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2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "zbxnum.h"
/* generic */
typedef zbx_uint32_t zbx_hash_t;
zbx_hash_t zbx_hash_modfnv(const void *data, size_t len, zbx_hash_t seed);
zbx_hash_t zbx_hash_splittable64(const void *data);
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_HASH_ALGO zbx_hash_modfnv
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_PTR_HASH_ALGO zbx_hash_modfnv
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_HASH_ALGO zbx_hash_modfnv
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_STRING_HASH_ALGO zbx_hash_modfnv
typedef zbx_hash_t (*zbx_hash_func_t)(const void *data);
zbx_hash_t zbx_default_ptr_hash_func(const void *data);
zbx_hash_t zbx_default_string_hash_func(const void *data);
zbx_hash_t zbx_default_uint64_pair_hash_func(const void *data);
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_PTR_HASH_FUNC zbx_default_ptr_hash_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_HASH_FUNC zbx_hash_splittable64
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_STRING_HASH_FUNC zbx_default_string_hash_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PAIR_HASH_FUNC zbx_default_uint64_pair_hash_func
typedef int (*zbx_compare_func_t)(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_int_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_uint64_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_uint64_ptr_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_str_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_str_ptr_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_natural_str_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_ptr_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_uint64_pair_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_default_dbl_compare_func(const void *d1, const void *d2);
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_INT_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_int_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_uint64_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_uint64_ptr_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_STR_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_str_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_STR_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_str_ptr_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_PTR_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_ptr_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_UINT64_PAIR_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_uint64_pair_compare_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_DBL_COMPARE_FUNC zbx_default_dbl_compare_func
typedef void *(*zbx_mem_malloc_func_t)(void *old, size_t size);
typedef void *(*zbx_mem_realloc_func_t)(void *old, size_t size);
typedef void (*zbx_mem_free_func_t)(void *ptr);
void *zbx_default_mem_malloc_func(void *old, size_t size);
void *zbx_default_mem_realloc_func(void *old, size_t size);
void zbx_default_mem_free_func(void *ptr);
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_MEM_MALLOC_FUNC zbx_default_mem_malloc_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_MEM_REALLOC_FUNC zbx_default_mem_realloc_func
#define ZBX_DEFAULT_MEM_FREE_FUNC zbx_default_mem_free_func
typedef void (*zbx_clean_func_t)(void *data);
#define ZBX_RETURN_IF_NOT_EQUAL(a, b) \
if ((a) < (b)) \
return -1; \
if ((a) > (b)) \
return +1
do \
{ \
if (FAIL == zbx_double_compare(a, b)) \
{ \
if ((a) < (b)) \
return -1; \
else \
return +1; \
} \
} \
/* pair */
typedef struct
void *first;
void *second;
typedef struct
zbx_uint64_t first;
zbx_uint64_t second;
/* hashset */
#define ZBX_HASHSET_ENTRY_T struct zbx_hashset_entry_s
zbx_hash_t hash;
/* the data member must be properly aligned on 64-bit architectures that require aligned memory access */
char padding[sizeof(void *) - sizeof(zbx_hash_t)];
char data[1];
typedef struct
int num_slots;
int num_data;
zbx_hash_func_t hash_func;
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func;
zbx_clean_func_t clean_func;
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func;
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func;
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func;
void zbx_hashset_create(zbx_hashset_t *hs, size_t init_size,
zbx_hash_func_t hash_func,
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func);
void zbx_hashset_create_ext(zbx_hashset_t *hs, size_t init_size,
zbx_hash_func_t hash_func,
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func,
zbx_clean_func_t clean_func,
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func,
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func,
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func);
void zbx_hashset_destroy(zbx_hashset_t *hs);
int zbx_hashset_reserve(zbx_hashset_t *hs, int num_slots_req);
void *zbx_hashset_insert(zbx_hashset_t *hs, const void *data, size_t size);
