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2 years ago
** Zabbix
** Copyright (C) 2001-2023 Zabbix SIA
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
** Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Class to operate with frontend setup information.
* Currently only setup requirements are checked.
class CFrontendSetup {
const MIN_PHP_VERSION = '7.4.0';
const MIN_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT = '134217728'; // 128 * ZBX_MEBIBYTE;
const MIN_PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE = '16777216'; // 16 * ZBX_MEBIBYTE;
const MIN_PHP_GD_VERSION = '2.0';
const MIN_PHP_LIBXML_VERSION = '2.6.15';
* Check OK, setup can continue.
const CHECK_OK = 1;
* Check failed, but setup can still continue. A warning will be displayed.
const CHECK_WARNING = 2;
* Check failed, setup cannot continue. An error will be displayed.
const CHECK_FATAL = 3;
* Perform all requirements checks.
* @return array
public function checkRequirements() {
$result = [];
$result[] = $this->checkPhpVersion();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpMemoryLimit();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpPostMaxSize();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpUploadMaxFilesize();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpMaxExecutionTime();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpMaxInputTime();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpDatabases();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpBcmath();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpMbstring();
if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$result[] = $this->checkPhpMbstringFuncOverload();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpSockets();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGd();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGdPng();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGdJpeg();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGdGif();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGdFreeType();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpLibxml();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpXmlWriter();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpXmlReader();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpLdapModule();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpOpenSsl();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpCtype();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpSession();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpSessionAutoStart();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpGettext();
$result[] = $this->checkPhpArgSeparatorOutput();
return $result;
* Checks for minimum required PHP version.
* @return array
public function checkPhpVersion() {
$check = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, self::MIN_PHP_VERSION, '>=');
return [
'name' => _('PHP version'),
'current' => PHP_VERSION,
'required' => self::MIN_PHP_VERSION,
'result' => $check ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required PHP version is %1$s.', self::MIN_PHP_VERSION)
* Checks for minimum PHP memory limit.
* @return array
public function checkPhpMemoryLimit() {
$current = ini_get('memory_limit');
$check = ($current == '-1' || str2mem($current) >= self::MIN_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT);
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'memory_limit'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => mem2str(self::MIN_PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT),
'result' => $check ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required PHP memory limit is %1$s (configuration option "memory_limit").',
* Checks for minimum PHP post max size.
* @return array
public function checkPhpPostMaxSize() {
$current = ini_get('post_max_size');
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'post_max_size'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => mem2str(self::MIN_PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE),
'result' => (str2mem($current) >= self::MIN_PHP_POST_MAX_SIZE) ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required size of PHP post is %1$s (configuration option "post_max_size").',
* Checks for minimum PHP upload max filesize.
* @return array
public function checkPhpUploadMaxFilesize() {
$current = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'upload_max_filesize'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => mem2str(self::MIN_PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE),
'result' => (str2mem($current) >= self::MIN_PHP_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE) ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required PHP upload filesize is %1$s (configuration option "upload_max_filesize").',
* Checks for minimum PHP max execution time.
* Value of "max_execution_time" is used to set up OS level timer that fires signal after specified number of
* seconds has passed. Handler of this signal interrupts execution. On *nix platforms this is done with call
* to "setitimer()" ( and in this case integer value of "max_input_time"
* is used to specify how many seconds timer has to wait before sending signal:
* - Value "0" is valid because in this case timer is removed and will not fire and stop execution.
* - Value "-1" is valid because this signed integer and is used as value for "it_value.tv_sec" for "new_value"
* argument in call to "setitimer()". As negative values for "tv_sec" are not allowed the call will fail. Errors
* are not checked and timer is not set.
* - Any value bigger than "0" is valid and sets up timer to fire after specified number of seconds.
* @return array
public function checkPhpMaxExecutionTime() {
$current = ini_get('max_execution_time');
$currentIsValid = ($current === '0' || $current === '-1' || $current >= self::MIN_PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME);
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'max_execution_time'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => self::MIN_PHP_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME,
'result' => $currentIsValid ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required limit on execution time of PHP scripts is %1$s (configuration option "max_execution_time").',
* Checks for minimum PHP max input time.
