# APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP
## Overview
The template to monitor APC UPS Symmetra RX by Zabbix SNMP agent.
Note: please, use the latest version of the firmware for your NMC in order for the template to work correctly.
## Requirements
Zabbix version: 7.0 and higher.
## Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- APC UPS Symmetra RX
## Configuration
> Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the [Templates out of the box](https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/7.0/manual/config/templates_out_of_the_box) section.
## Setup
1\. Create a host for APC UPS Symmetra RX management IP as SNMPv2 interface.
2\. Link the template to the host.
3\. Customize macro values if needed.
### Macros used
|{$BATTERY.TEMP.MAX.WARN}|<p>Maximum battery temperature for trigger expression.</p>|`55`|
|{$BATTERY.CAPACITY.MIN.WARN}|<p>Minimum battery capacity percentage for trigger expression.</p>|`50`|
|{$UPS.OUTPUT.MAX.WARN}|<p>Maximum output load in % for trigger expression.</p>|`80`|
|{$UPS.INPUT_FREQ.MIN.WARN}|<p>Minimum input frequency for trigger expression.</p>|`49.7`|
|{$UPS.INPUT_FREQ.MAX.WARN}|<p>Maximum input frequency for trigger expression.</p>|`50.3`|
|{$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MIN.WARN}|<p>Minimum input voltage for trigger expression.</p>|`197`|
|{$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MAX.WARN}|<p>Maximum input voltage for trigger expression.</p>|`243`|
|{$TIME.PERIOD}|<p>Time period for trigger expression.</p>|`15m`|
|{$SNMP.TIMEOUT}|<p>The time interval for SNMP agent availability trigger expression.</p>|`5m`|
### Items
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Model|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The UPS model name (e.g. 'APC Smart-UPS 600').</p>|SNMP agent|system.model[upsBasicIdentModel]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Serial number|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>An 8-character string identifying the serial number of</p><p> the UPS internal microprocessor. This number is set at</p><p> the factory. NOTE: This number does NOT correspond to</p><p> the serial number on the rear of the UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|system.sn[upsAdvIdentSerialNumber]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery status|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The status of the UPS batteries. A batteryLow(3) value</p><p> indicates the UPS will be unable to sustain the current</p><p> load, and its services will be lost if power is not restored.</p><p> The amount of run time in reserve at the time of low battery</p><p> can be configured by the upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime.</p><p> A batteryInFaultCondition(4)value indicates that a battery</p><p> installed has an internal error condition.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.status[upsBasicBatteryStatus]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery capacity|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The remaining battery capacity expressed as</p><p> percentage of full capacity.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.capacity[upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery runtime remaining|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The UPS battery run time remaining before battery</p><p> exhaustion.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.runtime_remaining[upsAdvBatteryRunTimeRemaining]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.01`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery voltage|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The actual battery bus voltage in Volts.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.voltage[upsHighPrecBatteryActualVoltage]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery last replace date|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The date when the UPS system's batteries were last replaced</p><p> in mm/dd/yy (or yyyy) format. For Smart-UPS models, this value</p><p> is originally set at the factory. When the UPS batteries</p><p> are replaced, this value should be reset by the administrator.</p><p> For Symmetra PX 250/500 this OID is read-only and is configurable in the local display only.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.last_replace_date[upsBasicBatteryLastReplaceDate]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery replace indicator|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>Indicates whether the UPS batteries need replacement.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.replace_indicator[upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: External battery packs count|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS. If</p><p> the UPS does not use smart cells then the agent reports</p><p> ERROR_NO_SUCH_NAME.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.external_packs_count[upsAdvBatteryNumOfBattPacks]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery temperature|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current internal UPS temperature in Celsius.</p><p>Temperatures below zero read as 0.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.temperature[upsHighPrecBatteryTemperature]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Input voltage|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current utility line voltage in VAC.</p>|SNMP agent|input.voltage[upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Input frequency|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current input frequency to the UPS system in Hz.</p>|SNMP agent|input.frequency[upsHighPrecInputFrequency]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Input fail cause|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The reason for the occurrence of the last transfer to UPS</p><p>battery power. The variable is set to:</p><p>- noTransfer(1) -- if there is no transfer yet.</p><p>- highLineVoltage(2) -- if the transfer to battery is caused</p><p>by an over voltage greater than the high transfer voltage.