--- test case: valid key with no parameters in: key: 'key' out: expected_key: 'key' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with empty brackets in: key: 'key[]' out: expected_key: 'key[]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with quoted empty string in brackets in: key: 'key[""]' out: expected_key: 'key[""]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with space in brackets in: key: 'key[ ]' out: expected_key: 'key[ ]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with leading space before quoted empty string in brackets in: key: 'key[ ""]' out: expected_key: 'key[ ""]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with leading and trailing spaces around quoted empty string in brackets in: key: 'key[ "" ]' out: expected_key: 'key[ "" ]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with 'a' in brackets in: key: 'key[a]' out: expected_key: 'key[a]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with leading space before 'a' in brackets in: key: 'key[ a]' out: expected_key: 'key[ a]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with leading and trailing spaces around 'a' in brackets in: key: 'key[ a ]' out: expected_key: 'key[ a ]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with quoted 'a' in brackets in: key: 'key["a"]' out: expected_key: 'key["a"]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with quoted 'a' followed by comma in brackets in: key: 'key["a",]' out: expected_key: 'key["a",]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with unquoted 'a' followed by comma in brackets in: key: 'key[a,]' out: expected_key: 'key[a,]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with multiple unquoted parameters in brackets in: key: 'key[a,b,c]' out: expected_key: 'key[a,b,c]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with multiple quoted parameters in brackets in: key: 'key["a","b","c"]' out: expected_key: 'key["a","b","c"]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with first unquoted parameter and second array parameter containing two unquoted parameters in: key: 'key[a,[b,c]]' out: expected_key: 'key[a,[b,c]]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with first unquoted parameter and second array parameter containing unquoted and empty parameter in: key: 'key[a,[b,]]' out: expected_key: 'key[a,[b,]]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with two unquoted parameters where second parameter contains opening square bracket in: key: 'key[a,b[c]' out: expected_key: 'key[a,b[c]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with multiple quoted parameters and array # array contains multiple quoted parameters which containing escaping and characters that are not allowed in unquoted parameters in: key: 'key["a","b",["c","d\",]"]]' out: expected_key: 'key["a","b",["c","d\",]"]]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with multiple quoted parameters and multiple array parameters # arrays contain multiple unquoted and quoted parameters which contain escaping and characters that are not allowed in unquoted parameters in: key: 'key["a","b",["c","d\",]"],[e,f]]' out: expected_key: 'key["a","b",["c","d\",]"],[e,f]]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key, single parameter with unquoted string containing double quote characters in: key: 'key[a"b"]' out: expected_key: 'key[a"b"]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key, multiple different type parameters where one is unquoted string containing double quote characters in: key: 'key["a",b"c",d]' out: expected_key: 'key["a",b"c",d]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: valid key with many quoted/unquoted parameters with/without trailing/leading spaces also featuring escaping in: key: 'key["\"aaa\"", "bbb","ccc" , "ddd" ,"", "","" , "" ,, , ,eee, fff,ggg , hhh" ]' out: expected_key: 'key["\"aaa\"", "bbb","ccc" , "ddd" ,"", "","" , "" ,, , ,eee, fff,ggg , hhh" ]' return: 'SUCCEED' --- test case: invalid key, unmatched opening bracket (1) # array missing closing bracket after second parameter in: key: 'key[["a",]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, unmatched opening bracket (2) # array missing closing bracket, brackets is inside quotes and is a part of the array parameter in: key: 'key[[a"]"]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, unmatched opening bracket (3) # array missing closing bracket after second parameter, one of the closing brackets is inside quotes and is a part of the second array parameter in: key: 'key[["a","\"b\"]"]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, invalid character for unquoted parameter, multiple parameter key in: key: 'key["a",["b","c\"]"]]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, invalid character for unquoted parameter, multiple parameter key in: key: 'key[a ]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, unmatched closing bracket, parameter followed by trailing space in: key: 'key[ a]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, part of parameters list not enclosed in brackets in: key: 'key[ГУГЛ]654' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, braces are not allowed in key in: key: '{}key' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, comma is not allowed in key or parameters should be enclosed in brackets in: key: 'ssh,21' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, multiple square bracket pairs are not allowed in: key: 'key[][]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, multiple square bracket pairs containing parameters are not allowed in: key: 'key["a",b,["c","d\",]"]]["d"]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, multi-level arrays are not allowed in: key: 'key[[[]]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, multi-level arrays are not allowed, array consists of multiple different type parameters in: key: 'key["a",["b",["c","d"],e],"f"]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, multi-level arrays are not allowed, array consists of single parameter which is another array in: key: 'key["a","b",[["c","d\",]"]]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, character ] is not allowed in unquoted parameter string in: key: 'key[a]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, character [ is allowed in unquoted parameter string but character ] is not in: key: 'key[a[b]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, character ] is not allowed in unquoted parameter string, key with multiple different type parameters in: key: 'key["a",b[c,d],e]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, quoted parameter cannot contain unquoted part in: key: 'key["a"b]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, second parameter of the array cannot contain unquoted part in: key: 'key["a",["b","]"c]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, array type parameter cannot contain quoted parameter with unquoted part in: key: 'key[["]"a]]' out: return: 'FAIL' --- test case: invalid key, array type parameter cannot contain quoted part in: key: 'key[[a]"b"]' out: return: 'FAIL' ...