* @see checkPhpMaxExecutionTime()
* @return array
public function checkPhpMaxInputTime() {
$current = ini_get('max_input_time');
$currentIsValid = ($current === '0' || $current === '-1' || $current >= self::MIN_PHP_MAX_INPUT_TIME);
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'max_input_time'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => self::MIN_PHP_MAX_INPUT_TIME,
'result' => $currentIsValid ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('Minimum required limit on input parse time for PHP scripts is %1$s (configuration option "max_input_time").',
* Checks for databases support.
* @return array
public function checkPhpDatabases() {
$current = [];
$databases = self::getSupportedDatabases();
foreach ($databases as $name) {
$current[] = $name;
$current[] = BR();
return [
'name' => _('PHP databases support'),
'current' => empty($current) ? _('off') : new CSpan($current),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('At least one of MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle should be supported.')
* Get list of supported databases.
* @return array
public static function getSupportedDatabases() {
$allowed_db = [];
if (zbx_is_callable(['mysqli_close', 'mysqli_fetch_assoc', 'mysqli_free_result', 'mysqli_init', 'mysqli_query',
'mysqli_real_escape_string', 'mysqli_report'])) {
$allowed_db[ZBX_DB_MYSQL] = 'MySQL';
if (zbx_is_callable(['pg_close', 'pg_connect', 'pg_escape_bytea', 'pg_escape_string', 'pg_fetch_assoc',
'pg_free_result', 'pg_last_error', 'pg_parameter_status', 'pg_query', 'pg_unescape_bytea',
'pg_field_type'])) {
$allowed_db[ZBX_DB_POSTGRESQL] = 'PostgreSQL';
if (zbx_is_callable(['oci_bind_by_name', 'oci_close', 'oci_commit', 'oci_connect', 'oci_error', 'oci_execute',
'oci_fetch_assoc', 'oci_field_type', 'oci_free_statement', 'oci_new_descriptor', 'oci_parse',
'oci_rollback'])) {
$allowed_db[ZBX_DB_ORACLE] = 'Oracle';
return $allowed_db;
* Checks for PHP bcmath extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpBcmath() {
$current = function_exists('bcadd') &&
function_exists('bccomp') &&
function_exists('bcdiv') &&
function_exists('bcmod') &&
function_exists('bcmul') &&
function_exists('bcpow') &&
function_exists('bcpowmod') &&
function_exists('bcscale') &&
function_exists('bcsqrt') &&
return [
'name' => _('PHP bcmath'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP bcmath extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --enable-bcmath).')
* Checks for PHP mbstring extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpMbstring() {
$current = extension_loaded('mbstring');
return [
'name' => _('PHP mbstring'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP mbstring extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --enable-mbstring).')
* Checks for PHP mbstring.func_overload value.
* Note: disabling mbstring functions completely, mbstring.func_overload returns false.
* checkPhpMbstringFuncOverload() will be called after successful checkPhpMbstring(), to avoid duplicate
* error messages. mbstring.func_overload value in php.ini file represents a combination of bitmasks.
* @return array
public function checkPhpMbstringFuncOverload() {
$current = ini_get('mbstring.func_overload');
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'mbstring.func_overload'),
'current' => ($current & 2) ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => _('off'),
'result' => ($current & 2) ? self::CHECK_FATAL : self::CHECK_OK,
'error' => _('PHP string function overloading must be disabled.')
* Checks for PHP sockets extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpSockets() {
$current = function_exists('socket_create');
return [
'name' => _('PHP sockets'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP sockets extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --enable-sockets).')
* Checks for PHP GD extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGd() {
if (is_callable('gd_info')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
preg_match('/(\d\.?)+/', $gdInfo['GD Version'], $current);
$current = $current[0];
else {
$current = _('unknown');
$check = version_compare($current, self::MIN_PHP_GD_VERSION, '>=');
return [
'name' => _('PHP gd'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => self::MIN_PHP_GD_VERSION,
'result' => $check ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP gd extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --with-gd).')
* Checks for PHP GD PNG support.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGdPng() {
if (is_callable('gd_info')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
$current = $gdInfo['PNG Support'];
else {
$current = false;
return [
'name' => _('PHP gd PNG support'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP gd PNG image support missing.')
* Checks for PHP GD JPEG support.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGdJpeg() {
if (is_callable('gd_info')) {
$gd_info = gd_info();
$current = $gd_info['JPEG Support'];
else {
$current = false;
return [
'name' => _('PHP gd JPEG support'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP gd JPEG image support missing.')
