You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../include/CWebTest.php';
* @backup dashboard, profiles
* @dataSource LoginUsers, AllItemValueTypes
class testPageDashboardWidgets extends CWebTest {
* Default selected widget type.
* The widget type should not be changed in frontend and in DB.
public function testPageDashboardWidgets_checkUnchangedWidgetType() {
// Opening widget configuration form for new widget first time.
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->edit();
// Check that widget type isn't changed in frontend and in DB.
// Opening edit widget form.
$form_system_info = $dashboard->getWidget('System information')->edit();
$this->assertEquals('System information', $form_system_info->getField('Type')->getValue());
// Check that widget type isn't changed in frontend and in DB.
// Making changes in widget form that are not "Widget type".
$form_problems = $dashboard->getWidget('Current problems')->edit();
$this->assertEquals('Problems', $form_problems->getField('Type')->getValue());
$data =[
'Name' => 'check widget type',
'Refresh interval' => 'No refresh',
'Show' => 'Recent problems',
'Show tags' => 'None'
// Add widget with current default type "Action log".
// Check if widget was added.
$dashboard->getWidget('Action log');
* Check last selected widget type in frontend and in DB.
* By default is 'Action log' type and without record in DB.
* @param string $type widget type name
* @param string $db_type widget type name stored in DB
private function checkLastSelectedWidgetType($type = 'Action log', $db_type = null) {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one();
$overlay = $dashboard->addWidget();
$form = $overlay->asForm();
$this->assertEquals($type, $form->getField('Type')->getValue());
if ($db_type) {
$this->assertEquals($db_type, CDBHelper::getValue("SELECT value_str FROM profiles".
" WHERE userid=1 AND idx='web.dashboard.last_widget_type'"));
else {
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount("SELECT * FROM profiles".
" WHERE userid=1 AND idx='web.dashboard.last_widget_type'"));
* Widget type should be inherited from the one that was selected last time.
public function testPageDashboardWidgets_checkWidgetTypeRemembering() {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->edit();
// Opening widget configuration form for new Clock widget.
$overlay = $dashboard->addWidget();
$default_form = $overlay->asForm();
$default_form->fill(['Type' => 'Clock']);
// Check that widget type is not remembered without submitting the form.
// Save edit widget form without changing widget type.
$sys_info_form = $dashboard->getWidget('System information')->edit();
$this->assertEquals('System information', $sys_info_form->getField('Type')->getValue());
// Check that widget type is still unchanged.
// Opening edit widget form and change widget type.
$change_form = $dashboard->getWidget('System information')->edit();
$change_form->fill(['Type' => 'Data overview']);
// Check that widget type inherited from previous widget.
$this->checkLastSelectedWidgetType('Data overview', 'dataover');
* Check "Problem Hosts" widget.
public function testPageDashboardWidgets_checkProblemHostsWidget() {
// Authorize user and open the page with the desired widget.
// Find dashboard element.
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one();
// Get dashboard widget element by widget title ('Problem hosts').
$widget = $dashboard->getWidget('Problem hosts');
// Check refresh interval of widget.
$this->assertEquals('1 minute', $widget->getRefreshInterval());
// Get widget content as table.
$table = $widget->getContent()->asTable();
// Check text of the table headers.
$this->assertSame(['Host group', 'Without problems', 'With problems', 'Total'], $table->getHeadersText());
// Expected table values.
$expected = [
'Host group for tag permissions' => 1,
'Zabbix servers' => 18,
'ZBX6648 All Triggers' => 1,
'ZBX6648 Disabled Triggers' => 1,
'ZBX6648 Enabled Triggers' => 1
* Index rows by column "Host group":
* Get table data as array where values from column 'Host group' are used as array keys.
$data = $table->index('Host group');
foreach ($expected as $group => $problems) {
// Get table row by host name.
$row = $data[$group];
// Check the value in table.
$this->assertEquals($problems, $row['Without problems']);
$this->assertEquals($problems, $row['Total']);
* Create dashboard with clock widget.
public function testPageDashboardWidgets_checkDashboardCreate() {
$this->query('button:Create dashboard')->one()->click();
$dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady();
$this->assertEquals('Dashboard properties', $dialog->getTitle());
$configuration = $dialog->asForm();
// Change dashboard owner.
$owner = $configuration->getField('Owner');
// Change dashboard name.
$configuration->getField('Name')->clear()->type('Dashboard create test');
if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one();
// Check the name of dashboard.
$this->query('id:page-title-general')->waitUntilTextPresent('Dashboard create test');
$this->assertEquals('Dashboard create test', $dashboard->getTitle());
// Add widget.
$overlay = $dashboard->addWidget();
$form = $overlay->asForm();
// Set type to "Clock".
// Wait until overlay is reloaded.
// Set name of widget.
$form->getField('Name')->type('Clock test');
if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) {
// Check if widget was added.
$widget = $dashboard->getWidget('Clock test');
// Save dashboard.
// Get global message.
$message = CMessageElement::find()->one();
// Check if message is positive.
// Check message title.
$this->assertEquals('Dashboard created', $message->getTitle());
* Edit widget.
public function testPageDashboardWidgets_checkProblemWidgetEdit() {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->edit();
$widget = $dashboard->getWidget('Problems by severity');
// Check if widget is editable.
$this->assertEquals(true, $widget->isEditable());
// Open widget edit form and get the form element.
$form = $widget->edit();
// Get "Host groups" multiselect.
$groups = $form->getField('Host groups');
// Select a single group.
$groups->select('Zabbix servers');
// Change the name of widget.
$form->getField('Name')->clear()->type('New widget name');
// Change show option.
$form->getField('Show')->select('Host groups');
// Submit the form.
if ($this->page->isAlertPresent()) {
// Check if widget can be found by a new name.
$dashboard->getWidget('New widget name');
$table = $widget->getContent()->asTable();
// Check if only selected host group is shown.
$this->assertEquals(['Zabbix servers'], array_keys($table->index('Host group')));