You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
842 lines
23 KiB
842 lines
23 KiB
2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/CWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../include/helpers/CDataHelper.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../traits/TableTrait.php';
* @backup history_uint, profiles
* @onBefore prepareItemTagsData
class testPageMonitoringLatestData extends CWebTest {
use TableTrait;
private function getTableSelector() {
return 'xpath://table['.CXPathHelper::fromClass('overflow-ellipsis').']';
private function getTable() {
return $this->query($this->getTableSelector())->asTable()->one();
const HOSTNAME = 'Host for items tags filtering';
// Host with items for filtering Latest data by item tags.
protected static $data = [
'hostgroupid' => null,
'hostid' => null,
'itemids' => [
public function prepareItemTagsData() {
// Create hostgroup for host with items and tags.
$hostgroups = CDataHelper::call('hostgroup.create', [['name' => 'Group for Items With tags']]);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('groupids', $hostgroups);
self::$data['hostgroupid'] = $hostgroups['groupids'][0];
// Create host for items.
$hosts = CDataHelper::call('host.create', [
'host' => self::HOSTNAME,
'groups' => [['groupid' => self::$data['hostgroupid']]]
$this->assertArrayHasKey('hostids', $hosts);
$hostids = CDataHelper::getIds('host');
self::$data['hostid'] = $hostids['Host for items tags filtering'];
// Create items on previously created host.
$items_tags_data = [];
foreach (self::$data['itemids'] as $i => $item) {
$items_tags_data[] = [
'hostid' => self::$data['hostid'],
'name' => $item,
'key_' => 'trapper'.$i,
'type' => 2,
'value_type' => 0,
'tags' => [
'tag' => 'tag',
'value' => 'filtering_value'
'tag' => 'tag_number',
'value' => strval($i)
'tag' => 'component',
'value' => 'name:'.$item
$items = CDataHelper::call('item.create', $items_tags_data);
self::$data['itemids']['tag_item_1'] = $items['itemids'][0];
self::$data['itemids']['tag_item_2'] = $items['itemids'][1];
self::$data['itemids']['tag_item_3'] = $items['itemids'][2];
self::$data['itemids']['tag_item_4'] = $items['itemids'][3];
// Add data to one item to see "With data"/"Without data" subfilter.
$time = time() - 100;
DBexecute("INSERT INTO history (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES (".zbx_dbstr(self::$data['itemids']['tag_item_1']).
", ".zbx_dbstr($time).", 1, 0)");
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_CheckLayout() {
$this->page->assertTitle('Latest data');
$this->page->assertHeader('Latest data');
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$this->assertEquals(['Host groups', 'Hosts', 'Name', 'Tags', 'Show tags', 'Tag display priority', 'State', 'Show details'],
$subfilter = $this->query('id:latest-data-subfilter')->asTable()->one();
$this->assertTrue($subfilter->query('xpath:.//h4[text()="Subfilter "]/span[@class="grey" and '.
'text()="affects only filtered data"]')->one()->isValid()
foreach (['Hosts', 'Tags', 'Tag values'] as $header) {
// With data/Without data subfilter is always present.
$subfilter_queries = ['xpath:.//h3[text()="Data"]', 'link:With data', 'link:Without data'];
foreach ($subfilter_queries as $query) {
$form->fill(['Hosts' => self::HOSTNAME]);
foreach ($subfilter_queries as $query) {
// Check table headers.
$details_headers = [
true => ['', 'Host', 'Name', 'Interval', 'History', 'Trends', 'Type', 'Last check', 'Last value',
'Change', 'Tags', '', 'Info'],
false => ['', 'Host', 'Name', 'Last check', 'Last value', 'Change', 'Tags', '', 'Info']
foreach ($details_headers as $status => $headers) {
$this->assertEquals($headers, $this->getTable()->getHeadersText());
// Check that sortable headers are clickable.
foreach (['Host', 'Name'] as $header) {
// Check filter collapse/expand.
$filter_tab = $this->query('xpath://a[contains(@class, "tabfilter-item-link")]')->one();
foreach ([false, true] as $status) {
$this->assertEquals($status, $this->query('xpath://div[contains(@class, "tabfilter-collapsed")]')
public static function getFilterData() {
return [
// Host groups and Show details.
'filter' => [
'Host groups' => 'Another group to check Overview',
'Show details' => true
'result' => [
'Name' => "4_item".
// Hosts.
'filter' => [
'Hosts' => '1_Host_to_check_Monitoring_Overview'
'result' => [
['Name' => '1_item'],
['Name' => '2_item']
// Name.
'filter' => [
'Name' => '3_item'
'result' => [
['Name' => '3_item']
// Evaluation: And/Or, Operator Exists
'Tags' => [
'Evaluation' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
'index' => 0,
'tag' => 'DataBase',
'operator' => 'Exists'
'result' => [
['Name' => '1_item'],
['Name' => '2_item'],
['Name' => '3_item'],
['Name' => '4_item']
// Evaluation: Or, Operators: Equals, Contains.
