You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1731 lines
49 KiB

2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/CAPITest.php';
* @backup httptest
class testWebScenario extends CAPITest {
public static function httptest_create() {
return [
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web scenario',
'hostid' => '50009',
'httptestid' => '1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": unexpected parameter "httptestid".'
// Check web name.
'httptest' => [
'hostid' => '50009'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "name" is missing.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => '',
'hostid' => '50009'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.'
// Check for duplicated web scenarios names.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web scenario',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Web scenario "Api web scenario" already exists.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'One web scenario with existing name',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'name' => 'Api web scenario',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Web scenario "Api web scenario" already exists.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Web scenario with two identical name',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'name' => 'Web scenario with two identical name',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2": value (hostid, name)=(50009, Web scenario with two identical name) already exists.'
// Check web hostid.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web without hostid'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "hostid" is missing.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web with empty hostid',
'hostid' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/hostid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web with wrong hostid',
'hostid' => 'æų☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/hostid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web with wrong hostid',
'hostid' => '5000.9'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/hostid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web with nonexistent hostid',
'hostid' => '123456',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api create web with nonexistent hostid',
'hostid' => '0',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
// Check successfully create.
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'hostid' => '50009',
'agent' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'authentication' => '2',
'http_user' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'http_proxy' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'http_password' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'retries' => '10',
'ssl_cert_file' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'ssl_key_file' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'ssl_key_password' => 'api-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'status' => '0',
'headers' => [
'name' => 'header_name-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'value' => 'header_value-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+'
'name' => 'header_name-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'value' => 'header_value-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+'
'name' => 'header_name-without-value',
'value' => ''
'variables' => [
'name' => '{variables_name-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+}',
'value' => 'variables_value-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+'
'verify_host' => '1',
'verify_peer' => '1',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'step-symbols☺æų""\\//!@#$%^&*()_+',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'АПИ веб сценарий УТФ-8',
'hostid' => '50009',
'agent' => 'АПИ веб агент УТФ-8',
'authentication' => '2',
'http_user' => 'АПИ веб юзер УТФ-8',
'http_proxy' => 'АПИ веб прокси УТФ-8',
'http_password' => 'АПИ веб пароль УТФ-8',
'ssl_cert_file' => 'АПИ веб файл УТФ-8',
'ssl_key_file' => 'АПИ веб клуюч файл УТФ-8',
'ssl_key_password' => 'АПИ веб ключ пароль УТФ-8',
'headers' => [
'name' => 'АПИ веб название УТФ-8',
'value' => 'АПИ веб значение УТФ-8'
'variables' => [
'name' => '{АПИ веб переменная УТФ-8}',
'value' => 'АПИ веб значение переменной УТФ-8'
'steps' => [
'name' => 'АПИ веб шаг УТФ-8',
'url' => '',
'no' => 1
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API Create two web scenarios 1',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'name' => 'API Create two web scenarios 2',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API Create two web scenarios 3',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0,
'retrieve_mode' => 2
'name' => 'API Create two web scenarios 4',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0,
'retrieve_mode' => 3
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2/steps/1/retrieve_mode": value must be one of 0, 1, 2.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API Create two web scenarios 5',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step 1',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0,
'retrieve_mode' => 0
'name' => 'API create step 2',
'url' => '',
'no' => 1,
'retrieve_mode' => 1
'name' => 'API create step 3',
'url' => '',
'no' => 2,
'retrieve_mode' => 2
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Http test with some tags',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Step 1',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'name' => 'Step 2',
'url' => '',
'no' => 1
'tags' => [
'tag' => 'tag',
'value' => 'value 1'
'tag' => 'tag',
'value' => 'value 2'
'expected_error' => null
* @dataProvider httptest_create
public function testWebScenario_Create($httptests, $expected_error) {
$result = $this->call('httptest.create', $httptests, $expected_error);
if ($expected_error === null) {
foreach ($result['result']['httptestids'] as $key => $id) {
$db_result_web = DBSelect('SELECT * FROM httptest WHERE httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($id));
$db_row_web = DBFetch($db_result_web);
$this->assertEquals($db_row_web['name'], $httptests[$key]['name']);
$this->assertEquals($db_row_web['hostid'], $httptests[$key]['hostid']);
if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptests[$key])) {
// CHeck http test tags.
