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563 lines
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563 lines
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2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class CControllerPopupAcknowledgeCreate extends CController {
* @var bool
private $close_problems;
* @var bool
private $change_severity;
* @var bool
private $unacknowledge;
* @var bool
private $acknowledge;
* @var string
private $new_severity;
* @var string
private $message;
* @var bool
private $suppress;
* @var bool
private $unsuppress;
* @var int
private $suppress_until;
* @var CRangeTimeParser
private $suppress_until_time_parser;
* @var int
private $change_rank;
* @var bool
private $rank_change_to_cause;
* @var bool
private $rank_change_to_symptom;
protected function checkInput() {
$fields = [
'eventids' => 'required|array_db acknowledges.eventid',
'cause_eventid' => 'db acknowledges.eventid',
'message' => 'db acknowledges.message|flags '.P_CRLF,
'change_severity' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SEVERITY,
'acknowledge_problem' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_ACKNOWLEDGE,
'unacknowledge_problem' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNACKNOWLEDGE,
'close_problem' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_CLOSE,
'suppress_problem' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SUPPRESS,
'suppress_until_problem' => 'range_time',
'unsuppress_problem' => 'db acknowledges.action|in '.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE.','.ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNSUPPRESS,
$ret = $this->validateInput($fields);
$suppress = $this->getInput('suppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE);
$suppress_time = $this->getInput('suppress_time_option', ZBX_PROBLEM_SUPPRESS_TIME_INDEFINITE);
if ($ret && $suppress == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SUPPRESS && $suppress_time == ZBX_PROBLEM_SUPPRESS_TIME_DEFINITE) {
$this->suppress_until_time_parser = new CRangeTimeParser();
$this->suppress_until_time_parser->parse($this->getInput('suppress_until_problem', ''));
$suppress_until = $this->suppress_until_time_parser->getDateTime(false)->getTimestamp();
if (!validateUnixTime($suppress_until) || $suppress_until < time()) {
error(_s('Incorrect value for field "%1$s": %2$s.', _('Suppress'), _('invalid time')));
$ret = false;
$this->change_rank = $this->getInput('change_rank', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE);
if ($ret && $this->change_rank == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_RANK_TO_SYMPTOM
&& !$this->hasInput('cause_eventid')) {
error(_s('Field "%1$s" is mandatory.', 'cause_eventid'));
$ret = false;
if (!$ret) {
$error_title = $this->hasInput('eventids')
? _n('Cannot update event', 'Cannot update events', count($this->getInput('eventids', [])))
: _('Cannot update events');
new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode([
'error' => [
'title' => $error_title,
'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')
return $ret;
protected function checkPermissions() {
if (!$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEMS)
&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CLOSE_PROBLEMS)
&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_SEVERITY)
&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ADD_PROBLEM_COMMENTS)
&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
&& !$this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_PROBLEM_RANKING)) {
return false;
$eventids = array_flip($this->getInput('eventids'));
if ($this->hasInput('cause_eventid')) {
$eventids[$this->getInput('cause_eventid')] = true;
$events = API::Event()->get([
'countOutput' => true,
'eventids' => array_keys($eventids),
return $events == count($eventids);
protected function doAction() {
$updated_events_count = 0;
$result = false;
$data = null;
$this->close_problems = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CLOSE_PROBLEMS)
? ($this->getInput('close_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_CLOSE)
: false;
$this->change_severity = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_SEVERITY)
? ($this->getInput('change_severity', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SEVERITY)
: false;
$this->acknowledge = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEMS)
? ($this->getInput('acknowledge_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_ACKNOWLEDGE)
: false;
$this->unacknowledge = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEMS)
? ($this->getInput('unacknowledge_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNACKNOWLEDGE)
: false;
$this->new_severity = $this->getInput('severity', '');
$this->message = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_ADD_PROBLEM_COMMENTS)
? $this->getInput('message', '')
: '';
$this->suppress = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
? ($this->getInput('suppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SUPPRESS)
: false;
$this->unsuppress = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
? ($this->getInput('unsuppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_UNSUPPRESS)
: false;
$this->rank_change_to_cause = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_PROBLEM_RANKING)
? ($this->change_rank == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_RANK_TO_CAUSE)
: false;
$this->rank_change_to_symptom = $this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_CHANGE_PROBLEM_RANKING)
? ($this->change_rank == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_RANK_TO_SYMPTOM)
: false;
$eventids = array_flip($this->getInput('eventids'));
// Process suppress until time.
if ($this->checkAccess(CRoleHelper::ACTIONS_SUPPRESS_PROBLEMS)
&& $this->getInput('suppress_problem', ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_SUPPRESS) {
// Check if suppress time option was definite or indefinite.
if ($this->getInput('suppress_time_option') == ZBX_PROBLEM_SUPPRESS_TIME_DEFINITE) {
// Convert suppress until problem input to Unix timestamp.
