You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1109 lines
35 KiB

1 year ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php';
* @backup config, widget
* @dataSource AllItemValueTypes
* @onBefore prepareDashboardData
class testDashboardGaugeWidget extends CWebTest {
use TableTrait;
const HOST = 'Host for all item value types';
const DELETE_GAUGE = 'Gauge for deleting';
const GAUGE_ITEM = 'Float item';
* SQL query to get widget and widget_field tables to compare hash values, but without widget_fieldid
* because it can change.
const SQL = 'SELECT wf.widgetid, wf.type,, wf.value_int, wf.value_str, wf.value_groupid, wf.value_hostid,'.
' wf.value_itemid, wf.value_graphid, wf.value_sysmapid, w.widgetid, w.dashboard_pageid, w.type,, w.x, w.y,'.
' w.width, w.height'.
' FROM widget_field wf'.
' INNER JOIN widget w'.
' ON w.widgetid=wf.widgetid ORDER BY wf.widgetid,, wf.value_int, wf.value_str, wf.value_groupid,'.
' wf.value_itemid, wf.value_graphid, wf.value_hostid';
* Id of the dashboard where gauge widget is created and updated.
* @var integer
protected static $dashboardid;
protected static $update_gauge = 'Gauge for updating';
* Attach MessageBehavior to the test.
* @return array
public function getBehaviors() {
return [CMessageBehavior::class];
* Get Thresholds table element with mapping set.
* @return CMultifieldTable
protected function getThresholdsTable() {
return $this->query('id:thresholds-table')->asMultifieldTable([
'mapping' => [
'' => [
'name' => 'color',
'selector' => 'class:color-picker',
'class' => 'CColorPickerElement'
'Threshold' => [
'name' => 'threshold',
'selector' => 'xpath:./input',
'class' => 'CElement'
public function prepareDashboardData() {
// Add item data to move needle on Gauge.
CDataHelper::addItemData(CDataHelper::get('AllItemValueTypes.Float item'), 50);
$dashboards = CDataHelper::call('dashboard.create', [
'name' => 'Gauge widget dashboard',
'auto_start' => 0,
'pages' => [
'name' => 'Gauge test page',
'widgets' => [
'type' => 'gauge',
'name' => self::$update_gauge,
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0,
'width' => 11,
'height' => 5,
'fields' => [
'name' => 'itemid',
'value' => CDataHelper::get('AllItemValueTypes.Float item')
'type' => 'gauge',
'name' => self::DELETE_GAUGE,
'x' => 11,
'y' => 0,
'width' => 11,
'height' => 5,
'view_mode' => 0,
'fields' => [
'name' => 'itemid',
'value' => CDataHelper::get('AllItemValueTypes.Float item')
'name' => 'Screenshot page'
$this->assertArrayHasKey('dashboardids', $dashboards);
self::$dashboardid = $dashboards['dashboardids'][0];
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Layout() {
$dialog = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->edit()->addWidget();
$form = $dialog->asForm();
$this->assertEquals('Add widget', $dialog->getTitle());
$form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Gauge')]);
// Check default fields.
$fields = [
'Name' => ['value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'default', 'maxlength' => 255, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'Refresh interval' => ['value' => 'Default (1 minute)', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'Show header' => ['value' => true, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'id:itemid_ms' => ['value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'type here to search', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'Min' => ['value' => 0, 'maxlength' => 255, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'Max' => ['value' => 100, 'maxlength' => 255, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
// Colors.
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_arc_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'xpath:.//input[@id="empty_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'xpath:.//input[@id="bg_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true],
'Angle' => ['value' => '180°', 'enabled' => true, 'labels' => ['180°', '270°'], 'visible' => false],
// Description.
'id:description' => ['value' => '{ITEM.NAME}', 'maxlength' => 2048, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:desc_size' => ['value' => '15', 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:desc_v_pos' => ['value' => 'Bottom', 'enabled' => true, 'labels' => ['Top', 'Bottom'], 'visible' => false],
'id:desc_bold' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'xpath:.//input[@id="desc_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
// Value.
