You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1029 lines
34 KiB
1029 lines
34 KiB
2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../include/CWebTest.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/traits/TableTrait.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/behaviors/CMessageBehavior.php';
* @backup sessions
* @backupConfig
class testFormSetup extends CWebTest {
use TableTrait;
* Attach MessageBehavior to the test.
* @return array
public function getBehaviors() {
return [
'class' => CMessageBehavior::class
* @backup config
public function testFormSetup_welcomeSectionLayout() {
// Check Welcome section.
$this->assertEquals("Welcome to\nZabbix ".ZABBIX_EXPORT_VERSION, $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText());
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
$language_field = $form->getField('Default language');
$this->assertEquals('English (en_US)', $language_field->getValue());
$hint_text = 'You are not able to choose some of the languages, because locales for them are not installed '.
'on the web server.';
$this->assertEquals($hint_text, $this->query('class:hint-box')->one()->getText());
$this->checkButtons('first section');
$this->assertScreenshot($form, 'Welcome_En');
// Check that default language can be changed.
$language_field->fill('Russian (ru_RU)');
$this->assertEquals("Добро пожаловать в\nZabbix ".ZABBIX_EXPORT_VERSION, $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText());
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:default-lang')->one(), 'Welcome_Rus');
public function testFormSetup_prerequisitesSectionLayout() {
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
// Check Pre-requisites section.
$this->checkPageTextElements('Check of pre-requisites');
$headers = $this->query('class:list-table')->asTable()->one()->getHeadersText();
$this->assertEquals(['', 'Current value', 'Required', ''], $headers);
$prerequisites = [
'PHP version',
'PHP option "memory_limit"',
'PHP option "post_max_size"',
'PHP option "upload_max_filesize"',
'PHP option "max_execution_time"',
'PHP option "max_input_time"',
'PHP databases support',
'PHP bcmath',
'PHP mbstring',
'PHP option "mbstring.func_overload"',
'PHP sockets',
'PHP gd',
'PHP gd PNG support',
'PHP gd JPEG support',
'PHP gd GIF support',
'PHP gd FreeType support',
'PHP libxml',
'PHP xmlwriter',
'PHP xmlreader',
'PHP OpenSSL',
'PHP ctype',
'PHP session',
'PHP option "session.auto_start"',
'PHP gettext',
'PHP option "arg_separator.output"'
$this->assertTableDataColumn($prerequisites, '');
$this->checkSections('Check of pre-requesties');
global $DB;
$php_version = $this->query('xpath://td[text()="PHP version"]/following-sibling::td')->one();
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $php_version, 'Prerequisites_'.$DB['TYPE']);
public function testFormSetup_dbConnectionSectionLayout() {
$this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection');
$db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters();
// Check Configure DB connection section.
$fields = [
'Database port' => '0',
'Database name' => 'zabbix',
'User' => 'zabbix',
'Password' => ''
$fields['Database host'] = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') ?
'localhost' : $db_parameters['Database host'];
$text = 'Please create database manually, and set the configuration parameters for connection to this database. '.
'Press "Next step" button when done.';
$this->checkPageTextElements('Configure DB connection', $text);
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
// Check input fields in Configure DB connection section for each DB type.
$db_types = $form->getField('Database type')->getOptions()->asText();
foreach ($db_types as $db_type) {
$form->getField('Database type')->select($db_type);
switch ($db_type) {
case 'Oracle':
$this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed());
$this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database TLS encryption"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed());
case 'MySQL':
// Check that Database schema field is not available.
$this->assertFalse($form->query('xpath://label[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isDisplayed());
// Check TLS fields if such should be displayed.
if ($db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost') {
$tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared '.
'memory (Windows).';
$this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText());
else {
$form->getField('Database host')->fill($db_parameters['Database host']);
case 'PostgreSQL':
// Check that Database Schema and Database TLS encryption fields are visible.
$schema_field = $form->getField('Database schema');
$this->assertEquals(255, $schema_field->getAttribute('maxlength'));
foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_value) {
$maxlength = ($field_name === 'Database port') ? 5 : 255;
$field = $form->getField($field_name);
$this->assertEquals($field_value, $field->getValue());
$this->assertEquals($maxlength, $field->getAttribute('maxlength'));
// Array of fields to be skipped by the screenshot check.
$skip_db_fields = [];
foreach(['Database host', 'Database name', 'Store credentials in'] as $skip_field) {
$skip_db_fields[] = $form->getField($skip_field);
// Check screenshot for "Store credentials in" = Plain text.