void *zbx_hashset_insert_ext(zbx_hashset_t *hs, const void *data, size_t size, size_t offset);
void *zbx_hashset_search(const zbx_hashset_t *hs, const void *data);
void zbx_hashset_remove(zbx_hashset_t *hs, const void *data);
void zbx_hashset_remove_direct(zbx_hashset_t *hs, void *data);
void zbx_hashset_clear(zbx_hashset_t *hs);
typedef struct
zbx_hashset_t *hashset;
int slot;
void zbx_hashset_iter_reset(zbx_hashset_t *hs, zbx_hashset_iter_t *iter);
void *zbx_hashset_iter_next(zbx_hashset_iter_t *iter);
void zbx_hashset_iter_remove(zbx_hashset_iter_t *iter);
void zbx_hashset_copy(zbx_hashset_t *dst, const zbx_hashset_t *src, size_t size);
/* hashmap */
/* currently, we only have a very specialized hashmap */
/* that maps zbx_uint64_t keys into non-negative ints */
#define ZBX_HASHMAP_ENTRY_T struct zbx_hashmap_entry_s
#define ZBX_HASHMAP_SLOT_T struct zbx_hashmap_slot_s
zbx_uint64_t key;
int value;
int entries_num;
int entries_alloc;
typedef struct
int num_slots;
int num_data;
zbx_hash_func_t hash_func;
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func;
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func;
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func;
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func;
void zbx_hashmap_create(zbx_hashmap_t *hm, size_t init_size);
void zbx_hashmap_create_ext(zbx_hashmap_t *hm, size_t init_size,
zbx_hash_func_t hash_func,
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func,
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func,
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func,
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func);
void zbx_hashmap_destroy(zbx_hashmap_t *hm);
int zbx_hashmap_get(zbx_hashmap_t *hm, zbx_uint64_t key);
void zbx_hashmap_set(zbx_hashmap_t *hm, zbx_uint64_t key, int value);
void zbx_hashmap_remove(zbx_hashmap_t *hm, zbx_uint64_t key);
void zbx_hashmap_clear(zbx_hashmap_t *hm);
/* binary heap (min-heap) */
/* currently, we only have a very specialized binary heap that can */
/* store zbx_uint64_t keys with arbitrary auxiliary information */
#define ZBX_BINARY_HEAP_OPTION_DIRECT (1<<0) /* support for direct update() and remove() operations */
typedef struct
zbx_uint64_t key;
void *data;
typedef struct
zbx_binary_heap_elem_t *elems;
int elems_num;
int elems_alloc;
int options;
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func;
zbx_hashmap_t *key_index;
/* The binary heap is designed to work correctly only with memory allocation functions */
/* that return pointer to the allocated memory or quit. Functions that can return NULL */
/* are not supported (process will exit() if NULL return value is encountered). If */
/* using zbx_shmem_info_t and the associated memory functions then ensure that */
/* allow_oom is always set to 0. */
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func;
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func;
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func;
void zbx_binary_heap_create(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func, int options);
void zbx_binary_heap_create_ext(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func,
int options, zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func,
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func,
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func);
void zbx_binary_heap_destroy(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap);
int zbx_binary_heap_empty(const zbx_binary_heap_t *heap);
zbx_binary_heap_elem_t *zbx_binary_heap_find_min(const zbx_binary_heap_t *heap);
void zbx_binary_heap_insert(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap, zbx_binary_heap_elem_t *elem);
void zbx_binary_heap_update_direct(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap, zbx_binary_heap_elem_t *elem);
void zbx_binary_heap_remove_min(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap);
void zbx_binary_heap_remove_direct(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap, zbx_uint64_t key);
void zbx_binary_heap_clear(zbx_binary_heap_t *heap);
/* vector implementation start */
#define ZBX_VECTOR_STRUCT_DECL(__id, __type) \
typedef struct zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _s \
{ \
__type *values; \
int values_num; \
int values_alloc; \
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func; \
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func; \
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func; \
} \
zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t;
#define ZBX_VECTOR_FUNC_DECL(__id, __type) \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _create(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _create_ext(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, \
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func, \
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func, \