'id:decimal_places' => ['value' => 2, 'maxlength' => 2, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:value_bold' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:value_arc' => ['value' => true, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:value_size' => ['value' => 25, 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:value_arc_size' => ['value' => 20, 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
// Units.
'id:units_show' => ['value' => true, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:units' => ['value' => '', 'maxlength' => 2048, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:units_size' => ['value' => 25, 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:units_pos' => ['value' => 'After value', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:units_bold' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'xpath:.//input[@id="units_color"]/..'=> ['color' => '', 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
// Needle.
'id:needle_show' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'xpath:.//input[@id="needle_color"]/..' => ['color' => '', 'enabled' => false, 'visible' => false],
// Scale.
'id:scale_show' => ['value' => true, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:scale_size' => ['value' => 10, 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:scale_decimal_places' => ['value' => 0, 'maxlength' => 2, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
'id:scale_show_units' => ['value' => true, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => false],
// Tresholds.
'id:th_show_labels' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => false, 'visible' => false],
'id:th_show_arc' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => false, 'visible' => false],
'id:th_arc_size' => ['value' => 10, 'maxlength' => 3, 'enabled' => false, 'visible' => false],
'Enable host selection' => ['value' => false, 'enabled' => true, 'visible' => true]
$not_visible = [];
foreach ($fields as $label => $attributes) {
if (array_key_exists('color', $attributes)) {
$this->assertEquals($attributes['color'], $form->query($label)->asColorPicker()->one()->getValue());
$field = $form->getField($label);
if (array_key_exists('value', $attributes)) {
$this->assertEquals($attributes['value'], $field->getValue());
if (array_key_exists('maxlength', $attributes)) {
$this->assertEquals($attributes['maxlength'], $field->getAttribute('maxlength'));
if (array_key_exists('placeholder', $attributes)) {
$this->assertEquals($attributes['placeholder'], $field->getAttribute('placeholder'));
if (array_key_exists('labels', $attributes)) {
$this->assertEquals($attributes['labels'], $field->asSegmentedRadio()->getLabels()->asText());
if ($attributes['visible'] === false) {
$not_visible[] = $label;
// Check Advanced configuration's fields visibility.
$form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]);
// Check hintboxes.
$hints = [
'Description' => "Supported macros:".
"\nUser macros",
'Position' => 'Position is ignored for s, uptime and unixtime units.'
// Check Position dropdown options.
$this->assertEquals(['Before value', 'Above value', 'After value', 'Below value'],
foreach ($hints as $label => $text) {
// Force click is needed because the label might be hidden under the scrolled part of the form.
$hint = $this->query('xpath://div[@data-hintboxid]')->waitUntilVisible();
$this->assertEquals($text, $hint->one()->getText());
// Check visible fields.
foreach ($not_visible as $visible_field) {
// Check disabled/enabled fields.
$editable_fields = [
'id:units_show' => [
'status' => false,
'depending' => ['id:units', 'id:units_size', 'id:units_pos', 'id:units_bold', 'xpath:.//input[@id="units_color"]/..']
'id:needle_show' => [
'status' => true,
'depending' => ['xpath:.//input[@id="needle_color"]/..']
'id:scale_show' => [
'status' => false,
'depending' => ['id:scale_show_units', 'id:scale_decimal_places', 'id:scale_size']
foreach ($editable_fields as $switch => $parameters) {
$form->fill([$switch => $parameters['status']]);
foreach ($parameters['depending'] as $visible_field) {
// Check Threshold parameters.
$threshold_field = $form->getField('Thresholds');
$threshold_input ='id:thresholds_0_threshold';
$inputs = [
foreach ($inputs as $selector) {
$this->assertEquals(255, $form->getField($threshold_input)->getAttribute('maxlength'));
$form->checkValue([$threshold_input => '']);
// Fill Threshold field to enable other Threshold options.
foreach (['id:th_show_labels' => true, 'id:th_show_arc' => true, 'id:th_arc_size' => false] as $field => $status) {
// Enable Show arc.