$db_tags = DBFetchArray(DBSelect('SELECT tag, value FROM httptest_tag WHERE httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($id)));
uasort($httptests[$key]['tags'], function ($a, $b) {
return strnatcasecmp($a['value'], $b['value']);
uasort($db_tags, function ($a, $b) {
return strnatcasecmp($a['value'], $b['value']);
$this->assertTrue(array_values($db_tags) === array_values($httptests[$key]['tags']));
// Check http test item tags.
$db_items = DBFetchArray(DBSelect('SELECT itemid FROM httptestitem WHERE httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($id)));
foreach ($db_items as $itemid) {
$db_tags = DBFetchArray(DBSelect('SELECT tag, value FROM item_tag WHERE itemid='.zbx_dbstr($itemid['itemid'])));
uasort($db_tags, function ($a, $b) {
return strnatcasecmp($a['value'], $b['value']);
$this->assertTrue(array_values($db_tags) === array_values($httptests[$key]['tags']));
$db_result_steps = DBSelect('SELECT * FROM httpstep WHERE httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($id).' order by no;');
$db_rows_steps = DBFetchArray($db_result_steps);
$this->assertCount(count($httptests[$key]['steps']), $db_rows_steps);
// It is assumed dataset steps array is sorted by 'no' field.
foreach($db_rows_steps as $no => $db_step) {
$dataset_step = $httptests[$key]['steps'][$no];
// Defaults are to be tested.
if (!array_key_exists('retrieve_mode', $dataset_step)) {
$dataset_step['retrieve_mode'] = HTTPTEST_STEP_RETRIEVE_MODE_CONTENT;
foreach ($dataset_step as $property_name => $expected) {
$debug_msg = 'Case, httptest['.$key.']->step['.$no.']->property['.$property_name.']';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $db_step[$property_name], $debug_msg);
// Check http test step item tags.
if (array_key_exists('tags', $httptests[$key])) {
$db_items = DBFetchArray(DBSelect('SELECT itemid FROM httpstepitem WHERE httpstepid='.zbx_dbstr($db_step['httpstepid'])));
foreach ($db_items as $itemid) {
$db_tags = DBFetchArray(DBSelect('SELECT tag, value FROM item_tag WHERE itemid='.zbx_dbstr($itemid['itemid'])));
uasort($db_tags, function ($a, $b) {
return strnatcasecmp($a['value'], $b['value']);
$this->assertTrue(array_values($db_tags) === array_values($httptests[$key]['tags']));
else {
foreach ([$httptests] as $httptest) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $httptest) && $httptest['name'] !== 'Api web scenario'){
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('select * from httptest where name='.zbx_dbstr($httptest['name'])));
public static function httptest_update() {
return [
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api update web scenario with unexpected parameter',
'hostid' => '50009'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": unexpected parameter "hostid".'
// Check web scenario id.
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api updated web scenario without id'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": the parameter "httptestid" is missing.'
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api updated web scenario with empty id',
'httptestid' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/httptestid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api updated web scenario with invalid id',
'httptestid' => 'abc'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/httptestid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api updated web scenario with invalid id',
'httptestid' => '1.1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/httptestid": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => [[
'name' => 'Api updated web scenario with nonexistent id',
'httptestid' => '123456'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Web scenarios with the same id 1'
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Web scenarios the same id 2'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2": value (httptestid)=(15001) already exists.'
// Check web scenario name.
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": cannot be empty.'
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Api web scenario'
'expected_error' => 'Web scenario "Api web scenario" already exists.'
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Web scenarios with the same name'
'httptestid' => '15002',
'name' => 'Web scenarios with the same name'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2": value (hostid, name)=(50009, Web scenarios with the same name) already exists.'