</p><p>- brownout(3) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than</p><p>five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the</p><p>rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage.</p><p>- blackout(4) -- if the duration of the outage is greater than five</p><p>seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the rated</p><p>output voltage and ground.</p><p>- smallMomentarySag(5) -- if the duration of the outage is less</p><p>than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the</p><p>rated output voltage and the low transfer voltage.</p><p>- deepMomentarySag(6) -- if the duration of the outage is less</p><p>than five seconds and the line voltage is between 40% of the</p><p>rated output voltage and ground. The variable is set to</p><p>- smallMomentarySpike(7) -- if the line failure is caused by a</p><p>rate of change of input voltage less than ten volts per cycle.</p><p>- largeMomentarySpike(8) -- if the line failure is caused by</p><p>a rate of change of input voltage greater than ten volts per cycle.</p><p>- selfTest(9) -- if the UPS was commanded to do a self test.</p><p>- rateOfVoltageChange(10) -- if the failure is due to the rate of change of</p><p>the line voltage.</p>|SNMP agent|input.fail[upsAdvInputLineFailCause]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Output voltage|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The output voltage of the UPS system in VAC.</p>|SNMP agent|output.voltage[upsHighPrecOutputVoltage]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Output load|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current UPS load expressed as percentage</p><p>of rated capacity.</p>|SNMP agent|output.load[upsHighPrecOutputLoad]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Output current|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current in amperes drawn by the load on the UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|output.current[upsHighPrecOutputCurrent]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Output status|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current state of the UPS. If the UPS is unable to</p><p> determine the state of the UPS this variable is set</p><p> to unknown(1).</p><p>During self-test most UPSes report onBattery(3) but</p><p> some that support it will report onBatteryTest(15).</p><p> To determine self-test status across all UPSes, refer</p><p> to the upsBasicStateOutputState OID.</p>|SNMP agent|output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Uptime (network)|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized.</p>|SNMP agent|system.net.uptime[sysUpTime.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.01`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Uptime (hardware)|<p>MIB: HOST-RESOURCES-MIB</p><p>The amount of time since this host was last initialized. Note that this is different from sysUpTime in the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management portion of the system.</p>|SNMP agent|system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Check for not supported value</p><p>⛔️Custom on fail: Set value to: `0`</p></li><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.01`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: SNMP traps (fallback)|<p>The item is used to collect all SNMP traps unmatched by other snmptrap items</p>|SNMP trap|snmptrap.fallback|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System location|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>The physical location of this node (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor'). If the location is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.</p>|SNMP agent|system.location[sysLocation.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System contact details|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>The textual identification of the contact person for this managed</p><p>node, together with information on how to contact this person. If no contact</p><p>information is known, the value is the zero-length string.</p>|SNMP agent|system.contact[sysContact.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `12h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System object ID|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>The vendor's authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity. This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and unambiguous means for determining`what kind of box' is being managed. For example, if vendor`Flintstones, Inc.' was assigned the subtree1., it could assign the identifier to its `Fred Router'.</p>|SNMP agent|system.objectid[sysObjectID.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System name|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>An administratively-assigned name for this managed node.By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name. If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string.</p>|SNMP agent|system.name[sysName.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System description|<p>MIB: SNMPv2-MIB</p><p>A textual description of the entity. This value should</p><p>include the full name and version identification of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and</p><p>networking software.</p>|SNMP agent|system.descr[sysDescr.0]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `12h`</p></li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: SNMP agent availability|<p>Availability of SNMP checks on the host. The value of this item corresponds to availability icons in the host list.</p><p>Possible value:</p><p>0 - not available</p><p>1 - available</p><p>2 - unknown</p>|Zabbix internal|zabbix[host,snmp,available]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Triggers