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _destroy(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type value); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _insert(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type value, int before_index); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append_ptr(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type *value); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append_array(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type const *values, \
int values_num); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _remove_noorder(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, int index); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _remove(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, int index); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _sort(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _uniq(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _nearestindex(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _bsearch(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _lsearch(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, int *index,\
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _search(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _setdiff(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *left, const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *right,\
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _reserve(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, size_t size); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _clear(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector);
#define ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(__id, __type) ZBX_VECTOR_STRUCT_DECL(__id, __type) \
ZBX_VECTOR_FUNC_DECL(__id, __type)
#define ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_FUNC_DECL(__id, __type) \
ZBX_VECTOR_FUNC_DECL(__id, __type) \
typedef void (*zbx_ ## __id ## _free_func_t)(__type data); \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _clear_ext(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, zbx_ ## __id ## _free_func_t free_func);
#define ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(__id, __type) ZBX_VECTOR_STRUCT_DECL(__id, __type) \
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(uint64, zbx_uint64_t)
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(uint32, zbx_uint32_t)
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(int32, int)
ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(str, char *)
ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(ptr, void *)
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(ptr_pair, zbx_ptr_pair_t)
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(uint64_pair, zbx_uint64_pair_t)
ZBX_VECTOR_DECL(dbl, double)
ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_DECL(tags, zbx_tag_t*)
#define ZBX_VECTOR_IMPL(__id, __type) \
static void __vector_ ## __id ## _ensure_free_space(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector) \
{ \
if (NULL == vector->values) \
{ \
vector->values_num = 0; \
vector->values_alloc = 32; \
vector->values = (__type *)vector->mem_malloc_func(NULL, (size_t)vector->values_alloc * \
sizeof(__type)); \
} \
else if (vector->values_num == vector->values_alloc) \
{ \
vector->values_alloc = MAX(vector->values_alloc + 1, vector->values_alloc * \
vector->values = (__type *)vector->mem_realloc_func(vector->values, \
(size_t)vector->values_alloc * sizeof(__type)); \
} \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _create(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector) \
{ \
zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _create_ext(vector, \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _create_ext(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, \
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func, \
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func, \
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func) \
{ \
vector->values = NULL; \
vector->values_num = 0; \
vector->values_alloc = 0; \
vector->mem_malloc_func = mem_malloc_func; \
vector->mem_realloc_func = mem_realloc_func; \
vector->mem_free_func = mem_free_func; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _destroy(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector) \
{ \
if (NULL != vector->values) \
{ \
vector->mem_free_func(vector->values); \
vector->values = NULL; \
vector->values_num = 0; \
vector->values_alloc = 0; \
} \
vector->mem_malloc_func = NULL; \
vector->mem_realloc_func = NULL; \
vector->mem_free_func = NULL; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type value) \
{ \
__vector_ ## __id ## _ensure_free_space(vector); \
vector->values[vector->values_num++] = value; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _insert(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type value, int before_index) \
{ \