// Check successfully web scenario update.
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Апи скрипт обновлён утф-8'
'expected_error' => null
'Accept full-length username' => [
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'accept.username',
'authentication' => ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_BASIC,
'http_user' => str_repeat('z', 255)
'expected_error' => null
'Accept full-length password' => [
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'accept.password',
'authentication' => ZBX_HTTP_AUTH_BASIC,
'http_password' => str_repeat('z', 255)
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15001',
'name' => 'Api updated one web scenario'
'httptestid' => '15002',
'name' => 'Api updated two web scenario'
'expected_error' => null
// Check successfully web scenario update. Including steps.
// 15012 has one step.
// 15013 has two steps.
'httptest' => [
'httptestid' => '15012',
'name' => 'Api updated into scenario without steps.',
'steps' => []
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/steps": cannot be empty.'
* @dataProvider httptest_update
public function testWebScenario_Update($httptests, $expected_error) {
$result = $this->call('httptest.update', $httptests, $expected_error);
if ($expected_error === null) {
foreach ($result['result']['httptestids'] as $id) {
$dbRow = DBFetch(DBSelect('SELECT * FROM httptest WHERE '.dbConditionId('httptestid', [$id])));
$httptest = [];
foreach ($httptests as $_httptest) {
if (bccomp($_httptest['httptestid'], $id) == 0) {
$httptest = $_httptest;
$matches = [
'name' => $httptest['name'],
'httptestid' => $httptest['httptestid'],
'delay' => '60',
'status' => '0',
'agent' => 'Zabbix',
'hostid' => '50009',
'templateid' => '0',
'http_proxy' => '',
'retries' => '1',
'ssl_cert_file' => '',
'ssl_key_password' => '',
'verify_peer' => '0',
'verify_host' => '0'
$optional_fields = [
'authentication' => '0',
'http_user' => '',
'http_password' => ''
foreach ($optional_fields as $field => $expected_value) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $httptest)) {
$matches[$field] = $expected_value;
$dbRow = array_intersect_key($dbRow, $matches);
$matches = array_intersect_key($httptest, $matches) + $matches;
$this->assertEquals($dbRow, $matches, 'Post-update mismatch');
else {
foreach ($httptests as $httptest) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $httptest) && $httptest['name'] !== 'Api web scenario'){
CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM httptest WHERE '.dbConditionString('name', [$httptest['name']])),
0, 'Update on '.$httptest['name'].' should have failed'
public static function web_properties() {
return [
// Check unexpected parameter.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web scenario with readonly parameter',
'templateid' => '1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": unexpected parameter "templateid".'
// Check web name.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/name": value is too long.'
// Check web agent.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long agent',
'agent' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/agent": value is too long.'
// Check web authentication.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with nonexistent authentication',
'authentication' => '5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/authentication": value must be one of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with nonexistent authentication',
'authentication' => '-2'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/authentication": value must be one of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong authentication',
'authentication' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/authentication": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong authentication',
'authentication' => '0.1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/authentication": an integer is expected.'
// Check web delay.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong delay',
'delay' => '-1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": value must be one of 1-86400.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong delay',
'delay' => '0'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": value must be one of 1-86400.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong delay',
'delay' => '86401'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": value must be one of 1-86400.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong delay',
'delay' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": a time unit is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong delay',
'delay' => '1.5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/delay": a time unit is expected.'
// Check web headers.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty headers name',
'headers' => [
'name' => '',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/headers/1/name": cannot be empty.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long headers name',
'headers' => [
'name' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/headers/1/name": value is too long.'
// Check web password used for basic HTTP authentication.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long http_password',
'authentication' => '1',
'http_user' => 'admin',
'http_password' => str_repeat('z', 256),
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/http_password": value is too long.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web none authentication but with http_password',
'authentication' => '0',
'http_password' => '☺',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Incorrect value for field "http_password": should be empty.'