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $skip_db_fields, 'ConfigureDB_plainText_'.$db_type);
// Check 'Store credentials in' field, switch to Vault and check Vault rellated fields.
$credentials_field = $form->getField('Store credentials in');
$this->assertEquals('Plain text', $credentials_field->getSelected());
// All vault fields labels.
$labels = [
'Vault API endpoint',
'Vault secret path',
'Vault authentication token',
'Vault secret query string',
'Vault certificates'
foreach ($labels as $label_name) {
// HashiCorp and Cyberark vault fields.
$vaults = [
'HashiCorp Vault' => [
'Vault API endpoint' => 'https://localhost:8200',
'Vault secret path' => 'path/to/secret',
'Vault authentication token' => ''
'CyberArk Vault' => [
'Vault API endpoint' => 'https://localhost:1858',
'Vault secret query string' => 'AppID=foo&Query=Safe=bar;Object=buzz',
'SSL certificate file' => 'conf/certs/cyberark-cert.pem',
'SSL key file' => 'conf/certs/cyberark-key.pem'
// Check layout when "Store credentials in" is set to "HashiCorp Vault" or "CyberArk Vault".
foreach ($vaults as $vault => $vault_fields) {
if ($vault === 'CyberArk Vault') {
$form->fill(['Vault certificates' => true]);
foreach (['User', 'Password'] as $parameter) {
foreach ($vault_fields as $field_name => $parameter) {
$vault_maxlength = ($field_name === 'Vault API endpoint' || $field_name === 'Vault secret path') ? 255 : 2048;
$field = $form->getField($field_name);
$this->assertEquals($vault_maxlength, $field->getAttribute('maxlength'));
if (in_array($field_name, ['Vault secret query string', 'Vault secret path'])) {
$this->assertEquals($parameter, $field->getAttribute('placeholder'));
else {
$this->assertEquals($parameter, $field->getValue());
// Array of fields to be skipped by the screenshot check.
$skip_fields_vault = [];
foreach(['Database host', 'Database name', 'Store credentials in'] as $skip_field) {
$skip_fields_vault[] = $form->getField($skip_field);
// Check screenshot for "Store credentials in" = Vault.
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $skip_fields_vault, 'ConfigureDB_Vault_'.$db_type.$vault);
$credentials_field->select('Plain text');
* @backup config
public function testFormSetup_settingsSection() {
// Open the Pre-installation summary section.
// Check GUI settings section.
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
// Check layout via screenshot for default theme.
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:label-default-timezone')->one(), 'GUISettings_Default');
// Check Zabbix server name field.
$server_name = $form->getField('Zabbix server name');
$this->assertEquals(255, $server_name->getAttribute('maxlength'));
$this->assertEquals('', $server_name->getValue());
// Check timezone field.
$timezones_field = $form->getField('Default time zone');
$timezones = $timezones_field->getOptions()->asText();
// Note that count of available timezones may differ based on the local environment configuration.
$this->assertEquals(420, count($timezones));
foreach (['System', 'Europe/Riga'] as $timezone_value) {
$timezone = CDateTimeHelper::getTimeZoneFormat($timezone_value);
$this->assertContains($timezone, $timezones);
// Select a certain timezone.
$form->getField('Default time zone')->select(CDateTimeHelper::getTimeZoneFormat('Europe/Riga'));
// Check Default theme field.
$themes = $form->getField('Default theme');
$this->assertEquals(['Blue', 'Dark', 'High-contrast light', 'High-contrast dark'], $themes->getOptions()->asText());
// Select Dark theme.
$form->getField('Default theme')->select('Dark');
// Check that default theme has changed.
$stylesheet = $this->query('xpath://link[@rel="stylesheet"]')->one();
$parts = explode('/', $stylesheet->getAttribute('href'));
$this->assertContains('dark-theme.css', explode('?', end($parts)));
// Check layout via screenshot for dark theme.
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($form, $this->query('id:label-default-timezone')->one(), 'GUISettings_Dark');
// Complete the setup and check in DB that the default timezone was applied.
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
$db_values = CDBHelper::getRow('SELECT default_theme, default_timezone FROM config');
$this->assertEquals(['dark-theme', 'Europe/Riga'], array_values($db_values));
public function testFormSetup_summarySection() {
$this->openSpecifiedSection('Pre-installation summary');
// Check that Zabbix server name field is not displayed if it is not populated.
$this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Zabbix server name"]')->one(false)->isValid());
// Fill in the Zabbix server name field and proceed with checking Pre-installation summary.
