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2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CLegacyWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../traits/TagTrait.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../traits/TableTrait.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php';
* @dataSource TagFilter, Proxies, WebScenarios
* @backup hosts
* @onBefore prepareHostsData
class testPageHosts extends CLegacyWebTest {
* Attach MessageBehavior to the test.
public function getBehaviors() {
return [CMessageBehavior::class];
public $HostName = 'ЗАББИКС Сервер';
public $HostGroup = 'Zabbix servers';
public $HostIp = '';
public $HostPort = '10050';
use TagTrait;
use TableTrait;
public static function prepareHostsData() {
'host' => 'Disabled status',
'groups' => [
'groupid' => '6'
'host' => 'Enabled status',
'groups' => [
'groupid' => '6'
public static function allHosts() {
return CDBHelper::getDataProvider(
'SELECT,h.hostid, AS group_name'.
' FROM hosts h'.
' LEFT JOIN hosts_groups hg'.
' ON hg.hostid=h.hostid'.
' LEFT JOIN hstgrp g'.
' ON g.groupid=hg.groupid'.
" AND NOT h.flags = 2"
public function testPageHosts_CheckLayout() {
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$filter->getField('Host groups')->select($this->HostGroup);
$this->zbxTestTextPresent('Simple form test host');
$this->zbxTestTextNotPresent('ZBX6648 All Triggers Host');
// Check that proxy field is disabled.
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//thead//th[contains(text(),'Agent encryption')]");
$this->zbxTestTextNotPresent('Displaying 0 of 0 found');
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//button[text()='Mass update'][@disabled]");
* @dataProvider allHosts
public function testPageHosts_SimpleUpdate($host) {
$hostid = $host['hostid'];
$name = $host['name'];
$sqlHosts =
'SELECT hostid,proxyid,host,status,ipmi_authtype,ipmi_privilege,ipmi_username,'.
' FROM hosts'.
' WHERE hostid='.$hostid;
$oldHashHosts = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHosts);
$sqlItems = "select * from items where hostid=$hostid order by itemid";
$oldHashItems = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlItems);
$sqlInterface = "select * from interface where hostid=$hostid order by interfaceid";
$oldHashInterface = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlInterface);
$sqlHostMacro = "select * from hostmacro where hostid=$hostid order by hostmacroid";
$oldHashHostMacro = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostMacro);
$sqlHostsGroups = "select * from hosts_groups where hostid=$hostid order by hostgroupid";
$oldHashHostsGroups = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostsGroups);
$sqlHostsTemplates = "select * from hosts_templates where hostid=$hostid order by hosttemplateid";
$oldHashHostsTemplates = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostsTemplates);
$sqlMaintenancesHosts = "select * from maintenances_hosts where hostid=$hostid order by maintenance_hostid";
$oldHashMaintenancesHosts = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlMaintenancesHosts);
$sqlHostInventory = "select * from host_inventory where hostid=$hostid";
$oldHashHostInventory = CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostInventory);
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$form = COverlayDialogElement::find()->asForm()->one()->waitUntilReady();
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Host updated');
$this->assertEquals($oldHashHosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHosts));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashItems, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlItems));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashInterface, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlInterface));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashHostMacro, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostMacro));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashHostsGroups, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostsGroups));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashHostsTemplates, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostsTemplates));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashMaintenancesHosts, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlMaintenancesHosts));
$this->assertEquals($oldHashHostInventory, CDBHelper::getHash($sqlHostInventory));
public function getFilterByStatusData() {
return [
// Retrieve only Enabled host from specific host group.
'filter' => [
'Host groups' => 'Virtual machines',
'Status' => 'Enabled'
'expected' => [
'Enabled status'
// Apply filtering with no results in output.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'Disabled status',
'Status' => 'Enabled'
// Retrieve only Disabled Host which is monitored by the server.
'filter' => [
'Status' => 'Disabled',
'Monitored by' => 'Server'
'expected' => [
'Disabled status'
// Retrieve Any host with a partial name match.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'status',
'Status' => 'Any'
'expected' => [
'Disabled status',
'Enabled status'
* @dataProvider getFilterByStatusData
public function testPageHosts_FilterByStatus($data) {
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->waitUntilPresent()->asForm()->one();
// Apply filtering parameters.
if (array_key_exists('expected', $data)) {
// Using column Name check that only the expected Hosts are returned in the list.
else {
// Check that 'No data found.' string is returned if no results are expected.
// Reset filter due to not influence further tests.
public function testPageHosts_MassDisableAll() {
DBexecute("update hosts set status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED." where status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED);
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Hosts disabled');
$sql = "select * from hosts where status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED.