* Checks for PHP GD GIF support.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGdGif() {
$supported = (is_callable('imagetypes') && imagetypes() & IMG_GIF);
return [
'name' => _('PHP gd GIF support'),
'current' => $supported ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $supported ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_WARNING,
'error' => _('PHP gd GIF image support missing.')
* Checks for PHP GD FreeType support.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGdFreeType() {
if (is_callable('gd_info')) {
$gdInfo = gd_info();
$current = $gdInfo['FreeType Support'];
else {
$current = false;
return [
'name' => _('PHP gd FreeType support'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP gd FreeType support missing.')
* Checks for PHP libxml extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpLibxml() {
if (defined('LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION')) {
$current = constant('LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION');
else {
$current = _('unknown');
$check = version_compare($current, self::MIN_PHP_LIBXML_VERSION, '>=');
return [
'name' => _('PHP libxml'),
'current' => $current,
'required' => self::MIN_PHP_LIBXML_VERSION,
'result' => $check ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP libxml extension missing.')
* Checks for PHP xmlwriter extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpXmlWriter() {
$current = extension_loaded('xmlwriter');
return [
'name' => _('PHP xmlwriter'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP xmlwriter extension missing.')
* Checks for PHP xmlreader extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpXmlReader() {
$current = extension_loaded('xmlreader');
return [
'name' => _('PHP xmlreader'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP xmlreader extension missing.')
* Checks for PHP LDAP extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpLdapModule() {
$current = (new CLdap())->error !== CLdap::ERR_PHP_EXTENSION;
return [
'name' => _('PHP LDAP'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_WARNING,
'error' => _('PHP LDAP extension missing.')
* Checks for PHP OpenSSL extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpOpenSsl() {
$current = extension_loaded('openssl');
return [
'name' => _('PHP OpenSSL'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_WARNING,
'error' => _('PHP OpenSSL extension missing.')
* Checks for PHP ctype extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpCtype() {
$current = function_exists('ctype_alnum') &&
function_exists('ctype_alpha') &&
function_exists('ctype_cntrl') &&
function_exists('ctype_digit') &&
function_exists('ctype_graph') &&
function_exists('ctype_lower') &&
function_exists('ctype_print') &&
function_exists('ctype_punct') &&
function_exists('ctype_space') &&
function_exists('ctype_xdigit') &&
return [
'name' => _('PHP ctype'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP ctype extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --enable-ctype).')
* Checks for PHP session extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpSession() {
$current = (function_exists('session_start') && function_exists('session_write_close'));
return [
'name' => _('PHP session'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP session extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --enable-session).')
* Checks for PHP session auto start.
* @return array
public function checkPhpSessionAutoStart() {
$current = !ini_get('session.auto_start');
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'session.auto_start'),
'current' => $current ? _('off') : _('on'),
'required' => _('off'),
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _('PHP session auto start must be disabled (PHP directive "session.auto_start").')
* Checks for PHP gettext extension.
* @return array
public function checkPhpGettext() {
$current = function_exists('bindtextdomain');
return [
'name' => _('PHP gettext'),
'current' => $current ? _('on') : _('off'),
'required' => null,
'result' => $current ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_WARNING,
'error' => _('PHP gettext extension missing (PHP configuration parameter --with-gettext). Translations will not be available.')
* Checks for arg_separator.output
* @return array
public function checkPhpArgSeparatorOutput() {
$current = ini_get('arg_separator.output');
return [
'name' => _s('PHP option "%1$s"', 'arg_separator.output'),
'current' => $current,
'result' => ($current === self::REQUIRED_PHP_ARG_SEPARATOR_OUTPUT) ? self::CHECK_OK : self::CHECK_FATAL,
'error' => _s('PHP option "%1$s" must be set to "%2$s"', 'arg_separator.output',
* Checks for the SSL parameters point to files that are open for writing.
* @return array
public function checkSslFiles() {
global $DB;
$writeable = [];
foreach (['KEY_FILE', 'CERT_FILE', 'CA_FILE'] as $key) {
if ($DB[$key] !== '' && is_writable($DB[$key])) {
$writeable[] = $key;
return [
'name' => _('Database TLS certificate file'),
'current' => implode(', ', $writeable),
'required' => null,
'result' => $writeable ? self::CHECK_FATAL : self::CHECK_OK,
'error' => _s('Database TLS certificate files must be read-only')