'Tags' => [
'Evaluation' => 'Or',
'tags' => [
'index' => 0,
'tag' => 'tag_number',
'operator' => 'Contains',
'value' => '0'
'tag' => 'DataBase',
'operator' => 'Equals',
'value' => 'mysql'
'result' => [
['Name' => '1_item'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_1']
// The same tags as previous case, but Evaluation: And. Result: Empty table.
'Tags' => [
'Evaluation' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
'index' => 0,
'tag' => 'tag_number',
'operator' => 'Contains',
'value' => '0'
'tag' => 'DataBase',
'operator' => 'Equals',
'value' => 'mysql'
'result' => []
// Operators: Does not contain, Does not equal, Exists.
'Tags' => [
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
'index' => 0,
'tag' => 'tag_number',
'operator' => 'Does not equal',
'value' => '1'
'tag' => 'component',
'operator' => 'Does not contain',
'value' => '1'
'tag' => 'tag',
'operator' => 'Exists'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_3'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_4']
// Operator: Does not exist and Exists.
'Tags' => [
'evaluation_type' => 'And/Or',
'tags' => [
'index' => 0,
'tag' => 'tag',
'operator' => 'Exists'
'tag' => 'DataBase',
'operator' => 'Does not exist'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_2'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_3'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_4']
// Tags None.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Show tags' => 'None',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1']
// Tags: 1.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Show tags' => '1',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'component: name:tag_item_1']
// Tags: 2.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Show tags' => '2',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'component: name:tag_item_1tag: filtering_value']
// Tags: 3. Tag name: Full.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Show tags' => '3',
'Tags name' => 'Full',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'component: name:tag_item_1tag: filtering_valuetag_number: 0']
// Tag name: Shortened.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Tags name' => 'Shortened',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'com: name:tag_item_1tag: filtering_valuetag: 0']
// Tag name: None.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1'
'Tags name' => 'None',
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'name:tag_item_1filtering_value0']
// Tag priority: no such tags.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1',
'Tag display priority' => 'tag_'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'component: name:tag_item_1tag: filtering_valuetag_number: 0']
// Tag priority: opposite alphabetic.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1',
'Tag display priority' => 'tag_number,tag,component'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'tag_number: 0tag: filtering_valuecomponent: name:tag_item_1']
// Tag priority: one first.
'filter' => [
'Name' => 'tag_item_1',
'Tag display priority' => 'tag'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1', 'Tags' => 'tag: filtering_valuecomponent: name:tag_item_1tag_number: 0']
* Test for checking filtered results by values in main filter.
* @dataProvider getFilterData
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_Filter($data) {
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->waitUntilPresent()->asForm()->one();
$table = $this->query('xpath://table[contains(@class, "overflow-ellipsis")]')->asTable()->waitUntilPresent()->one();
// Reset filter in case if some filtering remained before ongoing test case.
// Fill filter form with data.
$form->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'filter'));
// If data contains Tags and their settings, fill them separataly, because tags form is more complicated.
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags')) {
$form->getField('id:evaltype_0')->asSegmentedRadio()->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags.Evaluation', 'And/Or'));
$form->getField('id:tags_0')->asMultifieldTable()->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags.tags', []));
$form->getField('id:show_tags_0')->asSegmentedRadio()->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Show tags', '3'));
$form->getField('id:tag_name_format_0')->asSegmentedRadio()->fill(CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Tags name', 'Full'));
// Check filtered result.
$this->assertTableData($data['result'], $this->getTableSelector());
// Check Show tags filter setting.
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'Show tags') === 'None') {
$this->assertEquals(['', 'Host', 'Name', 'Last check', 'Last value', 'Change', '', 'Info'],
// Reset filter not to impact the results of next tests.
public static function getSubfilterData() {
return [
// Tag values.
'subfilter' => [
'Tag values' => [
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1'],
['Name' => 'tag_item_2']
// Tag values and Data.
'subfilter' => [
'Tag values' => [
'Data' => [
'With data'
'result' => [
['Name' => 'tag_item_1']
// Hosts and Tag values.
'subfilter' => [
'Hosts' => [
'Tag values' => [
'result' => [
['Name' => '3_item']
* Test for checking filtered results clicking on subfilter.
* @dataProvider getSubfilterData
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_Subfilter($data) {
$hostid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT hostid FROM hosts WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr(self::HOSTNAME));
$link = (CTestArrayHelper::get($data['subfilter'], 'Data'))
? 'zabbix.php?action=latest.view&hostids%5B%5D='.$hostid
: 'zabbix.php?action=latest.view';
foreach ($data['subfilter'] as $header => $values) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
// Check that page remained the same.
$this->page->assertTitle('Latest data');
$this->page->assertHeader('Latest data');
$this->assertTableData($data['result'], $this->getTableSelector());
* Test for clicking on particular item tag in table and checking that items are filtered by this tag.
