--- test case: 'Test 1: simple object' in: json: '{"a": "b"}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'b' --- test case: 'Test 2: combination of objects and arrays' in: json: '{"xml":{"a":["A","B","A"],"foo":["BAR",{"@attr":"eee","#text":"ATR"},{"baz":"BAZ"},"QUX"],"zoo":"XUQ"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'ABABARATRBAZQUXXUQ' --- test case: 'Test 3: incorrect json' in: json: '{"a","b"}' out: return: FAIL xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 4: hierarchy of objects' in: json: '{"c":{"a":"b"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'b' --- test case: 'Test 5: null value' in: json: '{"a":null}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 6: hierarchy with null' in: json: '{"c":{"a":null}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 7: attribute' in: json: '{"c":{"@a":"b"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 8: attribute with text' in: json: '{"c":{"@a":"b","#text":"d"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'd' --- test case: 'Test 9: several roots in json' in: json: '{"e":{"c": "d"},"f":{"a":"b"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'd' --- test case: 'Test 10: no root in json' in: json: '{"e":[{"c": "d"},{"a":"b"}]}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 11: root with no value' in: json: '{"a":{}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '' --- test case: 'Test 12: deep hierarchy' in: json: '{"x1":{"x2":{"x3":{"x4":{"x5":{"x6":{"x7":{"x8":{"x9":{"x10":"end"}}}}}}}}}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'end' --- test case: 'Test 13: incorrect attribute format -> empty attribute' in: json: '{"xml":{"@attr":{"aaa": "eee"},"#text": "ATR"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'ATR' --- test case: 'Test 14: empty attribute' in: json: '{"xml":{"@attr":null,"#text": "ATR"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'ATR' --- test case: 'Test 15: use special symbols' in: json: '{"xml":{"@attr":"atr","#text": "10 > 9 & 8 < 9"}}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: '10 > 9 & 8 < 9' --- test case: 'Test 16: several roots with text' in: json: '{"a":"b","c":"d"}' out: return: SUCCEED xml: 'b' ...