$form->fill(['id:th_show_arc' => true]);
// Check fields' labels and required fields.
$this->assertEquals(['Type', 'Show header', 'Name', 'Refresh interval', 'Item', 'Min', 'Max', 'Colors',
'Advanced configuration', 'Angle', 'Description', 'Value', 'Needle', 'Scale', 'Thresholds',
'Enable host selection'],
$this->assertEquals(['Item', 'Min', 'Max'], $form->getRequiredLabels());
public static function getWidgetCommonData() {
return [
// #0 Empty item.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => ''
'error' => 'Invalid parameter "Item": cannot be empty.'
// #1 Both min and max equal zeros.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 0,
'Max' => 0
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Max": value must be greater than "0".'
// #2 All fields are zeros.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 0,
'Max' => 0,
'id:desc_size' => 0,
'id:value_size' => 0,
'id:value_arc_size' => 0,
'id:units_size' => 0,
'id:scale_size' => 0,
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 0
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '10']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Description size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Value size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Units size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Scale size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.'
// #3 Min and Max are the biggest possible.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => str_repeat(9,255),
'Max' => str_repeat(9,255)
'error' => 'Invalid parameter "Max": value must be greater than "1.0E+255".'
// #4 Min more than Max.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 10,
'Max' => 3
'error' => 'Invalid parameter "Max": value must be greater than "10".'
// #5 All fields are empty.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => '',
'Max' => '',
'id:desc_size' => '',
'id:decimal_places' => '',
'id:value_size' => '',
'id:value_arc_size' => '',
'id:units_size' => '',
'id:scale_size' => '',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => '',
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => ''
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '10']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Min": cannot be empty.',
'Invalid parameter "Max": cannot be empty.',
'Invalid parameter "Description size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Value size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Units size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Scale size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.'
// #6 Text in numeric fields.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 'text',
'Max' => 'test',
'id:desc_size' => 'abc',
'id:decimal_places' => 'abc',
'id:value_size' => 'abc',
'id:value_arc_size' => 'abc',
'id:units_size' => 'abc',
'id:scale_size' => 'abc',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => 'abc',
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 'abc'
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => 'test']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Min": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Max": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Description size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Value size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Units size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Scale size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.'
// #7 Mixed numbers and random text in numeric fields.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => '2t',
'Max' => '3y',
'id:desc_size' => '1a',
'id:decimal_places' => '2b',
'id:value_size' => '1a',
'id:value_arc_size' => '1a',
'id:units_size' => '1a',
'id:scale_size' => '1a',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => '2b',
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => '1a'
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '1', 'color' => 'ERERER']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Min": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Thresholds/1/color": a hexadecimal color code (6 symbols) is expected.'
// #8 2-bytes special characters.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 'そこ',
'Max' => 'ߘ',
'id:desc_size' => '۞',
'id:decimal_places' => 'Ֆ',
'id:value_size' => '©',
'id:value_arc_size' => 'ֈ',
'id:units_size' => 'æ',
'id:scale_size' => '߷',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => ' ',
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 'Ä'
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => 'ß']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Min": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Max": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Description size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Value size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Units size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Scale size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Thresholds/1/threshold": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.'
// #9 4-bytes characters.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Name' => '𒀐',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => '😁',
'Max' => '🙂',
'id:desc_size' => '😅',
'id:decimal_places' => '😘',
'id:value_size' => '😒',
'id:value_arc_size' => '😔',
'id:units_size' => '🤢',
'id:scale_size' => '😨',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => '😩',
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => '😽'
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '𒀐']
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Min": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Max": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Description size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Value size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Units size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Scale size": value must be one of 1-100.',
'Invalid parameter "Thresholds/1/threshold": a number is expected.',
'Invalid parameter "Arc size": value must be one of 1-100.'