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_ClickTag() {
$tag = ['tag' => 'component: ', 'value' => 'storage'];
$hostid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT hostid FROM hosts WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr('ЗАББИКС Сервер'));
$this->getTable()->query('button', $tag['tag'].$tag['value'])->waitUntilClickable()->one()->click();
// Check that page remained the same.
$this->page->assertTitle('Latest data');
$this->page->assertHeader('Latest data');
// Check that tag value is selected in subfilter under correct header.
$this->assertTrue($this->query("xpath://td/h3[text()='Tag values']/..//label[text()=".
['Name' => 'Linux: Free swap space'],
['Name' => 'Linux: Free swap space in %'],
['Name' => 'Linux: Total swap space']
], $this->getTableSelector()
* Test that checks if host has visible name, it cannot be found by host name on Latest Data page.
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_NoHostNames() {
$result = [
'SELECT host'.
' FROM hosts'.
' AND name <> host', 3
'SELECT host'.
' FROM hosts'.
' AND name <> host', 3
'SELECT host'.
' FROM hosts'.
' AND name <> host', 3
foreach ($result as $hosts) {
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
* Check if hostname is present on page, if not, go to next page.
* Now there are 3 pages for unfiltered Latest data.
for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) {
$this->assertFalse($this->query('link', $host['host'])->one(false)->isValid());
public static function getItemDescription() {
return [
// Item without description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Log'
// Item with plain text in the description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Log_2',
'description' => 'Non-clickable description'
// Item with only 1 url in description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Eventlog',
'description' => ''
// Item with text and url in description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Eventlog_2',
'description' => 'The following url should be clickable:'
// Item with multiple urls in description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Character',
'description' => ''
// Item with text and 2 urls in description.
'hostid' => '15003',
'Item name' => 'item_testPageHistory_CheckLayout_Text',
'description' => 'These urls should be clickable:'
// Item with underscore in macros name and one non existing macros in description .
'hostid' => '50010',
'Item name' => 'Http agent item form',
'description' => 'Underscore {$NONEXISTING}'
// Item with 2 macros in description.
'hostid' => '50010',
'Item name' => 'Http agent item for update',
'description' => ' Some text'
// Item with 2 macros and text in description.
'hostid' => '50010',
'Item name' => 'Http agent item for delete',
'description' => 'Some text and IP number'
// Item with macros inside curly brackets.
'hostid' => '50007',
'Item name' => 'Item-layout-test-002',
'description' => '{Some text}'
// Item with macros in description.
'hostid' => '99027',
'Item name' => 'Item to check graph',
'description' => 'Some text'
* @dataProvider getItemDescription
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_checkItemDescription($data) {
// Open Latest data for host 'testPageHistory_CheckLayout'
// Find rows from the data provider and click on the description icon if such should persist.
$row = $this->getTable()->findRow('Name', $data['Item name'], true);
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data,'description', false)) {
$overlay = $this->query('xpath://div[@class="overlay-dialogue"]')->one();
// Verify the real description with the expected one.
$this->assertEquals($data['description'], $overlay->getText());
// Get urls form description.
$urls = [];
preg_match_all('/https?:\/\/\S+/', $data['description'], $urls);
// Verify that each of the urls is clickable.
foreach ($urls[0] as $url) {
// Verify that the tool-tip can be closed.
// If the item has no description the description icon should not be there.
else {
$this->assertTrue($row->query('class:icon-description')->count() === 0);
* Maintenance icon hintbox.
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_checkMaintenanceIcon() {
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$form->fill(['Hosts' => 'Available host in maintenance']);
$hint = $this->query('xpath://div[@data-hintboxid]')->asOverlayDialog()->waitUntilPresent()->all()->last()->getText();
$hint_text = "Maintenance for Host availability widget [Maintenance with data collection]\n".
"Maintenance for checking Show hosts in maintenance option in Host availability widget";
$this->assertEquals($hint_text, $hint);
* Check hint text for Last check and Last value columns
public function testPageMonitoringLatestData_checkHints() {
$itemid = CDBHelper::getValue('SELECT itemid FROM items WHERE name='.zbx_dbstr('4_item'));
$time = time();
$value = '15';
$true_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);
DBexecute('INSERT INTO history_uint (itemid, clock, value, ns) VALUES ('.zbx_dbstr($itemid).
', '.zbx_dbstr($time).', '.zbx_dbstr($value).', 0)'
$form = $this->query('name:zbx_filter')->asForm()->one();
$table = $this->query('xpath://table[contains(@class, "overflow-ellipsis")]')->asTable()->waitUntilPresent()->one();
$form->fill(['Name' => '4_item'])->submit();
foreach (['Last check', 'Last value'] as $column) {
if ($column === 'Last value') {
$this->assertEquals('15 UNIT', $this->getTable()->getRow(0)->getColumn($column)->getText());
$hint = $this->query('xpath://div[@data-hintboxid]')->asOverlayDialog()->waitUntilPresent()->all()->last()->getText();
$compare_hint = ($column === 'Last check') ? $true_time : $value;
$this->assertEquals($compare_hint, $hint);