoints: function(student) { db.collection('students').doc(student._id).update({ data: { points: student.points } }).then(() => { this.getStudents(); wx.showToast({ title: '积分更新成功', icon: 'success' }); }).catch(err => { console.error('Failed to update student points:', err); wx.showToast({ title: '积分更新失败', icon: 'none' }); }); }, // 设置回答问题的情况 setQuestionRepeatedCorrectlyTrue: function() { this.setData({ questionRepeatedCorrectly: true }); }, setQuestionRepeatedCorrectlyFalse: function() { this.setData({ questionRepeatedCorrectly: false }); } });