// #10 Too big numbers in decimal places.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'id:decimal_places' => '900',
'id:scale_decimal_places' => '900'
'error' => [
'Invalid parameter "Decimal places": value must be one of 0-10.',
'Invalid parameter "Decimal places": value must be one of 0-10.'
// #11 All fields successful case.
'fields' => [
'Name' => '😁🙂𒀐',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 99,
'Max' => 88888,
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_arc_color"]/..' => '64B5F6',
'xpath:.//input[@id="empty_color"]/..' => 'FFBF00',
'xpath:.//input[@id="bg_color"]/..' => 'BA68C8',
'Angle' => '270°',
'id:description' => '𒀐 New test Description 😁🙂😁🙂',
'id:desc_size' => 30,
'id:desc_bold' => true,
'id:desc_v_pos' => 'Top',
'xpath:.//input[@id="desc_color"]/..' => 'FFB300',
'id:decimal_places' => 10,
'id:value_size' => 50,
'id:value_bold' => true,
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_color"]/..' => '283593',
'id:value_arc' => true,
'id:value_arc_size' => 12,
'id:units' => 'Bytes 𒀐 😁',
'id:units_size' => 27,
'id:units_bold' => true,
'id:units_pos' => 'Above value',
'xpath:.//input[@id="units_color"]/..' => '4E342E',
'id:needle_show' => true,
'xpath:.//input[@id="needle_color"]/..' => '4DD0E1',
'id:scale_size' => 33,
'id:scale_decimal_places' => 8,
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 85,
'id:th_show_labels' => true,
'Enable host selection' => true
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '555', 'color' => '1976D2']
// #12 Multiple thresholds.
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'Multiple thresholds',
'Min' => 15,
'Max' => 200,
'Refresh interval' => '30 seconds',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'id:units_pos' => 'Before value'
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '30', 'color' => '03A9F4'],
['threshold' => '50', 'color' => '283593']
// #13 False default checkboxes.
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'False default checkboxes',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Show header' => false,
'id:value_arc' => false,
'id:units_show' => false,
'id:scale_show' => false
public static function getWidgetCreateData() {
return [
// #14 Minimal required fields.
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Advanced configuration' => false
* @backupOnce widget
* @dataProvider getWidgetCommonData
* @dataProvider getWidgetCreateData
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Create($data) {
* @dataProvider getWidgetCommonData
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Update($data) {
$this->checkFormGaugeWidget($data, true);
* Function for checking Gauge widget form.
* @param array $data data provider
* @param boolean $update true if update scenario, false if create
public function checkFormGaugeWidget($data, $update = false) {
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) {
$old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash(self::SQL);
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one();
$old_widget_count = $dashboard->getWidgets()->count();
$form = $update
? $dashboard->getWidget(self::$update_gauge)->edit()
: $dashboard->edit()->addWidget()->asForm();
$form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Gauge')]);
if ($update && CTestArrayHelper::get($data['fields'], 'Item') === '') {
$form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]);
if (array_key_exists('Thresholds', $data)) {
// To update Thresholds previously saved values should be removed.
if ($update) {
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) {
$this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, null, $data['error']);
// Check that DB hash is not changed.
$this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash(self::SQL));
else {
* When name is absent in create scenario it remains default: host name + item name,
* if name is absent in update scenario then previous name remains.
* If name is empty string in both scenarios it is replaced by host name + item name.
if (array_key_exists('Name', $data['fields'])) {
$header = ($data['fields']['Name'] === '')
? self::HOST.': '.$data['fields']['Item']
: $data['fields']['Name'];
else {
$header = $update ? self::$update_gauge : self::HOST.': '.$data['fields']['Item'];
$this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated');
$this->assertEquals($old_widget_count + ($update ? 0 : 1), $dashboard->getWidgets()->count());
$saved_form = $dashboard->getWidget($header)->edit();
if (array_key_exists('Item', $data['fields'])) {
$data['fields']['Item'] = self::HOST.': '.$data['fields']['Item'];
// Check that Advanced configuration is false by default.