$this->suppress_until = $this->suppress_until_time_parser->getDateTime(false)->getTimestamp();
// Save if inserted was relative time.
if ($this->suppress_until_time_parser->getTimeType() == CRangeTimeParser::ZBX_TIME_RELATIVE) {
$suppress_until_time = $this->getInput('suppress_until_problem');
CProfile::update('web.problem_suppress_action_time_until', $suppress_until_time, PROFILE_TYPE_STR);
else {
// Save suppress until time for indefinite option.
// Select events that are created from the same trigger if ZBX_ACKNOWLEDGE_PROBLEM is selected.
$eventids += array_flip($this->getRelatedProblemids($eventids));
// Select data about all affected events and triggers involved.
[$events, $editable_triggers] = $this->getEventDetails(array_keys($eventids));
// Group events by actions user is allowed to perform.
$eventid_groups = $this->groupEventsByActionsAllowed($events, $editable_triggers);
// Update selected events.
while ($eventid_groups['readable']) {
$data = $this->getAcknowledgeOptions($eventid_groups);
* No actions to perform. This can happen only if user has selected action he has no permissions to do
* for any of selected events. This can happen, when you will perform one action on multiple problems,
* where only some of these problems can perform this action (ex. close problem).
if ($data['action'] == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) {
if ($data['eventids']) {
$eventid_chunks = array_chunk($data['eventids'], ZBX_DB_MAX_INSERTS);
foreach ($eventid_chunks as $eventid_chunk) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_chunk;
$result = API::Event()->acknowledge($data);
// Do not continue if event.acknowledge validation fails.
if (!$result) {
break 2;
$updated_events_count += count($data['eventids']);
$output = [];
if ($result) {
$success = ['title' => _n('Event updated', 'Events updated', $updated_events_count)];
if ($messages = get_and_clear_messages()) {
$success['messages'] = array_column($messages, 'message');
$output['success'] = $success;
else {
if ($data && $data['action'] == ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_NONE) {
error(_('At least one update operation or message is mandatory'));
$output['error'] = [
'title' => _n('Cannot update event', 'Cannot update events', count($this->getInput('eventids'))),
'messages' => array_column(get_and_clear_messages(), 'message')
$this->setResponse(new CControllerResponseData(['main_block' => json_encode($output)]));
* Function returns array containing problem IDs generated by same trigger as event IDs passed as $eventids.
* @param array $eventids Event IDs for which related problems must be selected.
* @return array
protected function getRelatedProblemids(array $eventids): array {
$events = API::Event()->get([
'output' => ['objectid'],
'eventids' => array_keys($eventids),
if ($events) {
$related_problems = API::Problem()->get([
'output' => ['eventid'],
'objectids' => array_column($events, 'objectid', 'objectid'),
'preservekeys' => true
return array_keys($related_problems);
return [];
* Function returns array containing 2 sub-arrays:
* - First sub-array contains details for all requested events based on user actions.
* - Second sub-array contains all editable trigger IDs that has caused requested events.
* @param array $eventids
* @return array
protected function getEventDetails(array $eventids): array {
// Select details for all affected events.
$events = API::Event()->get([
'output' => ['eventid', 'objectid', 'acknowledged', 'r_eventid'],
'selectAcknowledges' => $this->close_problems || $this->suppress || $this->unsuppress ? ['action'] : null,
'selectSuppressionData' => $this->unsuppress ? ['maintenanceid'] : null,
'eventids' => $eventids,
'preservekeys' => true
// Select editable triggers.
$editable_triggers = ($events && ($this->change_severity || $this->close_problems))
? API::Trigger()->get([
'output' => ['manual_close'],
'triggerids' => array_column($events, 'objectid'),
'editable' => true,
'preservekeys' => true
: [];
return [$events, $editable_triggers];
* Function groups eventids according the actions user can perform for each of event.
* Following groups of eventids are made:
* - closable events (events are writable + configured to be closed manually + not closed before);
* - editable events (events are writable);
* - acknowledgeable (events are not yet acknowledged);
* - unacknowledgeable (events are not yet unacknowledged);
* - readable events (events that user has at least read permissions).
* @param array $events
* @param string $events[]['eventid'] Event ID.
* @param string $events[]['objectid'] Trigger ID that has generated particular event.
* @param string $events[]['r_eventid'] Recovery event ID.
* @param string $events[]['acknowledged'] Indicates if event is acknowledged.
* @param array $editable_triggers[<triggerid>] Arrays containing editable trigger IDs as keys.
* @param int $editable_triggers[<triggerid>]['manual_close'] Trigger's manual_close configuration.