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery has an internal error condition|<p>A battery installed has an internal error condition.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.status[upsBasicBatteryStatus])=4`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery is Low|<p>The UPS will be unable to sustain the current load, and its services will be lost if power is not restored.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.status[upsBasicBatteryStatus])=3`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery has low capacity||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.capacity[upsHighPrecBatteryCapacity]) < {$BATTERY.CAPACITY.MIN.WARN}`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery needs replacement|<p>A battery installed has an internal error condition.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.replace_indicator[upsAdvBatteryReplaceIndicator])=2`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Battery has high temperature||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.temperature[upsHighPrecBatteryTemperature],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$BATTERY.TEMP.MAX.WARN}`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Unacceptable input voltage||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.voltage[upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > 0 and (min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.voltage[upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MAX.WARN} or max(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.voltage[upsHighPrecInputLineVoltage],{$TIME.PERIOD}) < {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MIN.WARN})`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Unacceptable input frequency||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.frequency[upsHighPrecInputFrequency],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > 0 and (min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.frequency[upsHighPrecInputFrequency],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$UPS.INPUT_FREQ.MAX.WARN} or max(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/input.frequency[upsHighPrecInputFrequency],{$TIME.PERIOD}) < {$UPS.INPUT_FREQ.MIN.WARN})`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Output load is high|<p>A battery installed has an internal error condition.</p>|`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.load[upsHighPrecOutputLoad],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$UPS.OUTPUT.MAX.WARN}`|High||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Timed Sleeping||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=5`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Switched Bypass||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=9`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Software Bypass||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=6`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Sleeping Until Power Return||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=11`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Rebooting||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=8`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is On Smart Trim||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=12`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is on Smart Boost||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=4`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is on battery||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=3`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Off||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=7`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Emergency Static Bypass||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=16`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: UPS is Hardware Failure Bypass||`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/output.status[upsBasicOutputStatus])=10`|Average||
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: Host has been restarted|<p>Uptime is less than 10 minutes.</p>|`(last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])>0 and last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])<10m) or (last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.hw.uptime[hrSystemUptime.0])=0 and last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.net.uptime[sysUpTime.0])<10m)`|Warning|**Manual close**: Yes<br>**Depends on**:<br><ul><li>APC UPS Symmetra RX: No SNMP data collection</li></ul>|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: System name has changed|<p>The name of the system has changed. Acknowledge to close the problem manually.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.name[sysName.0],#1)<>last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.name[sysName.0],#2) and length(last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/system.name[sysName.0]))>0`|Info|**Manual close**: Yes|
|APC UPS Symmetra RX: No SNMP data collection|<p>SNMP is not available for polling. Please check device connectivity and SNMP settings.</p>|`max(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/zabbix[host,snmp,available],{$SNMP.TIMEOUT})=0`|Warning||
### LLD rule Input phases discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|Input phases discovery|<p>The input phase identifier. OID upsPhaseInputPhaseIndex.1.1</p>|SNMP agent|input.phases.discovery|
### Item prototypes for Input phases discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Phase input voltage|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The input voltage in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported</p><p> by this UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|phase.input.voltage[upsPhaseInputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Phase input current|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The input current in 0.1 amperes, or -0.1 if it's</p><p> unsupported by this UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|phase.input.current[upsPhaseInputCurrent.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Trigger prototypes for Input phases discovery
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Unacceptable phase {#PHASEINDEX} input voltage||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/phase.input.voltage[upsPhaseInputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MAX.WARN} or max(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/phase.input.voltage[upsPhaseInputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}],{$TIME.PERIOD}) < {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MIN.WARN}`|High||
