You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
226 lines
6.6 KiB
226 lines
6.6 KiB
2 years ago
<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @var CView $this
* @var array $data
$html_page = (new CHtmlPage())
->setTitle(_('Host groups'))
(new CTag('nav', true,
(new CList())
CWebUser::getType() == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN
? (new CSimpleButton(_('Create host group')))->addClass('js-create-hostgroup')
: (new CSimpleButton(_('Create host group').' '._('(Only super admins can create groups)')))
))->setAttribute('aria-label', _('Content controls'))
->addItem((new CFilter())
->setResetUrl((new CUrl('zabbix.php'))->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.list'))
->addFilterTab(_('Filter'), [
(new CFormGrid())
new CLabel(_('Name'), 'filter_name'),
new CFormField(
(new CTextBox('filter_name', $data['filter']['name']))
->setAttribute('autofocus', 'autofocus')
->addVar('action', 'hostgroup.list')
$form = (new CForm())->setName('hostgroup_list');
$view_url = (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.list')
$table = (new CTableInfo())
(new CColHeader(
(new CCheckBox('all_groups'))
->onClick("checkAll('".$form->getName()."', 'all_groups', 'groups');")
make_sorting_header(_('Name'), 'name', $data['sort'], $data['sortorder'], $view_url),
(new CColHeader(_('Hosts')))->setColSpan(2),
(new CColHeader(_('Info')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH)
$current_time = time();
foreach ($data['groups'] as $group) {
$hosts_output = [];
$n = 0;
foreach ($group['hosts'] as $host) {
if ($n > $data['config']['max_in_table']) {
$hosts_output[] = [' ', HELLIP()];
if ($n > 1) {
$hosts_output[] = ', ';
if ($data['allowed_ui_conf_hosts']) {
$host_output = (new CLink($host['name'], (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'host.edit')
->setArgument('hostid', $host['hostid'])
->setAttribute('data-hostid', $host['hostid'])
->onClick('view.editHost(event, this.dataset.hostid);')
else {
$host_output = new CSpan($host['name']);
$host_output->addClass($host['status'] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED ? ZBX_STYLE_GREEN : ZBX_STYLE_RED);
$hosts_output[] = $host_output;
$host_count = $data['groupCounts'][$group['groupid']]['hosts'];
$name = [];
if ($group['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED) {
if ($group['discoveryRule']) {
if ($data['allowed_ui_conf_hosts'] && $group['is_discovery_rule_editable']) {
$lld_name = (new CLink($group['discoveryRule']['name'],
(new CUrl('host_prototypes.php'))
->setArgument('form', 'update')
->setArgument('parent_discoveryid', $group['discoveryRule']['itemid'])
->setArgument('hostid', $group['hostPrototype']['hostid'])
->setArgument('context', 'host')
else {
$lld_name = new CSpan($group['discoveryRule']['name']);
$name[] = $lld_name->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_ORANGE);
else {
$name[] = (new CSpan(_('Inaccessible discovery rule')))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_ORANGE);
$name[] = (new CLink($group['name'],
(new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.edit')
->setArgument('groupid', $group['groupid'])
->setAttribute('data-groupid', $group['groupid']);
$info_icons = [];
if ($group['flags'] == ZBX_FLAG_DISCOVERY_CREATED && $group['groupDiscovery']['ts_delete'] != 0) {
$info_icons[] = getHostGroupLifetimeIndicator($current_time, (int) $group['groupDiscovery']['ts_delete']);
$count = '';
if ($host_count > 0) {
if ($data['allowed_ui_conf_hosts']) {
$count = new CLink($host_count, (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'host.list')
->setArgument('filter_set', '1')
->setArgument('filter_groups', [$group['groupid']]));
else {
$count = new CSpan($host_count);
new CCheckBox('groups['.$group['groupid'].']', $group['groupid']),
(new CCol($name))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_NOWRAP),
(new CCol($count))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_CELL_WIDTH),
$hosts_output ?: '',
new CActionButtonList('action', 'groups', [
'hostgroup.massenable' => [
'content' => (new CSimpleButton(_('Enable hosts')))
'hostgroup.massdisable' => [
'content' => (new CSimpleButton(_('Disable hosts')))
'hostgroup.massdelete' => [
'content' => (new CSimpleButton(_('Delete')))
], 'hostgroup')
$csrf_token = CCsrfTokenHelper::get('hostgroup');
(new CScriptTag('view.init('.json_encode([
'enable_url' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.enable')
->setArgument(CCsrfTokenHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, $csrf_token)
'disable_url' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.disable')
->setArgument(CCsrfTokenHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, $csrf_token)
'delete_url' => (new CUrl('zabbix.php'))
->setArgument('action', 'hostgroup.delete')
->setArgument(CCsrfTokenHelper::CSRF_TOKEN_NAME, $csrf_token)