$saved_form->checkValue(['Advanced configuration' => false]);
// Open Advanced configuration if it is not defined as false in data provider.
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['fields'], 'Advanced configuration', true)) {
$saved_form->fill(['Advanced configuration' => true]);
// Check saved fields in form.
if (array_key_exists('Thresholds', $data)) {
// Check that widget is saved in DB.
CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM widget w'.
' FROM dashboard_page dp'.
' WHERE w.dashboard_pageid=dp.dashboard_pageid'.
' AND dp.dashboardid='.self::$dashboardid.
' AND ='.zbx_dbstr(CTestArrayHelper::get($data['fields'], 'Name', '')).')'
// Write new name to the updated widget name.
if ($update) {
self::$update_gauge = $header;
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_SimpleUpdate() {
public static function getCancelData() {
return [
// #0 Cancel creating widget with saving the dashboard.
'cancel_form' => true,
'create_widget' => true,
'save_dashboard' => true
// #1 Cancel updating widget with saving the dashboard.
'cancel_form' => true,
'create_widget' => false,
'save_dashboard' => true
// #2 Create widget without saving the dashboard.
'cancel_form' => false,
'create_widget' => false,
'save_dashboard' => false
// #3 Update widget without saving the dashboard.
'cancel_form' => false,
'create_widget' => false,
'save_dashboard' => false
* @dataProvider getCancelData
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Cancel($data) {
$this->checkNoChanges($data['cancel_form'], $data['create_widget'], $data['save_dashboard']);
* Function for checking canceling form or submitting without any changes.
* @param boolean $cancel true if cancel scenario, false if form is submitted
* @param boolean $create true if create scenario, false if update
* @param boolean $save_dashboard true if dashboard will be saved, false if not
protected function checkNoChanges($cancel = false, $create = false, $save_dashboard = true) {
$old_hash = CDBHelper::getHash(self::SQL);
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one();
$old_widget_count = $dashboard->getWidgets()->count();
$form = $create
? $dashboard->addWidget()->asForm()
: $dashboard->getWidget(self::$update_gauge)->edit();
$dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady();
if ($create) {
$form->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Gauge')]);
else {
$values = $form->getValues();
if ($cancel || !$save_dashboard) {
'Name' => 'new name',
'Refresh interval' => '10 minutes',
'Item' => 'testFormItem4',
'Min' => 10,
'Max' => 300
if ($cancel) {
else {
if (!$cancel) {
$dashboard->getWidget($save_dashboard ? self::$update_gauge : 'new name')->waitUntilReady();
if ($save_dashboard) {
$this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated');
else {
$this->assertEquals($old_widget_count, $dashboard->getWidgets()->count());
// Check that updating widget form values did not change in frontend.
if (!$create && !$save_dashboard) {
$this->assertEquals($values, $dashboard->getWidget(self::$update_gauge)->edit()->getValues());
// Check that DB hash is not changed.
$this->assertEquals($old_hash, CDBHelper::getHash(self::SQL));
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Delete() {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady()->edit();
$widget = $dashboard->getWidget(self::DELETE_GAUGE);
$this->assertMessage(TEST_GOOD, 'Dashboard updated');
// Check that widget is not present on dashboard and in DB.
$this->assertFalse($dashboard->getWidget(self::DELETE_GAUGE, false)->isValid());
$this->assertEquals(0, CDBHelper::getCount('SELECT * FROM widget_field wf'.
' LEFT JOIN widget w'.
' ON w.widgetid=wf.widgetid'.
' WHERE'.zbx_dbstr(self::DELETE_GAUGE)
* Test function for assuring that text, log, binary and char items are not available in Gauge widget.