### LLD rule Output phases discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|Output phases discovery|<p>The output phase identifier. OID upsPhaseOutputPhaseIndex.1.1</p>|SNMP agent|output.phases.discovery|
### Item prototypes for Output phases discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Phase output voltage|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The output voltage in VAC, or -1 if it's unsupported</p><p>by this UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|phase.output.voltage[upsPhaseOutputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Phase output current|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The output current in 0.1 amperes drawn</p><p> by the load on the UPS, or -1 if it's unsupported</p><p> by this UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|phase.output.current[upsPhaseOutputCurrent.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Phase output load, %|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The percentage of the UPS load capacity in VA at</p><p> redundancy @ (n + x) presently being used on this</p><p> output phase, or -1 if it's unsupported by this UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|phase.output.load.percent[upsPhaseOutputPercentLoad.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Trigger prototypes for Output phases discovery
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|{#PHASEINDEX}: Unacceptable phase {#PHASEINDEX} output voltage||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/phase.output.voltage[upsPhaseOutputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MAX.WARN} or max(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/phase.output.voltage[upsPhaseOutputVoltage.1.1.{#PHASEINDEX}],{$TIME.PERIOD}) < {$UPS.INPUT_VOLT.MIN.WARN}`|High||
### LLD rule External battery packs discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|External battery packs discovery||SNMP agent|battery.packs.discovery|
### Item prototypes for External battery packs discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery status|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The status of the UPS batteries. A batteryLow(3) value</p><p> indicates the UPS will be unable to sustain the current</p><p> load, and its services will be lost if power is not restored.</p><p> The amount of run time in reserve at the time of low battery</p><p> can be configured by the upsAdvConfigLowBatteryRunTime.</p><p> A batteryInFaultCondition(4)value indicates that a battery</p><p> installed has an internal error condition.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.pack.status[upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeStatus.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery temperature|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The current internal UPS temperature in Celsius.</p><p>Temperatures below zero read as 0.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.temperature[upsHighPrecBatteryPackTemperature.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Custom multiplier: `0.1`</p></li><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Serial number|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>An 8-character string identifying the serial number of</p><p> the UPS internal microprocessor. This number is set at</p><p> the factory. NOTE: This number does NOT correspond to</p><p> the serial number on the rear of the UPS.</p>|SNMP agent|system.sn[upsHighPrecBatteryPackSerialNumber.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery estimated replace date|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The battery cartridge estimated battery replace date.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.estimated_replace_date[upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeReplaceDate.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery pack cartridge health|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The battery cartridge health.</p><p> bit 0 Battery lifetime okay</p><p> bit 1 Battery lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge</p><p> bit 2 Battery lifetime exceeded, replace battery</p><p> bit 3 Battery lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge</p><p> bit 4 Battery lifetime exceeded acknowledged, replace battery</p><p> bit 5 Battery measured lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge</p><p> bit 6 Battery measured lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge</p>|SNMP agent|battery.pack.cartridge_health[upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeHealth.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Trigger prototypes for External battery packs discovery
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery status is not okay|<p>The battery cartridge status:<br>bit 0 Disconnected<br>bit 1 Overvoltage<br>bit 2 NeedsReplacement<br>bit 3 OvertemperatureCritical<br>bit 4 Charger<br>bit 5 TemperatureSensor<br>bit 6 BusSoftStart<br>bit 7 OvertemperatureWarning<br>bit 8 GeneralError<br>bit 9 Communication<br>bit 10 DisconnectedFrame<br>bit 11 FirmwareMismatch</p>|`find(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.pack.status[upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeStatus.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}],,"regexp","^(0{16})$")=0`|Warning||
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery has high temperature||`min(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.temperature[upsHighPrecBatteryPackTemperature.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}],{$TIME.PERIOD}) > {$BATTERY.TEMP.MAX.WARN}`|High||
