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8.2 KiB

2 years ago
<?php declare(strict_types = 0);
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
class CItemGeneralHelper {
* @param array $src_items
* @param array $dst_items
* @return array
protected static function getDestinationValueMaps(array $src_items, array $dst_hostids): array {
$item_indexes = [];
$dst_valuemapids = [];
foreach ($src_items as $src_item) {
if ($src_item['valuemapid'] != 0) {
$item_indexes[$src_item['valuemapid']][] = $src_item['itemid'];
foreach ($dst_hostids as $dst_hostid) {
$dst_valuemapids[$src_item['itemid']][$dst_hostid] = 0;
if (!$item_indexes) {
return [];
$src_valuemaps = API::ValueMap()->get([
'output' => ['valuemapid', 'name'],
'valuemapids' => array_keys($item_indexes)
$dst_valuemaps = API::ValueMap()->get([
'output' => ['valuemapid', 'hostid', 'name'],
'hostids' => $dst_hostids,
'filter' => ['name' => array_unique(array_column($src_valuemaps, 'name'))]
$_dst_valuemapids = [];
foreach ($dst_valuemaps as $dst_valuemap) {
$_dst_valuemapids[$dst_valuemap['name']][$dst_valuemap['hostid']] = $dst_valuemap['valuemapid'];
foreach ($src_valuemaps as $src_valuemap) {
if (array_key_exists($src_valuemap['name'], $_dst_valuemapids)) {
foreach ($_dst_valuemapids[$src_valuemap['name']] as $dst_hostid => $dst_valuemapid) {
foreach ($item_indexes[$src_valuemap['valuemapid']] as $src_itemid) {
$dst_valuemapids[$src_itemid][$dst_hostid] = $dst_valuemapid;
return $dst_valuemapids;
* @param array $src_items
* @param array $dst_options
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected static function getDestinationHostInterfaces(array $src_items, array $dst_options): array {
$dst_hostids = reset($dst_options);
if (!array_key_exists('hostids', $dst_options)) {
$dst_interfaceids = [];
if (in_array(reset($src_items)['hosts'][0]['status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED])) {
foreach ($src_items as $src_item) {
if ($src_item['interfaceid'] != 0) {
foreach ($dst_hostids as $dst_hostid) {
$dst_interfaceids[$src_item['itemid']][$dst_hostid] = 0;
return $dst_interfaceids;
$item_indexes = [];
$dst_interfaceids = [];
foreach ($src_items as $src_item) {
if (itemTypeInterface($src_item['type']) !== false) {
foreach ($dst_hostids as $dst_hostid) {
$dst_interfaceids[$src_item['itemid']][$dst_hostid] = 0;
if ($src_item['interfaceid'] != 0) {
$item_indexes[$src_item['interfaceid']][] = $src_item['itemid'];
if (!$dst_interfaceids) {
return [];
$src_interfaces = [];
if ($item_indexes) {
$src_interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get([
'output' => ['interfaceid', 'main', 'type', 'useip', 'ip', 'dns', 'port', 'details'],
'interfaceids' => array_keys($item_indexes),
'preservekeys' => true
foreach ($src_interfaces as &$src_interface) {
$dst_interfaces = API::HostInterface()->get([
'output' => ['interfaceid', 'hostid', 'main', 'type', 'useip', 'ip', 'dns', 'port', 'details'],
'hostids' => $dst_hostids
$main_interfaceids = [];
foreach ($dst_interfaces as $dst_interface) {
$dst_interfaceid = $dst_interface['interfaceid'];
$dst_hostid = $dst_interface['hostid'];
unset($dst_interface['interfaceid'], $dst_interface['hostid']);
foreach ($src_interfaces as $src_interfaceid => $src_interface) {
if ($src_interface == $dst_interface) {
foreach ($item_indexes[$src_interfaceid] as $src_itemid) {
$dst_interfaceids[$src_itemid][$dst_hostid] = $dst_interfaceid;
if ($dst_interface['main'] == INTERFACE_PRIMARY) {
$main_interfaceids[$dst_hostid][$dst_interface['type']] = $dst_interfaceid;
$interfaces_by_priority = array_flip(CItemGeneral::INTERFACE_TYPES_BY_PRIORITY);
foreach ($dst_interfaceids as $src_itemid => &$dst_host_interfaceids) {
foreach ($dst_host_interfaceids as $dst_hostid => &$dst_interfaceid) {
if ($dst_interfaceid != 0) {
$dst_interface_type = itemTypeInterface($src_items[$src_itemid]['type']);
if ($dst_interface_type == INTERFACE_TYPE_OPT) {
$src_item = $src_items[$src_itemid];
if (in_array($src_item['hosts'][0]['status'], [HOST_STATUS_MONITORED, HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED])
&& $src_item['interfaceid'] == 0) {
$dst_interface_type = array_key_exists($dst_hostid, $main_interfaceids)
? key(array_intersect_key($interfaces_by_priority, $main_interfaceids[$dst_hostid]))
: null;
if ($dst_interface_type !== null) {
$dst_interfaceid = $main_interfaceids[$dst_hostid][$dst_interface_type];
else {
if (array_key_exists($dst_hostid, $main_interfaceids)
&& array_key_exists($dst_interface_type, $main_interfaceids[$dst_hostid])) {
$dst_interfaceid = $main_interfaceids[$dst_hostid][$dst_interface_type];
else {
$hosts = API::Host()->get([
'output' => ['host'],
'hostids' => $dst_hostid
error(_s('Cannot find host interface on "%1$s" for item with key "%2$s".',
$hosts[0]['host'], $src_items[$src_itemid]['key_']
throw new Exception();
return $dst_interfaceids;
* @param array $src_items
* @param array $dst_options
* @return array
* @throws Exception
protected static function getDestinationMasterItems(array $src_items, array $dst_options): array {
$dst_hostids = reset($dst_options);
$item_indexes = [];
$dst_master_itemids = [];
foreach ($src_items as $src_item) {
if ($src_item['master_itemid'] != 0) {
$item_indexes[$src_item['master_itemid']][] = $src_item['itemid'];
foreach ($dst_hostids as $dst_hostid) {
$dst_master_itemids[$src_item['itemid']][$dst_hostid] = 0;
if (!$item_indexes) {
return [];
$src_master_items = API::Item()->get([
'output' => ['itemid', 'key_'],
'itemids' => array_keys($item_indexes),
'webitems' => true,
'preservekeys' => true
$dst_master_items = API::Item()->get([
'output' => ['itemid', 'hostid', 'key_'],
'filter' => ['key_' => array_unique(array_column($src_master_items, 'key_'))],
'webitems' => true
] + $dst_options);
$_dst_master_itemids = [];
foreach ($dst_master_items as $dst_master_item) {
$_dst_master_itemids[$dst_master_item['key_']][$dst_master_item['hostid']] = $dst_master_item['itemid'];
foreach ($src_master_items as $src_master_item) {
if (array_key_exists($src_master_item['key_'], $_dst_master_itemids)) {
foreach ($_dst_master_itemids[$src_master_item['key_']] as $dst_hostid => $dst_master_itemid) {
foreach ($item_indexes[$src_master_item['itemid']] as $src_itemid) {
$dst_master_itemids[$src_itemid][$dst_hostid] = $dst_master_itemid;
foreach ($dst_master_itemids as $src_itemid => $dst_host_master_itemids) {
foreach ($dst_host_master_itemids as $dst_hostid => $dst_master_itemid) {
if ($dst_master_itemid == 0) {
error(_s('Cannot copy item with key "%1$s" without its master item with key "%2$s".',
throw new Exception();
return $dst_master_itemids;