" and NOT flags = 2";
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount($sql), "Chuck Norris: all hosts disabled but DB does not match");
* @dataProvider allHosts
public function testPageHosts_MassDisable($host) {
DBexecute("update hosts set status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED." where status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED);
$hostid = $host['hostid'];
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Host disabled');
$sql = "select * from hosts where hostid=$hostid and status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED;
$this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount($sql), "Chuck Norris: host $hostid disabled but status is wrong in the DB");
* @dataProvider allHosts
public function testPageHosts_MassActivate($host) {
DBexecute("update hosts set status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED." where status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED);
$hostid = $host['hostid'];
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Host enabled');
$sql = "select * from hosts where hostid=$hostid and status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED;
$this->assertEquals(1, CDBHelper::getCount($sql), "Chuck Norris: host $hostid activated but status is wrong in the DB");
public function testPageHosts_MassActivateAll() {
DBexecute("update hosts set status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED." where status=".HOST_STATUS_MONITORED);
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestCheckTitle('Configuration of hosts');
$this->zbxTestWaitUntilMessageTextPresent('msg-good', 'Hosts enabled');
$sql = "select host from hosts where status=".HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED.
" and NOT flags = 2";
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount($sql), "Chuck Norris: all hosts activated but DB does not match");
public function testPageHosts_FilterByName() {
$table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one();
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$this->zbxTestTextNotPresent('Displaying 0 of 0 found');
public function testPageHosts_FilterByTemplates() {
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$filter->fill(['Templates' => ['values' =>'Template for web scenario testing', 'context' => 'Templates']]);
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//a[text()='Simple form test host']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 1 of 1 found']");
public function testPageHosts_FilterByProxy() {
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$filter->getField('Host groups')->fill('Zabbix servers');
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//a[text()='Host_1 with proxy']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//td[text()='Proxy_1 for filter']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//a[text()='Host_2 with proxy']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//td[text()='Proxy_2 for filter']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 3 of 3 found']");
$this->zbxTestClickLinkTextWait('Proxy_1 for filter');
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//tbody//a[text()='Host_1 with proxy']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 1 of 1 found']");
public function testPageHosts_FilterNone() {
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 0 of 0 found']");
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 0 of 0 found']");
public function testPageHosts_FilterByAllFields() {
$table = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one();
$filter = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$filter->getField('Host groups')->select($this->HostGroup);
$this->zbxTestAssertElementPresentXpath("//div[@class='table-stats'][text()='Displaying 1 of 1 found']");
public function testPageHosts_FilterReset() {
$this->zbxTestTextNotPresent('Displaying 0 of 0 found');
public static function getFilterByTagsData() {
return [
// "And" and "And/Or" checks.
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'host'],
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'test_tag']
'result' => [
'Name' => 'Host for tags filtering',
'Tags' => [
'selector' => 'class:tag',
'text' => ['tag: HOST', 'test: test_tag', 'action: simple']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'host'],
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'test_tag']
'result' => [
'Name' => 'Host for tags filtering',
'Tags' => [
'selector' => 'class:tag',
'text' => ['tag: HOST', 'test: test_tag', 'action: simple']
'Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone',
'Tags' => [
'selector' => 'class:tag',
'text' => ['tag: host', 'action: clone']
'Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update',
'Tags' => [
'selector' => 'class:tag',
'text' => ['tag: host', 'action: update']
// "Contains" and "Equals" checks.
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Contains', 'value' => 'HOST']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering', 'Templates' => 'Template for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone', 'Templates' => ''],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update', 'Templates' => '']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Equals', 'value' => 'HOST']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Contains']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Equals']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Exists'],
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Exists'],
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Exists']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Exists']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not exist']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not exist']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not exist'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Does not exist']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not exist'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Does not exist']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'test_tag']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'test_tag']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'test', 'operator' => 'Does not equal']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'update'],
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'simple']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'update'],
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not equal', 'value' => 'simple']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - clone'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clone']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clone']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clo'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'ho']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clo'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'ho']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update'],
['Name' => 'Simple form test host'],
['Name' => 'SLA reports host'],
['Name' => 'Template inheritance test host']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clone'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Equals', 'value' => 'host']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update']
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
['name' => 'action', 'operator' => 'Does not contain', 'value' => 'clone'],
['name' => 'tag', 'operator' => 'Exists']
'result' => [
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering'],
['Name' => 'Host for tags filtering - update']
* Test filtering hosts by tags.
* @dataProvider getFilterByTagsData
public function testPageHosts_FilterByTags($data) {
$this->page->login()->open((new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'host.list')
->setArgument('filter_groups[]', 4)
->setArgument('filter_host', 'host')
->setArgument('filter_port', 10051)
->setArgument('filter_set', 1)
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->waitUntilPresent()->asForm()->one();
$form->fill(['id:filter_evaltype' => $data['evaluation_type']]);
// Check filtered result.
$this->assertTableData(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'result', []));
// Reset filter due to not influence further tests.
* Test the Enable and Disable link in the Host list.
public function testPageHosts_EnableDisableLink() {
$host_row = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->findRow('Name', 'Enabled status');
foreach (['Disabled' => HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED, 'Enabled' => HOST_STATUS_MONITORED] as $status => $id) {
$this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Host '.strtolower($status));
$this->assertEquals($status, $host_row->getColumn('Status')->getText());
$this->assertEquals($id, CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT status FROM hosts WHERE host='.zbx_dbstr('Enabled status')));