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_CheckAvailableItems() {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady();
$dialog = $dashboard->edit()->addWidget()->asForm();
$dialog->fill(['Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Gauge')]);
$host_item_dialog = COverlayDialogElement::find()->all()->last()->waitUntilReady();
$table = $host_item_dialog->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->waitUntilVisible();
$this->assertTableDataColumn(['Float item', 'Unsigned item', 'Unsigned_dependent item']);
public static function getScreenshotsData() {
return [
// #0 Minimal settings with value.
'screenshot_id' => 'Empty gauge with data',
'fields' => [
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM
// #1 Minimal settings No data.
'screenshot_id' => 'Empty gauge with no data',
'fields' => [
'Item' => 'Unsigned item'
// #2 All settings + Threshold default color.
'screenshot_id' => 'Full gauge',
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'All settings',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 20,
'Max' => 300,
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_arc_color"]/..' => 'FFCDD2',
'xpath:.//input[@id="empty_color"]/..' => '26C6DA',
'xpath:.//input[@id="bg_color"]/..' => 'FFF9C4',
'Angle' => '270°',
'id:description' => 'Screenshot Description 😁🙂😁🙂',
'id:desc_size' => 8,
'id:desc_bold' => true,
'id:desc_v_pos' => 'Top',
'xpath:.//input[@id="desc_color"]/..' => '303F9F',
'id:decimal_places' => 3,
'id:value_size' => 17,
'id:value_bold' => true,
'xpath:.//input[@id="value_color"]/..' => '00796B',
'id:value_arc' => true,
'id:value_arc_size' => 35,
'id:units' => 'Bytes 😁',
'id:units_size' => 12,
'id:units_bold' => true,
'id:units_pos' => 'Below value',
'xpath:.//input[@id="units_color"]/..' => '6D4C41',
'id:needle_show' => true,
'xpath:.//input[@id="needle_color"]/..' => 'FF0000',
'id:scale_size' => 11,
'id:scale_decimal_places' => 2,
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 40,
'id:th_show_labels' => true
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '100']
// #3 Macros in description + Thresholds with color.
'screenshot_id' => 'Gauge with two thresholds',
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'All settings + treshholds',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'Min' => 1,
'Max' => 300,
'id:description' => '{HOST.NAME} {ITEM.NAME}',
'id:desc_size' => 5,
'id:th_show_arc' => true,
'id:th_arc_size' => 40,
'id:th_show_labels' => true
'Thresholds' => [
['threshold' => '100', 'color' => '4000FF'],
['threshold' => '200', 'color' => 'E91E63']
// #4 More macros in description.
'screenshot_id' => 'More macros',
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'Macros',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'id:description' => '{HOST.CONN} {ITEM.KEY}',
'id:desc_size' => 5
// #5 User macros in description.
'screenshot_id' => 'User macro',
'fields' => [
'Name' => 'User macro',
'Item' => self::GAUGE_ITEM,
'id:description' => '{$A} {INVENTORY.ALIAS}',
'id:desc_size' => 5
* Test function for assuring that form settings affect Gauge image.
* @dataProvider getScreenshotsData
public function testDashboardGaugeWidget_Screenshots($data) {
$dashboard = CDashboardElement::find()->one()->waitUntilReady();
$dashboard->selectPage('Screenshot page');
$dialog = $dashboard->edit()->addWidget()->asForm();
'Type' => CFormElement::RELOADABLE_FILL('Gauge'),
'Advanced configuration' => true
if (array_key_exists('Thresholds', $data)) {
$header = array_key_exists('Name', $data['fields'])
? $data['fields']['Name']
: self::HOST.': '.$data['fields']['Item'];
// Wait until widget with header appears on the Dashboard.
$widget = $dashboard->waitUntilReady()->getWidget($header)->waitUntilReady();
// Sleep waits until the gauge is animated.
$this->assertScreenshot($widget->query('class:dashboard-grid-widget-container')->one(), $data['screenshot_id']);