// Check web password used for NTLM authentication.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long http_password',
'authentication' => '2',
'http_user' => 'admin',
'http_password' => str_repeat('z', 256),
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/http_password": value is too long.'
// Check web user name used for basic HTTP authentication .
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with none http authentication but with http_user',
'authentication' => '0',
'http_user' => 'admin',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Incorrect value for field "http_user": should be empty.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with overly long http_user',
'authentication' => '1',
'http_user' => str_repeat('z', 256)
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/http_user": value is too long.'
// Check web user name used for NTLM authentication .
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with overly long http_user',
'authentication' => '2',
'http_user' => str_repeat('z', 256)
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/http_user": value is too long.'
// Check web proxy
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long http_proxy',
'http_proxy' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/http_proxy": value is too long.'
// Check web retries
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty retries',
'retries' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '1.5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '1s'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '-5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": value must be one of 1-10.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '0'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": value must be one of 1-10.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong retries',
'retries' => '11'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/retries": value must be one of 1-10.'
// Check web ssl_cert_file
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long ssl_cert_file',
'ssl_cert_file' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/ssl_cert_file": value is too long.'
// Check web ssl_key_file
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long ssl_key_file',
'ssl_key_file' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/ssl_key_file": value is too long.'
// Check web ssl_key_password
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long ssl_key_password ',
'ssl_key_password' => 'Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condimen256'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/ssl_key_password": value is too long.'
// Check web status
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty status',
'status' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/status": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong status',
'status' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/status": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong status',
'status' => '0.0'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/status": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong status',
'status' => '2'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/status": value must be one of 0, 1.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong status',
'status' => '-1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/status": value must be one of 0, 1.'
// Check web variables.
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong variable',
'variables' => [
['name' => '☺']
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": is not enclosed in {} or is malformed.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with not enclosed variables name',
'variables' => [
'name' => '{}',
'value' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": is not enclosed in {} or is malformed.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with not enclosed variables name',
'variables' => [
'name' => '{test',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": is not enclosed in {} or is malformed.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with not enclosed variables name',
'variables' => [
'name' => 'test}',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": is not enclosed in {} or is malformed.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty variables name',
'variables' => [
'name' => '',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": cannot be empty.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with long variables name',
'variables' => [
'name' => '{Phasellus imperdiet sapien sed justo elementum, quis maximus ipsum iaculis! Proin egestas, felis non efficitur molestie, nulla risus facilisis nisi, sed consectetur lorem mauris non arcu. Aliquam hendrerit massa vel metus maximus consequat. Sed condin256}',
'value' => 'admin'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/1/name": value is too long.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with identical variables names',
'variables' => [
'name' => '{duplicate name}',
'value' => 'admin'
'name' => '{duplicate name}',
'value' => 'admin'
'steps' => [
'name' => 'Homepage',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/variables/2": value (name)=({duplicate name}) already exists.'
// Check web verify_host
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty verify_host',
'verify_host' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_host": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_host',
'verify_host' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_host": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_host',
'verify_host' => '-1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_host": value must be one of 0, 1.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_host',
'verify_host' => '1.5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_host": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_host',
'verify_host' => '2'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_host": value must be one of 0, 1.'
// Check web verify_peer
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with empty verify_peer',
'verify_peer' => ''
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_peer": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_peer',
'verify_peer' => '☺'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_peer": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_peer',
'verify_peer' => '-1'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_peer": value must be one of 0, 1.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_peer',
'verify_peer' => '1.5'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_peer": an integer is expected.'
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'Api web with wrong verify_peer',
'verify_peer' => '2'
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1/verify_peer": value must be one of 0, 1.'
* @dataProvider web_properties
public function testWebScenario_NotRequiredProperties($httptests, $expected_error) {
$methods = ['httptest.create', 'httptest.update'];
foreach ($methods as $method) {
if ($method == 'httptest.create') {
$httptests['hostid'] = '50009';
elseif ($method == 'httptest.update') {
$httptests['httptestid'] = '15001';
$httptests['name'] = 'Update '.$httptests['name'];
$result = $this->call($method, $httptests, $expected_error);
if ($expected_error === null) {
$dbResult = DBSelect('select * from httptest where httptestid='.