|{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}: Battery lifetime is not okay|<p>The battery cartridge health.<br> bit 0 Battery lifetime okay<br> bit 1 Battery lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge<br> bit 2 Battery lifetime exceeded, replace battery<br> bit 3 Battery lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge<br> bit 4 Battery lifetime exceeded acknowledged, replace battery<br> bit 5 Battery measured lifetime near end, order replacement cartridge<br> bit 6 Battery measured lifetime near end acknowledged, order replacement cartridge</p>|`find(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/battery.pack.cartridge_health[upsHighPrecBatteryPackCartridgeHealth.{#BATTERY_PACK}.{#CARTRIDGE_INDEX}],,"regexp","^(0)[0\|1]{15}$")=1`|Warning||
### LLD rule External bad battery packs discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|External bad battery packs discovery|<p>Discovery of the number of external defective battery packs.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.packs.bad.discovery|
### Item prototypes for External bad battery packs discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#SNMPINDEX}: External battery packs bad|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The number of external battery packs connected to the UPS that</p><p>are defective. If the UPS does not use smart cells then the</p><p>agent reports ERROR_NO_SUCH_NAME.</p>|SNMP agent|battery.external_packs_bad[upsAdvBatteryNumOfBadBattPacks.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### LLD rule External sensor port 1 discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|External sensor port 1 discovery|<p>uioSensorStatusTable</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor1.discovery|
### Item prototypes for External sensor port 1 discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Temperature sensor|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The sensor's current temperature reading in Celsius.</p><p> -1 indicates an invalid reading due to lost communications.</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.temperature[uioSensorStatusTemperatureDegC.1.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Humidity sensor|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The sensor's current humidity reading - a relative humidity</p><p> percentage. -1 indicates an invalid reading due to either a</p><p> sensor that doesn't read humidity or lost communications.</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.humidity[uioSensorStatusHumidity.1.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Sensor alarm status|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The alarm status of the sensor. Possible values:</p><p>uioNormal (1),</p><p>uioWarning (2),</p><p>uioCritical (3),</p><p>sensorStatusNotApplicable (4)</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.1.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Trigger prototypes for External sensor port 1 discovery
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Sensor has status Not Applicable|<p>The external sensor does not work or is not connected.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.1.{#SNMPINDEX}])=4`|Info||
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Sensor has status Warning|<p>The external sensor has returned a value greater than the warning threshold.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.1.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2`|Average||
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR1_NAME}: Sensor has status Critical|<p>The external sensor has returned a value greater than the critical threshold.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.1.{#SNMPINDEX}])=3`|High||
### LLD rule External sensor port 2 discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|External sensor port 2 discovery|<p>uioSensorStatusTable</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor2.discovery|
### Item prototypes for External sensor port 2 discovery
|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Temperature sensor|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The sensor's current temperature reading in Celsius.</p><p> -1 indicates an invalid reading due to lost communications.</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.temperature[uioSensorStatusTemperatureDegC.2.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Humidity sensor|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The sensor's current humidity reading - a relative humidity</p><p> percentage. -1 indicates an invalid reading due to either a</p><p> sensor that doesn't read humidity or lost communications.</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.humidity[uioSensorStatusHumidity.2.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Sensor alarm status|<p>MIB: PowerNet-MIB</p><p>The alarm status of the sensor. Possible values:</p><p>uioNormal (1),</p><p>uioWarning (2),</p><p>uioCritical (3),</p><p>sensorStatusNotApplicable (4)</p>|SNMP agent|external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.2.{#SNMPINDEX}]<p>**Preprocessing**</p><ul><li><p>Discard unchanged with heartbeat: `6h`</p></li></ul>|
### Trigger prototypes for External sensor port 2 discovery
|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Sensor has status Not Applicable|<p>The external sensor does not work or is not connected.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.2.{#SNMPINDEX}])=4`|Info||
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Sensor has status Warning|<p>The external sensor has returned a value greater than the warning threshold.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.2.{#SNMPINDEX}])=2`|Average||
|{#EXTERNAL_SENSOR2_NAME}: Sensor has status Critical|<p>The external sensor has returned a value greater than the critical threshold.</p>|`last(/APC UPS Symmetra RX by SNMP/external.sensor.status[uioSensorStatusAlarmStatus.2.{#SNMPINDEX}])=3`|High||
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