$this->query('id:setup-form')->asForm()->one()->getField('Zabbix server name')->fill('Zabbix server name');
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
$db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters();
$text = 'Please check configuration parameters. If all is correct, press "Next step" button, or "Back" button '.
'to change configuration parameters.';
$this->checkPageTextElements('Pre-installation summary', $text);
$summary_fields = [
'Database server' => $db_parameters['Database host'],
'Database name' => $db_parameters['Database name'],
'Database user' => $db_parameters['User'],
'Database password' => '******',
'Zabbix server name' => 'Zabbix server name'
if ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') {
$summary_fields['Database type'] = 'PostgreSQL';
$summary_fields['Database schema'] = '';
$summary_fields['Database TLS encryption'] = 'true';
else {
$summary_fields['Database type'] = 'MySQL';
$this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Database schema"]')->one(false)->isValid());
$summary_fields['Database TLS encryption'] = ($db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost') ? 'false' : 'true';
$summary_fields['Database port'] = ($db_parameters['Database port'] === '0') ? 'default' : $db_parameters['Database port'];
foreach ($summary_fields as $field_name => $value) {
$xpath = 'xpath://span[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($field_name).']/../../div[@class="table-forms-td-right"]';
// Assert contains is used as Password length can differ.
if ($field_name === 'Database password') {
$this->assertStringContainsString($value, $this->query($xpath)->one()->getText());
else {
$this->assertEquals($value, $this->query($xpath)->one()->getText());
// Check screenshot of the Pre-installation summary section.
$skip_fields = [];
foreach(['Database server', 'Database port', 'Database name'] as $skip_field) {
$xpath = 'xpath://span[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($skip_field).']/../../div[@class="table-forms-td-right"]';
$skip_fields[] = $this->query($xpath)->one();
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $skip_fields, 'PreInstall_'.$db_parameters['Database type']);
public function testFormSetup_installSection() {
$this->checkPageTextElements('Install', 'Configuration file "conf/zabbix.conf.php" created.');
$this->assertEquals('Congratulations! You have successfully installed Zabbix frontend.',
$this->checkButtons('last section');
$this->assertScreenshotExcept($this->query('xpath://form')->one(), $this->query('xpath://p')->one(), 'Install');
// Check that Dashboard view is opened after completing the form.
$this->assertStringContainsString('index.php', $this->page->getCurrentURL());
public function getDbConnectionDetails() {
$provider = [
// Incorrect DB host.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database host',
'value'=> 'incorrect_DB_host'
'mysql_error' => 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known'
// Partially non-numeric port number.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database port',
'value' => '123aaa'
'check_port' => 123,
'mysql_error' => 'Connection refused'
// Large port number.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database port',
'value' => '99999'
'error_details' => 'Incorrect value "99999" for "Database port" field: must be between 0 and 65535.'
// Incorrect DB name.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database name',
'value' => 'Wrong database name'
'mysql_error' => "Unknown database 'Wrong database name'"
// Incorrect DB schema for PostgreSQL.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database schema',
'value' => 'incorrect schema'
'error_details' => 'Unable to determine current Zabbix database version: the table "dbversion" was not found.'
// Incorrect user name.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'User',
'value' => 'incorrect user name'
'mysql_error' => 'Access denied for user'
// Set incorrect password.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Password',
'value' => 'this_password_is_incorrect'
'mysql_error' => 'Access denied for user'
// Empty "Database TLS CA file" field.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS CA file',
'value' => ''
'tls_encryption' => true,
'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS CA file": .'
// Wrong "Database TLS CA file" field format.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS CA file',
'value' => '123456'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS CA file": 123456.'
// Wrong "Database TLS CA file" path leads to wrong file.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS CA file',
'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.'
// Wrong "Database TLS key file" field format.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS key file',
'value' => '123'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'fill_ca_file' => true,
'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS key file": 123.'
// Wrong "Database TLS key file" path leads to wrong file.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS key file',
'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'fill_ca_file' => true,
'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.'
// Wrong "Database TLS certificate file" field format.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS certificate file',
'value' => '123'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'fill_ca_file' => true,
'error_details' => 'Incorrect file path for "Database TLS certificate file": 123.'
// Wrong "Database TLS certificate file" path leads to wrong file.
'expected' => TEST_BAD,
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS certificate file',
'value' => '/etc/apache2/magic'
'tls_encryption' => true,
'fill_ca_file' => true,
'mysql_error' => 'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.'
// With "Database TLS encryption" set.
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database TLS encryption',
'value' => true
// Non-numeric port.
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database port',
'value' => 'aaa1'
'check_port' => 0
// Non-default port.