$dbRow = DBFetch($dbResult);
$this->assertEquals($dbRow['name'], $httptests['name']);
else {
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('select * from httptest where name='.zbx_dbstr($httptests['name'])));
public static function web_delete() {
return [
// Check web scenario id.
'httptest' => [''],
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => ['abc'],
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => ['1.1'],
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/1": a number is expected.'
'httptest' => ['123456'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'httptest' => ['15003', '15003'],
'expected_error' => 'Invalid parameter "/2": value (15003) already exists.'
// Try to delete templated web scenario.
'httptest' => ['15007'],
'expected_error' => 'Cannot delete templated web scenario "Api templated web scenario".'
'httptest' => ['15007', '15003'],
'expected_error' => 'Cannot delete templated web scenario "Api templated web scenario".'
// Successfully delete web scenario.
'httptest' => ['15003'],
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => ['15004', '15005'],
'expected_error' => null
* @dataProvider web_delete
public function testWebScenario_Delete($httptests, $expected_error) {
$result = $this->call('httptest.delete', $httptests, $expected_error);
if ($expected_error === null) {
foreach ($result['result']['httptestids'] as $id) {
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('select * from httptest where httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($id)));
public static function web_user_permissions() {
return [
// Zabbix admin have read-write permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix admin with read-write permissions',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step as zabbix admin with read-write permissions',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => null
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix admin with read-write permissions',
'httptestid' => '15001'
'expected_error' => null
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15010'],
'expected_error' => null
// Zabbix admin have read permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix admin with read permissions',
'hostid' => '50012',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix admin with read permissions',
'httptestid' => '15008'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15008'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
// Zabbix admin have deny permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix admin with deny permissions',
'hostid' => '50014',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix admin with read permissions',
'httptestid' => '15009'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15009'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
// Zabbix admin have None permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix admin with none permissions',
'hostid' => '50010',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix admin with none permissions',
'httptestid' => '15006'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15006'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
// Zabbix user attempt to create a web scenario.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix user with read-write permissions',
'hostid' => '50009',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step as zabbix user with read-write permissions',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.create".'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix user with read-write permissions',
'httptestid' => '15001'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.update".'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15011'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.delete".'
// Zabbix user have read permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix user with read permissions',
'hostid' => '50012',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.create".'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix user with read permissions',
'httptestid' => '15008'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.update".'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15008'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
// Zabbix admin have deny permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix admin with deny permissions',
'hostid' => '50014',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.create".'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix user with read permissions',
'httptestid' => '15009'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.update".'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-user', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15009'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to call "httptest.delete".'
// Zabbix user have None permissions to host.
'method' => 'httptest.create',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API create web as zabbix user with none permissions',
'hostid' => '50010',
'steps' => [
'name' => 'API create step',
'url' => '',
'no' => 0
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.update',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => [
'name' => 'API update web as zabbix user with none permissions',
'httptestid' => '15006'
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
'method' => 'httptest.delete',
'login' => ['user' => 'zabbix-admin', 'password' => 'zabbix'],
'httptest' => ['15006'],
'expected_error' => 'No permissions to referred object or it does not exist!'