__vector_ ## __id ## _ensure_free_space(vector); \
if (0 < vector->values_num - before_index) \
{ \
memmove(vector->values + before_index + 1, vector->values + before_index, \
(vector->values_num - before_index) * sizeof(__type)); \
} \
vector->values_num++; \
vector->values[before_index] = value; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append_ptr(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type *value) \
{ \
__vector_ ## __id ## _ensure_free_space(vector); \
vector->values[vector->values_num++] = *value; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _append_array(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, __type const *values, \
int values_num) \
{ \
zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _reserve(vector, (size_t)(vector->values_num + values_num)); \
memcpy(vector->values + vector->values_num, values, (size_t)values_num * sizeof(__type)); \
vector->values_num = vector->values_num + values_num; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _remove_noorder(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, int index) \
{ \
if (!(0 <= index && index < vector->values_num)) \
{ \
zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, "removing a non-existent element at index %d", index); \
} \
vector->values[index] = vector->values[--vector->values_num]; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _remove(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, int index) \
{ \
if (!(0 <= index && index < vector->values_num)) \
{ \
zabbix_log(LOG_LEVEL_CRIT, "removing a non-existent element at index %d", index); \
} \
vector->values_num--; \
memmove(&vector->values[index], &vector->values[index + 1], \
sizeof(__type) * (size_t)(vector->values_num - index)); \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _sort(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
if (2 <= vector->values_num) \
qsort(vector->values, (size_t)vector->values_num, sizeof(__type), compare_func); \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _uniq(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
if (2 <= vector->values_num) \
{ \
int i, j = 1; \
for (i = 1; i < vector->values_num; i++) \
{ \
if (0 != compare_func(&vector->values[i - 1], &vector->values[i])) \
vector->values[j++] = vector->values[i]; \
} \
vector->values_num = j; \
} \
} \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _nearestindex(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
int lo = 0, hi = vector->values_num, mid, c; \
while (1 <= hi - lo) \
{ \
mid = (lo + hi) / 2; \
c = compare_func(&vector->values[mid], &value); \
if (0 > c) \
{ \
lo = mid + 1; \
} \
else if (0 == c) \
{ \
return mid; \
} \
else \
hi = mid; \
} \
return hi; \
} \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _bsearch(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
__type *ptr; \
ptr = (__type *)zbx_bsearch(&value, vector->values, (size_t)vector->values_num, sizeof(__type), \
compare_func); \
if (NULL != ptr) \
return (int)(ptr - vector->values); \
else \
return FAIL; \
} \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _lsearch(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, int *index,\
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
while (*index < vector->values_num) \
{ \
int c = compare_func(&vector->values[*index], &value); \
if (0 > c) \
{ \
(*index)++; \
continue; \
} \
if (0 == c) \
return SUCCEED; \
if (0 < c) \
break; \
} \
return FAIL; \
} \
int zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _search(const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, const __type value, \
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
int index; \
for (index = 0; index < vector->values_num; index++) \
{ \
if (0 == compare_func(&vector->values[index], &value)) \
return index; \
} \
return FAIL; \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _setdiff(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *left, const zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *right,\
zbx_compare_func_t compare_func) \
{ \
int c, block_start, deleted = 0, left_index = 0, right_index = 0; \
while (left_index < left->values_num && right_index < right->values_num) \
{ \
c = compare_func(&left->values[left_index], &right->values[right_index]); \
if (0 >= c) \
left_index++; \
if (0 <= c) \
right_index++; \
if (0 != c) \
continue; \
if (0 < deleted++) \
{ \
memmove(&left->values[block_start - deleted + 1], &left->values[block_start], \
(size_t)(left_index - 1 - block_start) * sizeof(__type)); \
} \
block_start = left_index; \
} \
if (0 < deleted) \
{ \
memmove(&left->values[block_start - deleted], &left->values[block_start], \
(size_t)(left->values_num - block_start) * sizeof(__type)); \
left->values_num -= deleted; \
} \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _reserve(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, size_t size) \
{ \
if ((int)size > vector->values_alloc) \