'field' => [
'name' => 'Database port',
'value' => 'should_be_changed'
'change_port' => true
// MySQL database error depends on php version.
$mapping = [
'Error connecting to database. Empty cipher.' => [
'8.1.0' => '(trying to connect via (null))'
'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known' => [
'8.1.0' => 'php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo for incorrect_DB_host failed: Name or service not known'
foreach ($provider as &$data) {
if (array_key_exists('mysql_error', $data[0]) && array_key_exists($data[0]['mysql_error'], $mapping)) {
foreach ($mapping[$data[0]['mysql_error']] as $version => $map) {
if (version_compare(phpversion(), $version, '<')) {
$data[0]['mysql_error'] = $map;
return $provider;
* @dataProvider getDbConnectionDetails
public function testFormSetup_dbConfigSectionParameters($data) {
// Prepare array with DB parameter values.
$db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters();
$db_parameters[$data['field']['name']] = $data['field']['value'];
// Use default database port if specified in data provider.
if (array_key_exists('change_port', $data)) {
$db_parameters['Database port'] = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'PostgreSQL') ? 5432 : 3306;
// Skip the case with invalid DB schema if DB type is MySQL.
if ($data['field']['name'] === 'Database schema' && $db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL') {
// Open "Configure DB connection" section.
$this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection');
// Fill Database connection parameters.
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
// Fill required TLS rellated field values.
if (array_key_exists('tls_encryption', $data)) {
// TLS fields are not present in case if DB type = MySQL and for DB host = localhost.
if (($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL' && $db_parameters['Database host'] === 'localhost')) {
$tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared memory (Windows).';
$this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText());
// Skip data provider as TLS encryption fields are not visible.
else {
$form->getField('Database type')->fill($db_parameters['Database type']);
$form->getField('Database host')->fill($db_parameters['Database host']);
$form->getField('Database TLS encryption')->check();
if (array_key_exists('fill_ca_file', $data)) {
$form->getField('Database TLS CA file')->fill('/etc/apache2/magic');
// Check that port number was trimmed after removing focus, starting with 1st non-numeric symbol.
if ($data['field']['name'] === 'Database port') {
if (array_key_exists('check_port', $data)) {
$this->assertEquals($data['check_port'], $form->getField('Database port')->getValue());
// Check the outcome for the specified database configuration.
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'expected', TEST_GOOD) === TEST_BAD) {
// Define the reference error message details and assert error message.
if (array_key_exists('error_details', $data)) {
$error_details = $data['error_details'];
else {
$error_details = ($db_parameters['Database type'] === 'MySQL') ? $data['mysql_error'] :
'Error connecting to database.';
$this->assertMessage(TEST_BAD, 'Cannot connect to the database.', $error_details);
else {
$this->assertEquals('Settings', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText());
public function getDbConnectionDetailsForTls() {
return [
// TLS available when IP address is used as host name - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> ''
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS available when string is used as host name - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> 'abc'
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS available when empty space is used as host name - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> ' '
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS NOT available when host name is empty - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> ''
// TLS NOT available when host name is equal to "localhost" - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> 'localhost'
// TLS is available when host name starts with a slash - MySQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'MySQL',
'Database host'=> '/123'
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS available when IP address is used as host name - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> ''
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS available when string is used as host name - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> 'abc'
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS available when empty space is used as host name - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> ' '
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS NOT available when host name is empty - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> ''
// TLS is available when host name is equal to "localhost" - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> 'localhost'
'tls_displayed' => true
// TLS NOT available when host name starts with a slash - PostgreSQL.
'fields' => [
'Database type' => 'PostgreSQL',
'Database host'=> '/123'
* @dataProvider getDbConnectionDetailsForTls
public function testFormSetup_tlsParameterPresence($data) {
// Open "Configure DB connection" section.
$this->openSpecifiedSection('Configure DB connection');
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
$database_types = $form->getField('Database type')->getOptions()->asText();
// Skip data provider if the defined DB type is not available on the current machine.
if (!in_array($data['fields']['Database type'], $database_types)) {
// Fill DB parameters and check if TLS parameters are displayed.
if (CTestArrayHelper::get($data, 'tls_displayed', false)) {
$form->getField('Database TLS encryption')->check();
$tls_fields = [
'Database TLS CA file',
'Database TLS key file',
'Database TLS certificate file'
foreach ($tls_fields as $tls_field) {
$verify_host_field = $form->query('id:verify_host')->asCheckbox()->one();
if ($data['fields']['Database type'] === 'MySQL') {
$this->assertTrue($form->getField('Database TLS cipher list')->isDisplayed());
else {
$this->assertFalse($this->query('xpath://span[text()="Database TLS cipher list"]')->one(false)->isValid());
else {
$tls_text = 'Connection will not be encrypted because it uses a socket file (on Unix) or shared memory (Windows).';
$this->assertEquals($tls_text, $form->query('id:tls_encryption_hint')->one()->getText());
public function testFormSetup_backButtons() {
// Open the Pre-installation summary section.