* @dataProvider web_user_permissions
public function testWebScenario_UserPermissions($method, $login, $user, $expected_error) {
$this->authorize($login['user'], $login['password']);
$this->call($method, $user, $expected_error);
public static function httptest_update_name_key() {
return [
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webtest key_name_new',
'status' => '1',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webstep name 1_new'
'httpstepid' => '15016',
'name' => 'Webstep name 2_new'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webtest key_name_new'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'status' => '1'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webstep name 1_new'
'httpstepid' => '15016',
'name' => 'Webstep name 2_new'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015'
'httpstepid' => '15016'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webtest key_name_new',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015'
'httpstepid' => '15016'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'status' => '1',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015'
'httpstepid' => '15016'
'expected_error' => null
'httptest' => [[
'httptestid' => '15015',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015'
'httpstepid' => '15016'
'expected_error' => null
public function after_update_name_key() {
$this->call('httptest.update', [
'httptestid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webtest key_name',
'status' => '0',
'steps' => [
'httpstepid' => '15015',
'name' => 'Webstep name 1'
'httpstepid' => '15016',
'name' => 'Webstep name 2'
], null);
* @dataProvider httptest_update_name_key
* @onAfter after_update_name_key
public function testWebScenario_Update_Name_Key($httptests, $expected_error) {
$result = $this->call('httptest.update', $httptests, $expected_error);
if ($expected_error === null) {
foreach ($result['result']['httptestids'] as $key => $httptestid) {
$db_httptest = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT httptestid, name FROM httptest WHERE httptestid='.zbx_dbstr($httptestid));
if (array_key_exists('name', $httptests[$key])) {
$this->assertEquals($httptests[$key]['name'], $db_httptest['name']);
$db_httptest_items = CDBHelper::getAll(
'SELECT i.itemid,, i.key_, i.status'.
' FROM items i JOIN httptestitem hti ON hti.itemid = i.itemid'.
' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hti.httptestid', [$httptestid])
$this->assertCount(3, $db_httptest_items,
'Incorrect item count for web scenario [httpstepid='.$httptestid.'].');
foreach ($db_httptest_items as $db_httptest_item) {
$this->assertStringContainsString('"'.$db_httptest['name'].'"', $db_httptest_item['name']);
if (array_key_exists('status', $httptests[$key])) {
$this->assertEquals($httptests[$key]['status'], $db_httptest_item['status'],
'Status for testitem [itemid='.$db_httptest_item['itemid'].'] not updated.');
$db_httpsteps = CDBHelper::getAll(
'SELECT hs.httpstepid,'.
' FROM httpstep hs'.
' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hs.httptestid', [$httptestid])
$db_httpsteps = zbx_toHash($db_httpsteps, 'httpstepid');
$db_httpstepids = array_keys($db_httpsteps);
if (array_key_exists('steps', $httptests[$key])) {
$this->assertCount(count($httptests[$key]['steps']), $db_httpsteps,
'New webstep count don\'t match count in database.');
foreach ($httptests[$key]['steps'] as $httpstep) {
if (array_key_exists('httpstepid', $httpstep) && array_key_exists('name', $httpstep)) {
$this->assertEquals($httpstep['name'], $db_httpsteps[$httpstep['httpstepid']]['name']);
$db_httpstep_items = CDBHelper::getAll(
'SELECT i.itemid,, i.key_, i.status, hsi.httpstepid'.
' FROM items i JOIN httpstepitem hsi ON hsi.itemid = i.itemid'.
' WHERE '.dbConditionInt('hsi.httpstepid', $db_httpstepids)
foreach ($db_httpstep_items as $db_httpstep_item) {
$db_httpsteps[$db_httpstep_item['httpstepid']]['db_items'][] = $db_httpstep_item;
foreach ($db_httpsteps as $db_httpstep) {
$this->assertCount(3, $db_httpstep['db_items'],
'Incorrect item count for webstep [httpstepid='.$db_httpstep['httpstepid'].'].');
foreach ($db_httpstep['db_items'] as $db_httpstep_item) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $httptests[$key]) || array_key_exists('steps', $httptests[$key])) {
$this->assertStringContainsString('"'.$db_httptest['name'].'"', $db_httpstep_item['name']);
$this->assertStringContainsString('"'.$db_httpstep['name'].'"', $db_httpstep_item['name']);
$this->assertStringContainsString('['.$db_httptest['name'].',', $db_httpstep_item['key_']);
if (array_key_exists('status', $httptests[$key])) {
$this->assertEquals($httptests[$key]['status'], $db_httpstep_item['status'],
'Status for stepitem [itemid='.$db_httpstep_item['itemid'].'] not updated.');