{ \
vector->values_alloc = (int)size; \
vector->values = (__type *)vector->mem_realloc_func(vector->values, \
(size_t)vector->values_alloc * sizeof(__type)); \
} \
} \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _clear(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector) \
{ \
vector->values_num = 0; \
#define ZBX_PTR_VECTOR_IMPL(__id, __type) \
ZBX_VECTOR_IMPL(__id, __type) \
void zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _clear_ext(zbx_vector_ ## __id ## _t *vector, \
zbx_ ## __id ## _free_func_t free_func) \
{ \
if (0 != vector->values_num) \
{ \
int index; \
for (index = 0; index < vector->values_num; index++) \
free_func(vector->values[index]); \
vector->values_num = 0; \
} \
/* vector implementation end */
/* these functions are only for use with zbx_vector_XXX_clear_ext() */
/* and only if the vector does not contain nested allocations */
void zbx_ptr_free(void *data);
void zbx_str_free(char *data);
void zbx_free_tag(zbx_tag_t *tag);
/* these functions are only for use with zbx_vector_XXX_sort() */
int zbx_compare_tags(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_compare_tags_and_values(const void *d1, const void *d2);
int zbx_compare_tags_natural(const void *d1, const void *d2);
/* 128 bit unsigned integer handling */
void zbx_uinc128_64(zbx_uint128_t *base, zbx_uint64_t value);
void zbx_uinc128_128(zbx_uint128_t *base, const zbx_uint128_t *value);
void zbx_udiv128_64(zbx_uint128_t *result, const zbx_uint128_t *dividend, zbx_uint64_t value);
void zbx_umul64_64(zbx_uint128_t *result, zbx_uint64_t value, zbx_uint64_t factor);
unsigned int zbx_isqrt32(unsigned int value);
/* forecasting */
#define ZBX_MATH_ERROR -1.0
typedef enum
typedef enum
int zbx_fit_code(char *fit_str, zbx_fit_t *fit, unsigned *k, char **error);
int zbx_mode_code(char *mode_str, zbx_mode_t *mode, char **error);
double zbx_forecast(double *t, double *x, int n, double now, double time, zbx_fit_t fit, unsigned k, zbx_mode_t mode);
double zbx_timeleft(double *t, double *x, int n, double now, double threshold, zbx_fit_t fit, unsigned k);
/* fifo queue of pointers */
typedef struct
void **values;
int alloc_num;
int head_pos;
int tail_pos;
#define zbx_queue_ptr_empty(queue) ((queue)->head_pos == (queue)->tail_pos ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
int zbx_queue_ptr_values_num(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue);
void zbx_queue_ptr_reserve(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue, int num);
void zbx_queue_ptr_compact(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue);
void zbx_queue_ptr_create(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue);
void zbx_queue_ptr_destroy(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue);
void zbx_queue_ptr_push(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue, void *value);
void *zbx_queue_ptr_pop(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue);
void zbx_queue_ptr_remove_value(zbx_queue_ptr_t *queue, const void *value);
/* list item data */
typedef struct list_item
struct list_item *next;
void *data;
/* list data */
typedef struct
zbx_list_item_t *head;
zbx_list_item_t *tail;
zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func;
zbx_mem_realloc_func_t mem_realloc_func;
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func;
/* queue item data */
typedef struct
zbx_list_t *list;
zbx_list_item_t *current;
zbx_list_item_t *next;
void zbx_list_create(zbx_list_t *list);
void zbx_list_create_ext(zbx_list_t *list, zbx_mem_malloc_func_t mem_malloc_func,
zbx_mem_free_func_t mem_free_func);
void zbx_list_destroy(zbx_list_t *list);
int zbx_list_append(zbx_list_t *list, void *value, zbx_list_item_t **inserted);
int zbx_list_insert_after(zbx_list_t *list, zbx_list_item_t *after, void *value, zbx_list_item_t **inserted);
int zbx_list_prepend(zbx_list_t *list, void *value, zbx_list_item_t **inserted);
int zbx_list_pop(zbx_list_t *list, void **value);
int zbx_list_peek(const zbx_list_t *list, void **value);
void zbx_list_iterator_init(zbx_list_t *list, zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
int zbx_list_iterator_init_with(zbx_list_t *list, zbx_list_item_t *next, zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
int zbx_list_iterator_next(zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
int zbx_list_iterator_peek(const zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator, void **value);
void zbx_list_iterator_clear(zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
int zbx_list_iterator_equal(const zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator1, const zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator2);
int zbx_list_iterator_isset(const zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
void zbx_list_iterator_update(zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
void *zbx_list_iterator_remove_next(zbx_list_iterator_t *iterator);
#endif /* ZABBIX_ZBXALGO_H */