* @param array
protected function groupEventsByActionsAllowed(array $events, array $editable_triggers): array {
$eventid_groups = [
'closable' => [],
'editable' => [],
'acknowledgeable' => [],
'unacknowledgeable' => [],
'suppressible' => [],
'unsuppressible' => [],
'readable' => []
foreach ($events as $event) {
if ($this->close_problems && $this->isEventClosable($event, $editable_triggers)) {
$eventid_groups['closable'][] = $event['eventid'];
if ($this->change_severity && array_key_exists($event['objectid'], $editable_triggers)) {
$eventid_groups['editable'][] = $event['eventid'];
if ($this->acknowledge && $event['acknowledged'] == EVENT_NOT_ACKNOWLEDGED) {
$eventid_groups['acknowledgeable'][] = $event['eventid'];
if ($this->unacknowledge && $event['acknowledged'] == EVENT_ACKNOWLEDGED) {
$eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable'][] = $event['eventid'];
if ($this->suppress && !isEventClosed($event)) {
$eventid_groups['suppressible'][] = $event['eventid'];
if ($this->unsuppress && !isEventClosed($event) && $this->isEventSuppressed($event)) {
$eventid_groups['unsuppressible'][] = $event['eventid'];
$eventid_groups['readable'][] = $event['eventid'];
return $eventid_groups;
* Checks if events can be closed manually.
* @param array $event Event object.
* @param array $event['r_eventid'] OK event id. 0 if not resolved.
* @param array $event['acknowledges'] List of problem updates.
* @param string $event['acknowledges'][]['action'] Action performed in update.
* @param array $editable_triggers[<triggerid>] List of editable triggers.
* @param int $editable_triggers[<triggerid>]['manual_close'] Trigger's manual_close configuration.
* @return bool
protected function isEventClosable(array $event, array $editable_triggers): bool {
if (!array_key_exists($event['objectid'], $editable_triggers)
|| $editable_triggers[$event['objectid']]['manual_close'] == ZBX_TRIGGER_MANUAL_CLOSE_NOT_ALLOWED
|| isEventClosed($event)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if event is manually suppressed.
* @param array $event Event object.
* @param array $event['suppression_data'] List of problem suppression data.
* @param string $event['suppression_data'][]['maintenanceid'] Problem maintenanceid.
* @return bool
protected function isEventSuppressed(array $event): bool {
foreach ($event['suppression_data'] as $suppression) {
if ($suppression['maintenanceid'] == 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Function returns an array for event.acknowledge API method, containing a list of eventids and specific 'action'
* flag to perform for list of eventids returned. Function will also clean utilized eventids from $eventids array.
* @param array $eventid_groups
* @param array $eventid_groups['closable'] Event IDs that user is allowed to close manually.
* @param array $eventid_groups['editable'] Event IDs that user is allowed to make changes.
* @param array $eventid_groups['acknowledgeable'] Event IDs that user is allowed to make acknowledgement.
* @param array $eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable'] Event IDs that user is allowed to make unacknowledgement.
* @param array $eventid_groups['readable'] Event IDs that user is allowed to read.
* @return array
protected function getAcknowledgeOptions(array &$eventid_groups): array {
$data = [
'eventids' => []
if ($this->close_problems && $eventid_groups['closable']) {
$data['action'] |= ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_CLOSE;
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['closable'];
$eventid_groups['closable'] = [];
if ($this->change_severity && $eventid_groups['editable']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['editable'];
$data['severity'] = $this->new_severity;
$eventid_groups['editable'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['editable'], $data['eventids']);
if ($this->acknowledge && $eventid_groups['acknowledgeable']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['acknowledgeable'];
$eventid_groups['acknowledgeable'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['acknowledgeable'], $data['eventids']);
if ($this->unacknowledge && $eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable'];
$eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['unacknowledgeable'], $data['eventids']);
if ($this->message !== '' && $eventid_groups['readable']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['readable'];
$data['action'] |= ZBX_PROBLEM_UPDATE_MESSAGE;
$data['message'] = $this->message;
if ($this->suppress && $eventid_groups['suppressible']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['suppressible'];
$data['suppress_until'] = $this->suppress_until;
$eventid_groups['suppressible'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['suppressible'], $data['eventids']);
if ($this->unsuppress && $eventid_groups['unsuppressible']) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['unsuppressible'];
$eventid_groups['unsuppressible'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['unsuppressible'], $data['eventids']);
if ($this->rank_change_to_cause) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['readable'];
if ($this->rank_change_to_symptom) {
if (!$data['eventids']) {
$data['eventids'] = $eventid_groups['readable'];
$data['cause_eventid'] = $this->getInput('cause_eventid');
$eventid_groups['readable'] = array_diff($eventid_groups['readable'], $data['eventids']);
$data['eventids'] = array_keys(array_flip($data['eventids']));
return $data;