$this->openSpecifiedSection('Pre-installation summary');
// Proceed back to the 1st section of the setup form.
$this->assertEquals('Settings', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText());
$this->assertEquals('Configure DB connection', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText());
$this->assertEquals('Check of pre-requisites', $this->query('xpath://h1')->one()->getText());
$this->assertEquals("Welcome to\nZabbix ".ZABBIX_EXPORT_VERSION, $this->query('xpath://div[@class="setup-title"]')->one()->getText());
$this->checkButtons('first section');
// Cancel setup form update.
$this->assertStringContainsString('zabbix.php?action=dashboard.view', $this->page->getCurrentURL());
* Function checks the title of the current section, section navigation column and presence of text if defined.
* @param string $title title of the current setup form section
* @param string $text text that should be present in a paragraph of the current setup form section
private function checkPageTextElements($title, $text = null) {
if ($text) {
$this->assertStringContainsString($text, $this->query('xpath:.//p')->one()->getText());
* Function checks if the buttons on the currently opened setup form section are clickable.
* @param string $section position of current section in the form (first, last, middle)
private function checkButtons($section = 'middle section') {
switch ($section) {
case 'first section':
$buttons = [
'Cancel' => true,
'Back' => false,
'Next step' => true
case 'last section':
$buttons = [
'Cancel' => false,
'Back' => false,
'Finish' => true
case 'middle section':
$buttons = [
'Cancel' => true,
'Back' => true,
'Next step' => true
case 'russian':
$buttons = [
'Отмена' => true,
'Назад' => false,
'Далее' => true
foreach ($buttons as $button => $clickable) {
$this->assertEquals($clickable, $this->query('button', $button)->one()->isCLickable());
* Function checks that all sections are present in the section navigation column, and that the current (or all
* section) are grayed out.
* @param string $current title of the current setup form section.
private function checkSections($current) {
$sections = [
'Check of pre-requisites',
'Configure DB connection',
'Pre-installation summary',
foreach ($sections as $section_name) {
$section = $this->query('xpath://li[text()='.CXPathHelper::escapeQuotes($section_name).']')->one();
// It is required to check that all sections are grayed out because Install is the last step.
if ($section_name === $current || $current === 'Install') {
$this->assertEquals('setup-left-current', $section->getAttribute('class'));
* Function opens the setup form and navigates to the specified section.
* @param string $section the name of the section to be opened
private function openSpecifiedSection($section) {
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
// No actions required in case of Configure DB connection section.
if ($section === 'Configure DB connection') {
// Define the number of clicks on the Next step button depending on the name of the desired section.
$skip_sections = [
'Settings' => 1,
'Pre-installation summary' => 2,
'Install' => 3
// Fill in DB parameters and navigate to the desired section.
$db_parameters = $this->getDbParameters();
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
for ($i = 0; $i < $skip_sections[$section]; $i++) {
$this->query('button:Next step')->one()->click();
* Function retrieves the values to be filled in the Configure DB connection section.
* @return array
private function getDbParameters() {
global $DB;
$db_parameters = [
'Database host' => $DB['SERVER'],
'Database name' => $DB['DATABASE'],
'Database port' => $DB['PORT'],
'User' => $DB['USER'],
'Password' => $DB['PASSWORD']
$db_parameters['Database type'] = ($DB['TYPE'] === ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL) ? 'PostgreSQL' : 'MySQL';
return $db_parameters;
* Function checks the layout of the TLS encryption fields
private function checkTlsFieldsLayout() {
$form = $this->query('xpath://form')->asForm()->one();
$tls_encryption = $form->getField('Database TLS encryption');
// Check that Verify database certificate field is visible and set it.
$verify_certificate = $form->query('xpath:.//label[@for="verify_certificate"]/span')->asCheckbox()->one();
$tls_fields = [
'Database TLS CA file',
'Database TLS key file',
'Database TLS certificate file'
foreach ($tls_fields as $tls_field_name) {
$tls_field = $form->getField($tls_field_name);
$this->assertEquals(255, $tls_field->getAttribute('maxlength'));
// Check that Database host verification field is displayed.
// Uncheck the Database TLS encryption and verify that Verify database certificate field is hidden.